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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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no prepayment, no check, no check and no reason , take the carpet to your home in iran, it is the carpet. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, my dear compatriots, greetings to you, good evening, welcome to this news section, the ceiling of the relief committee's korsul hosni facility was increased by 100 , the head of the relief committee, imam khomeini, at the conference honoring the best of the good people, the purpose of paying for the education of the good loan, the untying of the problems compatriots read and said that the ceiling of the facility is from 50 to 10.
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a million tomans has increased. our first priority is the worker of the station. from time to time, with 15 tomans, a loved one who wants to fall to the ground gets up with this. it starts and then there is employment and then there is housing , housing repairs, housing purchase, treatment, issues related to education, especially for the dear elites , the use of new technologies. the capacity of experts in the financial field is one of the goals that have been pursued, and now it has led to an intelligent application program to provide facilities in this sector by using artificial intelligence, the process of receiving credit online. for several years , online lending platforms and applications without guarantors have been active in online businesses. zero to 100 platforms that have not only
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increased the speed and access to loans, but also by offering they developed innovative solutions for these applications, such as cashback after receiving a loan , if they shop at the stores that we introduce to them, a part of the amount of the purchase will be returned to their card in the form of cashback or cashback. from artificial intelligence to credit customers. identify more people who are eligible to receive loans in terms of credit profile, something that is practically absent in traditional validation methods and a large part of customers and it is not possible to receive them together , according to the technologists of 150 platforms and applications in there are active lending spaces that have significant users, between 45 people are seriously involved and are using this space now with the increase of these platforms. an event organized to
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help banks, credit institutions and other lenders communicate more effectively with borrowers. we had more than 2,500 participants. more than 20 companies cooperate with us in different ways. gathering of payment and financing activists to discover opportunities. i could mention only one of yar's studies in 1402. to the people in this area present, we can even pay the good loans that aim to meet the people's immediate and livelihood needs by these graduate students. they owe and instead of that loan. help them and
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be the driving force of a movement in their life, they will gradually get caught in the debt trap. these platforms and programs were able to expand the number of users in this field by focusing on online loans without guarantor and quick receipt process. organization of nomadic affairs from camel owners sistan baluchistan province with kobi license plates and the creation of collection and processing stations. lion supports. the nomads of sistan baluchistan produce 25% of the province's red meat. profitable industrial camel farming in the waterless and desert land of sistan baluchistan with disadvantages such as booming production and mistakes. this job has been passed down from our grandfather to us, it is a resistance to the desert and our region. and it has a good economy
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, both from its wool production, from its milk production , and from its meat production. these conditions in the years the latter has turned sistan baluchistan into the hub of camel breeding in the country. in a way, 25% of the red meat production of the province is in charge of this dear and hard-hearted group. but the government's plans to support camel breeding as a treasure for the desert people. the most important action of forming the camel table as the fifth table of amor ashar organization. iran has been in the province and drilling of several wells has been done in the areas of nimroz city, sistan district, iran city, bozman city, and chahdazo district, delgan city. low-cost cultivation of high coefficient of conversion of alofe to meat and the expansion of the culture of
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consumption of meat and camel milk can contribute to the development of this sodavar industry in my province and the dry and desert of sistan baluchistan should help. currently, nearly 100,000 camels are kept by saraban in different areas of sistan baluchistan province. pour ali of the news agency chashm ziarat, zahedan city. about 500 tons of figs are produced annually in golestan province. in addition to single trees, there are about 50 hectares of fig orchards in this province. let's read golestan bible in this season. if you cross the roads of the western route of golestan , you will see the popular fruit stalls. what happened to shahrood? did you stop here to buy
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figs? i like figs very much. then my friends from the north said that the figs here are very good . it is sweeter because of that. no, we have figs in our own region. figs are what you have. the quran has come, it is a blessed fruit that they buy more from you. i buy more from tehran province. locals like this don't buy much because they have their own gardens and trees. they don't need these figs of mine anymore. they say to buy from me. the locals here believe that it is a garden. the life of a house without a fig tree is not blessed i get up in the morning, i put a basket on the table or sometimes.
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dear people, you have planted two types of figs here. yes , it is a good fruit, but not everyone eats it because it is sweet . it is a blessing. usually , you plant a few kilos of figs. what kind of care does a 20 kilo fig have? there is no special care. we don't want anything other than the organic nature of this product . we said that we should come to the garden to buy . you are such a traveler that we are going from mashhad to yasat. what is the difference with the figs of your region? the skin is thin and sour. in golestan, in addition to single trees , we have 50 hectares of fig orchards, which produce about 500 tons of figs
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. the fig tree bears fruit three to four years after planting, and its product can be used for at least 25 years . and scientists have discovered neural circuits related to creativity in the brain. according to science alert, a group of researchers from the baylor school of medicine found that by temporarily suppressing parts of the brain and with deep stimulation , the ability to think creatively decreased significantly. these parts of the brain are structured in a way that creative thinking and connection of concepts to appearance unrelated to facilitate and to create. spontaneous unique solutions help. this cognitive process allows the brain to filter inappropriate associations and select new and useful thoughts. this advanced method relies on electrodes implanted in the brain that allow scientists
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to perform deep brain stimulation on specific neural networks. from companion thank you!
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nowadays, one or two of the caliphs like bani al-abbas forbade visiting imam hussain's interview altogether. i don't know . people give money. they say that whoever comes to visit should have their hands cut off. people come to shake hands. amount of people's condition. we know, but when they come here on this road, we feel a miracle. people who
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have nothing, now some people say, well, a procession, some merchants, a rich clan, are doing some processions. we went, for example, the person in charge of this procession is an old woman who has nothing. there is or an old man who has nothing comes and leaves everything he has in the ikhlas floor. for this appearance , the children of our group and another group from the city of dilijan , the promised group, along with other friends, were on
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this bus. the bus from iran was supposed to take us to najaf. after we became iraq we arrived near the city of kot. there was another city near maghrib . a very short procession, not too big , to very cool people, all of them were really cool, but somehow we were together. at one point, i told him to rest here , drink water, drink tea. later, they quickly ordered their children , their young men to leave quickly, prepare an egg
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, prepare, come, give something to their friends to eat, we entered, there was nothing, i say, quickly order to go, prepare, bring, then it was time for prayer. we prayed, and then we said that it was a shame for these dear ones. we did a self-made mai with our friends, which was a very good memory for us and
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for everyone. al-kawthar, your suffering in the lord , sida abul ahrar, may god bless you, and zahra, may you be captives, and may
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allah grant us
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the right to commit suicide, and may god protect you. the group comes up with a very good poem it's all very beautiful, it's all about thanking the god who is serving imam hossein in this way . i think doing it is a compliment to the islamic republic of iran. it's a compliment to this group of people who came to this event and this program. thank you for doing a very interesting program .
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iraq and iran are against disbelief, iraq and iran are against injustice , iraq is against tyranny, and iraq is against america vasrael muttaz.
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the good that the khan gave to the pilgrims of imam hussain , dinner, lunch, so-and-so, and sleep here, everything was very comfortable, everything was on time, after we said goodbye to this family, we said this poem, "khair al-ahbab", a thank you to this family , which is truly itself. his family started to serve this visitor again, that reading this city, the people of al-majd, ghors -ul-oud faztam, and by god, the people of al-adi are there, it is easy.
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o people of al-jawd, thank you, o my god al-hussein, and god bless you, o qadam al-hussein, my height, my height, my height , my prayers, you are my shortness, my shortness, my shortness, but my power, but my power.
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al-aql and al-fakrah, bina allah, i spent for shia. a great blessing for me. what is my age
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? i am grateful to god and to hazrat zainab . believe me, hazrat zainab's role in karbala is no less than imam hussain's martyrdom after saying goodbye to this respected family. we said goodbye to being in the service of pilgrims. in the morning, we set off again. we came on foot. masha'allah. well, we performed a lot of programs . if we want to define all these programs that we performed, we want to define such and such a procession. well, the time of this program does not allow us. we arrived at one of the we have already reached a place that is the situation of making a tent and a quantity of hearth , they call it places where coffee is poured, the arabs say hearth
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, this is the time to make a very beautiful and interesting place. or nomads wherever you go. they have a madhif, a madhif means a place to receive guests, where the head of the clan sits , for example, there is also a place to prepare hearts for , for example, friends who are called muzir, those who serve coffee here have special clothes and customs.
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all the visitors are taqina mankam al-kawthar saqakam fi lal ali haider abul ahrar yaraakum and zahra bakm testar and abbas allows us to be resolute and restrained and to pray to god . may god protect
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us. i am short, yes, my power is good, god bless all the visitors, god bless muhammad , muhammad, muhammad, god
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is famous in najaf and in iraq. your husband and children work in this house. this hosseini's death in their kitchen during. we made a program of cooking food for these dear ones from some of the old women, one of whom happened to be the grandmother of all of them, she is 97 years old , almost 100 years old. they work for a long time. 97 hajji 97
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i have no nights, god willing, god willing, may your life be long , god willing, always with al-hussein's crew or people of al-jud, thank you, my god al-hussein. god bless you, performance, oh my god, hussain, i am tall, i am tall, i am tall, i am tall , i am short, i am short, but i am short, but my power is, but my power is all visitors my lord's reward is good
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. o al-hura, we will help you and give you tomorrow at fajr , we will not forget you.


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