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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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simulate significantly. two days after the dismissal of the prime minister of thailand, the ruling party of this country introduced 37-year-old pawankator shinawatra as the new prime minister of this country to the parliament. to fulfill the centuries-old legend, the british assigned a veteran of this country to serve in the hats of the royal palace. according to the legend that has followed the throne of england since the 17th century, as the bells of the tower of london. leave this castle, the english monarchy will fall apart. now in the 21st century, the french news agency is aware of the appointment of a new head of the royal tower of england british naval missions have been present in afghanistan, iraq and the north pole. the fear of iran's revenge has gone so far that the zionists living in the occupied territories.
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he has become a fortune teller and a psychologist. ramals are crowded in the occupied territories. do they predict whether iran will attack or not? will they attack? yes will they press the button to fire the missiles? yes anxiety, waiting. the residents of occupied palestine had a nervous breakdown.
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this week, he could not continue his work due to the fear of iran and hezbollah's response. the truth is that the whole government is holding its breath and waiting for the answer. that's why we took liran to a psychologist to calm him down. the emptying of the shelves in the city of eshbah has attracted the attention of the world and politicians. you are now witnessing panic and fear in israel and they are waiting for iran to attack. revenge heart. barzakh these days has connected the zionists to the west. in a rare phone call , the prime minister of england asked doctors to exercise restraint in iran. germany, america, france, england want to force iran to withdraw with a statement . but those who studied politics believe that if iran does not attack, you will hand over the aggressor encouraged some european leaders, such as the leaders of germany and england, asked iran to
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exercise restraint. how can the authorities of iran be restrained? because this happened, it was a clear violation of iran's sovereignty. experts say that it is not possible to blame for not attacking without even condemning the culprit. the west did not even condemn what happened in violation of iran's sovereignty. the fact that they are asking iran not to act now is the height of its deception. the professor of lille university in france writes on his social page that the european union insistently wants iran to stop attacking israel but in these ten months they did not ask israel to stop killing palestinians . abdulbari atwan believes that mediation and mediation of the ceasefire cannot prevent iran's revenge because iran has been insulted and must defend its dignity. now the pioneer.
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they have an important task to give the residents here hope that they will survive for the time being. will i be saved from the strange attack of iran and hezbollah ? is this your question? yes you will survive amina sadat zabihpour, radio and television news agency. and now the second case. hamas sees the doha talks as inconclusive self an hour after the publication of the statement of qatar, egypt and the united states that said. the ceasefire talks in gaza were considered serious and constructive, one of the leaders of hamas announced that the talks in doha did not make progress and tel aviv insisted on its previous positions. at the same time , netanyahu's office appreciated the efforts of the mediators, including the united states, to convince hamas and announced: we hope that the pressure will make hamas accept the proposals and reach a final agreement. a representative hamas also
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told afp: we want nothing less than a ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of zionist forces from the gaza strip. the return of displaced persons and teva. now, in order to further investigate this issue and the two-year negotiations that could not be achieved, we want to talk to mr. fara hughes, a writer and political activist . mr. hughes, hello, good night. hello and thank you for inviting me to your program, mr. houz , the americans had made the most possible advertisements about the doha negotiations, but now they said about extending the negotiations and holding the next round in cairo, meanwhile
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hamas has also announced that the doha negotiations have not made any progress. what is your assessment about this? what are the negotiations, what do you think the extension means? are these real and serious negotiations or just a show? is it long enough to divert public opinion? in my opinion, these ceasefire talks are actually used to prolong the genocide that the israelis are waging in gaza.
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they have done a favor to the people of gaza and saved them from those killings, but they actually want this opportunity and these talks. use them to renew their strength to carry out their own new plans and new attacks, so these talks are currently being held at this point in time in order to prevent the attack and actually iran's reaction, to delay the attack in fact, it is possible that hizbollah is also in it now that participation. in fact, these talks are a tactic to protect israel, and that is why they are extending it to buy time and there is no hope
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. i mean , no one from the western side cares about the people of gaza, and in fact they are pursuing their own political goals, because now also about the explosion that took place, and i must say that it was very terrible that the bodies were not identified by the midwives, and we see that this the crimes continue now. in the meantime, we still have several signs of preservation we have the military, political, and structural capabilities of hamas in gaza. every day, more and more reports are published in the western american media and think tanks, which declare that israel cannot achieve anything more militarily in this war and will never
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be able to eliminate hamas completely. do you think that the main decision-makers in tel aviv and washington also reached this rationality? don't accept this fact and act on it. i think that from the very beginning of this war with genocide, it was possible for israel , america, france and other countries that are supporting israel to express themselves using the report. the intelligence agencies that are coming to this conclusion and in minna's opinion are aware of this issue , they were aware of it from the very beginning, and at the very beginning
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, some israelis and some zionists said that we should destroy hamas militarily , but now they themselves have come to this conclusion in the israeli knesset or the israeli parliament, that it is impossible to destroy hamas with military means and from a military point of view, and this will not be done, no matter how much this war, which is very
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it is very short compared to the decades of occupation , it will certainly not disappear and we have seen this happen now in fact, this move they are making is not only against the palestinians, they want to denigrate iran or the forces that are in yemen, syria, and iraq , but oh well. we see that now this has been reversed and the resistance forces from those countries are also taking action against israel, and although this issue has been brought up to the united nations , it has been raised many times in the security council, but so far it has not yielded results, but in the end this issue must be ended, and if the united nations and the security council decide, and indeed the westerners what i mean by america's decision
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is that this genie of genocide will stop in a moment, and the fact that we see this genocide continues shows that the west and the supporters of israel still want it to continue and have the will to stop it. they don't have and this occupation continues and they want to keep gaza and the west bank under their occupation. yes , another issue that i want to discuss tonight was an interesting article that was published in the american magazine foreign affairs a few days ago. in its title, it was the fall of israel, return to the zero point and then below it he openly expressed concern about the future of israel after this war. it had been written that a dark future awaits israel
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. there was another part of this article, for example, it was clearly mentioned that israel is moving towards violence, civil war, loss of friends, international isolation, and ultimately collapse. what is your analysis of this path? in any case , they show themselves to be strong on the outside, but do you think they have come to this understanding on the inside? it is very difficult to say this issue, we have to examine some issues separately from each other , so we are one. the important thing is that thoughts at all what is the opinion of the world public that the israelis
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are trying, of course, they are less western supporters , they are trying to take public opinion into account and somehow control them, we are now seeing that a genocide is taking place and we are almost seeing this genocide live and we are witnessing it. well, it is very difficult to read. despite this genocide , convince the public opinion of the world that israel is the right side. we are facing a group that, on the one hand, imprisons palestinians and keeps them in israeli prisons, on the other hand. those who are free are being attacked and destroyed, and now there is an interpretation that gaza is the biggest prison in the world
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and we see it. the steadfastness and the will that the palestinian people have in the cause, which is very difficult until now, having such a spirit has really embarrassed the israelis and disappointed the western supporters, but the problem you say exists, there are many who have it now. they leave israel because of their fear of security. well, from an international point of view, they have their friends, they are slowly losing them, or their passionate friends. well, in occupied palestine, we see that some areas are very deserted, and when we actually see the pictures of those areas, we get the impression that maybe there is a shutdown, but this is not the issue, and these
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areas are really deserted because of the fear that exists. yes, this isolation that you say exists, and one of the main reasons is that israel does not adhere to international norms at all, whatever decision the united nations or the security council make, they ignore it and do not pay any attention to it. with the passage of time and the continuation of these issues, that isolation will intensify they in the domestic arena, we see that they are attacking the camps in the west bank, they are shooting and killing people , and this will ultimately cause a negative result and it will be against israel itself. internal and external and with the past time
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, the result can be determined. i am now in karbala. iraq, well , i met several delegations from islamic countries, and some of them told me that in their countries now, perhaps not officially and nationwide, but by the people, sanctions and boycotts against israel have been carried out, and this can be done in the long run. israel's time under economic pressure. let's talk about countries like jordan, the uae, and countries like them, until now they have been silent against israel's crimes, but with the pressure their people are under, they may change their statements and policies. finally, i think that this issue
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will ultimately be to the detriment of israel. mr. hughes , we had a previous conversation on the world today program. you were in belfast, the capital of northern ireland . i think i was surprised at your main place of residence tonight. i will see you in karbala . tell us the reason for your trip. in the end, we will be happy. i myself. as an activist. as an activist who also depends , i actually introduce myself to the oppressed and i identify myself as such. well, the palestinian people are one of them, and i declare solidarity with them, and even now today, because there was a conference in karbala about the right the return of the palestinians to their lands
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is why i came and participated here. well , muslims believe that with the leadership and guidance of imam hussein, who is the grandson of prophet muhammad, they can carry out their own lawsuits and end up with that occupation. the israelis should fight and break this relationship between imam hussein and the al-aqsa operation, there is a storm in al-aqsa. it has caused this conference to be held here. we can take advice from the teachings that exist.
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i went to the shrines of imam hussain and hazrat ali in najaf. i was also in najaf yesterday and today when we had the conference and i also visited some mosques . he was also present at that conference. when there was talk about palestine, in that meeting, it was about the resistance, and when we come to similar issues, i come to similar places. well, i was in iraq. i went to syria. i also went to beirut before. i was and i hope to be able to come to iran this year or next year. what i am doing now may not have a religious aspect , but i am an anti-imperialist activist. i consider these tasks to be among my duties and i participate here based on the activity and the nature of
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my work and because the imams were actually fighting with their own imperialism and there is this similarity, thank you mr. hughes have a nice stay in karbala.
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and a more recent report from england, these statistics show that cases of sexual assault on women and girls on railway and subway lines in england in the last two years have increased by more than 50%. there has been an increase, of course, surveys show that only one out of six female victims is willing to report such cases to the police. a report prepared by the english bbc was arrested by british transport police last year, the
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50-year- old had sexually assaulted a woman on a train, he admitted it and was sentenced to 20 months in prison, but new figures show that this is far from an isolated case. british transport police figures show an average of 31 reports a day involving violent crimes against. women or girls, the number being reported to have jumped 50% in just two years. reports of sexual harassment have more than doubled in the same period, with sexual assault reports up 10% too. most women and girls have experienced incidents of sexual harassment and other types of non-contact sexual offending on the transport network for a very long time. it isn't new to many women and girls that this is happening, but we also... no perpetrators can target busy transport network times so that they can access women and girls in that way as well, so we shouldn't be surprised that there are
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huge number of perpetrators. there have been a number of campaigns encouraging women to report violence on the transport network, like this app, railway guardian. police say the increase in cases is not necessarily more crime, but could be a sign that more women are comfortable coming forward to report it. the government's says the violence women face in the transport network is completely unacceptable, we need to make our justice system, our police and our courts fit completely for purpose to tackle the most serious offenders of these crimes and to ensure that victims are supported that when they come forward and one of the issues in this data is that they you know the i think it was one in six said that they - would report to the police, we have to make sure that people give confidence to come forward and then action is taken, but charities also warn the reported cases are likely to be the tip of the iceberg. at the end of the world.
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we see the picture.
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김정 스트지지이이이이자 엄광의 환호송이 현이 백을 진저 호래하이스 자예로우 원수님 품의 나리도 대리도 다 에기고 사하그게 새겨장 의 화학 들국이 대리에 대다 위엄한 사랑에 지남다이 원천이 자니다. i want to eat
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for a while, we all have one heart in front of my eyes. it's like i can't forget it .
3:00 am
hello at 3 o'clock, increasing the security of the country by blocking the borders , on the sidelines of his visit to the eastern border of saravan city of sistan baluchistan province, the minister of the interior stated that the closing of the borders is an effective measure to increase the security of the country and prevent smuggling. according to mr. vahidi , part of the work of blocking the eastern borders is done by the irgc ground forces and another part by faraja forces execute


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