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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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4:00 pm: the body of the guard colonel shahid ahmadra. afshari , one of irgc's aerospace advisers , rested in golestan shahadai of isfahan after cleaning the mosque of isfahan's friday prayer. guardsman colonel ahmadreza afshari was injured in the air attack of the aggressor forces in syria in the first half of august and was martyred yesterday. the european union's foreign policy official sanctions the third regime.
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european union foreign policy official joseph announced that israel should immediately put an end to unacceptable actions in gaza. brour said that in response to the zionist regime's attacks on light in gaza, which have been going unpunished, sanctions against the officials. israel proposes to the european union. the european union foreign policy official wants to sanction some members of the israeli cabinet. such were the perpetrators of crimes in gaza. the republican candidate in the us presidential election says that 35,000 american workers lost their jobs last month due to the policies of biden and harris. trump, who recently called america a failed country, claimed that america was accepted during the period of biden and harris. the illegal
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immigration has become a host for criminals, disruptors and madmen, the former us president claimed, with a large margin in the polls. pishtaz also said that he can easily defeat his opponent kamla harris, the democratic candidate. according to the network.
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there are many girls and boys whose destiny has an empty place. vacancy in the name of the father. it is the story of children who either do not know who their father is or that the father is absent from their lives for any reason. sometimes divorce, sometimes prison. they grow up without a father .
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was that the sexual revolution would liberate men and women right and especially women and yet over the decades we saw quite the opposite happen, instead of strengthening marriage, the post-revolutionary world saw marriage meritorious breakup a scale never before witnessed, and fatherless homes, as we, for example , here in the statistics column, 85% of young people are imprisoned, 71 % of high school dropouts, 90% of orphaned and runaway children, and 60% of youth suicides
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in families without a grandfather. and of course this statistic shows other numbers for girls.
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and that iranand announced the development of restrictive laws for the use of virtual space, the government announced to the managers of social networks that it is mandatory to apply these laws.
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they should take responsibility for what is in their platforms and remove harmful behaviors from self-promoting behaviors. to limit inappropriate content including violent scenes and vulgarity. thank you for your companionship.
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the first line, the first line, the first line, the service line, the people's line , your toaster's bastion, this is the table and hope. it is to you on the other side of the table , in the eyes of a martyr, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful . i offer my greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers , companions of the khabar network. i invite you to stay with us on the first page. in this program, we will have a look at the latest preparations made in the headquarters. central arbaeen designed for the movement of arbaeen pilgrims. arbaeen trip dear people who are planning to travel to karbala
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, mr. mojtaba karimi, the secretary of the arbaeen headquarters , you are a guest of this program from the first page. hello, you are very welcome to serve you and all dear viewers . i say hello and i hope that you are healthy and successful. first of all , let us review a series of statistics with your excellency, until today , how many people have traveled through our borders until today at noon, about 1 million 80052 loved ones. visiting iraq for pilgrimage and until this afternoon when i
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arrived at your service, 27,158 people have registered to be proud for this trip. yes, in the sama system, in order to be proud, about 469 of our loved ones have returned for this trip, and according to the statistics we have , the current statistics for leaving the country have increased significantly compared to similar cases last year. until last year, up to the twelfth month of travel , something like 1,700,000 people had left. this year, the 10th month of travel means from today until noon, and now half of the day has passed . 1,800,000 people crossed the borders and left. we also have how many were on the ground and how many were in the air?
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if you don't mind, yes , about two percent of the air border is from imam khomeini airport, may allah bless him and grant him peace, a little less is hashminejad mashhad airport. mirza was also chosen by 1% of our dear people and mehran had the most traffic . yes, mehran had the most traffic, maybe it was because of its proximity or because of the facilities it had. we must raise a certificate in our travels we had several visits to different borders
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with mr. interior minister or arbaeen central headquarters , chief of staff, honorable chief of arbaeen central headquarters, the borders have really created good facilities, even the border of bashmaq and tamrchin, which is in kurdistan province, and west azerbaijan, have created good facilities. for dear ones, what do you mean by facilities and services, well, transportation facilities. the entrance and exit gates are equipped with different systems so that our loved ones can travel easily, for example, an incident that happened last year at two borders and this year it was affected by the four borders of mehran chezabeh shalamcheh and khosravi. it was a single window that was held between iran and iraq , where friends worked hard for years and negotiated with the iraqi side in order to be able to launch this system, and this system allows our loved ones to cross the borders in a very short time. do it. previously, in order for a dear
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one to cross the border of iran and reach the border of iraq , sometimes he had to spend hours, but with this single window, both sides have become one. we will be checked in faraja and then on the iraqi side, the same four and four seconds time the rest depends on the population density and the amount of movement between the two borders . i don't think it will take more than 20 minutes for them to be able to cross the two borders. well, it is a very good possibility that there are four borders. last year, this situation was less. this year , last year, we had these facilities on two borders , but this year, on four borders, which are our most prominent borders, according to the same statistics that i told you , this happened to you.
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there are and the traffic is easier. i also think that the weather there is better than other borders. yes, yes. in the weather is much better there. our friends often recommend that they go from bashmagh and tamrchin. on the iraqi side, good processions have been organized in bashmagh and tamrchin, and our dear ones, those who go from bashmagh and tamrchin are satisfied. in the past years in bashmaq and tamrchi , the situation was criticized by friends, but this year the situation has improved a lot, especially in bashmagh, where they will take our loved ones to sulaymaniyah for free for the first week. to be extended and go from bashmagh border to sulaymaniyah for free and then from there , they go to karbala with the cars that are there, that is, perpendicular to the karbala-baghdad road
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, i think it's 530 . shalamcheh and chazaba border , parking spaces are provided for our loved ones who go with their private cars in all these borders, and these loved ones can park their cars in those parking spaces. when their passports are checked and stamped
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, they go to iraq and there they leave iraq and choose their route from karbala or najaf. every which of these borders, either from the khosravi border, they go to kazmin and from onjam to karbala and najaf until today, when we are at your service, although especially in the last 3 days, a large number of our loved ones are visiting, which we are in the central camp that at arbaeen's headquarters, this camp has now been formed, and one representative from all the committees is present to monitor and monitor the lands directly, and we see that we are monitoring. according to your friends and colleagues , monitoring is better. yes, we monitor and in these borders , we observe that alhamdulillah, although there are many of us we have a large population, but we don't have any serious problems, and
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thank god for the communication that has been established , if there is a problem in one place. our dear people inform us very quickly, for example , they informed us today that some trucks at the shalamcheh border have slowed down. and these trucks passed, so i want to say that alhamdulillah , the more we go forward with the addition of the experiences of the loved ones who are at the arbaeen headquarters in each and every there are committees, and by informing our dear people , the cooperation of my dear people is more important than all this . alhamdulillah, we
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are witnessing a much smoother and better pilgrimage. karbala is closer. it is true that you mentioned from khosravi's border that it is easy to go to kazemi and then to karbala , first to karbala and then to najaf, which is lower than karbala, which means they visit karbala first, or some people
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, but dear ones who they are present in khuzestan, it is much better for them to go to basra from shalamcheh border and from there to najaf ashraf and karbala , dear ones, which i mentioned in khostroi , i will move from bashmagh and tamrchin to kirkuk, and from bashmagh to sulaymaniyah and from there to karbala. there are cars for the transportation of pilgrims. how is the situation in our internal borders ? alhamdulillah
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, the situation is very good in our internal borders. now you are in the direction of iraq and as far as forward we are going, this number will increase, but fortunately, with the plans that have been made, the loved ones will be transferred. whether from the parking lots or public buses , the intercity buses that go to mehran or to other borders , towards the zero point of the border, it has become very good. on the iraqi side, iraqi cars are waiting for their loved ones. we are in negotiations with the iraqi side. we regularly ask them to monitor the cars . if the number of these cars decreases, if we can transport these loved ones to the nearer borders, some of our buses will be sent to take the loved ones to the nearest borders. our cars are not needed yet
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, fortunately iraqi cars were able to take our loved ones and i think that if they go with the same order and with the same management of the travel of our loved ones, i think that this year we will witness the intelligent and crowded arbaeen without any problem, god willing. in different or in different programs, it is said to use public cars, except for arbaeen , they say that if you can use private cars , yes, because the number of applicants who want to go in arbaeen is large, the number of public cars is really high for this population. it does not allow this population. we encourage and provide facilities for our loved ones in different provinces .
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alhamdulillah, increasing the number of caregivers is a better situation in terms of light, and god willing , i say that every year we move forward, these facilities and infrastructure will be provided much better for our loved ones . they can only go to the border with private cars. they can go as far as the border with private cars. the loved ones who go to mehran can go by private cars. they leave their private cars in the parking lot, from there they are guided to the border by the buses that have been planned . they cannot enter the territory of iraq under any circumstances. on our side, we requested from the iraqi side that if possible, the loved ones who want to go to musharraf in their private cars can go. but , because of the circumstances, the iraqi side preferred that this issue be agreed upon except during arbaeen, which is normal,
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the number of public cars on the iraqi side is very high. and it is possible that if private cars enter, this congestion will be much more and the amount of waiting for our loved ones will be much more. the traffic on that side will probably be more. we only have 2 airports, karbala airport has not yet been launched, it will take time to be launched, but for now there is najaf ashraf airport and baghdad airport, which are working now and loved ones go there, and there is also the traffic and entry status and the stamp that needs to be paid. in passports, yes, yes, it is completely normal as a rule, we did not receive any complaints from those who go to najaf airport or baghdad airport . our colleagues at the land borders were saying
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that pilgrims must take care to get their passports stamped, especially on the iraqi side. yes , we emphasized a lot. we emphasize this issue and i emphasize this in almost all interviews or programs to our loved ones who are going to make sure that when they enter iraq , when the iraqi officer gives them their passport, make sure that it is stamped. ok, because if it is not stamped in the passport as an individual a person who slaps my face is considered illegal, and in some cases, jail is also foreseen. of course, alhamdulillah, this has not happened in arbaeen so far, but we ask you to make sure that these problems do not happen. must have
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in the past. yes, and you just mentioned about the sea border and sea traffic, please let me know how the process is. yes, the sea border, which has been open for a few days , goes from khorramshahr port to basra port, and for now, because this is a very new thing , this year is the first year. the first steps in the visit that the honorable minister of our country and the honorable country of iraq had to the four borders , the sea border on the basra side was also visited. transfer people to the first place, which is the bus terminal , maybe it will take some time this year as a first experience, a good experience in the last few days of
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khuzestan basr governors, that's why. i had a joint meeting. governors of ilam and wasit governors of khuzestan have regular meetings. dear khuzestan the governor of basr regularly meets and discusses their issues, the iraqi side introduced various people in the passports at the border based on the things that are happening, and the governors meet regularly to discuss the problems according to the agreement made with the iraqi government. and they are trying to solve the problems very quickly. for zubal, we must say that it is more suitable for the countrymen of khuzestan and khorramshahr provinces. towards the port of basra bayan, and this is because the whole route is facing
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original it will take about 3 to 4 days, but each of the ships it takes carries a significant number of people and they are more comfortable, which of course has not yet been implemented . i think, god willing, from the coming years, this traffic will be carried out from the afghan side to the pakistani side and to the port, god willing, that means they must pass through that route or not. bayan and pass through the soil of iran as it is now this happens and he enters iraq from the chazaba border. since you mentioned it, i will ask the same issue here . then i will address other issues. we are
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entering from the eastern borders, from pakistan and afghanistan. or can they go out of different borders? yes, our dear foreign brothers and sisters who are inside iran are residents. if they want to leave, they will leave the shalamcheh border . yes, we have agreed this with the iraqi side . these loved ones enter iraq from the chazaba border. yes , this is a requirement. the iraqi side has agreed, and for their loved ones, it is more convenient, that is , they can easily find the border and go. this year, pakistanis and afghans return with their own buses , so they have nothing to do with the transport fleet of the islamic republic of iran, they have nothing to do with buses. they enter the border by themselves and enter from rimdan or mirjave border


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