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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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the smile comes home. digikala. in the name of allah, the merciful. o allah , peace and blessings be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad, they are with the news series at 11 o'clock on khabar network. the review of the qualifications of the proposed ministers of the 14th government began this morning in the public hall of the islamic council. the president spoke in defense of the entire proposed cabinet and also explained the plans of the 14th government. mr. behzikian said: he said that the
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national unity government is the government of all the people of iran and is committed to complying with the constitution and ensuring the citizenship rights of all iranians, and to the realization of the seventh plan and priority national interest is required over any other interest. the president provides security and strengthens the national imperative to establish and regulate international relations by observing the principle of honor , wisdom, expediency, development of the land and the development of social welfare, creating a social environment for the growth of virtues, providing fair and high-quality education for all people, developing infrastructure, education and providing he announced the necessary resources for the realization of goals, regulation and the establishment of necessary regulations as one of the missions of the 14th government. the departure of more than 1 million and 83 thousand pilgrims from the borders of the country,
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this is the latest statistics from the beginning of the month of travel until this morning, according to the announcement of the central headquarters of arbaeen marz. mehran, with the departure of more than 910 thousand pilgrims, shalamcheh with the departure of more than 490 thousand people, the khosravi border with the departure of more than 220 thousand people , are the most trafficked arbaini borders in the country, the borders of chazaba bashmaq and tamrchin are in the next ranks. as announced by the central headquarters of arbaeen, more than 2 million and 750 thousand people registered for the arbaeen trip in the samah system. but now, in order to find out about the status of one of the arbaini borders of our country, we have a connection with shalamcheh border in khuzestan province. mr. idani, sada and cima news agency reporter, about the situation of the side. we are waiting to hear your report. hello
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i am at your service, dear colleague and all the viewers of this news section. yes, as you said, i am at the end of the shalamcheh border at the zero point of the border. currently, no particular problem has been seen in the movement of pilgrims, and thank god, it will not be seen , god willing, but the compatriots who intend to make this spiritual journey from the southwest of the country, especially khorram shahr , have another choice this year, and that is a sea trip. which officially started its activity on thursday, 320 ferry trips per day can be transferred. if
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more pilgrims are welcomed, it is possible to increase these trips it is also possible that around 490,000 people left shalamcheh border terminal until last night, as you said, and went to the hospital. on the other hand, about 150,000 people are advised to return to the country. pilgrims who have completed their journey are advised to return to the country if they come with their own vehicle. before they go back to their cities , rest in the cold rooms here make sure that, god forbid, nothing happens to them on the way until the clinic and an established hospital are equipped and operating for
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those who need medical services. roms the train has been activated from today and it will take passengers and pilgrims from khorramshahr railway to the end. but about the sea route , let me tell you that those who want to choose the sea route can go to abadan or the end of the kharij khast lake to get their tickets. thank you very much for your help. i bid you farewell . more news: hamas announced that the doha negotiations did not include any progress on the issue of a ceasefire, and only bought time for the occupying regime to go to the north. while egypt, qatar and the united states after the end of the two-day negotiations they claimed in dove. negotiations have been constructive , hamas officials said in a conversation with the media: "no progress has been made in the negotiations." a hamas official
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said: what hamas has learned from the results of the doha meeting does not include the commitments of the previous month's meeting. the palestinian shihab news agency also quoted a hamas leader. america and israel do not want a real solution to achieve a ceasefire. the three countries of egypt, qatar and the united states announced in a statement that the next negotiations will be held in cairo before the end of next week. yahya sanwar, the leader of hamas , announced the condition of hamas' presence in the doha negotiations negotiations are to stop the war. the military media of the islamic resistance of lebanon. the video entitled "our mountains are our treasures " was broadcast from hezbollah's seri imad chahar missile base. the publication of this video has caused numerous reactions from the zionist media. a window
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opened to the sky of southern lebanon. in a video, hezbollah unveiled its missile site named imad 4, a facility in am. and it is protected against american minesweeping bombs and after the resistance, i have accurate and non-accurate missiles and the possibilities of armament , if israel forces lebanon to attack lebanon. israel's destiny is truly unexpectable in the days of eternity. zionists have described the release of this video as terrifying and disturbing. they say that these images need a deep investigation. hezbollah's underground complex was unveiled with pictures of nasrallah, mughniyeh and soleimani. in this video, which seems to
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have been heavily invested in its production, you can see trucks ready to launch imad 4 missiles, which are capable of reaching any point in israel. that the zionists show the settlement. imad 4 has been assumed to be the unveiling of the imad 4 missile, apparently from the signs this is confusion. the zionists do not know how many missile sites like imad 4 hezbollah has throughout lebanon, but one statement is certain for them. hezbollah can fire more than a few hundred missiles at the center of the occupied territories and even towards the east and the mediterranean sea.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time. welcome to the football magazine program. let's talk about today's games and of course the first week , how did it go and what happened and how are the teams? mr. seyed hossein seyed salehi is present in the studio in the name of allah, the most merciful. dear viewers, i am very happy to be at your service. stay healthy. i am right, sir. when we start repairs late, when we hire helpers late, it becomes our infrastructure, our stadiums are ready. no, we have one or two stadiums for him , now he will be added again from the second week, of course
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, thanks to the football federation for bringing var, but still, it is not too late. it's not possible, what's going on , sir? well, i really need to see what was the input and output of our last season and this season, in my opinion the work is very hard. and due to the fact that we did not work on the infrastructure in the past years, the quality of our pitches is not favorable at all. well, some tv stations started very well, such as tractor construction , and brought in a very good and experienced coach like skochish, who really knows our football and very good players. he took it and showed that he has good quality, now he is in merai with sepahan and kaveh rezai, who was one of the best players of sepaham today, both scored goals and assisted goals, he played in his place, a good young man like mohibin. little by little, it
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is taking its shape, but when these phenomena come into existence, where? they go, for example, they go to the russian league, they sit on the bench or play, and we are not in a good mood , both in terms of the infrastructure and the conditions in which it is not clear which club is private, our football is private, it is state-owned , some clubs use it, some private teams use it. they don't have it, and some teams start with 10 days left, like the fans, and a team like the first one has problems in terms of players, in terms of human resources, then we
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will complain to mr. qalnai, for example, why don't you focus on youth, your talent, with all due respect mr. nekona and esteghlal are called, for example, you are the ones who are you esteghlal is established, mr. rezaiyan, in my opinion, one of the good quality players can be a role model , but how can he come? and this shows that we are in a lot of trouble , we could not sow well so that we can reap well, and this was the first week that we saw the quality of the games. on his left, vahid amiri cannot play on that side i had a few months to get a few games, they couldn't get them, and we have to see how it goes, and this is an example that they say is our football
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. but i hope that our iraqi football conditions will be such that we can have good quality and reach those good conditions, and in my opinion, esteghlal persepolis tractor sepahan is a team that, like last season , is looking to be able to fight for the championship and become some of your teams. how many instruments? from now on, they have a very difficult job with these conditions maybe today they were very motivated and played well
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, the quality of the weather and the atmosphere did not allow the two teams to play at all, but mr. iraqi, i think why not help shams azar , why not keep their own players, if saeed is accurate , 3 more players in the last half of the season, he had taken the players of the previous season, yes, with the same players, who had 3 additional players, he could claim , that's all. their condition was good , they played football so well, but look at how many there have been since last season. tonight, papi scored a volley against sepahan . what a goal. it was the best goal of the week. where has shamsazar been? not now, now with fakhrianan and these young players, nathaei and alsabi , he has a hard job, he has a really hard job , he will lose his backbone in the structure of sazer, and in my opinion, we will go back to the same team as before. i hope he will think well. i hope that mr. dr. bezikian should take a good look at our sports and our football, which are very enthusiastic. if our league is going to be made up of 8 teams, the teams that have
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the conditions to play should not go like this, with these expenses, with these problems. we have a lot of difficulties, i don't want to be first in the league, first in the league we must hope that the league will end in 3 weeks, our national team must play, so where are we, what are our conditions, and i hope we sit down and think, when we say that japan wants to win the world cup in 2005, mr. iraqi, they are doing, they are thinking that they are planning. let's talk about their bases, now you look at our football base , how do our clubs think? yes, now coach persplis came to play yacoub brager again. there is a point of hope that young players will play and i hope that they will be able to maintain themselves in the first league. i hope that we will improve little by little. and the situation that the federation is doing now, the federation is not able to determine the field for the team, but our football depends on this issue, and i hope it will be better in the future , god willing, we say hey and we hope that it will get better, let's go talk to mr.
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nice javad fahimi. for several years now, the championship has been divided between these two teams, which means that futsal is not multi-polar, it is bipolar, then almost every year a number of players from these teams go to that team and from that team to this team and this competitive atmosphere between these exist, and at all today, the things that we
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we saw a lot related to the judging part. it wasn't , that is, after every goal or every mistake, which was very normal, the teams would fall on each other and they wanted to somehow impose themselves on the opposing team. well, it actually made it difficult for the referee. i was in a hotel last night. where we were staying, a gentleman asked him about the football refereeing system. i asked him to do three things at the same time. he said, "sir, i'm crazy. " all the tvs focus on the referee and expect the referee to make the best decisions. is it the referee's head and such issues, or not at all, the atmosphere of the match had this preparation , the organizer of the match, why
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was it so crowded around the field, now those who are on the side of the field should be there according to the law? a previous game where these things happened was issued, and it was issued earlier, but it didn't work here . this was also one of the factors that was brought up in the meeting last night. look, we have a so-called executive regarding the game, which is currently going to be four or five people
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organizing the game is one of the behind-the-scenes factors , such as organizational friends, friends of the disciplinary committee, that these things interfere with each other, that is, what should be done if this work was done, maybe it would not have a positive effect , it cannot be rejected, you understand this issue, but this is due to the executive system that exists. he is abroad, that is , four or five of us have come today as the executive officials of the federation to organize this game. all these aspects are involved. now, let me tell you that it is possible for me to judge in this bit, for example, a 5-pena profit may make a mistake. well, the teams are different because of this, this situation is the best university for if they achieve it themselves, yes , there is no idea that the rightful one will get the right, and i don't know that this extravagance, especially in these two teams, of course, i can. it seems that mr. shamsaei
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said in a phone call with our friends, "after seeing this game, you made a few abstract comments. now i don't know what they are. i only know that even mr. shamsaei himself did not come to isfahan, which he said might have a negative effect. dear, this match was held in a stadium where there was no preparation for the match, even though
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mr. usoli has come for an interview, they appointed a special observer and it was supposed to be under control, but it was not done. but now the point is that mr. hassanzadeh, the head of the disciplinary committee, i see that he is interviewing and saying that we will issue a historic verdict. everyone should wait for both the soldiers and the tractor to be identified. i think they have a very difficult task. we are in this league. in terms of football and many other things, he can help us, and i believe that presplis and esteghlal have a very difficult job. you are a team that is fully equipped
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to get very good players. now he is coming to play in the asian team kane and many other players, this can help, professionally , they are average players, but our football has capable players. in the sensitive situation, our representative can have a mutual understanding with him and play against the team with the tactics they have. i hope that by that time we will have the right infrastructure and grounds , azadi stadium will be ready, it will be difficult for us because if the conditions are not good considering that our representatives do not comply with the contract ceiling of the teams that really charge you, we should comply with the contract ceiling and this it has an impact on the persipis and esteghlal teams, and i hope that we will play football in a way that
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we saw from esteghlal persiplis in the sepahan tractor elite league in the champions league in the first week . they will do , they will get better, but how much can we do? i think that the presplis and esteghlal shaqle teams can maintain themselves if their foreign players, especially esteghlal, who have got good players, but we have to accept that a place is really not in our hands, it is in the hands of the teams that are leaving , for example, you and neymar now. and the players who play in the team your team is completely different from our team. on your infrastructure, al-shabaab emirates came to isfahan and played a few games. they have a top influential player and this can be seen. they go to play for the elites, but if i shower in my hand, they play , but the elites are in very difficult conditions, a level
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lower than the esteghlal elite league, they must be very ready to play. mr. seyed sali's thing is not money anymore, that is, football is at least a field in which the same press police gave away the game with anas in tehran like that last season, but we paired the return game with anas in arazim. our teams have the strength to keep very good players and you can be sure that we are not weak in front of this team . let's think that we should monitor the team from now on, and in a month , the teams of press esteghlal, sepahan and tractor will be more ready, and this can help our teams in the future. they don't have those good conditions for our country's football , they don't have that good quality in the words of football and so on let's say now next year and i have to think especially the police press should get one or two good friends
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to be able to be in that year. then check whether it was good or not. mr. sisalei, thank you for participating in this conversation . thank you for watching. have a good time, god bless you.
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was a while ago , if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look. then you reach the bazaar, the bazaar is on one side of the sand, i said that here all the specialty markets have gathered next to me. we came for a good trip. tehran in sarah afsarieh with incredible prices and long-term contracts and without advance payment in the big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and tannah.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad be speedy. hello, dear viewers , i invite you to stay tuned with the economic news. the head of the business environment improvement center announced the issuance of more than five million electronic licenses since the implementation of the law on facilitation of licenses. mr. sayah also said that if a device is under investigation. applicants who delay the application for more than the legal time permit will be issued automatically. 5 million 200 thousand licenses electronically issued now. god willing, it will reach 7 million by the end of august, and with my help , we will go towards publicly requesting information that


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