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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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oh, sit on the first page, the sacrifice row is over there on the other side of the fence , look, the joy of meeting is there, oh, sit, sit on the first page , stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, the first row, the first row, the first row, the row of serving the people. you are sanjar, sanjar, you are on this table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. i offer my greetings and courtesy to you , dear viewers, companions of the khabar network. i invite you to join us on the first page of this program. let's talk about the food and drug organization , the actions and activities of this organization, especially in the last two years. organizational event
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which is one of the groups under the ministry of health and the head of this organization is directly assigned to the minister of health, treatment and medical education, from monitoring the pharmaceutical market and medical equipment and supplies to issuing licenses and health permits for all companies and institutions providing services in this committee is one of the duties of the food and drug organization, and in addition to that, determining policies on the export and import of drugs and materials. food and hygiene and supplement products and milk powder are among the duties of this organization. mr. dr. seyed haider mohammadi, the head of the food and drug organization , is a guest of this program from the first page, mr. dr. salam. you are very welcome , i offer greetings, courtesy and respect to you and the respected viewers of the first page of the program. at the beginning of a conversation
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, let's talk about the status of strategic drug reserves, especially since we are on the threshold of the beginning of the 14th government , see how the state of asset reserves is now. we are based on what international standards usually declare, stable reserves between 3 6 months in the countries, we are the main items our medicines and medical equipment are in high stock. in fact, if they are less than 3 months or less than one month, they enter into the warning. we consider those that are less than one month to be in short supply and report it as a critical warning, and we enter the phase of using other routes to supply them. i mentioned the products we have, we have about 3,000 and almost 700 generic drug codes. and
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we have about 570 indexes of medical equipment, which is a product group, in fact , a product group of medical equipment and a generic code, which means that i want to tell you more clearly if amoxicillin is a generic code. it is possible that amoxicillin 250 amoxicillin 500 amoxicillin actually has different forms , which is usually the same form of medicine. they say that we usually announce the statistics of our items based on the generic code in the drug index or the same product group in the equipment. alhamdulillah, most of our products are now over 6 months old, some of them are over 3 months old, and a small amount, which is considered as a shortage, is under 1 there are months. we have one month. yes, how many?
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see, in the field of medicine, there are under 100 items, which we usually report under the title of shortage. what kind of medicines are they? i want to say that they have different classifications. some of the drugs are related to diabetes. some of them are imported insulins that make it difficult to eat. we declare that if a medicine is deficient in its dosage or potency, and if it is not convertible, we declare it deficient, because sometimes it may be a pill form, a capsule form, and the capsule form. it can't be installed, so we can't convert it, so that too we declare a shortage. this is how we declare a shortage. we usually find our shortages
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between us and our medical university . we usually identify the shortages through several channels . i will now tell you about our systematic discussion. what we actually get is one of the reports of the people , one of the reports of the shortage of our medical sciences universities. in fact, we have 62 branches of medical sciences universities in the country, whose vice-chancellors of food and medicine report the shortages at the level. the city or province identifies the shortage in our reporting system they say that we have another system called, in fact , the rolling forex system or our forecast, which the companies that produce the information fill in, and the company must say how much. the final drug means the final product and how much of the raw material is available based on the information that has already been completed in the system , it tells us the stock of this drug, the total number of manufacturing companies based on the amount of the raw material, the amount of packaging material and the amount of the final product, if this is if it reaches less than 3 months and less than one month
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, it will give us an initial warning and a critical warning, respectively, that our colleagues were few in the list. there was a shortage. it is an internal thing between us and our universities, that is, we are going to try because we have a shortage. you mentioned that 100 fonts are below 100 fonts, so you should see these 300 fonts
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. i am surprised that we have the information related to this, that is, if someone actually comes with a news related to it. the field actually wants to say within sed and sima, of course you say, sir, that the only source of this news is sed and sima itself, better in terms of shortages, whether in the field of medicine, in the field of milk and food , or in the field of news equipment that the ministry of health or the food and drug administration actually announces , usually, mr. minister, you actually announce their plans, i will announce them if asked , and we point to a document, that is, the same references that i mentioned, the output of our systems is completely defensible. i will tell you exactly the number of statistics , i will tell you the statistics that were extracted this morning, we will get more accurate statistics at the end of the month, that is, i can give you the exact statistics for july now, and the more accurate statistics for august will be available at the end of august, but now i can give you the statistics of about one august, how many there are in the case the drug is both about milk powder and about equipment, and this is completely dynamic, that is, we milk and powder a few months
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ago, one of our milk powder production factories, one of the lines, is actually the so-called spray drying, which means that we turn the milk into powder with heat. actually, that spray line was broken , it was closed for a few weeks, two pens out of actually two pens of powdered milk, each of which has one, two, three, these were actually missing for a while , they came back again, this is quite telling, some items there are also some items that may be in global shortage, which means we cannot do anything that is, we are currently in this shortage, the fact
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that the central bank helped us a lot in providing continuous supply, you know, if the supply is continuous , it should be of good quality and sufficient, then we have no problem . the same is about liquidity, which is one of the big challenges today. we have liquidity, if you ask the industries, the drug, equipment, and milk and dry industries have really helped us a lot. honestly, part of the liquidity we need, they are actually providing our industry with the required liquidity, which is called kashflu. our forums are helping our various people with this we want to talk more, and we have a report. i would like to ask one thing and then we will see the report. how was the production situation at the beginning of this year? it is very short. please see. i
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told you that our conditions are good. if we compare , the number of shortages will be an indicator. or separation from the lack of production, how were the conditions of production? let's give statistics. if i tell you numerical statistics , it is very difficult. i have to tell you in the systems how many drugs of what kind and in what form were produced , but in any case, we produce about 17 in the drug sector. compared to the same period last year, it has decreased, which can be one of the reasons for policy reform the currency is fine, we had the reform of the foreign exchange policy. in the past years, we also had the clinical guidelines of yaidlans, which will make the reform of the consumption pattern happen . we can see a very good part of it. we will come back with the continuation of the program. i am sick. i am sick. it is
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my duty to find medicine. i went to many places and could not find it . they say that the reason for these shortages is, on the one hand, a decrease in production due to the lack of money in the factories. doers this has led to a 30% decrease in drug production this year compared to last year . on the other side of pharmacies , it sometimes takes up to two years to give you sleep in university hospitals. the money of the distribution companies, who are forced to take the medicine to government pharmacies, because most of these medicines are vital medicines, it arrives with such a delay, as the association drug distribution has announced that the debt of pharmacies to distribution companies has reached 80 thousand billion tomans, which is unprecedented . all this is in the past, according to the budget law 1403 and, of course, the seventh plan of insurance companies must
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pay the demands of pharmacies with a maximum delay of one month. we are sounding the alarm that if proper liquidity is not injected as soon as possible in the pharmaceutical industry of iran and in the pharmacies of the country , we will have very difficult and critical days ahead. in my opinion, the most important and most important work that should be done in the current government is to deal with the liquidity issue of this industry . mr. medizkian, in the first step, the president ordered to solve the problem of the drug chain, the liquidity problem of the pharmaceutical industry should be solved with about 50 effort and limits 400 million dollars as well as delays. in the partial repayment they receive , they are given about four months to provide liquidity later
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, and in my opinion, with this, the problems of drug production in the country will be solved to a large extent. 4 months is the country's need with priority for domestic production and official imports. hani jalinjad, radio and television news agency. the special support that mr. dr. qaim panah himself said, mr. president himself, entering into this
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issue of payment related to companies, how long has it been in our time , there were a few points that mr. dr. said, one of which is the discussion regarding the payment of the claims of our insurance organizations , the organization of the first budget program of the payment chain should actually have a complete approach to the insurance organizations . they still don't clear last year's debt, they still owe 42, they have to pay part of it anyway, which is the number of documents that the universities get at that time and give to drug companies, how many documents do you have? the latest statistics we have until the end of july, the debt of our medical centers to drug distribution companies is approx 1600 billion tomans are owed by the companies in our debt to medical equipment companies, which we have to actually
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pay the credits, of course, this is dynamic, that is , as soon as the money comes to the universities and hospitals , they will pay it and it will decrease, but the need it needs special support that this number should actually be corrected, reduced and paid , there is a need for facilities, there is a need for financial support, there is a need to speed up the payment of claims from insurance organizations. how many months are they delaying? see the insurances are different it was paid late by the previous government. our universities have to pay drug and equipment companies, but in any case, you can't specify a specific time for it . now, i told you this number: about 15 in the field of medicine and about 10,600 in the field of equipment. a special look is needed, that is. if we can
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inject a number of 10-15 thousand billion tomans directly to the companies, that is, we will complete this chain step by step, usually in this length of this chain, there may be other priorities. the budget program or the treasury of the country directly faces this credit the accounts of pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment companies , and powdered milk producers, this means that it has been decided, in my opinion, with 10 to 15 thousand billion tomans, the problem will be solved for a long time . look at the insurance contribution , our claims now are roughly 8 thousand billion tomans in the area of ​​our claims from insurance organizations, and in the field of dariyar , it is about 4 thousand billion tomans, which is added regularly, that is, we if my documents are complete, approximately 5 thousand billion claims per month in the district of darvar, we have that the organization must pay the budget to a targeted organization and a target
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to the medical centers in the heat insurance organizations sector . this amount is related to social security, part of it is related to health insurance, and part of it is related to the armed forces, with the largest share related to providing it is social. from the number that i mentioned , about 4500 billion tomans of marbol is for social security. let me go back to the initial question of this section and the explanations given in this section. how long does it take to give? let this process take its course and the demands be paid. look, when it was announced , the government was the first. the reports of the service of mr. president went. daru, which is actually close to their demands and the country's large drug collections, attended their criticisms
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, raised their problems, and said that the conclusion was that 50 thousand billion tomans is a line of credit in the form of facilities. to be granted to the companies, i wrote a letter to mr. dr. farzin, and we announced the list of companies both drug companies, medical equipment companies, and companies that produce milk and baby powder , the central bank immediately notified this directive to the operating banks, which are not all banks , but there are a number of banks, i think there are 10 or 15 banks that these are the effects of our companies, these companies that we introduced, which mainly work with these companies, work with these banks. these operating banks should refer to the condition that they have the necessary guarantees, see that a company must have a series of minimums so that the bank can get an education in the banking system, if this if there are no problems, i think they will pay them soon, god willing, because it started recently, there is a point left in the liquidity situation, because we want to go to the issues. i said
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that the most important challenge that our pharmaceutical industry and our medical equipment industry are facing today there is liquidity. there is a need for these debates that have been raised and the solutions are specific and announced. it is a horizontal arrangement that the vice president of foreign exchange of the central bank has to exchange money and start cooperating with rial education, which the operating banks should help. there is a need for this. it has that our banking network should help us, if we want to be very strict, in fact, they can't . our pharmaceutical industry, our industry in the field of health , medical advice, medicine, milk powder, these are a bit fragile, they should be helped, they cannot be treated like the industries in the field. hi now, not healthy, maybe for years , decades, in fact, and much more, maybe they are ahead and have a good ability to compare. they are companies that should be helped. definitely, if they help, we are really the best in the region in the field of medicine and equipment. we have a lot to say. that i
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will tell you, okay, stay with us, a report let's go back and talk about the drug being removed from the supply chain with the doctor . rare drugs that were sold in the black market of cyberspace instead of pharmacies and medical centers. fata police have arrested four sellers of rare drugs in cyberspace. what drugs? medicines that are scarce. medicines that are rare become more expensive. for the same blood drugs, for example, expensive anti-tumor drugs and such things, one of the arrested says that he used people's ignorance about the dangers of a stimulant drug and: how many times does it sell for the price ? i had posted educational materials on the page about the drug ritalin, then you sold it to me
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. they asked for ritalin. we were chased to sell it. yes , you know what harm it does. it is addictive for those who do not have a disease. now this drug is insulin. these must be made available to patients with the national code and in a special condition, that is, special pharmacies or this drug. there are families who have hyperactive children , they understand me better, they are hard to find in the market, they definitely need a national code , with a limited number, fata police chief of tehran. he says that 10,000 drugs were discovered from these people , where did you get the drugs from nasser khasreh and some pharmacists from the drugstore ? i mean, did you give a prescription
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, or not? they are placed in the cycle of use again, ghadir nazari of sed and sima news agency, mr. doctor. a parenthesis let's open a little this supply chain and explain the meaning of the drug, then let's talk about what corrective measures you have taken so that the drug does not leave this chain. see, several years ago, we did not have any information in the field of medicine, food, beverage equipment, hygiene, traditional herbal medicines, no information. we didn't have a dark house where we didn't know how much we were buying, how much we were giving, how much domestic production we had. alhamdulillah, with the efforts of our industries, with the efforts of our colleagues , experts in the field of information destruction, and a very good jihadi action was carried out a few years ago.
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the t-tech system has been launched. you can monitor the chain from the beginning to the end of the chain in the t-tech system, as long as it is recognized, that is, if you want to see today , in which medical centers the medical equipment that we buy has gone. how many people have entered , identified, entered which treatment center , how has it been explained in the treatment center, and many of these are even recorded in the name of what disease, we are now telling you exactly what the milk and powder are. milk and powdered milk consumed, which doctors prescribe the most powdered milk, which one actually? parents consume more powdered milk for their children , that is, with that national code, how much powdered milk is actually consumed by the baby and what is the actual name. commercially , this is completely achievable. this transparency that has been created today at the level of the titech system is a great blessing that has led to a series of dashboards. today, we
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are planning with one eye open . the medicines that we were allowed to produce or import were all produced because they were produced without planning. we did not know how much was consumed. there used to be manual statistics that actually recorded the information in it. today, despite the existence of such a system, how does medicine leave the chain of production and treatment? i believe that the reason for leaving the chain is the price difference. we have a very high level of transparency in the field of pharmaceuticals, dry milk and equipment, which makes it possible to avoid violations that the members of this chain may commit in the field of production , distribution, supply, that is, production. our employer, in your factory , one of his employees may commit a violation, get him out of the factory, now this may happen, something else. it is natural that we are not present in the factory 24 hours a day, and we base it on the accuracy and correctness of those
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collections, and usually it is limited . did you see in your report that he said, "i am dealing with pharmacies, in fact , we are dealing with these pharmacies, our legal framework is not bad, of course, it is not a deterrent, our laws are not deterrent, we are trying hard , and the government sanctions law is being amended , the law is going to go." the regulations of our medical affairs belong to 1334 we have tried several times to update this , it is very difficult to update the rules, but anyway, i want to tell you that where our duty is, this identification is being done and we have very good information, but these things are being left out of the chain. an apology related to the difference in exchange rate. anyway, the price of our land in the official market is the width price that we have. we now give 420 tomans width equipment, so the difference is with the width.
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there is a difference of more than 10 times, that is, if we use a certain strength of powdered milk, if i want to tell you that it is very simple in the neighboring countries, it is being sold for a very high amount in our country , it is being sold at a price of around 150 to 200 thousand tomans, well, there is a motivation, this is the motivation to leave the chain, so you can actually be relieved that despite the control systems , it will leave the chain. the price you are selling should be a real rate, but then we have to support the consumer, that is , our support system for the consumer should be in such a way that the payment from the consumer does not change, on the condition that we can say that the prices are actually , it should be at the real price, for example, now with a preferential rate, for example, 420 yen it is not, but we should support, that is, our consumer, on the condition that the symptoms are identified, what kind of consumer, what product, medicine, equipment, or formula
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he wants to consume, that's when we are. we can easily control the amount of width that, in addition to the issue of land, well, in the beginning of the program , we talked about shortages. declaring a public shortage is usually 2 to 3 times the estimate we have for the monthly consumption of this. we have to inject in the market so that the shortage will go away, that is, when you announce that there is a shortage of insulin, if the consumption is one million units per month , you must inject 3 million units into the market so that the shortage is caused by a fire because of the concern of shortage in it causes consumers to go to the pharmacy and say, sir, i heard that there is a shortage , give me a higher quota if possible, now with usually insurance that has a ceiling, and our doctors, who usually now have a shortage of insulin, not one of
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the insulin pens. which is actually imported, there is a shortage, but now there is a sample of domestic production, but i want to tell you that when you announce the shortage, for example, warfarin was already out of the pharmacy for a while, because many samples of new anticoagulants were added , warfarin was being sold out, and its monthly consumption had reached one million two and a half million. this time, in fact , it was announced at the end of last year that this shortage was up to 10 million per month, but it was not enough. it was strange. well, there is a concern immediately. yes , they collect it. unfortunately, history passes. it means that it is collected. we usually announce when you have a shortage problem. eat, by the way, try to take less than you need, we are not saying, god forbid , they should actually suppress the need, not take as much as needed, but i got this output and feedback from pharmacies that when something is lacking, some people immediately rush to the pharmacy out of concern. there will be more.
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it is not really possible for people to use it safely. the risk is high. whether the storage temperature is controlled . if there is a refrigerator , the drug will be taken out of the refrigerator . returning to the pharmacy is not very beneficial and another issue in the department. earlier, you mentioned about the currency and the price difference, well , we must say that a series of fundamental measures were started in the last two years and were followed . finally , what should be done according to the budget law of 401. well, after the basic goods reform policy of nationalization of drugs, domestically produced drugs
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were amended in the first step. in the second step, imported drugs should be used with caution. let's do it, because we are in the period of government change, it is necessary for the new officials to make policy on this matter .


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