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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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take the carpet without a check and without excuse , it is a carpet in iran's house. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello dear viewers , it is one o'clock in the morning, the technicians of a daneshmian company managed to produce and provide a practical software to provide services to arbaeen pilgrims. with the help of this software , visitors can easily access route maps and other required information when there is no internet. step by step becoming a market for providing services
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to the pilgrims of aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him, in the days close to arbaeen, the technologists of a knowledge -based company worked together to produce a software application to facilitate travel conditions for pilgrims . there is an application that all the custodians who are responsible for providing services to the visitors can have at their disposal, and in addition to the places where the services can be interpreted, and in fact , i can inform those users about the issues that they are facing. it is a technological software that by providing detailed information about the walking route of arbaeen , such as the location of processions, medical centers and other information needed by pilgrims , it helps pilgrims to plan their trip correctly and save pilgrims' time . organizations such as the red crescent or in the field of health organizations that work in the field of transportation can
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access the software designed in this knowledge -based company in a year, considering that it is in a certain area, the visitors who are in that area can access this information. installing and connecting to the internet once can provide services needed by pilgrims even if there is no internet access. our application is available offline and online to the visitors who get the maps first. once there is internet, they can download and have access to programs and information in the same way. providers of services to pilgrims during the arbaeen walking ceremony, such as the red crescent ministry of health and other service providers, in order to increase the quality and improve the service to pilgrims, can benefit from the criticisms and suggestions of pilgrims by submitting a questionnaire on the platform of this software . all those who are providing services
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can define forms according to the nature of their services and use the user as crowdsourcing or gathering information from people for surveying and improving and enriching information. for more information, interested parties can install this software for free they can refer to fahmkon.ayr website . samia nasser sed and sima news agency, researchers from the universities of iraq and australia, by photographing the tongue and artificial intelligence system, succeeded in diagnosing various diseases in people with an accuracy of 98. anemia was presented to the systems, which was detected by placing a camera at a distance of 20 cm from the tongue of the patient or them in different lights. according to
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researchers, a healthy tongue should be symmetrical and pink in color, and if there is a spectrum of whiteness on the tongue there is no disease. also, among the people living in the mediterranean area of ​​asia and africa, a healthy tongue is slightly purple or brown, and any color outside this range is a sign of a person's illness. scientists succeeded the new generation. produce an arterial cutter . this product placed inside the patient's vein is often used in intensive care and emergency departments and anesthesia for real-time monitoring of blood pressure . its deficiency is detrimental to patients. whenever there is a shortage of this product in the country , substitute and weak products that have many unwanted side effects are used, such as angioket. in operating rooms for the product
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actually cost 40 billion. in this company, scientists produce their products in completely clean rooms that they don't even allow us to enter. the need for this product in the country is 100,000 pieces per year. not only can we meet the needs of the country, but from the very beginning, we set export targets. 20 young and expert workers are working here to say no to imports. we are in this dress for 8 hours. clothes are also a job. before entering the market, the product is subjected to quality control in 3 different stages , and one of each of these stages a witness sample is taken, and this witness sample is placed in the witness warehouse and kept for 3 years, and they are identified and ranked. all
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samples are coded and can be identified and tracked. this is what the surgeons say. this second book that you brought is better because the blood is no longer coming from here. the surplus production of this product is going to be exported, which is 50% cheaper than the foreign sample. soon we will export to iraq and russia. currently, this science-based company is designing a high-quality product for patients dialysis that will enter the market by next year. mohammad snashari of sada wasi news agency. sima shiraz eshgh koofi tv series from august 29th every night at 21:00 on ifilm persian channel , broadcast at 1:00 p.m. the story of this series takes place in the year 61 ah and
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is connected with the events of kufa and karbala. this journey has no destination. a love story in the year 61 hijri. the only archer named kufa naji bint ohad, the son-in-law of ahad, who is tired of the events of karbala. different things are added to the installment to be a sign of the saviors and... even though my personality was negative, but i loved him very much, i lived with him, this group does not understand compliments and low games, they will kill if
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we see this result. but a very good and worthwhile work has come about because of the team of khode bazen eshgh kofi since 29 august. at 21:00 every night, ifin becomes a guest of the network . tell me what should i write so that the imam will understand that the time has come . it is a strange time when we bend our backs in respect to the bodies of the unscrupulous and honor sellers. this collection is the product of ojeh media art organization. you gave me to take my life today, sahar zwanati of sedav sima news agency, but the tv series gharibeh airs at 23:30 on sima channel 3. the director of this series is soroush mohammadzadeh , and the actors are nejman bazighi and hamid guderzi. it is a story about the life of a naqba pharmaceutics in the tv series "balafele" should be emptied
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. you should also come with us. the main character of this series played by hamid gudarzi is on the verge of marriage. he notices a strange thing, i can't forget it, and in search of this secret , he comes across the stories inside and outside, and now he has been found. pejman bazaghi ismail mehrabi and mahia dehghani are among the other actors of this series. the audio and visuals of gharibeh television series are produced by sima film. sir, this is a strange case. the 45-minute episode will be broadcast on 3 tv channel. neda hosseini of seda and sima news agency was killed. thank you for your attention.
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you are with the economy desk , we want to talk about the guaranteed purchase price of basic agricultural products. let's look at some statistics. we have a council called the basic products pricing council . you can see that it has 11 members . the support policies of the basic agricultural products of the head of the council are according to the law of the minister of agriculture, javad, and you can see that the minister of economic affairs, the head of the organization, says the budget because of the purchase price now. the guarantee that the budget should be given, the head of the agricultural trade union organization , the central union of rural cooperatives
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, the engineering organization, 2 expert farmers, the head of the national wheat farmers foundation, and 2 people from the parliament's agriculture commission, who are in this council as supervisory members , what does this council do, the next picture let's see each other. one of the main tasks of this council is to come every year in the next picture. we will see each other every year. i would like to ask you to determine the guaranteed purchase price of agricultural products according to the criteria. maybe we can say wheat, for example, according to the criteria that are said to be the actual costs of production plus the conventional profit, one is the inflation number announced by the statistics center, maintaining the relationship between domestic and foreign costs , relative to the imported product. i don't know any other points. your presence, production costs and all
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there are other things, one thing that is much more important than this is the time to announce the guaranteed purchase price of wheat , when should it be, what does the law tell us, article d , note d of the same law that i presented to you says that this council must convene a meeting for the guaranteed price of basic agricultural products up to 3 months before the start of the new fiscal year , the minister of agriculture, javad, should finalize the price. the head of the council should announce it about this legal deadline for the crop year which is supposed to start on the 20th . the members of the pricing council said that in 1403 , since the beginning of the year , no meeting has been held regarding the guaranteed purchase price, for example, wheat. a month ago, for example, there was a meeting for rice . why did this happen, the meeting was not held, why the meeting was not
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held, why the minister did not hold the meeting, was the price set , did the minister not announce or other things? let's see together in more detail whenever a good price is announced, it is announced on time , regardless of the weather variable, assuming that we now say how much the weather has an effect, but look, i have put these two statistics together so that we have both the production and the price. see the purchase of wheat guarantee in a period of 10 years. whenever the price is good, it is on time. our farmer has produced more . you can see the crop year of 1401 and 1402. you can see the same thing in the past years. the government has introduced a guaranteed purchase rate for the farmer, which has made it attractive for the farmer to pay attention instead of the products i have brought you an example . why is wheat important? because some of our basic agricultural products, for example, canola. equal to the guaranteed purchase price of wheat
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. let's see the last picture together. let's see how many governments have delayed in announcing the crop year last year. there was a delay of three months in 1402. 2 months in 1401. 8 months in the crop year of 1400 were according to the law. go back to 94 of 41. we had days for up to 7 months, and naturally this could disrupt our agriculture, possibly make us need imports , ruin our agricultural planning, and thousands of reasons that are in the plans we talked about it in different ways and we said about its bad effects, how much this delay can be harmful for the country. i prepared a report with my colleague in the agricultural department of sada and vasima news agency. in continuation of the same introduction that i gave you , we will see it together, we will come back and we will start the conversation with the guests of the program. there is no guaranteed price of wheat. the government should announce the guaranteed price of wheat before sowing. he should know the price and decide whether he wants to plant wheat, rapeseed or any other crop. the law of may next year
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guarantees the purchase of basic agricultural products by the council specify pricing. the philosophy of implementing the policy of guaranteed purchase and guaranteed price for basic agricultural products is actually reassuring the farmers for continuous production. members the pricing council for basic agricultural products consists of the minister of agricultural jihad, the minister of economy, the head of the budget program organization and 6 people from non-governmental organizations in the country. he should make sure that the price of his products is announced and make it light weight, tell him what product should i plant and how much to plant, this is effective in his income, but when the prices are announced late, a contract farmer goes to the planning farmer due to
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the economy cannot do it on its own and we will have a 100 percent drop in production. we have a lot of complaints from the parliament. the parliament does not have enough supervision over the laws it enacts. in the meetings of the pricing council for basic agricultural products, two members of the parliament are present and observers without the right to vote. we try to follow this issue from the perspective of our supervisory agency duties. the pricing of wheat and any other product that must be purchased as a guarantee should be done by the government or finally the processes that should be done in that council with speed. according to the chairman of the agriculture committee of the parliament, it will be determined and announced in a timely manner the price of basic agricultural products is effective up to 30% in production efficiency. alireza shakti, radio and television news agency. yes , we saw mr. alireza shoukti's report from the agriculture and village group of sed and
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sima news agency. here in our studio, mr. najafi, the deputy director of planning of the ministry of agricultural jihad, is present. also. mr. atollah hashemi, member of the agricultural product pricing council, mr. peyman filasfi , vice chairman of the parliament's agriculture commission , will be added to your online presence and we will talk with them. i want to start with mr. najafi and this question , what did the ministry of agriculture do to determine the guaranteed purchase price of basic agricultural products this year ? may they be well in this hot month of august, god willing, you will see the process of choosing the process of determining the guaranteed price, as it was in your report, from 2019, due to the amendment of the law , it was handed over to a council under the title of the price setting council and
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the adoption of support policies in the ministry of agriculture. my opinion if i want to look from the outside one is actually a progressive council because at least 3 of them are people who come directly from the private sector, that is, people's participation, which is your slogan this year. almost a few years ago, the ministry of agriculture implemented this in its most important policy. this council is formed according to the law and has different committees. the pricing committee is responsible for price calculations and annual price forecasts. which, in a process , asks opinions and polls from the provinces, finally, the prices are summarized , it comes to the commission, and after the commission , it is raised in the council, and naturally, the price is decided by the minister. agriculture is communicated, the reason or philosophy is that they always try to announce the prices before the start of cultivation, because there is a phenomenon in
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the economy called the spider web phenomenon. it takes and they want to update this to some extent for the farmer to have an effect on his decision to cultivate, but for various reasons that really have different reasons every year, the dynamics of the economy, the inflation rates that are constantly changing, it is usually difficult to bargain in the yard. council to reach a single and specific price due to this reason, you can see the fixed time when , for example, it was in your chart now, in the same way that in different years, this rate is actually announced late, although it is questioning its original philosophy, but sometimes because it is always increasing. and naturally, in fact , there was bargaining by both the ministry of agriculture and the private sector regarding the increase in prices, which has caused them to try
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to see the support of the agricultural sector to some extent. this is clearly the reason for the delay this year. this year's delay is naturally one of the reasons. it was natural to change the parliament there is an observer representative who changes and there is a change of government itself. naturally , there is a famous term because when governments change, they say it is a lame duck, it causes things to be done with interruptions and delays . the main reason for the delay this year was due to the change of the government and the change of parliament, which naturally both of them have main opinions in this council. there was a delay, there was no meeting at all to see that the price calculations were done, but there was no discussion in the commission about it yet. let it be a council.
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inflation that happens outside the sector , there are these delays, and this year these two reasons have been added to the previous ones. thank you very much, mr. hashemi . please give your opinion. you, who are a member of the pricing council, are the most important reasons for this delay. what do you see? in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful, i offer my service to you , my dear viewers and hardworking farmers all over the country. you are right, we could not act according to the law in all the years, whether it was during the shura or before the creation of the shura. since
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the establishment of the council, there were two important factors that i did not let go of when these meetings are held, first of all, i will tell you the reason for this year, the most important reason is the lack of parliament, because the parliament elected these two supervisors, but did not introduce them, as you said, not with the supervision of the members of the parliament. to be present and monitor the good implementation of the law. the main reason is at least 3-4 years ago, that is, the last 3-4 years , the meetings were not announced on time. when this council was formed, only once was the head of the program organization who attended the meeting and that one
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baram was the minister of economic affairs and finance, which means that the law requires that the members of the council be present in person , and they do not have the right to give representation to anyone else, where the minister does not attend the specialized commissions in the council itself, which is the main decision-making center for the organization of the budget plan. economic and financial affairs will not be present. this meeting is naturally questioned from a legal point of view, that is, in my opinion, the organization of the budget program and the ministry of economic affairs and finance do not give much importance to the council , despite the fact that the council's approvals are in accordance with the approvals of the legal government board and the representative economic council. . the company does not yes, the representative does not have the right to vote. legally, it means that the council
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becomes official with the presence of the persons specified in the law. as the head of the council , when he was the head of the program organization, he does not attend. this representative does not have legal authority at all, and i witnessed that they invited them and refused to come, for what reason, i believe, the direction of the organization of the program and the ministry of economic affairs and assets are really on the import side, this means a belief in minimum wheat for domestic production . there is really no self-sufficiency in this sector. now, in parentheses, i would like to add this point that since we have a name, we are going from the ministry of home affairs and
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you are raising some points about them. if the representatives of the ministry of home affairs want to express their views on the program , they should also present their own explanations and explanations, but the things i am presenting are completely defensible in the meetings that they or their representatives attend. their reliance was on the fact that we can import at a much lower price than the domestic purchase price , which means that this shows the side of the government sector in relation to this council, which was a very good decision that we have been making for years. we were looking for it, but the producer side, which is one of the two main buying and selling sides, is not present yet. that is, this public sector can't really accept the presence of the private sector because of this, one of the main reasons is the absence of the head
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of the program organization and the minister of discretionary affairs. at all, a meeting was held where an invitation was sent, for example, from the minister of jihad of agriculture, stating the meeting of hestra 1403. 1404, which should have been announced by the end of july, i.e. 27 days before, there were two main issues, one was the events that happened in the executive branch, which was done temporarily, and the second main issue was that we were putting pressure on the minister that the meeting should be held, the non- introduction of course, expert meetings have been carried out to the extent of the price statistics and the initial process, but the council meetings are currently open until the house of representatives officially elects its supervisor. of course, this is what you are saying.
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it is not in accordance with the law, according to the law of opinion. with the majority present the meeting and the majority vote of the meeting is official and my decisions are valid, so naturally, like in previous years , when you say, for example, that the head of the budget program organization or the minister of economy did not come, this year , if we deviate from the fact that two representatives are not observers, it means that if they were not there, the meeting could have been held. it should be held and i hope that a decision will be made in your presence. your decision will be lower because in the end, the price of financing will be lower. it should be approved in the parliament, where the music authority wants to exercise its supervision with the presence of its representatives, so that it can determine its validity, its price and approve it. they have for themselves that this is one of the factors , after all it would have been approved, that is, it was legal and it was binding according to your order, and there is no question that the council's decisions are binding according to the decree of the ministerial board, but this is the law. the developments
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regarding the executive branch, as well as the parliamentary elections and the events that happened, in any case , this is one of the main factors. the administration means that apart from the non-governmental sector , which we were, the government sectors are all to blame. that is, except for you, everyone else, yes, because we were not ready, we requested in writing that the council meetings two months ago, when the council meetings are held, the prices should be determined, even this contract cultivation, which is the most important factor and indicator , is price determination, that is, price determination. no, you can't implement contract farming anymore, mr. najafi. one
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thing that is said is that the pricing council is like an advisory committee until it has its own philosophy in the law. do you see it like that? there is an economic council, that is, before this the prices were going up, the economic council was approved because of the unfairness, it came inside the ministry of home affairs and it was formed. now, let me tell you something. we had done an investigation and we saw that, for example, when you keep the previous decade, before actually amending the purchase law. the guarantee of wheat in terms of profitability is almost 21 among 23 crops, but as a result of these two years 1401 and 402, this has improved by almost four steps, which means that the motivation to grow wheat as our most basic crop has increased , which means that with all this the ups and downs and all of this are actually legal delays that you see in terms of
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i have to work. the functioning of the council is defensible and this happens in determining the prices, but see the point here, because you only have to say your point, mr. hashemi also raised a point that criticizing javad agriculture minister as the head of the council , in short, that the meetings it was not done on time and the prices were not determined in your presence . you will accept this. see, i will explain this. you see when the ministry of jihad determines the prices , because this funding must be done by the program organization, usually there is a lot of official and unofficial pressure. based on the program organization that your price should not go above a certain level. now this is quite clear . we had the same pressure this year. naturally, this is not at all for this year or last year. it is always because he wants to pay as little as possible to his wife . it is completely a rational behavior. in the government system, he is doing it from his own point of view, but one.


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