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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad and the family of muhammad be hastened, i wish you a good day. i am here with you, dear and respected countrymen, on the morning shift of the second day of reviewing the qualifications and programs of the ministers proposed by the 4th government. presented the proposed minister of information said that we will implement new approaches regarding national security. minister the proposal
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of economic and financial affairs also listed the reduction of production costs as one of its priorities . the meeting of the ministry of information began with the examination of the qualifications and plans of mr. seyed ismail khatib, the proposed 63-year-old minister of information. the person who was the head of this ministry in the 13th government and whose performance is familiar to the parliamentarians , has no serious opposition among the representatives. . i will vote against him, but my vote is symbolic. his supporters consider him to be extra-criminal and his performance strong. it does not belong to any political party or group or political trend. successful against multiple designs.
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the plans proposed by the minister of economy and finance arrived. his excellency mr. abdul nasser is the same as mr abdolnaser hemmati, the former head of the central bank, whose criticism of his opponents is derived from his history of responsibility in the 12th government. supporters of the proposed minister say that this economics university professor has good experience in guiding the country's economy. we cannot accept inexperienced people in sensitive ministries. liquidity growth rate. dear mr. hemmati, 20%
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delivery, 40% growth rate delivery. mr. hemti says that he will use all his efforts to solve the country's economic problems with proper governance. the path we have taken is the path that leads to epidemic economic growth, the realization of economic justice, increasing efficiency and eliminating corruption. in the continuation of the examination of mr. araghchi's qualification, the proposed option for employment. the ministry of foreign affairs was placed on the agenda of the parliament. nahid akbarzadeh of the arbaeen news agency asked the pilgrims not to postpone their trip to the current weekend, and due to the large number of people in the city of karbala , the duration of their stay in this city should be less than one day. . foreign nationals passing through shalamcheh border to attend the arbaeen ceremony have been 10% so far.
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we visited the south of fars province, from farash band dharram, the crossing point for nationals residing in the country . what country are you from? we are from afghanistan. where are you from esfahan and how was your journey? it was good . it was great. it was great. we are satisfied with the gates that you passed. some of these pilgrims
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are the first pilgrims in 1979. i am in isfahan . it is very good that it was easy for them to cross the shalamcheh crossing and now they are going to karbala. we are from pakistan. were you able to pass through the gate easily? he ate the chicken and now he is on his way to karbala. yes, alhamdulillah , how many times have you been going to karbala ? alhamdulillah, as the officials of the arbaeen camp in khuzestan announced the statistics of the departure of non-iranian resident and non-resident horses compared to the period from the first to the twelfth month of the trip last year. 10% increase . about 30,000 foreign nationals have crossed the shalamcheh and chazaba borders so far. only citizens living in the country are allowed to leave the shalamcheh border. and pilgrims from other countries should
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cross the chazaba border in khuzestan province to karbala. the movement of citizens residing in the country is smooth and easy through the gate outputs. the shalamcheh border is being completed and there is no problem, aziza edani, sada vasima news agency , the border terminal of shalamcheh, deldadeghan hosseini, in the city of gajsaran, in the province of kahkiliye, and boi rahmat, according to the custom of the past years , serve the arbaeen pilgrims by organizing 16 processions at night , gajsaran city. on the way of hosseini pilgrims, seven eastern provinces of the country and afghanistan and pakistan run to the borders of shalamcheh and chazab. we are now in contact with mr. nazari, a reporter of sada vasima news agency, in one of the processions of this city. hello mr. nazari.
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tell us how to serve pilgrims in gajsaran city. in the name of allah, the merciful. dear colleague, i am at your service and all the viewers of this. the news section says hello and have a good time. well, there are 6 days left until arbaeen hossein and the great gathering of lovers of aba abdullah al-hussein, and hosseini's fans from all over the world and our dear country iran are the greatest of karbala these days. since two weeks ago , they are providing services to arbaeen hosseini pilgrims by setting up mocha. 16 mochers in gedsaran city with the efforts of people and religious groups in urban areas a village has been set up and distribution of expensive food is provided 24 hours a day, snacks are provided, various drinks and even medical and therapeutic car services and a place to rest
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are expected for travelers. many travelers are expected from eastern provinces and even afghanistan pakistan actually intends to enter the country of iraq through. they are welcomed and continue their journey after resting. i would also like to point out that the city of gadsaran has been the passage of martyrs and warriors in the past years, and these days it is actually the place of the arbaeen hosseini pilgrims , which you could see without anything, even the air temperature. it also hinders the work of these servants. they are serving visitors 24/7. in total, about 85 processions have been organized by the lovers of abba abdullah al-hussein in kochilo and barmad provinces inside and outside the country, of which 16 processions are in gerdaran city, which
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are serving the husayni arbaeen pilgrims on a daily basis. if there is any question, i am at your service. thank you very much and we will say goodbye to you. it was my colleague mr. nazari, a tv news reporter. i greet you mr. idinya. please tell me how is the traffic in the mehran border now. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. today, mehran city is having one of its hot days, the temperature is 48 degrees celsius above zero, and as you can see in the pictures, we are witnessing the presence of pilgrims , whose number
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is increasing every moment at this border terminal. i was talking about the movement of pilgrims, mr. shafiei said that from early morning to 10 am. about 110 a thousand people traveled from the border terminal of mehran , among which 70,000 people went to karbala and najaf ashraf mashraf, and 40,000 people were from zaheran who went to the country. returning is an important point among these people, these are the pilgrims who managed the trip in a timely manner and returned to the country before the peak of the rush and crowding of the last days of arbaeen. i should also add that yesterday was one of the busiest days in mehran city and mehran border terminal. 26 thousand people chose mehran border terminal for transportation. moments ago, the governor of ilam announced this amount of traffic compared to the year there has been an increase of 22 in the past. but
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let me tell you about the public transport fleet considering that we are witnessing a wave of return. at barkat terminal, more than 200 buses are currently transporting pilgrims to the provinces. there is no problem in transporting pilgrims. yesterday, 18,000 pilgrims who returned to the country were transported by public transport fleet. today, until this moment, more than 7 thousand people through the end. the blessing of being transferred. yes, i would like to add this point: this morning, the 128-bed hospital of the irgc ground forces was put into operation. other hospitals belonging to the army and mehran city are active in the field of media services in the field of health and treatment. there is no problem regarding the stops. i must also say that up to now more than 65% of the capacity of the
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stops has been completed. they were mahrams with whom we had a conversation. tazeerat patrol is obliged to monitor the sale of arbaeen tickets. tehran's public prosecutor said during a surprise visit to imam khomeini airport's salam terminal: "the sale of charter and group plane tickets is prohibited, and the head of the airport's public prosecutor's office and other matters." they are obliged to continuously attend and monitor the situation. during this period , there is a discussion about flights and the presence of pilgrims at this airport, we had previously held meetings . last week, we also had a meeting to monitor and control the prices of flights. alhamdulillah , good decisions were made. ... it should not be in tehran and
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it should not be more than 12 million in the eastern cities of the country. also , we are monitoring that the sale of group fours is prohibited. they have been doing their work for a long time so that there is no gap in the seemingly respectable affairs prosecutor of tehran also. during his visit to imam khomeini airport customs office , he informed about the clearance of 27 ambulances with judicial measures and said that with the follow-ups of the court, 267 rows of goods without owner at mehrabad airport and 150 rows of such goods at imam khomeini airport were determined and with the issuance of the final decision was delivered to the executive headquarters of farman imam. the general manager of energy affairs of the electricity industry customers said: since the beginning of june , about 15 million subscribers have been eligible for spending bonuses, and
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the bills of about four million subscribers have been issued free of charge . according to mr. yaquti, two percent of subscribers they consume more than two and a half times the electricity of the model, which is more than 10%. on this basis , i am having a conversation with the general manager of intelligence and new technologies of tavanir company, mr. ahmadi . greetings. good time, considering that the temperature is getting cooler in most provinces of the country , could you please tell us whether the demand for electricity has increased or not? in the name of god, i offer my greetings and respect to you and the dear viewers. yesterday at 2:28 p.m., the quorum was 75.20. 42 megawatts were registered for electric energy demand, this number is similar to that
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last year , it shows an increase of 8% equal to 560 megawatts. last night, we recorded the quota of 70 megawatts , which again shows an increase of 4 thousand megawatts compared to last year. these numbers show us that we are still in our communication with mr. ahmadi, the general manager of intelligence and new technologies of tavanir company, was cut off due to the disruption that occurred from you, dear and respected compatriots. we apologize. the governor of the central bank said that the exchange forum will be opened in the first half of september.
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according to the head of the central bank, price discovery in this market is a cash auction. according to the manager of the wheat self-sufficiency plan of the ministry of jihad agriculture, more than 90% of the corn production plan has been achieved this year. mr. sohrabi said: the amount of purchase of buckwheat in breeding, maternal and certified classes has reached more than 470 thousand tons. sohrabi also said that according to the latest statistics until august 27, 1141. according to the implementer of the wheat self-sufficiency plan of the ministry of jihad agriculture, this amount of guaranteed purchase is compared to the same period of the agricultural year. in the past, there was an increase of 1,570,000 tons and so far more than 940 billion tomans
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have been paid from the demands of wheat farmers. deputy director of planning of the ministry of jihad. he says: the new prices for the guaranteed purchase of agricultural products have been determined in the internal commissions of the pricing council and will be reviewed and finalized in the first meeting of the council. according to the guaranteed purchase law, the prices should have been determined and announced by the end of july. there is no guaranteed price of wheat. the government should announce the guaranteed price of wheat before the case. let the farmer know the price and decide if he wants to plant wheat or rape this year virgin or the law says that the government is obliged to determine the price of the next year's guaranteed purchase of basic agricultural products by the pricing council by the end of july every year. the philosophy of implementing the policy of guaranteed purchase and guaranteed price for basic agricultural products is actually reassuring the farmers for
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continuous production. guardian council members. the price of basic agricultural products consists of the minister of jihad of agriculture, the minister of economy, the head of the budget program organization and 6 people from non -governmental organizations of the agricultural sector. usually there is a lot of official and unofficial pressure from the program organization that your prices should not go above a certain level, this is not for this year or last year at all. always because he wants to give himself as little money as possible , he is doing a completely rational behavior in the government system, from his point of view, but these pressures are always there, as a result, this price bargaining or going back and forth between prices takes a little time. let the expert meetings be carried out as far as the price statistics and the initial process, but the council meetings
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for the time being until the house of representatives officially the supervisor has not been selected in the meetings of the pricing council for basic agricultural products. two members of the parliament are present without the right to vote and they are the supervisors. the islamic council has just been formed and this selection process should have been done so that the loved ones can be introduced. i reminded them that the parliament was in session and the honorable ministers were making their own plans. according to the chairman of the parliament's agriculture commission , timely determination and announcement of the price of basic agricultural products is effective up to 30% in increasing production. alireza shorakti radio news agency. the tax administration
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announced the rate of taxes for leaving the country. according to the announcement of the country's tax affairs organization, exit fees for each person. 120 thousand tomans, hajj, umrah, 173 thousand tomans, the toll fees from the air border is 45 thousand tomans, and from the land and sea border is 15 thousand tomans. also, arbaeen hosseini pilgrims are exempted from paying exit taxes from august 15 to september 15 this year. 5% reduction in performance tax. last year, the production units of legal entities were notified based on the notification of the deputy of the tax revenue of the country's tax affairs organization in the implementation of policies to support the amount of tax in article 105 of the law on direct taxes of legal entities with exploitation license related to the performance of 1402 will be reduced from 25% to 20%, equivalent to 5 percentage points. according to the announcement
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of the country's tax organization, the tax administrations are obliged to reduce the tax rate in compliance with the regulations , and if an additional tax has been received, it will be refundable. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said: the perpetrators of the coup. on august 28, today's supporters are the zionists. mr. kanani added the disgrace of overthrowing the legal government of iran in 1332 and the political, security and military support of tyranny will remain forever on the forehead of the american and british regimes. some more news. osama hamadan, one of the leaders of the hamas movement, said. america is not serious about establishing a ceasefire in gaza, hamadan added , what the americans are proposing does not include a ceasefire or withdrawal from gaza. this senior member
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of hamas stated that no palestinian names have been mentioned in the doha talks so far and said: the ceasefire must be guaranteed within the framework of clear criteria. osama hamadan emphasized: america's goal is to give time to the occupying regime for more killings. thursday and friday. in the past, negotiations were held with representatives of qatar, egypt, the united states, and the zionist regime it was held in doh without the presence of the representative of hamas. although the three countries of qatar, egypt and the united states claimed that the talks were productive after the two-day talks, hamas officials said that no progress has been made in the talks. according to the announcement of the three countries, egypt, qatar and the united states, the next negotiations will be held in cairo before the end of next week. to be held a zionist media spewed. the prime minister of the zionist regime
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has proposed new conditions not for the palestinian resistance but for the white house regarding the prisoner exchange agreement. israel hume hebrew media wrote: benjamin netanyahu to resume the war after the exchange of prisoners he asked the biden government for a written guarantee. yair lapid, the head of the opposition groups in the cabinet. the zionist regime once again accused netanyahu of obstructing the exchange of prisoners with the hamas movement and said: israel should not miss the opportunity to reach an agreement. former israeli prime minister ehud barak also said that netanyahu does not have the right to decide on the agreement alone. barak added that netanyahu's opposition to the prisoner exchange agreement means a death sentence for the prisoners. so far, several rounds of indirect negotiations between hamas and the zionist regime to establish a ceasefire in gaza and exchange prisoners due to the violations the prime minister of the zionist regime has been ineffective.
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the resignation of a senior british diplomat in protest of london's cooperation with the zionist regime. the director of the british foreign ministry's programs in africa wrote in his resignation letter that he cannot continue his work knowing that britain is complicit in tel aviv's war crimes. referring to the crimes committed by the zionist regime against the people of gaza, mark smith added that there is no justification for the continued sale of british arms to tel aviv. despite the massive protests in different british cities to stop providing arms to the zionist regime in london about 15 it is one of the parts that the zionist regime uses in f-35 warplanes . also, according to the published documents, the former
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british government issued at least 18 licenses for the sale of weapons and military equipment to the zionist regime in the first 8 months of the genocide in gaza. well, dear and respected compatriots, we have arrived at 13:00. and 25 minutes and the end of this news section, god bless you. in the name of god, i greet you
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, dear viewers, have a good time. in the last 24 hours , the hottest part of the country is bostan in khuzestan province with a maximum temperature of 51 degrees and the coolest part is varzeghan in east azarbaijan was recorded with a minimum temperature of 8 degrees , among the centers of the provinces, ahvaz with a maximum temperature of 50 degrees, the hottest ardabil with a minimum temperature of 10 degrees was the coolest center of the province. in the western and southwestern regions. we predict that we will continue to witness the persistence of warm weather. i have to tell you that for the next few hours in parts of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ardabil, gilan, mazandaran and golestan provinces, as well as alborz heights in zanjan, ghazvin, alborz and tehran, semnan, we expect to witness rain and lightning. in the southern half of sisistan baluchistan, southern parts such as kerman, areas of hormozgan and fars province, we are predicting
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rain. then let's have the cow. for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow , we will continue to have rain in the parts that i told you in the southern half of the country, of course, for tuesday and wednesday , the rain will strengthen and intensify in these areas, and in the provinces bordering the central zagros, we are also predicting that it will rain. a warning has also been issued regarding the possibility of public roads being flooded and there are seasonal river floods. in other parts of the country, calm and stable weather, clear sky and sunshine. we predict that in the north -east, east and south-east parts of the country, areas from the center of the southern slopes of el bard and parts of the south-west , we will have an increase in the wind speed, which can lead to the rise and destruction of the river in the next 24 hours. eastern parts of the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz and the oman sea will be rough and turbulent. for tehran, we have predicted that in the next 24 hours there will be an increase in clouds. there is a possibility of
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rain showers in tehran, especially in the northern and eastern highlands. there is also tehran province. regarding the weather conditions in the western and southwestern border cities of the country , we have predicted that there will be an increase in clouds in the borders of tamrchin and bashmaq. in the western and southwestern borders, the sky will be clear with dust. for the holy cities of iraq , we also predicted that the sky will be clear and sometimes we will have local fog, and the air temperature in tamrchin and bashmagh borders will be lower than other borders. thank you for your companion , may god protect you.
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the existence of such a system explains how the drug is removed from the chain of production and explanation. i believe that the reason for leaving the chain is the price difference. if we really have a very high level of transparency in the field of pharmaceuticals, dry milk, and tjadad, what causes it to leave despite this transparency? well, the violations that the members of this chain may have in the field of production, distribution, and supply, that is, our manufacturer, are factories. if one of his employees may commit a violation, he will send him out of the factory. now this may happen. it is a normal thing. we are not present in the factory 24 hours a day, and we base it on the correctness of those collections . usually, it is limited. it is not possible to explain the same thing in production in the company biofte, in the company of the pharmacy that supplies , you saw in your report, he said that i actually contact some pharmacies, well
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, there are these, of course, they identify the dear ones in the police, we deal with the characteristics of these pharmacies . our legal framework is not bad, of course , it is not a deterrent. our laws are not a deterrent. we tried to update this, it is very difficult to update the rules, but i want to tell you anyway where it is our duty, this identification is being done and we have very good information, but these things that are left out of the chain are an excuse related to the difference in the exchange rate. anyway, our exchange rate in the official market is a currency price that we have. we give 420 width equipment. well, the difference is more than 10 times higher than the width, that is , if we buy one strength of powdered milk, if i want to tell you , powdered milk is very simple, in the neighboring countries it is sold for a very high amount .


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