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tv   [untitled]    August 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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2 points, one is that it was mentioned with mr. nowrozi, who was talking here, that it seems that the process that is being taken to collect taxes is not very fast, and that it seems that some experts are declaring that they are running away. these regulatory taxes, which means that the goal is not to get an income, like the tax base we are talking about , are not very high in the priority of the tax organization. you see, we have separate budget lines because we should collect 120 and 120 hemats of taxes in 1403 according to the budget rules. if you consider the amount of tax on empty houses predicted in the budget with the total budget, then the figure is not very large, we are all sure. in all
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the resources that we are responsible for , separate units have been allocated, that is, it is not like we think that a resource that the legislator has foreseen for us, so we do not have the corresponding unit, the tax on empty houses has its own rules. and the unit that is following up on the matter , as soon as the information is extracted from the national real estate and housing system and sent to us from the ministry of roads and urban development, this information will be sent to us in the form of it is electronic, it is processed in our systems , which means that this part of tax processing and calculation is not manual at all. when he wants to receive it from us , after these calculations are done, the information and results are uploaded to the portal of the organization. according to the law, they have one month to do so. freight forwarders react to this tax or pay. if they
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do not pay it or not , in this one month after the expiration of this one month, the organization will proceed to issue a claim form. in fact, the electronic notification of our documents is also included in the electronic notification panel, and there is no need for a person to receive and notify them. it is possible that if madadi does not take any action regarding the electronic notification, the case will automatically be brought up in our proceedings, which in the performance of 1400d and 1401, these cases are now in the proceedings.
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it is being followed up, and my last question to you is that, therefore, this issue that you asked me to explain. granted , there is a possibility that this tax will be collected, that is, because our systems have been developed in such a way that we can process the information as soon as we receive it from the national real estate and housing system, calculate the tax , and upload it to the portal of the organization. tax reporting and collection procedures. follow up and the last question is from you that you mentioned that out of 66 thousand people , approximately 1,500, that is, one and a half hamat were taxed . ok, and the deterrent that the legislator is looking for , look at the tax on empty houses, as mr. dr. narzi also mentioned, it is a tax that
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had been in the law for several years , but it was abandoned. later, this law came back into the law and was followed up. and as a new foundation, in order for this tax to be able to take its place, it is necessary that all the departments that are involved in the field of housing should be ready to work and can help to collect this tax. it is about regulating the housing market, which is our main goal to be able to take effective action in improving the housing market , all the factors that are involved in the work must be stated so that the correct and valid information can be collected and collected in the national real estate and housing system. he can
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collect taxes with his hand full of complete information and contribute to the goals that the legislator has foreseen in the implementation of this law. thank you very much, mr. rahimi, director general of the audit office of tax affairs organization, mr. nowrozi. now, the ministry of energy is not doing the work that it was supposed to do, that is, not a single unit you do not have a statistical unit of the number that you have declared to the tax affairs organization, that they have been notified that the house units are empty, or those other numbers that basically do not register their residences in the national real estate and housing system. let me tell you now, let's talk honestly . he started this issue last year with the priority of those who are very 1% who spend about 100,000 and reminded them that if you don't pay ashar in the national real estate and accommodation system, the tariff will be charged. your electricity will be the highest of the stairs, this is a good start
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with the priority of the high consumers, however, this was one of our plans, if, but then, but it stopped for a while. but now we have a request from our friends that the matter be done and help be given . what is the reason for them that the information of the national real estate and housing system is available? well , i would like to tell you that you should ask your friends , but there is a point, but finally, the implementation of laws like this is a challenge. there will be difficulties that now the challenge is to explain to us we started a process with them, and we came to the conclusion that we should start with those who are currently the highest, that is, they are high consumers , they are the highest, and probably, for example , there are noble people who consume a lot, now they are resting, they have a jacuzzi in their blood, social interactions that later it was possible that there was a protest against the tovani company in the ministry of the ministry of energy, which stopped this work . now, the friends themselves must answer, but for
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the social consequences, we have arranged a process with the cooperation of the friends of the ministry of energy, which prioritize seeds and those that consume too much . they have that right now, they are on the highest level of consumption , so they should be warned, ping them 3 or 4 times , and tell them, sir, that if you don't take action in the next month, for example, in the next few months, to take action on your property in the national real estate and housing system, your electricity side it will be the highest step , because in the law that was recently opened, the law on organizing the market of land and housing for rent, which was the last law that was promulgated by shahid raisi , it is also said that all the institutions must provide the necessary information regarding the possible consequences for the family. if it happens, do it again there is another point that i was bringing up just now. i want to say here that the discussion was about the lower deciles, those who are, for example, the relief committee, servants of god, for example, they have financial problems .
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we did a good thing with the ministry of energy, that it was a free law. yes , it was clear that they cooperated with the free discussion, that is, because it was free and the cooperation of the ministry of energy, a joint web service was created between us and the welfare and relief committee of tawanir organization. which happens to be if the people covered by the committee provide assistance and welfare in the real estate and housing system and enter their electricity definition, and since we have the national code
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, we will get the electricity definition from the welfare committee in the form of a bill. these will also be free. the communication line is the economy desk, mr. taghiani. hello, please tell me that with one or two of these institutions that we have mentioned, one is the banks and the other is the ministry of energy , which until now, according to what the ministry of roads and urban development inspired, has not fulfilled the tasks they have. and the non-action of the islamic council, please tell me that basically, how will it deal with it and how will it assess the process of implementing the special tax on empty houses? yes, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and courtesy to you and the dear people of iran. well, this issue of the tax on empty houses law was one of the important laws whose purpose it was that by bringing to the market the houses that are currently
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kept vacant with speculative or capitalistic intentions , it will actually make the market calmer and especially in these days when people need to rent property and housing, they want to rent and have a better situation. it has been two years since the law was promulgated is running affected. unfortunately, we have seen serious hesitations and omissions in the implementation of the law. well, now the situation of the ministry of roads is better than before when the law was promulgated. now, the ministry of home affairs is working better in the case of other institutions that are named in the law and given tasks. we are compiling a report in the format of article 234 of the parliament's internal letter. a monitoring report that
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will be completed regarding these devices should come to the table. of course, the principle 90 commission held several meetings with these devices, but unfortunately , the necessary cooperation still did not happen. in this opinion , we still do not consider the operation of the law to be sufficient and satisfactory, due to the cooperation of the authorities and the fact that it will take more than two years for us to complete a database or register in the system. giving the people a self-declaration and providing the address of their real estate and residential houses in the system, which later provides the possibility of reporting to the tax organization and the provincial tax, well, these
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executive guarantees mentioned in the law are not taken very seriously and will not be implemented. naturally, no one can be pushed to be independent as much as it is our duty in terms of supervisory work, and i said, the internal regulations regarding the laws that are not implemented, the authorities do not perform their duties well, it is clear that if a report is prepared and sent to the judicial system, the judicial system can deal with it. in my case, we will do this , but the point is that here, the final acting body of the judicial system, the honorable attorney general of the country can enter the matter and based on the same reports that i mentioned, they themselves will conduct an investigation by the general inspection organization of the country according to the reports the organization itself. when will your first follow-up session be?
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it was related to this issue and to ask that, since you are in the process of reviewing the qualifications of the proposed ministers of the 14th government, please tell me how much this issue that we are discussing has been placed on the agenda so far. i think we had at least one or two meetings in the economic commission of the previous period. the law is not made by the honorable attorney general of the country
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. thank you very much, mr. kobani, vice chairman of the economic commission of the islamic parliament, for being with us in this conversation. there is not a large number that seems to create a deterrent for those who have a large number of properties. of course, with some changes in the selling or renting price, these can be compensated for the number of times that are left vacant . if a person owns an empty property, for example one or two empty houses , your statement is correct, but if a person owns more than 5 empty houses and keeps the house empty for the second year , that means he keeps the house empty for more than 12 months, the deterrence number it is serious because it will be doubled. you did the calculation yourself, for example, you said for example, it will be 30 million as a quasi-tax , exactly if it is above 4, it means more than five and more than five. we are witnessing this. for example
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, there is a building that is kept empty in a certain area and the owner is a person. i said that one of the serious approaches of this law is to deal with the big seeds, so a person who has more than 5 houses and more if it has been kept for 2 years , the tax will increase randomly, and in my opinion, it will be a deterrent for these people. sub-settlements have some considerations, but those who have many empty houses or keep more than 12 empty houses empty , they will be dealt with seriously , there is a heavy tax. there is about two minutes left until the end of the program , so we can have your summary and your proposal to the 14th government, and if you would like to ask for the next step in completing this national paskan real estate system , what would you like to do to prevent the increase of empty houses? let me give you 2 numbers, then the point that you understood is for the tax year of 1402, which you are currently in
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we are at your service to tell you that we have started to take serious measures again , we have given the necessary warnings to more than 911 owners who have more than five properties , which are about 562 thousand properties that we have initially identified that more than 5 houses in the name of one there is a person and he did not declare himself in the national real estate and housing system, and we warned them , we gave notices to these 56, that is, to the owners of the 562,000 meters that i mentioned, there are 91 owners. we sent them a text message, we are writing to the lawyers, i am warning here that if they don't make a statement in the national real estate system and our ska in a week to a week. according to the law , we will introduce them to an organization, and they will be subject to heavy taxes and fines, because they are more than 5 , their taxes will be heavy taxes, so
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whether these properties are full or empty, please. i want to go to the organization in the national system . that we are introducing the list, we declare that we have no problem, we have come to your programs before and said, "i am not on my mind now , we have said, and we declare that we do not have a problem in the sense that we can have this promise from you that we will when it was introduced to when the tax organization completes its proceedings , it will be a long one. once it is finalized, we will inform you about the question you asked. god willing, every minister who is in the ministry of roads and urban development of this national real estate and housing system as the visionary of planning in the housing sector can help them and we request them to take this matter seriously, god willing , thank you very much, mr. nourizi, director of housing economics, ministry of roads and urban development, all the good viewers , economic planner, who accompanied us until this moment , regarding the latest situation. implementation of the tax law we talked about the empty houses and the devices that
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have not done this task so far. naturally, this issue will be on the agenda of the economic desk so that this law is fully implemented . thank you very much for being with us. may god protect you. or ali in the 11th month of the battle of al-aqsa storm , lebanon's hezbollah
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revealed a corner of its hidden combat capabilities that has not been used so far. o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad. the pictures of one of hezbollah's missile tunnels named imad 4 have been widely noticed by mass media and analysts. this clear threat message resistance to the zionist regime, which must know that a large-scale war will be very expensive for it. zionist circles announced that the katyusha rockets in the front in the last 10 months. south lebanon used against israel is not comparable to what hezbollah has and has not yet entered the battlefield. resistance missile tunnels , whose size and number the enemy does not know, are a real nightmare for the zionists. the enemy
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will not be able to face the volume of accurate and destructive fire of these missiles. hizbollah has previously shared detailed information about sensitive military and security centers and revealed the economy of the zionist regime. but this is the first time that part of its heavy missile power is revealed. the last scenes of my day are under the mountains. what the resistance revealed as part of the missile tunnels was a deterrent warning message against the threats of the zionist enemy. it showed that the resistance is at the peak of preparation for the possibility of a large-scale war, and the zionist regime must wait for the decisive surprises of the resistance. in the past 10 months, the zionist regime has discovered and dismantled most of the resistant tonins despite extensive attacks on all areas of the gaza strip.
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the majority of the american society, which kamal haris , the democratic candidate , refers to as the middle class , is very dissatisfied with the economic situation and high prices, and they are going through difficult conditions. this is a confession made by kamal haris as the vice president of the united states, and with the aim of winning the votes of the american people, he promised that he would solve the livelihood problems and high prices. most importantly
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, until biden was trump's rival, trump was ahead of him in 6 swing states and they were equal in one state, but now that the competition is between kamal harris and donald trump, the situation is completely reversed for harris in 6 swing states from trump. it is ahead and they are equal in the same state, ali rajabi of the new york radio and television news agency, kadam kadam
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ma, who, with the heating of the market for services to the pilgrims of aba abdallah al-hussein, peace be upon him, in the days close to arbaeen, the technologists of a knowledge company founded. working together to facilitate travel conditions for pilgrims by producing a practical software. there is a software system and an application that all the custodians who are responsible for providing services to the visitors can have at their disposal and can interpret the places where the services are provided and in fact the issues that are aimed at them and to let me inform those users of a software. technology that provides accurate information about the arbaeen walking route, such as the location of the processions , medical centers and other information needed by pilgrims,
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helps to properly plan the trip and save pilgrims' time. there are various people who are working hard and defining services, from parking, to discussions of health services, to discussions about transportation, and other issues that exist, such as processions. it is very important for us to be aware of the plans that the service providers have for planning our trip, well, with the tools that we have provided to them. they can provide correct information to the dear visitors in the time and place, and they will know what infrastructure they want to use along their way, organizations such as the red crescent or in the field of health, organizations that work in the field of transport and users can register their information in the system and considering that it is in a certain area , the visitors who are in that area can find access to this information and
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use this information. the path in this knowledge-based company after installation and once connected to the internet is able to continue even in the future lack of internet access to provide the services needed by pilgrims, one of the most important features that we tried to observe is that if there is a problem with the internet , our application is available offline and online to the pilgrims, which shows the maps first. once there is internet, they can download. be at their disposal and they will have the program and information in the same way, and if they don't have access to the internet, there will be no problem for them. organizations that provide services to pilgrims during the arbaeen walking ceremony , such as the red crescent ministry of health and other organizations in order to increase the quality and improve the service delivery to the visitors, the service providers can provide a questionnaire in the framework of this software from the point of view
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of criticisms and suggestions. define them according to the nature of their services and use the user as crowdsourced or collect information from people for surveying and improving information, and finally what happens we can get accurate statistics of all risks and comments made by visitors it is collected. for better planning , let's use the crowd that i want to pray behind your head , sami nase, sed and sima news agency.
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shahr home appliances bank. a specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square, facing tehran, sar. in the name of allah, the merciful. hello dear viewers. we are at your service at 16:00. the fourth session of the majlis to review the qualifications of the cabinet members proposed by the 14th government an hour ago, it started with the continuation of the examination of the program and qualification of mr. zafar ghandi, the proposed minister of health. before considering the programs proposed by the minister of health.


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