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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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home in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari is located in the best access points for you dear ones. along with a dedicated parking space suitable for shopping throughout the week. the first largest home appliance city. after azadi square, in front of tehran sar. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , please accompany us with economic and market news from the khabar network . it is illegal to grant a loan before registering a car without respecting the priority of debt relief .
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financial and multiplicity of demand for bank facilities, priority with payment of facilities is mandatory in areas such as family support and housing production, and any granting of facilities without considering such priorities is pointless. the general inspection organization of the country has emphasized that it had paid its pre-registration loan with banks and credit institutions without considering the priorities in granting facilities. be treated legally. simultaneously with the start of iran khodro's plan to register car sales, some banks advertised 80 to 130 million tomans loans for car purchases in order to attract deposits and as an excuse to open a proxy account. the statistics of the central bank show that this bank has provided more than 27 billion dollars for the import of the country since the beginning of the year until yesterday, and these
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import needs have been met with an average of 4068 tomans dollars. the amount of foreign currency supply from the beginning of the year to the latest statistics that was yesterday reached 27 billion 645 million dollars, of which 6 billion 205 million dollars were for basic goods, medicine and medical equipment from 14 billion 800 dollars and against exports. the service needs of the country have been provided with 679 million dollars. also today at the currency and gold exchange center scan the dollar was traded at the rate of 495 tomans and the dollar remittance was traded at the rate of 456 tomans. the deputy minister of jihad of agriculture
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said that since october of last year, with the amount of chicken hatching , the chicken meat required in the country has been fully provided for domestic consumption surplus, in addition to storage, it has been exported. according to mr. peyman pak, 15,000 tons of chicken have been exported since the beginning of the year, and this trend will continue until the production exceeds the domestic demand. the deputy minister of agricultural jihad also said that the needs of poultry farmers for soybean meal for the next 6 months and corn for the next 4 months have been met. 150 for our chicken a million chickens are fixed and not coming down. it can be increased, but it is really surplus to the country's needs. we have this 150 million meat that is produced in some seasons like this one or two months. since it was a hot season
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, there is a bit of excess supply, and we purchase that surplus from that storage . approximately 15,000 tomans were planned and exported , which was a successful export . we plan to see how much production we have and how much demand we have in the next month we will give permission so that my friends can plan their contracts and plan for their export one or two months in advance. whenever we have free time, we will give permission for export to the union itself and to the supply chains themselves. the minister of economic affairs and finance said that export-oriented weight should be increased in horizontal and monetary policies. mr. khandozi called for greater participation of the private sector in making economic decisions and emphasized on the increase of non-oil exports in the meeting between the government and the private sector . meeting the dialogue council of the joint meeting of the government
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and the private sector in the iranian chamber of commerce on the topic of investigation the 3-year performance of the 13th government, meetings held 17 times in the last three years with 57 to improve the business situation and 827 meetings and 5800 approvals in the provincial dimension to review production laws in the provinces. the launch of the 2430 system was one of the other topics of this meeting that was unveiled. a system that prevents the issuance of instant and hourly directives. site 243, which was unveiled today in the dialogue council. we have a person behind it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. year 130.
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the business, which of course still has to continue, is more powerful to reach a point of no return, and in the second point of the problem predictability of production regulations . at the end of his speech, mr. khandozi also gave a good news about business. today, every government agency has its own representative, i.e. appointed as the person responsible for improving the business environment of each ministry and each agency with a description of their duties. it has been made official by the first vice president, it is clear that it can help a lot, and the matter of assigning authority, which actually friends
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mentioned, instead of having to go through the provincial plan council stage, can come and be used by the infrastructure working groups themselves. speed ​​up the efforts of the servants in the room at the end of this ceremony iran's business was appreciated. seyyed hossein kazem nia of sed and vasima news agency. it is still prohibited to import household appliances that have domestic equivalents. according to the deputy minister of registration, in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic producers, special attention should be paid to exports. it was the year 1997 that with attention. according to the domestic production protection law, the import of foreign household appliances was banned and the wheel of domestic household appliance production began to move with greater power
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. import from the country to be able to provide the best products to our dear people, so that there is no need for foreign goods anymore , we managed to reach the level of products that can compete with the world markets today. some successes were achieved in this direction. our export statistics for the four months of 1403 to 1402 show an increase of 11. the countries we export to are iraq, syria, turkey, cis countries and persian gulf countries. we also export to syria, iraq, afghanistan, and some central asian countries. 65% production. exports to iraq, afghanistan and azerbaijan, but according to economic activists, in the amount the support provided by this document failed to meet the expectations in the export sector. can we
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compare the efficiency of household appliances produced in other places to the country in terms of duration ? can we compare the indicators? export diversity and sustainability of export products are especially important. if you look at home appliances, you will see that this proposition is not confirmed, as the minister and his deputy emphasized, the ban on the import of home appliances is not permanent. we have to move in the direction of making our industry more competitive provide choice for our people. for this reason, i think that in the future, our path will not be a path where we only look at home appliances as a monopoly. similar to other countries that have this opportunity to produce. we will use it. according to article 22 of the law on permanent provisions of the country's development plans
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, it is prohibited to establish non-tariff and non-tariff barriers for imports, except in cases where compliance with the standards described is required. zahra tayezjang of radio and television news agency. bank the center of the department will soon send a letter of 50 thousand billion tomans to the operating banks to provide liquidity facilities for the pharmaceutical industry notifies. producers in the pharmaceutical industry say that the claims of 79 thousand billion tomans from insurance and medical centers are the cause of lack of liquidity and reduced production. reduction of production in an industry that was responding to the needs of the country for many years. despite the fact that we had production growth in all industries, unfortunately in the pharmaceutical industry, based on the available statistics, we had a production decrease. one of the reasons for this reduction is the occasional power outage. we had two scheduled days where nothing was cut off, for example four days a week out of five working days we
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had power outages. another reason for the decrease in production in this the lack of liquidity in the industry has made factories unable to renew production lines and working with worn out machines. in fact, there is no priority for buying the device, considering this amount, there is no liquidity in the industry. at the same time, well, we actually see that many damages are being imposed on the industry, quality in fact. the product can be affected by the lack of cash, but the late return of drug money from insurance and medical centers to the pharmaceutical industry, the accumulation of demands from broadcasting companies , which today has reached an unprecedented figure of 79 percent, these 79 percent should be from the government universities and private sector pharmacies turn to distribution companies , and distribution companies turn this to production companies, and production companies can also provide the necessary raw materials on time when the government repays its debts through
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insurance organizations. the liquidity cycle of the industry will be in trouble. last week, the central bank announced the granting of a 50-month facility to the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry, so that the liquidity problem may be solved. be paid this was a problem anyway confirming and actually communicating the part of the letter that we had a meeting with the honorable governor general of the central bank, he ordered and promised that within this week, god willing, the relevant circulars will be sent to the operating banks with this line of credit. the reduction of production in the pharmaceutical industry leads to an increase in imports , imports that are both more expensive and wider. ladies and gentlemen
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, thank you very much for your company. may god protect you in the national conference. the latter with a focus on the production of scientific products with advanced technologies and reduction of compliance the import of medicine has been realized. iran's pharmaceutical industry can almost be said to be a leading industry, a proud industry among the various health and medical industries, and actually one of the country's industry prides. it is completely standing on its own feet, which can almost be said to be self-sufficient in the area of ​​formulation
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, and in terms of knowledge production and transfer of knowledge from the world to iran , we have the least gap compared to the countries of the region, iran is one of the countries that especially in the field of new technologies such as biotechnology production products. drug raw materials, antidote production cancer, the production of nanomedicines, these things, well, iran is not comparable to the countries of the region, because the countries of the region do not really invest much in these sectors. for this reason, the main exports of our companies to the countries of the region are single products. currently, with the production of more than 97 medicines inside the country and the export of iranian products to the region and even european countries, this industry has taken a suitable position. in the field of science, i
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think we proudly rank first among all producers of knowledge in the field of health in the country, in the region where we are definitely ranked first. the number of our pharmaceutical scientists is one percent of the world's scientific production. currently, 40% of knowledge-based companies active in the health field are engaged in the production of raw materials for drugs and the production of new drugs.
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due to the lack of cash flow speed in the health sector and the heavy debts created by the insurance organizations and the hafandi organization that does not pay the subsidies and claims of the pharmacies on time , the cash flow in the entire drug supply chain has been delayed except for demand. pharmaceutical companies , pharmacies and distribution companies from insurance organizations the government's debts in the daruwar sector have increased due to the fact that when the government faces a delay in repaying its debts through insurance organizations , the industry's liquidity cycle is in trouble. today, this industry, which is a source of pride for the country, an industry that has been able to
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provide peace of mind for the society in terms of access to services and health hats, is experiencing a strange recession. in the liquidity cycle, due to the fact that the budget related to medicine, which should be more, is 75 billion, so-called thousand billion tomans, this number is expected to be more than this, and unfortunately, due to the shortage, it is only 75 billion. 12. his efforts have been paid. now, the executive vice president has announced the provision of significant facilities to solve the problem of active industries in the area. daro provided medical equipment and milk powder production according to the instructions of mr. dr. medzikian
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. they see that they can provide liquidity later , and in my opinion, with this, the problems of drug production in the country will be solved to a large extent. according to the available statistics, there are about 34 thousand drug manufacturers in our country. yes, and we have the first place in the region in terms of science, industry and the production of new products in the field of pharmaceuticals . maryam beikpour sed and radio news agency 11 to 45 hundred of the world's strategic minerals such as gold, platinum and lithium belong to this land. in addition, 9% of crude oil and more than 8% of natural gas in the world. the second largest continent in the world, surrounded by two oceans and two seas, including 54 countries
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, has been called the land of opportunities. at the same time as taking steps in the path of development, this continent also hosts the technical and engineering services of the world. our country has a different view of the african continent. we can improve our business relations we will develop different fields of engineering services, especially in the energy sector, in the agricultural sector, and knowledge bases with them. earlier and in the 13th government , it was aimed to equalize the value of trade relations with this continent. the volume of our relations with africa is now very limited, and the goal setting is to reach 10 times more than 10 billion dollars in the next year , god willing. this goal
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setting, of course, requires preconditions that are now being realized on the ground. the 14th government has solved the banking problems, solved the transportation problems, and in fact, part of it is due to the lack of recognition that holding the expo with the expo and holding iran -africa conferences will definitely help in understanding the development of relations with africa. it becomes more important than before when we listen to the words of economic activists in this vast continent. a lot can be achieved in the field of equipment, in the field of inputs, in the field of agricultural technology. now, in different parts of the islamic republic of iran , there is a very high potential that we can, in this way, get an important part of the products needed by the islamic republic of iran from the african continent. iranians themselves in cooperation
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african countries should produce and import and we can also create wealth from this place. for the agricultural sector, the mission of reaching the 10 billion dollar trade index with the african continent, of course, has already started like the reopening of the country's embassy. we are in sudan and resuming its activities after 8 years , or holding the joint commission of tehran and pretoria in south africa after 3 years in july of last year. we are complementary economies , we have very diverse fields of cooperation. we definitely want to increase this several times, this is our prediction god willing, if these documents are implemented quickly, god willing, at least south africa will be able to register the largest economy in africa with a gross domestic product of nearly 400 billion dollars
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. last year, when the commission was held , it was at a very important point in time because south africa was the rotating chairman of the brics community, and with the special effort and support that the south african government and mr. rama fouza, the president, realized that the eyes global style is evolving beyond the traditional trends in international relations. my government is committed to strengthening mutually beneficial relations with emerging international actors, especially with african countries. this is part of the president's article entitled my message to the new world. in this article, mr. mezikian says: he is committed to developing relations with african countries. mohammadan nakmin, radio and television news agency.
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hello, eternal glory. verse by verse is like the quran , peace be upon you, the truth of monotheism, your revolution is going on forever , your revolution was the roar of faith against ignorance and... persecution and rebellion, your body was raised on the ground, you have raised your head on the path of
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love, there is love in my heart, there is love in my head , there is a passion for arbaeen in my head. whatever became the heavenly dust, your arbaeen became universal. everyone has arbaeen in their hearts to god complaining has a cost. hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein babarim is not karbala
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, i will not go to nineveh. visiting him is not good news, his longing is no less than a pilgrimage . arbaint gave us happiness , worthy of martyrdom.
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hello nation, save the world, the path of imam zaman's appearance, the path of imam zaman's appearance. sent thought that israel
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was using too much firep in gaza after they obliterated and decimated the entire gaza strip, less than 2%, you go back to the 2014 onslot in gaza where 2500 palestinians were killed, 500 children, 95% of israeli supported that, the open fire policy at this fortified border fence, overwhelming majority, over 90% of israelis support that, there were some israeli human rights advocates that tried to... that policy to the connesit, and it was overwhelmingly, unanimously upheld that no, we can shoot to kill unarmed people who are just straying too close to this border fence that essentially just prevents them from getting back to their ancestral lands. that's how fascist israeli society is. i hate when i see politicians trying to denounce net and yahoo as some sort of aberration from israeli society. no, this
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is the norm, this is the norm, this is... this is israel, this is israel, this is settler colonial state founded upon ethnic cleansing.
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i don't care about us , we will take everyone home from all enemies. i will attack the polytheists immediately, we will attack the polytheists.


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