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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful and most merciful, i also offer my courtesy and greetings to your honorable colleague, mr. sadeghi. it was about the process of reviewing the qualifications and plans of the ministers proposed by the 14th government that we passed the third day of the review of the qualifications of the ministers in the parliament, where the ministers presented their own plans and the representatives for and against spoke, and one of the respected representatives of the people in the mellat house in the studio with we are accompanied by viewers we say goodbye to the first channel and invite you to watch a special talk on the news channel.
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greetings to you, dear viewers, as i said , in this special news program, we have a look at the process of reviewing the qualifications and programs of the proposed ministers of the 14th government. yazd and mr. shariati, the representative of the people of tehran , are with us in the special news interview studio. your honorable colleagues and noble people of islamic iran , especially the dear guest of our respected colleague's program , mr. shariati, mr. shariti .
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i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect, and even though it is late , i congratulate you on the arrival of the dear azadgan to the country. greetings to you, mr. sabakyan . let's start the conversation with your excellency. well , you were one of the supporters of the cabinet proposed by the president in the 14th and most important government. what are the reasons that you had to take a position as a supporter of his excellency and spoke about? in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful first of all, the formation of the current government was naturally due to necessity and a sudden event that happened with the martyrdom of hazrat ayatollah raisi vahit, and naturally, the program for holding elections, propaganda and even the programs of the parliament itself
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has a difference from the past. we had the case of awan ghebanal and naturally we have to consider this point, but why you said why i defend this program and i agree with it for several reasons, one being that mr. mezikian is different from the other. candidates and previous presidents, i feel. a simple and fluent discourse. talks are very complicated and vague was not it was clear to people. one of them is the emphasis on the seventh plan and development. one issue is the implementation of justice. now when we look at it , it is their history. it shows moving in the same direction.
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the third part of their speech is unity and convergence, which we have actually witnessed in introducing the ministers, showing that i believe in this speech . these two or three issues are almost the center of my agreement . do you evaluate the strengths of the proposed cabinet from this point of view ? knowing this , we have and will have strong points by ourselves. mr. shahrati, we are at your service if you have any points we will use mr. sagkian's introductory speech and hear the most important reasons of his excellency as an opponent of the generality of the proposed ministers. yes, i remember the memory of aziz raisi shahid and amir abdullahian shahid, rahmati shahid , aleh hashem shahid, and the flight crew of the army flight.
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i respect you all, you said my martyr musa, yes , see martyr musa, always the unknown martyrs of the children of security and protection. the generalities of the cabinet differ from the generality of the generality, which means whether the president's plan is an acceptable plan and whether the general direction of the cabinet is acceptable or not. it is almost unprecedented that throughout history, even in governments that were politically completely opposite to the parliament of their time, for example
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, the parliament was fundamentalist, my government was the government of mr. ahmadinejad, four ministers did not vote, this does not mean confrontation, anyway, the representatives evaluate because they have to verify and the vote of confidence of the body is responsible both to the people and to god, they have to verify that this person can fulfill that responsibility correctly, so this does not mean opposing all the ministers, but it is about direction . i wanted four people, for example. it can be about 20. not telling me the seventh plan and general policies honorable president , i accept the presentation of a coherent plan to the parliament and i want to do the same, which of course was discussed that day, and the law of
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the internal regulations says that they must state a specific operational plan and policy, which of course was presented with a delay in several pages. . but it was not complete, while the 7th plan and the policies are the direction , broad lines and goals, how to achieve them , the priorities should show themselves in the plan , and the third point that i will limit myself to in this section is that with the explanation that was given at the beginning of the government and we welcomed it, we said despite that the president has the authority to choose his minister in any way he wants, our declaration is based on one. we want to choose the ministers with the heart of meritorious selection . well, that method did not work. unfortunately, they themselves announced that maybe half of the people in that strategic or steering council, whatever it was called, predicted and based on the new model that iran had, it had some flaws that never happened. it was not announced what the scientific model is, what is the basis of the discussion
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, it did not give results, and people with other introductions, although i would like to say that this is completely in the hands of the president and there is no problem with him. and the output of the ministers was even like this that out of the five people who spoke against the general principles of the cabinet, two of the people who were reformist and in line with the current government spoke against going. now, i cannot evaluate the intentions here, but it shows that this incident scientifically , it did not happen . in these days , it has been proposed regarding the proposed cabinet, which, although it has been announced that it is according to the 7th plan, but mr. shahhti pointing out that it is necessary to prepare an executive program and executive bylaws of the qadata along with this 7th program for the progress of affairs from this point of view
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, what is your opinion and the answer of the critics, by the way, i agree with the photo of our honorable brother, mr. shariati. i consider the emphasis of mr. mezikian during the election period and even when the cabinet was introduced to the 7th development plan to be a strong point, and you see, we have the laws of the constitution at the top, then the general policies, then the 7th plan, then there are the strategies and those strategies that ministers and the government choose and go for the project and implementation when a 7th development plan comes out from the government body and the opinion of the experts, the government and the parliament may
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spend thousands of hours and spend a few months in the parliament. this was done. opponents, supporters. and a coherent program was approved by the parliament. the guardian council approved. majmeh confirmed, it came and it was communicated to the government. this is a program that clearly defines where we are in each area and where we need to reach. therefore, what other program will be more complete and comprehensive than this program . you have mentioned , i should add one point, mr. mezikian himself having a role in drafting this program and approving it in the previous parliament, there is a point that mr. shehrati pointed out and
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answered, that saying a program is an interpretation of general policies and requires more detailed plans. in the grand plan of yours, it was said that the ministry of housing also gave their plans , and now, mr. medeshkian, or any president comes and says that i have another plan , where was this plan approved, not how do they want to implement this seventh plan? i did this, the ministers give the plans, they give their own strategies for implementation, there is an additional thing that now a president comes and writes 5,000 or 7,000 pages and gives them. this is something that is often contradictory. many times he comes and spreads these tastes. by the way, by
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presenting and emphasizing the 7th development plan, which we did not have in the past, we had a president who said that i do not accept the recommended plan, that is , whatever i want, we had an island president. for example, the program did not provide recommendations, he said, "i will not provide it." the experts have worked for hours and months and the method has now been approved. i said that it is clear exactly where we are now in the various areas of healthcare, housing , the path of each area, where we are, where we should be . the president is constantly emphasizing that he is exposing himself to the scrutiny of the people of the parliament . this
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was one of our weaknesses. why the 6th development plan of 20-25 was implemented. because he was not around at all. he did not believe in it. governments were writing a plan. they will bring it up later. the first necessary stone did not exist. dish how many days are they taking the vote of confidence? at all, maybe one of the reasons why the assemblies were going astray. well , my representatives, all of whom i haven't had before for several years, this period was often misleading as to whether this program should be monitored , the government's own program should be monitored, and this would cause the plan not to be implemented later, this president's emphasis and this convergence that now in the parliament, it was created on the basis of the program, which if you have noticed , mr. qalibaf has repeatedly mentioned in the election scenes that this program is very methodical and should be implemented. i think that this is the best.
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there is a plan, and the strategies of the ministers will automatically be an operational plan, and this plan will be realized, god willing. thank you very much, mr. shariati. similar to what mr. savaghian said , many of the supporters of the proposed cabinet say that this is a strong point for a good position of the government. fourteenth , they know that the president has a work plan. they announced the 7th plan and the general policies of the system and they want to move according to it, based on what mr. sabakian said and what your excellency said in the previous section , how much of an operational plan is needed, what was presented by the ministers in the commission. and defending and in this crime even in the public arena can achieve the implementation of the goals of the 7th plan . i will say a sentence here and go to my next discussion. let me explain with an example that dear people, because it is their mental memory that the president
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the honorable president said in the election debates that i do not accept the growth of 88 and i think that it will not be achieved and therefore the 7th plan is wrong, of course, this was also a general policy announced and part of the plan based on the growth of 88, so if they still do not accept it, it is necessary it was a modified program , they offer whatever they accept and when they don't offer it as a rule, either they ignore their words or they don't give a plan. in the big picture , let me give an example to the ministers. for example, according to the 7th plan, the ministry of petroleum is obliged to increase oil production by the end of the plan , for example, to four and a half million per day. well , first of all, the annual cut. how much is it, for example, the government is 4 years old, the government is 5 years old, the government is not 5 years old, the plan should be 5 years, how long the last 4 years are not necessarily linear , maybe the investment needs to be done in different ways, for example, at the end of 4 years, i will reach
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the last 3 eighths the next government should do it in the fifth year. next, how to supply that creation yes, how does this happen , what is the financing, which of the projects will be done first , the joint fields and i will give priority, or for example, i will go to the dedicated fields, now i gave an example from the field of energy so that people would understand that if i was going to leave the ministers from the seventh plan. extract the program. well, artificial posh does this. now, you are asking a completely different question about the energy field, the road field, the health field , and extract it from the final program. give me a program. it will take a few seconds. this is not called an operational plan. of course, many ministers have already given it many ministers give operational plans with numbers and figures and say what will happen at the end of 4 years. the number against the seventh plan is not doing this, which means that various ministers are being judged and evaluated based on this. my parliament will probably be one of the indicators based on this , but something. pointing to dear mr. sabakian saying that this is a federal cabinet and it is being done and
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it has been announced and it is being followed. i think this is a wrong word. if what is meant by the agreement between the honorable president and the members of the parliament is the leadership's orders, the twelve indicators that he mentioned, i mention three or four of them. i believe in the efficiency of the dental braces in the islamic system, hope for the future and a clear horizon, and a national and non-criminal attitude. now you are talking about its efficiency. has he worked in a certain field ? he has not mentioned other fields. he is biased . my records are not clear. because someone has a resume , he has worked somewhere. he must have been successful or not
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. i would like to thank mr. araghchi in the energy commission to come we asked them about the ambassadors. someone else asked one of our colleagues. he said that one of my criteria for appointing ambassadors is that they must firmly believe in the principles of the islamic republic . they represent the islamic republic abroad , so this shows that he wants you to do this in this criterion or discussion of a national and non-criminal attitude. well, some of the few proposed ministers , their backgrounds, their positions, in fact, what is available from the people in their political and work records is that, well, they have strong positions. being political, not even from a factional and political point of view, which have just been mentioned here, are not close to the field of anti-revolution is close to the field of subversion in sedition in 88 in riots in 41 and these are not things that are criminal. i will read a phrase from the leader of the revolution to the service of our dear people, who said that in the issue of political factions, the emphasis
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should always be on friendship and unity. there is, but in some cases, the problem is different. it must be red lines and lines of fez. let it be observed that the issue of sedition and seditionists rejected in 2008 is one of the important issues and one of the red lines . this is not a crime at all . do not use it at all . it is a recommendation to the governments, those who launched that game in 2088 are uncertain. i absolutely do not recommend using these. well, one or two of them have been used. in cases like this, it must be excluded from this rule, this rule is not about political and criminal cases, and in my opinion, if the meaning of the agreement is in some cases, the agreement that the leaders said should be these 12 indicators, some do not , so there is an agreement in this regard, at least in there are many cases , if i mean the coalition cabinet, for example
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, this is not an example because it is a coalition or a coalition. it is political in the sense of a parliamentary system. our country is not a parliamentary system, it is a presidential system. if we mean the coalition of parties, the parties in our country do not have the role of appointing the parliament , let's say, for example, different parties sitting together to nominate a cabinet . dear president, based on the previous conditions the way and the rules that he had , the attitude that he had, the records and familiarity that he had with some people, some of whom he had known for example 50 years ago, and introducing them, whether in the vice-chancellors or in the ministries. in addition to entering the indicators , the ministers must have an operational plan for implementation general policies and the seventh plan.
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in the government in the public space of challenge and dispute.
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after the islamic revolution, a person from a party group will win and later, based on the slogan of unity and empathy, he will bring people from the opposing factions, even the defeated factions of his own rivals , to bring 3 ministers from the government of mr. of course, there is no precedent. it was not so much in the eras of q, perhaps we had a number of governments, for example, ahmadinejad of all governments. before and different tastes, well, this is the strong point. now, who chose the strategic council , anyway, it is a council of people, experts, people.
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the opinion of choosing now to the extent that even the election of this government upset even some close ones that you are already in the news, so this is the strength of this government based on the previous slogans , now maybe. the question is , how can these different tastes work together? maybe they will have differences later. no, if the development plan of the 7th development plan is the standard of action, every organization, every person who sat on the job, became a minister , became a deputy minister, the governor, the general manager, this program should be carried out. run it provincially or regionally. i think there is no room for disagreement for the first time, it is one of the places where
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our country, our nation and our society are suffering because of lack of planning. if you give a plan , it goes to the archive. he himself of all organs. and the forces have come out, now my president's words and his words are this program, well, when this criterion is implemented, anyone who wants to come, whether left or right, whether fundamentalist or reformist, should come to this, so this is a point of unity and can solve many differences. let me ask you something, mr. surd, that's it the characteristic of the cabinet that your excellency mentioned is a combination of different faces and tastes. different politicians in the cabinet side by side in the cabinet proposed to be placed side by side, some people raise a criticism that the presence of some political or criminal figures in
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non-political ministries is in contrast to this characteristic of the national and extra-criminal unity cabinet. i understand your point. i could not tell you once again that some of the people who are nominated for non- political ministries are affiliated with a political gang. i want to say this, by the way, in this government, this problem is less when one faction wins, naturally he considers the entire government to be his share, and when he wants to divide posts, naturally, politicians occupy more of the expert positions that require less political flavor. they say that there are some people, well , when we are supposed to have a consensus, let 's put one heart aside. well, those are the people we say to put aside, who are people from the political spectrum who
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win more than them . ok, i will also say here that if the house of representatives says this, it has the right to do so in the parliament, everyone has their own opinion. i am saying this , the aspect of what i think may not be right, but i don't want to say that if this parliament wants , it will be like a cabinet that is a national consensus of all factions. if he wants to reject it, of course, we ourselves are pushing the government to extremism, which will cause us more problems in the future. here , the parliament should cooperate. yes, we also have criticisms , implicitly, that the people who were introduced are all from the inquiry authorities that have not had any problems. an inquiry was made and i didn't have a problem, and they are also among those who care anyway, all of us.
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in political debates, one day it may be harsh. opposition for the board of ministers and members who were introduced, let me tell you a couple of things . the current head of the reformist and moderate faction of the parliament is a candidate from the ministry of home affairs. just last night, which was continued this morning, more than 170 representatives signed up for his approval. while the majority did not agree with that, it shows that they have finally recognized that it can be effective, or for example another ministry of home affairs, the ministry of roads, who
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previously served as the reformist deputy mayor of tehran or the deputy minister of government of mr. rouhani. just today, more than 170 people have registered for their consent. this happened during the 11th parliament period, and it happened to the cabinet of shahid raisi that only 70 more than 160 people signed and actually registered and spoke in agreement. it shows that if it is a person that there is a person who can finally inquire about the capabilities of some people or all people , i am recounting this because the honorable minister of information explained in the national security commission and one of the representatives of the national security commission pointed out in their speech in the public scene. i died only
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because it was broadcasted in the media and directly hearing or seeing, but maybe not everyone has heard, it was said that what we said about the ministers according to the law on how to hold sensitive positions of ministers is excluded from the inquiry, that is, the requirement to inquire the vice presidents, governors, i don't know if they are the ones who are required to inquire from these authorities seganeh of the ministry of information, the intelligence organization of the irgc and the judiciary, which is onam. if the answer is no, they don't actually ask , they can be appointed. there are examples of negation. in fact, the inquiry is also there. what is it? they said that because ministers are not in the law, we only checked the judicial conviction and citizenship and answered other cases. it is not part of the law, and for this reason, the hands of the ministry of information are closed, and the law should be developed, for example, if necessary, so other cases
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have not been examined, these are the things that we presented. we are talking about, for example, sedition and the like, because it is not in the law, no answer has been given in these areas, and maybe there is a need, because the leadership of 2017 stressed that these inquiries must be done, maybe there is a problem with the parliament, where this law needs to be amended. we made sure that this was done completely. now you can't take it to the ministry of information and they have to do their work accurately. it was said that the honorable parliamentary deputy of the president also published it in cyberspace. it was also said in the media and some of our colleagues in the parliament said that yes, the list of ministers has been sent to the leadership , they confirmed it, it is not really like that. look , it was said today in the parliament, the honorable speaker of the parliament also said that these points that are said are false it is not the right of the parliament, and it is not the case that , for example, they can really make a list and they say that it is, well , the parliament should not actually do anything that what was in the records was also in all the governments.


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