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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST

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a world has not told a story, a smile reaches home , digika. may your day be good, dear and respected compatriots. god willing, the meeting to review the qualifications and plans of the ministers proposed by the 14th government is going on in the islamic council. to find out more details, we will now join the reporter of sada vasima news agency, mr. pishbahar. greetings. tell us about the axes of the programs proposed by the minister of position, and tell us
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what the opponents and supporters of the programs proposed by the minister of science said? thank you very much, mrs. nistaneh, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the presence of viewers of this hello, news section. well, i am informed that the qualifications and programs of the two ministers proposed by the president to the islamic council have been examined today by the minister of mining and trade, who spoke in favor of his opponents yesterday. today he spoke himself, in his speech he mentioned his plans in the industry sector and said that in fact our plan is to move towards an oil-free economy and in this context, in the fields of monetary and horizontal policies, we have tried we will fix these problems in our own government, he mentioned some infrastructures in the sector industry and mining and said that we want a transformation in these sectors, which, god willing, if he gets votes , he can benefit the country's economy in this field. the industry sector
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should help. after that , it was the turn of the proposed minister of science . to speak and present their views for one year for one hour. supporters of the proposed minister of science say that because mr. simai saraf in different departments the ministry of science and higher education has been a noble in this work and it has been successful in executive work , and the plans it gave for the government were based on the seventh plan of the country's progress, however , the opponents have their own opinions and declare that there is no operational plan for the implementation of a plan. which is given in the form of the seventh plan of the country.
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it is not seen in the programs of mr. saraf, however, after that , the proposed minister himself actually took the position , he mentioned his own plans in the ministry of science , if he gets a vote, he announced that we want to make a change in the educational structure of the universities and discuss he mentioned skill training and said that we want to work more in this field. he pointed out that we want more than the capacity of the private and economic sectors of the country. in fact, we will use it for the purposes of higher education and we will have tolerance in the research sector . after that, it was the turn of the proposed minister of culture and islamic guidance, mr. amiri salehi, who is currently speaking very briefly. let me tell you that the commission report was positive for him, but because he agreed and he had no objection, the minister himself is talking now that i will announce his main news in the next section, god willing, yes, mr. pashbahar, i will complete your report. section
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we will receive news in the next few days and we will offer the presence of our dear and respected compatriots. i had a conversation with mr. siyar peshbahar, a reporter of sed and broadcasting news agency based in sahn baharestan. however, the head of the road transport and road organization says that the comfort facilities of the border terminals for arbaeen trips have increased. according to mr. omani, according to the return wave of pilgrims, the comfort facilities of the border terminals such as sprinklers and awnings. increased and these terminals are fully ready for pilgrims to return. it is about the transportation of dear pilgrims who want to move through the public transport fleet in the country they should be transported from different parts of the country to the so- called arbaini exit borders. we are worried about the return of the pilgrims, which
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according to the time management that the dear pilgrims have been doing so far, the situation is very good, and the number of people who have left and returned from the country's exit borders so far, i request the dear pilgrims that they must have this travel schedule, do not leave it to in the last days, they should postpone their return and god willing, we will be able to plan better, but to know the situation of the arbaini borders of the country. we are in contact with the border of mehran, mr. chichahi is with us, the reporter of the sada and tv news agency , mr. chishahi. i greet you . we see and hear your report from the busiest arbaini border in the country. dear colleagues and
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good viewers of the international network, i am talking to you about the end of martyr soleimani at the international border of mehran. as you mentioned, the border of mehran is the most trafficked border among the six borders of the country, according to the announcement of the provincial arbaeen headquarters in north yesterday, 25 thousand people from shahid terminal soleimani, the movement of 13,000 people moving towards karbala mu'ala and 12,000 people entering the country shows that the volume of returning pilgrims is very high, but at the barkat terminal of mehran city. also, about 800 buses are ready now, according to the demand of pilgrims to
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move to different parts of the country by bus. from the neighboring provinces of bodan, kermanshah, hamadan and lorestan, they arrive faster because they are close. alhamdulillah , the infrastructure for the pilgrims who cross the border of mehran to karbala is difficult to choose because of the size of the pilgrims, alhamdulillah. there is a specialized 92-bed mobile sahrai hospital of the islamic revolutionary guard corps , which provides services to pilgrims at seven stops. it was evacuated according to the announcement of arabin faraja 160 on the way back, that is, on the way back to zaran, these stops were empty, but there is still room, the traffic is smooth on the communication routes to mehran, thank you very much
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mr. chichahi, reporter of sada vasima news agency located at the border of mehran in ilam province , was with us from the west of the country, but the increase in the depth of the specialized activities of front office offices of government services, the secretary general of the national center of front office offices of government services, said based on the memorandum with the tax affairs organization the country concluded that it was decided to provide the services of khadim system of the tax affairs organization through the network of front office service offices of the government, which will increase the specialized activities of these offices. this action will lead to the fact that people can, with a certain tariff and a bachelor's work and related trainings that are in the network the offices made up of consultants are basically counter offices to get help for their different tax matters and this will cause
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the matters to be implemented with more accuracy in the supply chain itself, although the network and this process will help organization and systematization of providing the country's tax resources and the transparency of the country's taxes. have a good day, dear compatriots.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time. welcome to the football magazine program. well, the first week of the premier league was held, one of the clubs or teams that was created a little bit around the edge was esteghlal there were one or two of the veterans who worked with the team last season and worked with the club or were present on the bench, talking and saying things that created margins for the esteghlal club and its fans. there is still a lot
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of time left in the first week of the league. yes, i think i should investigate this issue, see what happened, why these things happened, and don't miss esteghlal's season. with these margins that have been created for him since the beginning of the season , we invited mr. reza rajavi, the head of esteghlal club, who is present in the studio. hello. i will serve you. my dear countrymen, i am a fan of speech my words, the words of the fans, this team belongs to the fans. how long should this fan be worried about what is happening to his team ? last year, management conflicts, bench conflicts , and many other issues caused us to finally lose the championship. now holding came this year, i said once and dear mr. shahriari that you are a pure and honest person, you
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are an employee of this club, if you had a collection that you were going to inject money into, would you let these people see you, since i don't know now. the manager of the club has come, all of us we have some issues. is it possible for me to come? for example , i will get 8 billion from the club, then as an employee, if i go , i will tell you anything. at the beginning of the season, who should manage this , who should examine this? someone comes and says that our team has a magician. it's so hard to see, i'm really getting angry now, this team has a historical and emotional history in the hearts of the people , it has two asian championships, there are people like puridherson, mr. ajazi, mr. qalnai, and many great people in this club, we are our means. it was behind the van, there was nothing , there was no such thing at all, i am interested in all these people who come
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they say these things because they are independent . it's very interesting. you say that they are talking now when it 's appropriate. well, now their words have been published, everyone knows that you are talking about mr. hashemi nasab and mr. hijazi. why, when i was there, i always said to mr. nekonam, i said that if you feel that the holding is helping you, and mr. shahriari, i should think about you. if you want someone to sign, i say this with all my heart holding is going to get a player for you, it's better to go, it's better to leave than to stay, finally, this is how it is now, he says, i say, he says, let this happen, god forbid. mr. jang , i think
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there is no name higher than esteghlal, and the red line of my fans is esteghlal . you know it. anyway, mr. rajavi said that this club had a sea nymph, may god have mercy on him, and there were many more. look at these comings and goings, see that their football is over, but esteghlal is permanent. i feel that anyway, we personally we should not be worshipers because of us. anyway, i believe in myself. it's my personal opinion. if i give history, i'll interview . i don't support anyone. because i support independence, that means i'm saying that as long as independence is not harmed, mr. iraqi, we support it anyway. wherever we see that he is getting hit, whoever is sitting on the bench gets hurt , and in any case, in other places, we criticize anyway, and it turns into a method. now, you can see the conditions, the conditions are special, the games have started. first of all, i think that some of the players are ahead of the game, and
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i feel that they should be supported now some issues have arisen, now mr. hashemi is related , mr. aqiq is ijazi, anyway, i feel that if someone is like me, i have the courage , that is, when i am in the body of my club, in the body of some place, if i am upset, i will express my protest, but then i won't do this again after i leave, why? because i feel that in any case, it can be said that i am being greedy, that is, now, because i am not given a position and a position, i am protesting about this matter anyway and i am upset. rajavi also referred to in any case, he is a big name, in any case , he has a high resume in asia, and now is the time for support. you see , i am saying it now, mr. iraqi , we are not selfish to say, sir, that we are supporting one person, we are beating another person, aren't we? we are saying that now it is a condition that should be supported
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, now if there is a plan to solve this problem, then see when that curtain is lifted. it goes away and there are conversations now, you yourself know that the virtual space will immediately start a conversation, and a series will be broadcast, and now they are looking for the story of corruption and bribery related to a particular team. the police press has come up, i think they should keep it quiet for a while, and now they are entering into this matter so that the issue will go away.
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i disagree exactly with your words, which you rightly pointed out. we have self- mutilation behind the independence wall. installation, let me
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say something, i really don't think that mr. hashemi installs what they have in cyber space. he clearly said that it was not because of money , but if it is wrong, the club can say that it was not because of money, but with this school, yes, but i am just saying that what mr. nouri said, we are our team. it is a fan's property and a failure. look, we already had mr. mohammad momeni in our board of directors . look, i once said that mr. samii
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, as a human being, i believe in him and love him , but isn't his main job legal? dear mr. shahriari, i am saying again that the money that is being spent is a better result than last year we will not take it, because i am emphasizing to you again, until you protect this treasury property and there is no supervision and the right people are not employed, this is what will happen . please excuse me, dear mr. iraqi, i will come now and take 8 billion money. am i allowed to come and tell you, sir, whether i can stay or i can't, i really have a headache now, you who say that we are independent, we have a relationship with the people, we love them, that's right, come to the first of this week. it is clear that this happened from within the club itself it's a mismanagement, it's clear that mr. shahriari
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has left a series, they just need to sign, he should enter, in my opinion, if he wants this team to reach the top , see, i said it once, i'll repeat it again , 20 million, 25 million or 30 million fans, i don't know what to do. how many are there, but they live independently, with our management, we can lead a young man astray, this makes me cry, by god, i know they will break their piggy bank while buying a ticket, that's an expression, dad, what you said about entering come on, i want to ask you a question now, if possible mr. noori can answer this cannot be done, for example, in the club itself. the second point is if
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an independent lawsuit is filed in the peace court from a family perspective. what does manageable mean? that is , if you assume that a wife has a dowry claim lawsuit, at the same time as the divorce lawsuit, this court is the same family court as the one that acts, here the peace court does not enter, so even if there is a peace court, it must be entered according to the family protection law. take care of it. and the appeal of the peace courts to the courts of appeals of the provincial courts here, in the discussion of dowry, dowry
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, and alimony lawsuits, because up to 100 million tomans are under the jurisdiction of the peace courts, we believe that this jurisdiction can provide reasons for speeding up the proceedings, because some of the formalities are from it. it has been reduced, now it should be launched to see in practice how much it can lead to a reduction in cases in this field regarding criminal cases . well, the cold courts are seen as the next authority within the criminal court one and two, which have the jurisdiction to hear some of the criminal jurisdictions of durham criminal courts. transferred to the justices of the peace this issue is due to the fact that proceedings
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are carried out without special punishment in peace courts, so it can speed up the proceedings and, god willing, reduce the delay of the proceedings from the point of view that it will lead to people's satisfaction, god willing . now let's not drag out any more issues , god willing, god willing , i wish success for esteghlal. god willing , esteghlal can become a champion this year, because anyway , it has the tools and the wealth, and the support of the fans , who fortunately are always behind esteghlal, thank you mr. the light that you were present in this conversation god willing , good things will happen for esteghlal club and its fans, who are now greedy, for all the fans who are greedy for their teams in our football, i hope that there will be more interesting days, but with this condition that the margin
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will be fixed from the first week, persespor is somehow involved in esteghlal . it is involved with the rest of sepahan. it is a kind of involvement . it is football at all. it is losing its charm . unfortunately, i announced 19 years ago in the program 90 , which means that i am 5th national level in my football team. i played since i was a child and now i go home to watch football. i said that our problem is going in the opposite direction see the cultural problem at the same time. if you don't have a strong culture in addition to football and technical capabilities, these things will happen. you see, mr. nouri says that water that has been spilled cannot be collected. i am saying the same thing. you can't forgive someone and come back. for example , i always said this, i said that they fight on the bench, then they give each other flowers, they hug each other
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, what is that fight, what is the problem? i said that i really know that maybe it's because of the money from the father his excellency has worked hard in this club, now he has come for whatever reason. god is witness , he came on the first day, i said, for example, because i knew about a series of behind-the-scenes issues, because i loved him, after all , he was the child of someone whom i played with for years. now that you are leaving, dear atila, you should not mention these issues on social networks. it hurts to see, mr. iraq, our time is up , yes, and my last thing is that i am saying it again , mr. shahriari, please, please, if you see, sir, don't. may your day
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be good, dear compatriots, god willing, we have arrived at 115:00 and we are still with you from the frame of the khabar network, based on the forecast of the meteorological organization , the intensity of hazardous rains of the monsoon rain system will be on the south zagros until wednesday. the heaviest rains this week tomorrow in south fars. it is southwest of kerman and north of hormozgan. on thursday and friday, the instability will extend to the central zagros. the meteorological organization has issued an orange alert for some areas in the southern half of the country. but to know more details about the rains, we will now be with the head of the center for forecasting and crisis management of situational risks
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meteorological organization weather. mr. ziyayan is with us. mr. ziyayan, i wish you a good day. please tell me how the activity of the monsoon system will be today and tomorrow in the southern half of the country and in which areas the rains will be concentrated. in your presence, today we have rains in the south of fars province. we will have the southern half of fars province, in the east of fars province, it is just as dangerous, in the south of kerman province, in the west of kerman province, and also in the east of bushar province, in the north of hormozgan province, as well as in the west of hormozgan province and sistan-baluchestan province. the south of sistan baluchistan province has heavy rains today afternoon, tonight , tomorrow and also tomorrow for hours. in the afternoon
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and at night, in the same areas that i told you , we will have heavy rains, the situation is such that we expect the water to flow, and waterlogging is one of the dangers of this phenomenon, which causes a large amount of rain. yes, mr. ziyayan, you have issued an orange meteorological warning. do you think we will go in this direction, that a red warning will also be issued for these areas? yes, it is the same. you see, fars province itself has actually issued a red alert, considering the existing infrastructure, there is a high probability of danger for fars province, because the extent of the areas that are involved is large, the province has preferred to
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issue a red alert for those areas. yes, thank you very much, mr. ziyayan, the head of the center for forecasting and crisis management of weather risks of the meteorological organization .
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in the name of god, hello, dear viewers, welcome to this news section. 24/30 system with the aim of preventing overnight regulations and predictability of road economy launched the head of the business environment improvement center said this arrangement. in line with the implementation of articles 24 and 30 of the law on continuous improvement of the business environment , according to mr. sayah, economic activists can file a complaint in this registration system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week . register, the notification goes on and on until 3


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