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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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dial the square, be energetic, you are a winner . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and his speedy greetings. hello, dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 12 o'clock. in the continuation of the review of the qualifications and programs of the ministers proposed by the 14th government in the public hall of the house of representatives today , the qualifications and programs of the proposed ministers of road and urban development
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they examined the direction of science, research and technology, culture and islamic guidance. today, in the seventh session , the qualifications and programs of the proposed ministers of the country, cultural heritage, tourism, handicrafts, and oil are to be reviewed in alphabetical order. tomorrow is the last day of qualification examination the plans of the ministers proposed by the government are the 14th and will be voted on after the end of the reviews. the continuation of the president's meetings and consultations with the members of the parliament mr. bizikian met and discussed separately with the members of the assembly of representatives of lorestan and khuzestan provinces, representatives of the new al-worud faction of the islamic council, on monday evening. in the gathering of the new representatives of the 12th parliament, the president
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said that the role of the parliamentarians in the vote of confidence in the ministers proposed by the cabinet is complementary to the government's approach in creating national harmony in the country. the most important concern of the government is to reduce the distance from the people he enumerated the sovereignty and satisfaction of the people and said: the field of service is open for anyone who shares the same thoughts and opinions with us on this path. in the gathering of the representatives of khuzestan province, the president mentioned the discontents in the energy sector, especially water, electricity and fuel, among the challenges facing the 14th government at the beginning of the work and said: "we are not looking to find the culprits in the face of the country's problems, but we will do our best to fix them. in a meeting with the members of the lorestan province assembly of representatives, mr. bizikian mentioned the continuation of scattered work and decentralized management as one of the problems of the country's executive system.
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and he emphasized the necessity of prioritizing the grand plans of the provinces in accordance with the country's development roadmap and also the needs of the people. 80% of pilgrims travel to the borders by private car. the head of the country's leading police said that according to the predictions made , there is no problem in the axes of the border provinces and the capacity of the stops. this year, our traffic has increased by 5% in the axes leading to the six borders. more than 50 million traffics have been registered in the transportation axes leading to our six borders. traffic when i say that it is possible for a car to travel 10 times in 10 days, the cars are actually moving
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general quote well, to know about the state of the country's borders , we are going to the khosravi border in the west of the country on the way to karbala , mr. mahdavi, reporter of the sed and sima news agency. hello , please tell me how the pilgrims' traffic situation is at the khosravi border . dear abdallah al -hussein, peace be upon him, to you, my dear and respected viewers and my dear colleagues, i would like to say hello to you, that in the past 24 hours , of course, from yesterday to 2:24 last night, about 69 thousand people crossed the khosravi border and in total, since the beginning of hosseini's spiritual journey, about 477 thousand people have crossed the border. it's easy to travel now
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paying attention to the fact that we are witnessing an increase in return and visitors to our country, and many of them are because of the hot weather. usually , they travel more at night and enter the khosravi border from iraq . here, arrangements have been made to plan the processions in such a way that they serve the pilgrims from arup, and this service continues until the morning. if they arrive late or early in the morning, they can provide very good services, they will prepare hot food and explain it to the visitors. we will also send a report of your service , coming here and donating some sheep on the way of imam hussein to serve imam hussein's pilgrims , where hot food is prepared with them, and among
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the pilgrims who, anyway, at the end of the night. they come and explain that there are also different passenger companies here in the lower part of marzi khastavi, that bus ticket sales are done at this self-service border, and even after dawn, buses are present at the border of khastavi and visitors who may not have come to the border with private cars. they are transported by buses to their own provinces and from here to various provinces of the country are also thinking about preparations , such as buses, about 70,000 tickets have been pre-sold for pilgrims who are returning to qom, alborz and isfahan provinces, which are also in the same order as they arrive from iraq after the pilgrimage to the khastavi border. here, the bus is ready and they will be transferred to their own provinces. also , even here, even after midnight
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, the dear passengers and visitors who enter the khosravi border will enter from atbatalit. with ask them to return from here to the stops anyway in any case, if there is any question, i am at your service. thank you, mr. mahdavi, our reporter based in the khosravi border, and thank you , dear viewers. in the name of god light, in the name of god
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light on light. god is the witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. muhammad is
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the messenger of god. allah is the witness of the highest hajjah of allah, may god bless him , may god bless him. hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah
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hai ali khair al-amal hai ali khair al-amal allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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on the other side of the table, in your eyes, there is a martyr in your eyes. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon you, my dear compatriots program welcome to the first page. according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation
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, they stand in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies and, of course, decisions that undoubtedly affect the lives and future of all iranian people, because iran is geographically it is located on the same earthquake fault, and in the field of natural crises, it is one of the most crisis-prone countries in terms of floods, landslides, and various issues that exist . . first, of course, he is responsible for the reconstruction of areas
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they are injured after every crisis . welcome to the front page. thank you, thank you. i also offer my courtesy and respect to the great nation of iran and the viewers of khabar network, as well as your excellency and colleagues. doctor, before you enter. issues related to your own work, sit down, what do you call a crisis? anything that goes out of its normal and ordinary daily conditions and what is done officially and normally becomes a crisis. let's say that a river floods and goes away if the flow of water entering this river increases. from that state of mine. it affects others and actually creates a crisis if a fire
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, even if it is a man-made fire , endangers an area, or a forest pasture fire that can affect residential areas , or that it burns our trees, for example, the pasture, but for us, the trees, for example, the oak forest , are very important to us. we generally have pasture fires in the first half of the year, and from last april 28 until about 6 days ago, we had 461 fires in the provinces of kermanshah, ilam, lorestan, khuzestan , kokileh, rahmat, chaharmahal and some other areas. even in other places, we had small ones, but the volume was large. yes, it is very important that we can act on time. in any case, our pasture areas
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and especially our forests have more pasture fires in the first half of the year. in the second half of the year, we have forest fires that destroy the leaves of the trees, and if we want to talk about the eye fire, first of all, we should ask the dear nation to help preserve this green space, why? your excellency , you are a geopolitician. we say that since the corona period , the post-corona period has started, the geopolitical territories basis preservation of green space and development takes shape, you see, in a certain area , if there is no green space, will people stay there, will they go to a place where they can live, so this is the preservation of green space and its development
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is very important for our future and the survival of our country. we saw space in places where we are not. a few years ago, from the east of our country, from the south of our country, we had a series of population drifts to the north of the country . why do they go to a green space ? now, we are trying to preserve this existing space and at the same time develop this is the basis of hazrat agha ordering 250 million every year for 4 years. like saplings, efforts should be made to produce fruitful saplings. this year, by mehr, we have to deliver this 250 million for this year, which was the beginning of the first year. this is very important, but our dear people should know that if they know how much this green space and its development will be in the future of life. our future generation
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is the effective generation for sure. we all went to give these two recommendations, that is, all of them, even respected benefactors, for example , health benefactors, school benefactors, water benefactors, we formed them. it is important for us to preserve this atmosphere, because if it is not there, what is life for human breathing , we will face problems, mr. doctor. in the last 5 months and 10 days , we have seen several hundred million hectares of forest and pasture land burned . america, canada, and now turkey is next to us. france is the same. we are sad that it is burning . of course, a part of our own country is also burning. turkey
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has been on fire for 3 days. it is very bad that this space will set us on fire because they produce oxygen for us. it is considered hypocrisy. yes, we all should try to prevent it, and now how many we request the dear people, sir, doctor , before we enter into this discussion, the word crisis itself has different meanings in different groups, that is, those who are international experts say that if the national interests of a country are openly threatened, it is a crisis, those who are in the field of newspapers journalists are like us, and we journalists say that if something goes out of the ordinary , that is, even if water comes to the street and there is a traffic jam, they consider it a crisis, and
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of course, there are a series of man-made crises , like arson fires, a series of crises. there are natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes and many others of these, it is predictable that you are responsible for which of these crises . if you add me, we have several categories of man-made hazards, one of which is natural hazards, such as floods, earthquakes, subsidence.
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from our geographical space, it is either on the fault line or we are located in the fault zones , what can prevent this? which is up to 8 moghas , then the earthquake will not be a problem for us yes, it is a phenomenon. sensitive, vital and important places that can be protected up to 10 richter, some public service places like hospitals should be between 9 and 10 , i.e. hospitals. medical centers, public service centers such as fire department, and food storage centers for humans should be above 8. if you
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do this, why is it no longer a problem? we did a research on the earthquakes of the past 220 years and found that there have been 12 earthquakes in the past 220 years in the geography of iran. there was an earthquake that was above hefrishter and the last one was 7.7. we have reached the safety of the people and we should also keep this in mind, especially the respected officials in all fields, if we do not do this, we cannot save the wealth of the people , we cannot save the lives of the people. we have identified old structures and constructions, especially high-rise buildings, with 5,000 high-rise buildings now, and i must here from the judiciary, especially the deputy
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of the prevention department, dr. jahangir, as well as the honorable prosecutor of the country and the deputy prosecutor, dr. turki thank you for being really persistent in helping from now on, we will see a building in our face with the latest crisis, not only our country but the world. we are struggling with it, and that is the unprecedented heat of the earth which
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has caused climate change in the world, including in iran. or asia, it doesn't matter anymore.
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in recent months, more than thousands of people in the world died due to the extreme heat, the increase in temperature, the activity of industry, government offices, schools and tourist attractions in europe. and disrupted africa. last month broke the record for the warmest june on record since we had our instruments. the persian gulf region has faced an unprecedented heat wave. dubai, with dangerous heat on 89% of summer days , has been announced as the world's most dangerous city in summer. the hottest temperature of meteorological stations in the world is recorded in iran these days. our country is in the middle regions. yes, now again for the regions that are in the tropical regions , these changes will occur at a slower rate . the united nations has warned about the increase in temperature
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and said that the annual severe heat is almost half a million. takes a victim i must mention the flood of fossil fuels that we are witnessing in some countries of the world. with the signing of such a wave of new oil and gas permits. they actually affect our future. fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions are the most important causes of climate change and global warming. as the secretary general of the united nations said, the leaders of the industrialized countries of the world should wake up and take steps to overcome this crisis and prevent the earth from getting hotter. saeed hajizadeh, radio and television news agency. dear doctor , we have seen the report, almost everywhere in the world is suffering now there has been a climate change that
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we are witnessing with fires and persistent heat on the planet. why did you announce a few days ago that the heat has become critical? just as we have seen this report, four international meteorological organizations have declared this month as the hottest month in the world. remembering it for a long time means that since the recording of meteorological data, this month was the first year that it became so hot. even a european meteorological organization came and said that due to the location of the thermal dome in the middle east, especially the atmosphere in iran, 15 hot cities in the world introduced our three cities in a row 1, 2, 3, including dastool, omidiyeh and tabbes, these three
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cities are the 9th, 10th , 11th, ahvaz, ahvaz, khash, and abadan, which means that iran was affected thermally this year. greenhouse gases stop, industrialized countries should be more responsible in this field.
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have in the development of this green space that they can use this method some of the effect of these golghan gases, but now they have accepted this responsibility within the framework of the kyoto agreement, but apparently they have never acted on i didn't act specifically for the united states . there is another case that some countries, especially the united states , cause electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere itself. the international organizations that we
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had many meetings with have to do this. prevent them, because after all, we have to respect the earth , what is this earth for human life, can it provide services to mankind, first of all, people should be kind to nature, nature is kind to us, but we are very much the same with them when it comes to fire. we want dears, father, if you have prepared food and want to eat it, turn off the fire and go.
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let's increase our cooperation, at least in the western region asia should be a convergence to prevent it from becoming a crisis that can bring a lot of damage to us. wow, doctor, you said that in the announcement that the pressure on the power plants has increased because of the heat, you mean the power plants that produce electricity. yes, i am first. i am thanking all our loved ones, mr. mehrabian, the honorable minister of energy, and all our loved ones who are in these energy production plants, even hundreds, for working day and night in this one month to be able to carry out this energy transfer and production well. the body is really in a difficult situation because any degree that


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