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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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the flood destroyed the communication bridge while passing through the middle of the village and continued on its way after passing through several houses . when we reach the entrance of the village , we hear from the residents about the flood. when the flood came from this valley. this village took half of us. sir, tell me that the lady whose house was flooded, took us inside her house. when the flood came, my house was destroyed except for our daughter. 30 sheep from our own sheep under our flood. all gone. people who are worried about consecutive floods in their village, know that watershed is the solution to save their houses and gardens. the structures of dams here must be built unfortunately, no such action has been taken so far . there are huge smokestacks that cause a lot of damage to people every year, and if they are fixed, a lot of water will collect behind this sound . we pass through the village of khalkan and enter the village of mandah, 10 kilometers away. we are becoming a village, a village
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that seems to be doing better under the shadow of a watershed . now our water has doubled. before, our tea water was 14 meters. now it has risen to 10 meters. last year , our garden had a rain, but this year it has about 10 times the 10 tom load, people of mandah village. to increase the water in their agricultural wells from the watershed structure in the recent flood deposited 40,000 cubic meters of soil. the sediment that we took out from inside the earth embankment with the cooperation of the residents of rousse emirate, which cost 300 million tomans, 40 mm of rain fell within a few minutes in both the villages of khalkanlu and the mansion and produced 4 million cubic meters of flood. we were able to store 2 million cubic meters of water in the areas where watershed projects were planned and implemented. watershed management has been done in 50% of the watershed areas of quchan city. we in the past years.
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he has implemented the watershed project on nearly 90 thousand hectares of these areas we have 90,000 hectares of land remaining , according to the head of qachan natural resources and watershed management department, 60% of the watersheds of this city are critical in terms of flooding and need watershed management measures . it is said that wherever watershed management is well implemented, the amount of damage caused by floods has decreased drastically, why is this not widespread in places where you, as a person who is actually a master in the geographical area of ​​the country and have been in this area for years you worked, you know where are the critical points and floods, why did you do this
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watershed management will not take place, that's what your excellency said, mr. dr. vahidi, the honorable minister of the country , who are really the pioneers in this field , being very sensitive to the crisis and in all the natural hazards that human swans themselves may be the first ones there, they are a camp in this. in order to establish that, with the cooperation of this camp , we can complete the remaining 31 provinces within one year with a budget of about 31 thousand billion tomans . this is possible within one year, but the geographical areas are also different. the islamic republic of iran is a country very wide and with an area of ​​one million and 873959 km, different geographical watersheds , watershed design should also be different, for example, in an area like sistan baluchistan province, which
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is one of our most important and valuable provinces , you have a watershed there, for example, kurdistan province. azerbaijan province is completely different, as the space of geography , as it is known, morphology, as the name of the earth is completely different, a plan has been prepared for all of these, and here i am from the honorable parliament, one of the dear representatives of the great nation of iran. saving people's lives, saving people's wealth, saving people's wealth in the flood of last august monsoon entered our country, we had approximately 29 thousand houses destroyed in sistan baluchistan, not in the whole country, because everywhere is affected, even this village of muzaddars next to tehran, that's right, imamzadeh
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dawood, even many places that we didn't think about at all , of course, it is so destructive. it happened that even these countries of the persian gulf were washed away by water like a car, and these and many other things caused heavy damages. the occurrence of any accident, including a flood, will happen
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we pay a lot of money to the victims, both the graves and killings that are destroyed, the cars and the houses. and buildings and buildings and government and non-government places, why is this not just for prevention, and as someone who is responsible for managing the country's crisis, what do you specifically expect in this field? mr. shahid raeesi has a special strategy to say that you should try to fix these destructions better than in the past, try not to harm people in this field. we also have a strategy that avoids many natural and man-made hazards that occur as long
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as possible so as not to confuse the people of that area. i will give an example. i will not name that city . this river went straight to a dam that supplied water to the city area of ​​the capital of the province . it was around 5:30 in the night. they called me saying, sir , what should we do? let's slow it down until it comes , luckily , we sent the door from tehran as fast as it was, so you can collect it if we were to do an interview there, if we were to pay close attention, one person would be doing an interview, what would the people be worried about because it was their drinking water, and this
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was a strategy that both mr. dr. vahidi and, may god have mercy on shahid raeesi, put a lot of emphasis on, but about we got a tour guide, mr. dr. raisi also ordered to go to the organization of the program. don't pay while you see more money. now this amount that i am presenting to you is 25,192 billion tomans. we have a lot less damage in these 3 years. this can be prevented. the damage is much less. you said, why didn't we see so much money after that? well, our loved ones in the new government, in the governments of doctors, mr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. dr. medzikian, should also refer to the famous saying of paying special attention to the budget planning organization. they should know that this is one of the important matters, that there are two very valuable factors, one is the world of the people
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, and the other is the preservation of the people's assets. it is our duty , we must do our best, and our maximum thinking should be such that whatever we do, god forbid , there is a danger to the people and to the geography in which we have to live, mr. doctor, sometimes it is human encroachment on natural resources that causes there is a crisis, for example, there was a river somewhere, now the rain has decreased, but people are going to build houses , now as soon as a rain comes , it destroys the houses, this is not the fault of the rain, this is the fault of those who came here, what about the ministry of interior or municipalities they have a responsibility to prevent such incidents from happening. yes
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, of course, i said that the 1,446 km , the major part of which is about 8,000 and above, passes through residential and urban areas, passing through urban and rural areas . as you said, many people here that water the slave is either in the river bed, the bed means the place where the water starts to move or in the river bed. water has one bed width, one privacy width, two sides, if this is not observed, we are always in danger of this human manipulation that you mentioned, i wanted to give an example, sir. now again, in an area of ​​tehran last year west of karaj dam, we were told to
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be ready in the east of tehran, but once it rained in the west. this rain was such that it brought so much with it, it brought in something like 21 million tons , it filled all the tunnels, that is, the clay is actually the stone clay, and this is between tunnel number one, maybe number one a, and number which is about 5 million tons or 6 million tons were brought to the front at a distance of 20 meters in front of the so-called taj dam of karaj , the water flow to tehran was cut off. tehran gives 5.5 meters per second for karaj, well, we stopped that night until morning. especially our loved ones in the water in the region of karaj and tehran
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, they brought all the devices to see what the reason was because a series of companies have destroyed the whole area because they found these stones that are used for life and that are used to build walls. being that your excellency says, we should have a law that no one. it should not be allowed to put a shovel into the ground without the permission of the natural resources . these changes, as you said, are too much. you yourself saw this on the way you went to travel. gone gone it is becoming more and more fragmented, that is, this agriculture , with its importance as it can be a source of income for many people in our country, the smaller it becomes, the less efficient it becomes. in some
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countries around us, such as turkey, they have a law that even if agricultural land even if the industrial service centers are inherited, they cannot be divided. we are suffering a lot from this. now is not the time to tell you why i am saying this . we also request the honorable government to give a bill to the parliament to investigate this, why the earth. we have to get smaller every day, so we know that its efficiency decreases. i mean, it all comes back to human performance. humans, we want to live in this space, especially the land of iran, which is the so-called precious land, and we should try not to damage our natural resources, while tourists in the future of the world, which can be the most important economic part of the world and a country, do not want to see the industrial center. a place that has preserved its nature, you saw that during the corona period, that black tent that smelled of mercy
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always had tourists in the reservation to see the expression there, mr. doctor. well, many countries, all houses, cars, all facilities and equipment are insured. they can and of course if god forbid it happens. the government is responsible for paying the damages, and this is a very difficult task for the government. what is it like now , that is, when something happens, does the government pay these costs on time? that we should do something so that if someone gets damaged and destroys his house
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, he will not seek this anymore, of course, now i said that this amount, which we gave 251 thousand billion tomans in the form of acquisition, aid and facilities, it is noteworthy that we have the government, we have a savana fund that we it is in the ministry of economy. it is the economy that every year a small portion of the people do not control their electricity it is possible to pour up to 100 thousand tomans into this fund , the government will give these dear ones when there is a problem with construction, for example, a house is destroyed , but this is not enough, or we should increase this share, or the government should increase its share. to be able to say that a house that is being demolished cannot be repaired with 300 million 350 million, yes , it needs more money, which the government is paying for now , the government is paying most of it, and in order to
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make this universal, we have to make a plan in this field as well. we told the honorable meeting that if that plan is comprehensive, we will, for example, do the same for the fund agriculture , we gave 22 thousand billion tomans for agricultural jihad, agricultural insurance fund, well, we are working, but i would like to point out that a good convergence that we have witnessed in this period, between the officials of the organizations that are involved in the crisis, when we talk about we make a crisis , not a crisis organization. the crisis management organization is for all organizations. but let's assume that the emergency red crescent organization is mobilized, especially the army, yes, the kurdish armed forces, of course, they are so powerful that any of them will face a very big crisis, they themselves will be alone in each force. you can
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handle this crisis by rebuilding and rehabilitating and preparing for the response . which are continuous. for example, you said about the river. we asked the honorable ministry of energy to give us all these 144 thousand 61 kilometers in the form of an information layer in the form of grd. which are in the bed, this
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is the layer that should be exposed to the public, or for example, the fault and the ministry of roads. president of the country's crisis management organization and thank you , dear viewers, may god be with you. when arbaeen comes, the gate of karbala is even more enthusiastic
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it has always hosted pilgrims. processions they are ready for reception from the entrance to khosravi border. there are houses that are very hospitable to pilgrims and provide all the facilities for pilgrims to visit aba abdullah al-hussein. the procession lamp of hazrat zahra , peace be upon him, was also lit on the way to kermanshah mahid when haj ali ashraf decided to dedicate his land for her health. i had a heart operation. yes , the doctor told me that he asked god for something. i said , "god himself, give me a chance to do a lot of work . big and small, men and women, everyone here is doing everything they can, here for zahrai." those who want to go to karbala, we will install food. thank god, we
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have been fortunate enough to be the servant of hazrat zahra's procession for many years. my life is to serve imam hussain and be the servant of hussain. i gather , i welcome, i give water, pilgrims come in groups and from every nook and cranny they hear the cry of lipik or hossein . ok, this procession should always be open twelve months a year, here the heart of the earth beats under the feet of the pilgrims . imam hussain's passion they are on your head, nothing bothers you, paris sepa, need of kermanshah radio and television news agency, thirsty for my helper's arms
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, give me time to hold in our arms the martyr of karbala, or one-year-old hossein, who is agha cheshm. i am looking forward to standing here for you, mr. mohammad, 73 years old, who came from isfahan, says that he has been sitting behind the wheel for a lifetime, but it is a little different than when we get up at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night .
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but this retirement path does not know how many hours you sat behind the wheel. at 7:00 in the morning , i've been stretching for an hour so far. i came again. it's been 14-15 hours . it's true that it's crowded here, but i'm comfortable now.
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i do, i love the world, this is a service, it's similar, not very sticky, that is, if you want to know whether the service is sticky or not, do a service, the pay for their work is a blessing, and that's it, someone really came and said how much it can be , i said you can't go. pay me, how much will it be? i said, "look at the painting, the painting that he saw himself, mr. destar. i said goodbye . don't hurt your hand here. we were your neighbor, god willing. may god bless you with a long and blessed life." they are working with human intentions, they are working with sincere intentions, whether they are tailors or cleaners. ok, whatever it is, they are serving the people. i came on the way. my bag was torn. i came to haji to fix it. god bless him. he did a good job . god willing, they will be with mr. imam hussain. it's okay. their work is no less than jihad. the table of service
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is in the border of mehran is worn for an iran. well , this is my job. i thought what should i do to serve zahira? i saw that the best thing to do is to repair zahira's shoes. with this book that we got , god willing, we will read arbin more often, not only sewing and shoemaking, every pen and color in mehran is for devotion to seyyed al-shohad, here i saw that the name our master imam hossein writes, for example, my whole life is a sacrifice to imam hossein. god willing, i will take this with me and install it in my home, where i see it every day, it is the path of our love. for us, imam hossein is a culture, a life path, from birth to martyrdom , and after martyrdom for a few days , we are here at the service of imam hossein's pilgrims, and we are four or five people
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in a team, each team has 5 people, and in the bag, shawl, and neck scarf section, there are different designs for them. you are doing labik or hossein or qamari bani hashem, thank god.
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at the moment, our hearts are filled with this beautiful text, our blood is in our veins and our steps, god willing imam zaman writes that they are doing it with the intention of ending the cultural work itself is a kind of propaganda and we should do this because of encouraging one of the effects that this cultural work has, the apparent encouragement encouraging small children is the vow of tomorrow, now that they show their devotion to their chests and telephones. .
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this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store , where you can easily
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buy your favorite sports equipment. let's choose from all this impressive variety, then take it to your home at an unbelievable price with long-term installments and free shipping . it's so simple. tehran's only branch in serah afsarieh. this is the joy of reaching the treasure in the festival of winners. 50 prizes of 250 million tomans, along with thousands of cash prizes and dozens of coins and gold bars, opening a qarz al-hasna account through the branches of turisi bank, the app in your babank. the treasure behind this account. it's opening now, i'm tired, i
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said let's go , i said it's necessary, i said it's open, it's open, it's night, let's go, in 10 minutes, we'll reach home appliances, let's go, let's go. sari is located in the best access points for you, dear ones, along with a parking space exclusive, suitable for shopping all week long , the first largest home appliances city after azadi square, facing tehran.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimroz news. the entrance of the parliament to examine the qualifications and plans of the fifteenth minister proposed by the cabinet of the fourteenth government. this morning, after examining the qualifications of the proposed minister, the nation's representatives reviewed the qualifications and plans of the ministers of science, culture and islamic guidance .


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