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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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in the month of march, it was supposed to be widely accepted to receive the paper to pay the costs of insurance for the completion of medicine. now, after 6 months of this news, we have seen that only 10% of the insurance fee is received in absentia . for this reason, today we want to follow up the reason for the implementation of half of the half. in this program, mr. akhtardanesh, the deputy of the information technology center of the ministry of health, mr. siyan, the manager of system development and intelligentization of the central insurance , is with us in the studio, and in video and on the phone with mr. al-hadhaneh, the head of the information technology center of the social security organization, mrs. haji ali askgari, the head of the center. information technology and intelligentization of health insurance and mr. zamani, the vice president of the center, in fact, the general manager of information technology of the food organization, we will reach the appropriateness of their service plan. well, dear viewers.
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we say goodbye to the broadcast of the first channel , you can follow this economic table on the news channel . well, let's have a short greeting with the guests. akhtar, you are very welcome , mr. kian, and if you let us see a report, we can start the discussion. regarding the supplementary insurances , i am still in the maze of implementation. basically, i pay all of them in full myself , then i can
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send this invoice to the person in charge in our company. it takes one month, two months, three months, high costs, which takes much longer, sometimes it gets lost, sometimes they do n't pay, sometimes it doesn't work, we don't go at all. i tore it and threw it away, according to the announcement of the central insurance and ministry of health officials at the beginning of march 1402, payments are made electronically only. it should be done on the first of march, the issue of removing paper from prescriptions of drugs will begin in basic and supplementary insurance organizations, and we created these requirements with the instructions and technical meetings we had with basic insurances, god willing, with god's help in their assignments act now, 6 months after these promises, as told by the central insurance, only 10% of electronic prescriptions have been paid.
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let's follow up, put on iron shoes and continue the process by ourselves. central insurance says that 70% of prescriptions are still from basic insurances. it is not sent to supplementary insurance companies. 70 % of what is related to supplementary insurances . according to social security officials, part of the problem is technical and will be solved by the end of september. there should be some technical changes in the social security and food and medicine organization, which god willing will be applied until the end of our system. the ministry of health is silent about the non-implementation of this law. all
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these problems on the one hand, the sent versions are not complete. until today, 90% of electronic prescriptions are not paid, and people who receive prescriptions by hand are stuck in administrative paperwork. razia ranjbar, radio news agency. well, the silence that was said that the ministry of health and social security have done on the one hand, it also goes back to the fact that the central insurance of all our dear ones is here today, in fact, we have put together this program that
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. dear mr. ali, dear viewers and mr. dr. hektar danesh , i would like to present the process to you very briefly . i have nothing to do with the information that is sent from the ministry of health to the ministry of health. they will explain themselves when it is sent from the ministry of health information to us, i will tell you the statistics and explain the process. the information on the decentralized side is sent based on the information tag and the supplementary insurance tag that is announced to the central insurance company. it sends the information to the insurance companies according to the tag that it eats. according to the regulations announced by the center and based on the timing and schedule announced between these versions, the insurance companies process and take these copies. in the process of paying
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damages to the insured, this happened 13 months ago . in the context of the screw copy sent to the central insurance , 2 million of them did not have tags, which were for the beginning of the sending process, so they can be ignored , since the validation or a verification of the data put this information to 60 million , now there is supplementary insurance. 8 million of these 60 million. regarding the screw prescription, that is what the pharmacy uses, out of these 8 million, approximately 18 million should be sent for decentralization, 3 million have been sent to the central insurance company, and these
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3 million have been sent to the insurance companies. well, mr. kian, where is the problem now? ministry information health, social security, food, where is i? i told the ministry of health that i have nothing to do with it , the doctor himself will explain it, but i want to tell you this statistic so that you can see where the problem is. my point is that the number can be said to be approximately 18 million in these six months. there should be a prescription from the central insurance agency. i said 6.18 million, who failed and we did not receive it from the ministry of health, please inform mr. aqtardan.
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after receiving from the basic insurance organizations , send it to the central insurance organization. the implementation rules of the electronic version are stated in the country it is true that the copies and electronic medical records of citizens' health should be sent to the ministry of health, but whether the ministry of health has a hobby to explain these copies between the so-called actors of the case. with the current laws of the country, that is, with the 6th and 7th plans or the industrial budget laws, but in the interaction between the basic insurance organizations and the central insurance organization and the regulatory bodies, it was decided that
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yes, the cancellation was based on the approvals that were made in 1399 and 1400 in fact, the late days of corona in the country to implement the plan. electronics were launched, prescriptions from service providers, expensive prescriptions and prescription screws now in the field of medicine, the pharmacies are sent to the insurance organizations , the basic insurance organization, they do their own initial process , they have a legal obligation, those dear ones who write this prescription. see why this is supposed to be your duty and see that there is no process in the ministry of health. there is no manual to process this copy and send it to the central insurance, so to speak , there is a message converter, a brokerage message there, as soon as the copy is sent to us from the basic insurance organizations, based on only one accuracy meter.
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that is the one that has a supplementary insurance tag or label, this form is automatically sent to the central insurance without any manual intervention. without any passing of time, it is not the case, mr. hossein baak, that we keep the copies in a repository, for example, in the ministry of health, and then, for example, when mr. akhtad does not come in person. naturally, yes, naturally, look, if i want to give you statistics, no statistics, no, mr. aktar, i am very sorry that we have come to these dear ones today. we brought them to laugh at their conversation, now the central insurance said that from the ministry of health , why can't this be done, why didn't you send it, get stuck , let's say it very clearly, see that there are two paths that could be taken in order for the insurance premium to reach the central insurance organization or the organization in the position of the operator, according to the regulations of the executive council
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of information technology in the beginning of 1400, the basic insurer could send this copy directly to the central insurance, that is, without the ministry of health having any role as an intermediary or sending the insurance to the ministry of health of the ministry of health. two situations in that resolution it is stated in the so-called that the official of the operator, in the same way, unfortunately, i present to you in the field of prescription. writing in 1402, if you allow me, since you said dears, the dears of basic insurances will also be present. i will show the number as the middle of this path of our health insurance in 1402, but in 1403, only 9% of the prescription that has been received from the prescribers according to your own will has come to us and in the field. social last year 75% this year only 29% of
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prescriptions in the field of prescriptions that are considered now yes, the situation is a bit worse than this, that is , in health insurance, it is 1402 and this year it is 29%, and what percentage should it be in this, it should be 100 , that is, health insurance. information technology. there are formative insurances, the first is through the ministry of health itself, which by sending information to the sepas system
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, the path to central insurance and from there to supplementary insurances is smooth, and the second path that we have after the meetings we had and reached conclusions about us coming from let's make this move through the central insurance and that we can get the information in this way. additional handouts, but the services that we wanted to have in this area , it was emphasized that these services should be based on sex, and we received this service about a week ago from bim central itself, and god willing, in we are currently implementing the methods to make this possible for us until the end of the month.
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the base returns, this is different. suppose, for example , if we want to file complaints about paraclinic procedures, we have to provide supplementary insurance and central insurance to us. this is about medicine. this is my question. the 29% that you said will be 100 until the end. it is practical. yes, if these cases and validations are done correctly, which we are currently testing, with the central insurance itself, god willing, we will try to
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reach the highest percentage, that is , do this with the central insurance, and we will also provide social security with the central insurance. yes, the central insurance of haria is ready to be done. i am sorry for your presence, as you said, i would also like to see their service. the information was provided by the jsb instead of the ministry of health, directly from the basic insurances of the position. a center should be sent, but the standards of the ministry of health must be followed there , such as the siam code, the irc code, and the center code the cure i mentioned is wisdom. the ministry of health has specified a standard called the food and drug organization. no, the ministry of health is the same. now we in the ministry of health are here at the information technology center , and in the ministry of health's quality management center , they have introduced an iso 13606 standard, and we are working based on that standard. this
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standard is an international standard, which means that if tomorrow we have a relationship with other countries, for example , there should be a relationship with iraq's insurance, for example, these codings should be standardized, the irc code should be correct. the code of siam, which is the same as the code of medical centers , can be explained better, doctor. the code of the doctor's specialty should be corrected. the code of the medical system should be corrected. this is one of the reasons why the data is not sent to the ministry of health . i am telling you, mr. doctor, i said that there is a high percentage
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of them doing this work and we will not have the problem of the manufacturing companies and their differences , god willing. if this is done in shahrivar, we will follow up on this case again because this is the case the matter is really very important, it means that it is an important part of the people that
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we had frequent meetings with friends, but again, the matter does not make much difference in the social satisfaction organization, we also got 28 copies in the area of ​​pichi version. more than even health insurance , about 61 of the transactions that come to us are due to not complying with the same criteria that mr. doctor mentioned . single data, if these are not observed, this data, the version message, when it comes to us , will be wrong, it may be registered for the social security structure. you can see free drugs. well, this was also an issue that was raised in the previous meetings. we had a binding letter to the so-called organizations not to demand only the drugs that they have committed to
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from the pharmacy and all drugs, even if the insurance number is zero. in fact, that message data should be recorded. have a look at the part of the patient's expenses that is not covered by the basic insurances. by the way, supplementary insurances come to complete it. if the social security organization does not send that part of the information to the supplementary insurances, that is, it will be sent to the central insurance. don't do it this will definitely not be in the electronic version
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and we will not have any idea about it until the person himself wants to refer that sheet to us so that we can do this based on that sheet . what is the food and drug organization , see where it should help , it is a regulatory department, we are in the field of drug coding, drug prices and different types of so-called coding that are in the field of drugs, from the irc or the generic drug, well, the ministry of health is this he assigned part of the work to the food and drug organization and the services to us we take it from the organization and provide it to the insurance organizations. the complaint of the friends of these services has not been fully implemented yet. yes, these services may be that. which was that these services
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do not fully cover the medicines and the so-called up-to-date conditions related to them . in the last one or two days , the social satisfaction organization has received the service food and drug organization information mr. zamani mr. zamani hello, have a good day, hello, i am at your service, dear guests, mr. doctor , i am at your service, doctors and respected viewers. yeh tali, now you can call it whatever you want, it has not been done anyway , why does the food and drug organization have an answer in this regard. in this case, as mr. dr. akher asked, it is part of the regulation, or we should say, in this case, if you tell us about the persian reforms, mr.
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zamani, i will be grateful for some regulation now and
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i don't think that the data exchange standards are actually in the region writing section and there is no problem with the food organization since 2018, that is, as far as i know , the insurance companies only record the action of the patient and the referral came from the health department of wazad.
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so far, there has been no request from our side to send a notification to the pharmacies, but if there is a request from the insurance side or from the side of mr. zamani, hold on for a moment. you have we had correspondence with insurance organizations on the basis that all items should be requested from the pharmacy in the form of the existing web service, and
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i don't think i said that even if
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they don't do this processing, but the fact is that this is important for the patient and we, as the ministry of health because we take care of people's health in all aspects, even the items that are delivered to the patients in the form of autism are expected to be registered and exchanged and included in the patient's file, that is why i said that this is a general law and very much the business layer of the organization or the business layer
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after the meetings we had in court, friends told us and the ministry of health that mr. dr. mazhari was present that this work should be done, mr. doctor, now i will help them . what is covered, well , this guarantee should be implemented by the ministry of health for pharmacies, not food and medicine, it should be notified to the pharmacies .
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there will be a notification from the general directorate of medicines and the head of the organization, we have no problem , god willing. let's go, let's go, there is one more insurance left , social security, how much has social security done , look at our social security this year , according to the friends of the social security organization , 64,800,000 prescriptions have been issued, but
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only 171 million of these prescriptions have been received. we have arrived , that is, about 28, i said, we have sent the items with the supplementary insurance label to the central insurance organization without any interference. well, friends say that we have the same number. the ministry of health received 71,000 from health insurance what is the percentage of social security insurance of 2 million 4224 thousand? for example, in the month of april , which was the best month for sending information , about 20% of the information from the collection of what is produced in the country was sent to the center, and this number unfortunately decreased to 47,000 in august, which is approximately 2%. from 20 % to 2% reduction, exactly the reduction of sending information to this center of events.


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