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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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i said that without any interference , we have sent the items that have the supplementary insurance label to the central insurance organization. well, my friends, mr. kian , this is the same number. 716 thousand and 2 million 4224 thousand from social security insurance. for example, in the month of april, which was the best month for sending information, 20% of the information from the collection of what is produced in the country was sent centrally, and in august, unfortunately, this number was reduced to 47,000, which is about 20,000. the percentage reduction to 2% is exactly the reduction of sending information to this center. from the ministry of health, why is
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it that before the ministry of health, mr. doctor, that they are referring to the so-called time process of that case , the number that i presented is general and related to the entire period, while the number that the doctor mentioned is the cases that have an insurance label. my supplementary insurance, i have submitted the entire copy, see i have submitted to the social security organization 611 , their messages have received errors, now you are my friends, there is a problem in your provision, see if you do not comply with those coding standards, we are in the same repository. the subscriber is going to pay the entire prescription for both insurances, and i should say that we will put all three insurances there. well, naturally , the standard should be a single standard given by the ministry of health. now the question is here, that is , as this throat that has come has decreased, the output will be reached if we follow your path. regarding social security , it is correct, it means that he gave you too little information , he gave you too little information, and the person who gave it was wrong, of course
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, now let's go to social security, mr. god, the head of the fanavil information center of the social security organization, mr. god, hello , have a good day, peace be upon you. dear all viewers, mr dr. rahal came to you, why are you missing? my condolences , thank you. forgive me, why are you missing, mr. doctor ? look, as a viewer, when i was watching this show, let me explain. i was watching . i didn't understand what happened. now i can tell you that it is the middle of the story . let's review it together. no, no, it has not decreased. it has not decreased at all . see, if we do not define the problem , there will be no answer to this problem. so, please explain. no, look, doctor, i am not missing anything doctor, you have to answer us, there is nothing left , see the category of drug prescription. the category
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of drug delivery is different from each other, which unfortunately cannot be mentioned in detail except for these, the topics are not technical topics, but the process topics of our organization . let me tell you that health insurance is actually an operation with basic insurance operations with us and the ministry of health and food organization. and drugs are regulators. you said that we should not use the word regulation. it is prescribed that the patient cannot be delivered because the respected doctor is coming in a portal prescribes the medicine, but what does the pharmacy deliver, according to the different brands it has, according to the patient's request , according to the items inside the pharmacy , which actually delivers the medicine to the patient? irc can be the direct responsibility of this irc code with the food and drug organization that promised us . this service does not exist until today. this
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is the biggest problem. in all these few minutes that have passed since the program and friends have said that more than half of the time has passed, it has not been mentioned at all, which means that it is the most important service that should be present here now. ok, service, i have to get the ir code from the food and drug organization at the moment when i want to deliver the prescription drug, because this is a code that is changing every day according to different brands, and i will tell you if this is i don't have the code, i can't send my medicine, what you did n't get to the central insurance organization, because we have a gap. we
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are communicating this view you mentioned regularly and in the center coding of the ministry of health is also implemented. it is being handed over to the patient. this is a big fundamental problem that has not been mentioned in the program so far. mr. doctor, you said this in the second part . allow me to continue. we will tell you the rest of the cases . our service is to provide the service directly to them, but this is how it looks. in fact, this
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should be a service, it should be online, we should be able to make inquiries at the moment, mr. zamani, please forgive me. it should be complete, so that the social security organization and even mrs. ali's health insurance can ask them this question. askari, can you ask them this online now, mrs. ali askari, if there is a service, we will use it, yes, no , unfortunately, we do not have this service online, and it is not possible for us, mr. zamani, what is your answer, first part. we were the first to
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provide the initial versions of the service since 1998, since 1400. it has been implemented on the ministry of health's data base. in addition , you said that in the agreement we had with your colleagues last week, we are going to open this service with our own origin. let's prepare and present to you . well, mr. god, these explanations have been given now this discussion, in fact, let the episode continue
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. see, sir, it continues with this. see , this is a complicated issue. your viewer should come to a conclusion now, so where is the problem, why can't it be done? see, we have 100 drugs that are prescribed. we send to the ministry of health, but we only have the possibility to send 30% of the chemical drugs. the reason is that we do not have an irc code . see the first part of the second part. when the patient visits the pharmacy , not all drugs are chemical drugs that are covered by supplementary insurance. can we be here, for example, i am here to serve you we have complementary medicines , we have cosmetic medicines, we have combined medicines, so these are medicines for which there is no codification until today, and it does not include supplementary insurances, and there is no planning for it. the second point is that we have things called accessories, that is, sets that are used along with medicines. for example, a respected patient goes to a center and says that i need to
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have an injection. well, my head set is next to this. is this the head set that includes your service insurances? let me tell you, is it private? is this my q3? there is medicine in the prescription, no, no, they tell him right there, sir, you want it or don't you want to, i want to tell you that we have a series of technical issues, a series of process issues , there are no technical issues at all in these cases , right now, we can have communication , just like we have 100 drugs , now we have prescription drugs. but what is delivered is not what is prescribed, that is, the main point is why , because we have nothing. we don't have a direct service from the food and drug organization to inquire about these things at the same time, and the next point is that we don't have any tools to put pressure on me and health insurance. let's put pressure on the pharmacies that you must register all the ingredients in the system, why
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do the pharmacies register in the system what the basic insurance panel gave them, that is , they are accounting with me, the panel that the central insurance has to. present it. the same panel of the private sector of private insurances, sometimes they have request processes and filters that do not exist in any way in basic insurance businesses. central insurance is responsible for creating the private insurance rules engine . what does the private insurance rules engine mean? i mean, how am i the engine now? i have rules for the use of medicine for
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the basic insurance of the central insurance, it must have a rules engine , 28 of which are actually private sector insurance , according to the protocol and rules that the central insurance defines the standards and all the items according to it. please accept our version , unfortunately, this does not exist until today . what is happening in the country? the ministry of health is now very smart, our dear friend, now mr. aqtardan, my dear servant , they are also present there. with the central insurance, the central insurance is very smart now , now i use this word, withdraw your self-talk, come and communicate directly with 28 companies , see what happens, so what is the status of the central insurance here, the engine of the rules , if it was supposed to be the central insurance he pulled himself away
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, he wouldn't have created hub treatment, so we didn't use any cleverness, by the way
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, we worked smartly and used central insurance as hub treatment. business models do you have anything to do with the fact that these business models in basic insurance do not have arabs at all, why not , because of you, why should they run a panel for basic insurance? please answer the question. farsida modified the engine or the same thing. we prepared a center, but i explained the requirements that we have the irc code. how should i know this irc or the generic code of a drug now , which irc is it, does this supplementary insurance company of mine have coverage or not? i say that we did not withdraw ourselves in the whole process central hub derman has created and is receiving the information. even we prepared this service at the beginning of march last year. we gave it to
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the information technology organization. mr. god, we also announced to the basic insurance company at the beginning of august this year that this service is ready, rewrite the service , send the information to the ministry of health directly for decentralization. however, with the standards that have been set, your service has some requirements that we cannot implement the details that you are not able to do, for example , the technical right, we removed it, we said, sir , i don't need to remove the technical right, there is no problem, we will calculate it ourselves with a mechanism and give it to the supplementary insurance companies, because the supplementary insurance companies cover the right they have pharmacy technicians if they are not covered by basic insurance. that is , they do not pay the technical fee to the patient if the supplementary insurances also pay this amount, well, friends, it is not in their business
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, it is not in their business mechanism, but the supplementary insurances are paying this, so i need to know. how can i pay for this prescription when i don't know from the pharmacy of the medical center how much it has received from the patient ? dear ali askari, you have my voice. excuse me, i am from qatar, mrs. ali askari, yes, as one of the officials of your health insurance with the central insurance , that means you have no problems, no problems. your provider said that you have the same or not , i would like to tell you that we had the access that i said on the jsp platform in june, and this was one of the cases that we are now in the process of re-establishing communication with central insurance.
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especially his codes, which are exactly a social problem. central means the social security and health insurance organization , and they say when these problems will be solved. look , the problems are a bit basic. look, i have 6 problems, because it is the time of the ministry of health, mr. god , the ministry of health . please let me know, we have a solution for this, mr. wow
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. one is the delay, we have a voice . there is the issue of numbers, one is the issue of items, one is the issue of non -sending or delay in sending information, the other is the issue of invalid siam code, and the fifth is the failure to include the amount of the preferred width. there are other government supports it is said that the central insurance and insurance companies should have these, send one. it is invalid if these 6 cases are resolved in this new process where the basic insurances are supposed to send information directly to the central insurance without the intervention of the ministry of health, god willing, we can say that this process will be completed and they will do it, for example , they will start tomorrow. one part of it is not in our hands at all
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. look, not all of these things that you said should be solved . i want to tell you who the problem is, for example, that the figures of the information items and the pharmacy should be entered . social security of the ministry of health, insurance, and all the problems that exist in every part should be solved. when is this, my suggestion is that technically, now this work
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has been done by computer. i said, i can't say no to you. look, the irc code must be fixed. if we fix all this , it will take a month to fix it. i think we can start the process. well, we will launch the same program again in a month, and we will follow up. now you assume that all these kudinga are made up , now they are all from the food and drug organization there are 18,000 codes for health insurance that
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have been changed. there are 18,000 codes that are needed. make it available to basic insurance organizations until mr. zamani mr. zamani food and drug organization forgive mr. it just means yes or no , the things that you have will be solved. it has been resolved. please see a series of discussions, mr. doctor, god, mr. zamani, so what are these problems, why did we set up this program
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, let me somehow conclude by myself that this matter feels like a headquarters should be formed, because now everyone here has a loved one to speak for himself.
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the ministry of health, in the technology section, is the same type of health insurance social security and central insurance now, if a headquarters is not formed, hold meetings among yourselves, this thing that you promised, this thing that you can all say has been solved , so where is this problem, solve it, god willing , the people will taste the sweetness. you see, basically, the function of the ministry of health is not to be in the middle of this business, according to the national data and information management law and according to the laws of the fifth 5-year plan, article 35. 6th article 74 7th article 69 we are obliged to create a national health database , in this regard we did not withdraw, nor did we, so to speak
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, withdraw from the right to standardize data and coding reference models in the exchange of health information. yes, we will be short. i ask you to see about the order that mr. engineer once had. yes, this information has been mapped. for the uninsured, both insurers are obliged to do so. well , i take back what i said . i withdrew from the 5th of april
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. either it is stated there or through the ministry of health , the friends of central insurance are expecting it to happen through the ministry of health. and they insist that the standards of the ministry of health should be followed from both directions if it happens in that case, we completely agree with this issue, thank you very much, mr. god , dear danesh, if it is done in your way, you can , sir, according to the law of the seventh plan, article 69, clause a, we have the right to set our standards in the entire health system. . in another month , we will put the same program again between the social security
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, health insurance, the ministry of health and the central insurance. festival, warte, alles, ey leute, leute, wir wurde gerade durchgesagt, ach so, kein abbruch, kein abbruch, leute, doch kein abbruch, wir müssen hier kurz warten auf weitere informationen, aber ich muss sayn, wir können natürlich jetzt hier keine party machen, wir müssen erstmal dafür sorgen, dass alles
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4:00 pm
tehran , isfahan and sari are the best access points for you azizan is located along with a dedicated parking space suitable for shopping throughout the week in the first largest city of home appliances after azadi square facing tehran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers, welcome to the news section at 4:00 p.m. , the 8th public meeting of the islamic council to review the qualifications of the government's proposed cabinet members.


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