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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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sed and sima news agency well, mr. nikah , what was the cause of this power cut in farmers' wells, what did you follow up on and what will you do? it has been happening for 2 years now, we have opposed it everywhere, and anyway we are also worried about the fact that agricultural electricity will be cut off, we have also done follow-ups, the lack of energy production and anyway the imbalance does not allow this to the ministry of energy. which can provide us with greenhouses anyway poultry farms, our fishing units, in addition to livestock farms, we excluded them, we told them not to reject it, alhamdulillah, this did not happen, and
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we followed up on agricultural wells until the ministry of energy said, "don't cut off the electricity to the agricultural wells , cut off the electricity to the villages, anyway." cut off the village's electricity to the villagers who are doing agricultural work, they have agricultural tea , don't cut off the electricity to their wells . my question is, what did you do so that this acid does not enter the production, anyway, it definitely has an effect you are talking about production, and we have not reached a conclusion with the follow-ups we have done, because of some disagreements, the alternative grade can be used . we are going towards solar energy. we started from south kholasan as a model to go towards energy. sorri, now we are giving loan facilities, it has started in south khorasan. and
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we have to provide this in the whole country as an alternative solution that we have started working on now , hoping to god, the next issue is about the beginning of the new crop season that you mentioned in the good section, the preparations that have been thought out in different fields, especially the design and the delivery of the drawing pattern and the provision of the required institutions . seeds are very important to us, all kinds of seeds, i am your servant, alhamdulillah, according to the preparations that have been seen for the autumn planting that we have ahead of us, we have secured the needs of the autumn season, now we have more than 45 thousand tons of potassium phosphate and azotrope fertilizers. anyway, we provided. it is raining and daily about
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7,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer is being transported to the provinces of the country, and we have reserves of fertilizer in all the provinces of the country, something close to 3,000 tons now. it is being consumed, 4,000 tons will remain as reserves. dear farmers , don't worry about sowing and all kinds of poisons and fertilizers . sufficient supplies are provided. there is no need to worry. petrochemical companies are also supplying ali. although they have financial problems, and here i request our colleagues in the program organization to provide financial resources so that the supply of fertilizer is not disturbed. i would like to ask you to allow me to provide these institutions as a continuous flow that should be done throughout the year.
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let's apply winter and spring fertilizer in the same way, god willing don't worry, dear farmers, we had this situation last year too, your excellency and your colleagues in different provinces of the country , we did not have to worry about the farmers and sedasima cameras or reporters or presenters . we have a report of your problem , we have a fertilizer report, we will see if you want to see it, then we will come back , it has been supplied, no, i will not say, we have a problem, a short report , our colleagues are preparing the report, we will see , we will come back and have a summary of this section , be with us, the worry of farmers every year is on the eve of our fall harvest. we came for chemical coating for cultivation it's autumn, yes, they don't give us the harvest on time
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, delaying our quota, they give us less harvest. for some years, we have a decrease in harvest, just because it's autumn, we can't harvest. let's use black, the concern is that according to the head of the fertilizer producers association, it will be a difficult crop year for farmers this year, it is autumn planting, they don't have a correct calculation for it, there is no correct calculation of fertilizer . and 500 thousand tons of basic fertilizers, of which 2 million 400 thousand tons of fertilizers 400,000 tons of phosphate and 200,000 tons of potassium fertilizers. phosphorus and potash fertilizers have been set to be provided by the private sector, and all these cases have caused the activists of the agricultural sector to request the government to pay more attention to the provision of fertilizer reserves for the cultivation of basic crops in the fall . finish the issue as soon as possible, that is, we
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will follow up the organization of the agricultural sector until the result is achieved, and this is the law and the law must be implemented. for the import of fertilizers and raw materials by domestic companies , other activists of the agricultural sector are concerned. it has been more than 7 months that the production department has not done the order registration for all kinds of fertilizer raw materials inside the country. we are in this game. the government's subsidy for basic agricultural fertilizers is more than 30 hemt per year, while now the government owes 24 hemt to the support service company for these subsidies. i am a party to the contract with the support service company . one rial per month
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i did not receive subsidy. according to the budget law, every year the ministry of jihad agriculture must pay incentives, subsidies and banking facilities in order to ensure food security and improve the self-reliance factor in strategic agricultural production. ahmad hamiri sada and sina news agency. well, mr. nakshmat , please continue what you said in the previous paragraph and the report we saw together about the concerns, apart from the fact that you mentioned now that you asked the program organization to validate the operational plan that you put forward, which is for the next year. .
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their other problems are to provide our seeds and fertilizers from a quantitative point of view, as we are talking right now , we have provided 100% of the needs of the fall sector, especially poisons and all kinds of pesticides , until the end of the year. with the central bank, there are also horizontal problems , the severity of the problems has been solved, yes, i am doing it, the supply has also been done, and alhamdulillah, we
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do not have a shortage in the country for autumn crops. in short , there was a government decree, we implemented it , we had a price increase. yes, yes, very well, another issue and the next challenge that some farmers needed fuel supply in the field of agriculture, which sometimes faced problems with fuel supply in combine harvesters operating in the wheat sector. due to having a reduction in fuel today, i am at your service to tell you that all the provinces of the country based on the follow-ups that have been done. and anyway , both in the parliament and in our various institutions , i asked about the quota of fertilizer up to 95% of the fuel . the data was about 40, now we have reached 95%
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of the previous year, we are giving, that's why they are getting it this year, now you have fixed their problem, the problem has been solved , alhamdulillah, there is no serious problem in the department, very good. very briefly on the subject of red meat and white meat production , please tell me how the market and production situation is. in the morning, at noon, at night, we have to provide food in relation to chicken, eggs, and meat. well, your excellency, you are in the news. the honorable people of iran know what our situation was at this time last year . the forecasts were that the prices would rise to every current trend it will continue and everyone's concern was that the holy month of ramadan will also
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come during nowruz, in any case, the situation will be very critical . the effort we made today, you can see the calmness you have in the market in order to stabilize the prices compared to all the years. the past has better conditions , it was the efforts of the producers that this happened, we can say that it has been achieved. i would like to say that in order to achieve stability, we must first achieve production stability, and then stability will happen. today , when i am at your service, during the same period that i was in the ministry of agriculture, more than 220 thousand tons of chickens and our eggs were exported to neighboring countries and we are looking for new markets, especially in your eggs, the lowest fluctuation was observed in 402 . he saw, and now these stabilization conditions continue and we have a very good figure, we produce from 1
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million 2000 tons in 401 to 1 million 300 thousand tons in 402. in 2043 , we planned to produce 1 million 400 thousand tons. we set a target of 200,000 tons for export, and we will have chicken anyway, well, when i took charge of the ministry of home affairs, it was 115,000 tons. i would like to offer you the production of chicken at least we had reached 110 million pieces. today, we are hatching 150 million pieces per month and we are continuously exporting. the organizations of the agricultural sector and we are delegating the responsibilities of others
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. we have reached the point of exporting chicken production the industry was damaged and it was a disaster. because it was very difficult for us to import chicken from abroad, this industry was rebuilt. and we have given the permission to export my chicken to you. if you allow me to do it, i have an explanation about the livestock . it is from the point of view that a few nights ago i was present at the same place on the first page as the deputy of your highness. and we discussed the dimensions of this area in detail . let me tell you for a minute. moon was there that you in you have seen it on tv in various programs
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. the first step we had to take was to control the killing of the generators and that we must prevent the killing of the generators. for this action, anyway, we went to the direction of providing them with something close to one million. we gave them 300,000 tons of long-term investment, and to hope for god , we are moving forward based on the plan we have and are going forward . anyway, we were able to stabilize the meat market, and all policies, all that meaning, are their own work, all policies are done. it was predicted that the meat would cost more than one million tomans now it is controlled, it is stabilized, it is decreasing now , i see, 570 to 600 thousand tomans is now the price of sheep, yes, veal meat
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is also available at the most stable price of tomans in chain stores in the municipal square, which people are using, because of you. there are these critical conditions, mr. hosseini, those long pages that existed and really had very bad conditions. today, we have come out of these conditions and there is a stabilization condition in the market. please produce a lot of hard work.
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it was raised in the field of management decisions in the ministry of agricultural jihad i would like to tell you what happened. if you allow me to have a discussion about vegetables and safi, especially about potatoes, tomatoes and onions, how much time do we have this friday ? during the time that we were with you, you did not have any fluctuations in the price and quantity of these 3 products, except for the few years that we have passed through these conditions today, by the hope of god, if you allow me. let me tell you that the changes that have happened do not matter to us the first second or the last second of the people's table
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is not a joke. business policy, this is on our agenda, we have no objections, wherever there is a problem , to improve the conditions and market of the people, and to supply goods, we will decide what was decided. now, what kind of problems were created in the way of your work when you made these changes ? mr. hosseini, i told you that the table of the people of shofi is not open.
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if you allow me, no, their office manager is their office manager the head of their office wrote a letter, anyway , i have to cancel the rulings, the head of their office wrote a letter and according to the reasons we had, if you allow us all for a minute , i said that the conversion and supplementary industry of the judicial industry is one of the important issues. together, the link between the industry. we created a business. today, you don't see those ugly scenes that happened in orumiyeh when it comes to potatoes and other products . do you remember that they move apples and trees along the boulevards with apple loaders? today, we don't have those conditions anyway. industry assistance and guidance
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the industry and businessmen went in the direction of turning industrial products into. the wealth of the capital , i say to your excellencies in the ministry of agricultural jihad, thank you for your presence on the first page , thank you for your attention, dear viewers , be well and happy, god bless you. here at the rudshor power plant in zarandieh area near tehran, a new thing has happened in electricity production. for the first time, this power plant has 3 recuperators that will turn 3 gas turbines into a combined cycle. the exhaust gases from the white chimney you see
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reach 560 degrees celsius. when talking about changing one we will convert the gas power plant into a combined cycle, which means that this heat will be used to turn water in the boilers into steam, and this steam will eventually lead to the production of electricity without using any other fuel by completing the combined cycle section of the largest combined cycle block in iran. in an arrangement of 31 with a capacity of 1330 megawatts, it will be delivered to the power grid when we connect three units at the same time . we have and if they are all at a minimum, the stability of the network will increase, that is, if something happens to one of the units, for any reason, the rainfall decreases or it goes out of service, you will still have access to the other 2 units. you have access to the combined cycle. the efficiency of this power plant will also increase. without using new fuel, with the same fuel that was used in the gas turbine
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, we can increase the efficiency from about 40 to 57 in the rozshor combined cycle power plant, which has class f gas units, and of course, saving foreign currency by making it in iran. there are flexible fuel transfer for fire or fire. we need 124 of these flexibles, these are already localized, for each of them, more than 1000 euros must be taken out of the country, that is, 124 thousand euros for the construction of power plants in the country since 3 decades ago. it has started and these days it is approaching its maturity . before the revolution, all the power plants were foreign until 1972. well, some of these power plants were foreign. it is 100 % domestic, now iran's name is placed next to less than 10 industrialized countries that build power plants, such as america, germany and japan. we
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are now self-sufficient in the gas turbine sector. technically and engineering wise, gas turbine is one of the most complex engineering creations of man, if i want to say it very simply, all the knowledge obtained from electricity, mechanical engineering, precision instruments and metallurgy is gathered in one place and arrived at gas turbine. according to the announcement of the thermal power company, the rated capacity of the country's power plants is more than 93 thousand megawatts, of which about 76 thousand megawatts are produced in thermal power plants. tina salehi, sed and sima news agency.
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defense industry, national will, scientific and technological authority.
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he sees our determination, he sees our determination tomorrow, the world
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will be amazed. together with one heart and one voice, we will make our tomorrow together. together, with one heart and one voice , we will make our tomorrow.
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choosing a smart person to pay insurance with cash payment . he is doing all kinds of things, receiving roof and pension with life insurance, we will take his money, issuing car insurance buy with care only with the machine to declare and register the damage of the car.
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ladies and gentlemen, you are our guests from sarai irani . this is the same carpet. of course, there are also other carpets . they are getting old. so let's go and see them . let's not bother you too much to choose new carpets . renovate with exceptional conditions
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. and enjoy this affordable purchase. big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh, please fasten your seat belts. well, dear kasafrin, the pilot is speaking. finally, the last part of the journey came, the journey happy
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because the fees are less and the fees are calculated only from the cash balance, specialized reference for household appliances in the city of household appliances in the name of allahur rahman. rahim salam, dear viewers , it is 20 minutes and we are with you with some news . the caravan of afghan pilgrims to participate in arbaeen hussain from kabul is approaching. to the border of islam.


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