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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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they will trust the ministers proposed by the president. it is natural that if a ministry does not receive the necessary vote of confidence from the parliament for the proposed minister , the president will choose people who will be introduced as new ministers in his own process. anyway, before we start our conversation, let us say goodbye to the esteemed viewers of channel 1. let me know if you are interested in watching this conversation. the guest of our program tonight is mr. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin, mr. abu tarabi. they are individuals
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before this , they were the honorable vice president of the islamic council in the previous periods, and of course, the honorable representative of the parliament in the past periods, and now also the temporary imam of the city of tehran, to whom i offer my greetings and courtesy. his excellency and respected viewers of this program, greetings and greetings. i believe in islam and i wish you success. thank you very much, mr. abud, for the cabinet that was introduced under the title "now the government of national unity ". your assessment of the composition of the cabinet that was introduced is as a whole, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. thank you and best wishes. success for the dear nation. also, with
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the experience we have in these different periods of the formation of governments in the islamic republic of iran, especially in the last two decades, governments were usually formed completely from the political current that they were elected. in other words , they were in charge of the backbone of the governments in the political spheres, in the economic spheres, in particular, the political movement that was victorious in the field of competition. in my opinion, what happened in this period. dadd and the list proposed
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by mr. dr. mezikian to the islamic council based on his opinion on him in the elections being persistent and insisting, and your excellency was also a witness in the negotiations, as far as i can remember , they are the basis of the country's problems and economic challenges. and they explain politics mainly in two areas. first, we are not facing national consensus and political elites. we do not have the necessary interest from this large capital. the second point was that the general policies announced by the leadership of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , which should actually become the line of action and flood
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the system, are not in this position. in my opinion, in the first area, they tried to introduce the government delegation to the parliament, which is a symbol of national unity ok, and the political currents of the country have a strong presence in him. and together , hand in hand, in the direction of moving in line with the general policies of the system , which is the roadmap of the 14th 14th government , i think this is a really difficult task, because usually the winning movement expects that the cabinet will be formed with his prominent presence. when the president breaks away from this expectation
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, he has passed through a difficult corridor and as far as i know, he has a conversation with my friends in the islamic council. dear representatives of the people are also paying attention to this great work that has taken place. you believe that this title of national unity to the composition of the government board that has been introduced, absolutely yes, in my opinion , a big step has been taken in this direction and the friends who are now in the government board represent the political currents of the country. and this can be an effective step towards increasing the level of unity of the political elites and scientific elites in the country, and on the other hand , how does it evaluate the role that the parliament is playing now in the review of this qualification and the vote of confidence meetings that
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are being held now. what i have observed is, firstly, the commissions, which were fairly within the framework of their responsibility and mission. ministerial letters to examine and negotiate within the framework of the program and present their report to the public stage of the majlis. in the parliament , both the opponents and the supporters act within the framework of the moral rules and standards that are expected from a parliament, of course. we are always far from the desired point, we must try to get closer to the desired points, but the performance of the parliament in the specialized commissions and the public forum of the parliament
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is defensible. having done that the basis of our work is the program the seventh development will be in parliamentary commissions. in order to review the programs of the candidates for the ministries, the criteria for measuring the same program was set , what is your analysis, mr. amotrami, in my humble opinion , first of all, the general policies that were the focus of his speech should be seriously defined as the focus of the government's movement, the general policies of ebla. the supreme leader of the revolution has a special and prestigious position. first of all , it has an acceptable expert background, and this scientific and expert background that all the experts
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have on this scientific and expert capacity for general policies is a very desirable support. to move in his framework, secondly, the official who announces these policies has a special position in the islamic republic system, the position of supreme leader of the islamic revolution , with the position that is foreseen for this position in the islamic republic system, therefore, the characteristics and indicators that are included in the formulation of the law of the policy program overall, the expected scientific and expert barrier of the position of the communicator of these policies creates the capacity for all the officials in the sganeh forces
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to use all their capacities for the implementation and operation of the policies. the law of the program should be drawn up exactly with the inspiration of these policies. in my opinion, in the rules of the program as long as we don't see conflict and contradiction within this framework, we should move in the direction of its implementation . since it is possible to see that it is far from the plan, i think that the honorable government can make suggestions for its reform with the cooperation of the parliament. the government of the parliament should present and try to define their own road map based on the plan. see, we compile the development plans, we write them, we announce
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them, but the first step to move within the framework of the country's annual budget development plan is the budget. the country's annual cut is one fifth of the 5-year plan as far as i know, the annual budget of the country is not at all. the basis of the process that has been formed in the country over many years is fixed fixed costs , the managers suggest, the organization approves the program , the parliament presents it, it is adjusted based on this , it does not have a logical and expert view of the program. it makes this budget cute. it is not according to the plan. the resources to achieve the goals
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foreseen in the plan are not seen in the budget. how can you expect the respected government to implement the development plans you see, right now that we are in your presence, approximately the sources of revenue of the 143 budget that we are in , in the year of 1403, the budget that we are with , the first 3 months of it, with a high surplus, that is, 17 of the resources collected in the first 3 months, should be 25 % , the expenses were collected according to the expenses that were predicted, but our resources were not collected according to him. when we approve such a budget , whose resources are not real resources, but his expenses
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are definite expenses, and it creates a serious imbalance. therefore , according to this discrepancy, the country's current expenses in the first 3 months until the end of june are more than 92%. it has been implemented and operationalized, but the construction budget of the country is 44%, which means that 25% should have been allocated . in order for the country's development plans to be implemented, first of all, the plans must be set realistically. secondly, we must
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take the first step towards reforming the country's budget structure. we must manage and control the country's expenses as much as we can. we have to take steps to achieve basic resources. we look if this do not change if we look at the budget. if the country does not change, the country's development plans will definitely be on the ground. therefore, i think that one of the most important tools and prerequisites to achieve development and progress is that the government and the parliament, in the first step, vote of confidence in the government board proposed by the highest capacity. establish interaction and cooperation, which means that we should
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be at the highest level of relations between the government and the parliament in the country. i have been in the parliament for different periods. find out from the vote of confidence. look at the respected government based on a scientific point of view, that is, we are responsible for the vote we give, the qur'an says, "don't stop, let's lick the science, but really, it should be based on knowledge , based on science, based on the highest interests of the system, in this regard , in the vote of confidence in the government, it is the highest the level of government coordination interaction. in the first step, i will show the parliament. in the second step
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, i also told the honorable president of the islamic republic that you are a child of the parliament. you have risen from within the parliament. it should be a symbol of the highest level of interaction with the representatives. regular meetings of the president personally with the ministers related to specialized commissions. meetings of business and specialized meetings means that those ministers should explain the problems and challenges of their work area exactly to the respected representatives. the representatives should tell their stories and come to a single road map in this dialogue and interaction. i saw that this mr. dr. azimi is one of the prominent scientific figures of the country, who also has a prominent position in the management organization.
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he had a development about why the country's development plans are based on: the land remains the same. they say that we belong to a specific and logical school of thought based on consensus. we need the opinion of the political and scientific elites so that this school of thought, coherent and logical with scientific support is not formed, and the parliament and the government do not have a consensus on it , and they do not have a serious will, and all their decisions are not focused on this road map. in my opinion, several important events have happened. one is that the president himself has emphasized from the beginning that my plan is the seventh five-year development plan. the second emphasis is that
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he will always use the country's elite and expert capacity. the third point is that now my government is looking i don't have any political interest in the story let me fill in the details of the cabinet in the composition of the cabinet . another point is that, as you said, they themselves came from the parliament, and they finally played a role in the formulation of this program. all these descriptions how much you hope that the government. mr. dr. bizikian can at least implement the 7th five-year plan in comparison to the previous programs, which were not much expected, and implement it at a higher level. let it be implemented. really, looking at
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the composition of the cabinet, my view is that they have a relatively acceptable amount of knowledge and experience to understand these issues and move in this direction , that is, the gpa is acceptable. this is a very valuable capacity. we are in a difficult situation, we are going through difficult times. we did and today we are not in favorable conditions in terms of macroeconomic indicators. dear people , they have serious expectations from us. honorable parliament, honorable government are facing these real expectations and demands of the people at the beginning of their work. this is definitely their motive
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increases i think this is due to the points that his highness mentioned in your statements. this will will be strengthened in the president of the honorable government and, god willing, the representatives of the people, and with a long-term view of our country's issues, one of our main problems is that we look at everyday issues . there have been dozens of unsolved problems that have been piled up . finally, one of the main problems of the country, which as far as i can remember , has been secretly emphasized by the supreme leadership of the revolution for more than a decade.
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their recent statement said that i did not make the meeting of the leaders with a view. reforming the structure of the country's budget . shaping means the definite will of the leadership of the system to reform the structure of the country's budget . another reason is to abandon parallel executive bodies, these are necessities that must happen. i think that this field is available today in the honorable government in the islamic council, but on the condition that our daily issues are separated from these transformational issues and
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the fundamental changes that should be made in the budgeting system in the field of the country's administrative structure in the country's energy field , i really sometimes think that the country's energy imbalance is the first problem of the country. in the country's energy imbalance, the country's first problem cannot be that a country that has one of the most important sources of oil and gas in the world is facing challenges in the field of energy, that today it becomes an importer of gasoline from abroad, but a few years ago it was an exporter of gasoline. today, we have turned into a pusher. is it really our necessary consumption, or does it go back to gasoline smuggling or does it go back to illegal consumption? regarding gasoline, something must happen in this area. this country, china, with a billion and 300 or
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400 dinars and a few million people , consumes 400 dinars and a few million liters per day. the islamic republic of iran, with a population of 80 million people, consumes 91 million liters per day in october of this year. . its gasoline consumption was 6 times the world average, tens of times china's consumption. what country can't it be? does this mean that with this order, there is a 1% possibility that we will be able to run the country and provide the energy needed by the people? well, this definitely does not exist. if we don't think about reforming today, it will definitely be too late tomorrow. so i think i believe that the respected representatives are focusing all their attention on putting their hands in the hands of the respected government
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to correct the main unresolved issues of our country . to your attention, as a little brother who is fully familiar with these issues of the country's budget, i would like to say that more than 80% of our country's resources come from gasoline, energy and oil, oil and gas, which means that if we consume approximately 7 million barrels per day daily oil gas oil and to. free in the country explains that the price that we supply to the people is much lower than the price that ends up for the government, how long
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do they know how long this will continue, and then in this situation, the goods that are produced in iran and the goods that are produced in turkey, our goods are of lower quality and cost more. he competes with our products with better quality and lower cost. what is this economy? if the honorable representatives of the people, the honorable government do not focus all their attention on the reform of these principles and rules. if these issues are not resolved in the country today, tomorrow will definitely be too late, so i think that he should be the first priority of the consensus of the parliament government. in order to reach a comprehensive road map in the direction of implementing
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the general policies announced by the supreme leader of the revolution and based on this road map, the society should move. the first step that the parliament government is facing today is the 1404 budget. adjust with the lowest deficit with the least dissatisfaction . can they take a few steps to reform the budget structure so that they can report to the people and to the experts who can analyze these issues? we have taken steps to structure the budget, they say that the relationship. budget with oil 1% 2% decrease he found it, not that i should come here to report. if a step is taken in this direction. i think
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that we have moved in the direction that the supreme leader of the revolution has emphasized, it was the will of the honorable president , but if these political issues are the basis of our daily view, what steps should we take if some people will slap us and tomorrow we will have any calamity? let it take shape, it is not a fundamental issue for us. definitely , the unresolved issues of the country will be put together more than in the past. in other words, tomorrow, when the government board is formed, that space of criticism and evaluation should be transformed into a space of empathy and cooperation, so that to solve the main issues of the country, the key issues of the country, that is , all their eyes should be focused on this issue, and i hope that you think it is possible, mr. abu tarabi , what is your prediction, do you think this
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atmosphere will be formed? since you say that there should be hope, i hope so, but it is a difficult task, it really requires serious will, the consensus of the political agents in the various forces , and the determination and serious will of the shura assembly. he wants islam and, god willing, the will of the ministers who are elected, and then recounting these issues to my dear people is my experience in the governance system. this is that if the people are informed about the real issues of the country and find the confidence that
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the statesmen have decided to take steps to solve these issues based on the scientific and expert view that is approved by the scientific and political elites of the country , then the people of iran will definitely support it. and this path can be followed, i hope that with a serious interaction and at the high levels of the government, the parliament will step in this direction. allow me to give a recommendation to the honorable government here. i also recommend to the honorable government that after the formation of the cabinet , even in the appointment of deputy governors, governors, general managers don't look at changing the current managers , look at meritocracy. say:
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any manager who is worthy. and in being in this position, he has more merit than others , or is equal to him, or if he is less, one smokes because being himself in that position creates a capacity, if he has the capacity, definitely use him, and if they want to replace a character, definitely be people whose evaluation is that they are worthy. have a higher people recognize this merit. they diagnose with the first visit. whether this change with regard to merit was it a dictatorship? or with a political view? i hope that the honorable government and honorable ministers have the serious will to promote meritocracy in the country and god willing, we will move in this direction. thank you very much for your presence and the important areas of iran.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, gaza passed the 39th day of the war , the day when the number of martyrs reached 40,173 and the wounded reached 40,000.


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