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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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you are the almighty, we are short, we are short, but the power, but the power of me, all the riders, so you are my grace without me , and your food is in heaven, touch the things in your mouth, and the meaning of the best and the sunnah
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, god is your help, and do not meet you. about allah or venus, nannisiullah afi'ah hussein hossein hossein hussein hussein hussein or hussein or hossein or hossein or hossein
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, we later found out that the lebanese mobs entered the reading of the same thank you for sitting down . .
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o ahl al-jaud, thank you, o my god al-hussein, i said, i swear by god execution oh my god al-hussein, i am tall, and i am tall, and i am your guardian, you are my guardian .
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in the name of god, i have spent for you, o shia, al-zahra, ha-hura
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, praise you and give you food. yes, i have the power to welcome all visitors. mena and the food of paradise, the touch of the things in my heart and the meaning of al-jood and the sunnah may god bless you with your efforts and not meet you, the trials of god , i am used to you, he will see the fire and the curse of the people of glory, the inheritors of your family
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, and god is the people of the covenant . my power is my power. all the visitors are taqina from me, and the effect of my roof is on you. haider abul ahrar will bless you, and zahra will bless you. may
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allah protect you, i am the unbelievers, and you are the unbelievers , you are the noblest of the noble branches, the good grace of jood, badal nahn al-ahrar nahn al-ahrar laljod thank you, my god al-hussein i said, i swear by god, o my god, al-hussein, i am tall, and i am tall, and i am with you
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. it is interesting that these headbands are prepared with the slogan of the 40th year of hab al-hussein jamana al-hussein jamaat. it's a very interesting poem and it's a very good job for these dear ones to do this sarbanda because imam hussein says only for iraqis, he says only for arabs, only for iranians, dad, now the whole world is shouting
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, hussein, all the nations are saying hussein, now we have seen you on your way from whatever nationality you say it means. who is imam hossein in this poem? who is this hossein really? what did imam hussain do to these nations that all of them came here in the way of alhamdulillah ? thank god. thank god. i can tell you now that many people are listening and repeating the same thing. we are sitting here . our voices are echoing in this space. thank god. let's
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try to spend this voice in the way of the qur'an and serve muhammad and his family . as cultural and educational centers, they should play their role in guidance and education. emphasis on the use of all
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the capacity and functions of the mosque in the ritual of glorifying mosques the best ahlul sunnah of west azarbaijan in piran shahrhar farhangsaha will be built with the center of the ahadas mosque, so that if this young man comes looking for spirituality, the mosque, if you look for him, is art, he is looking for sports, anything.
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another part of this ceremony
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was a celebration of the holy prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace, and honoring the scholars, clerics and mamstas of the best sunni mosques in west azerbaijan. i have my heart. greetings, jabrane
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, i have been waiting for one year, sir. i am waiting for you. here is the price for you, mr. mohammad, 73 years old, from isfahan. he came and said that omris is sitting at the wheel this day. but it's a little different from 4 o'clock in the middle of the night when we get up, we still haven't slept. it's almost 11:30. yes, i was so sleepy last night that i fell asleep on this wheelbarrow. you didn't have it
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, let's go to the shrine now , mishraf, sit down, you stayed here, are you working? just now, someone came and said that we were at the shrine of imam hussein. this it is an honor for me, gentlemen, please come to salvati khayati station, we are coming from karbala . we are tired of hajj. he was bothering hajj on the way to attab . please leave your head and send my salutations. for the health of imam zaman, mr. muhammad and his friend karbalai safi retired, but this retirement path does not know how many hours. you sat down at the wheel at 7:00 in the morning . so far, i've been stretching for an hour. i came back in about 14-15 hours. it's true that it's crowded here, but i'm comfortable . i'm doing this. i'm in love with the world
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. or not , they are working with the intention of other people whether it's a tailor, a cleaning servant, whatever the job is, they are serving , it's about serving the people. i came on the way. my bag got torn. i came to haji . god bless him. he did a good job. he started our work. their work is no less than that of jad. the table of service at the border
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of mehran is a mess for an iranian. well, this is my job . i thought what should i do to serve zahira ? i saw that the best thing to do is to repair zahira's shoes. may god accept us with these books that we got, god willing, more let's read arung to noor harama, not just tailoring and shoemaking, any pen and color mehran is for devotion to seyyed al-shohad, here i saw that they write the name of our master, imam hossein, for example , my whole life is dedicated to imam hossein. i will take this with me and install it in my house where i can see it every day. it is our path, our love. for us, imam hossein is a culture, a path, a path of life. from birth to martyrdom and for several days after the martyrdom , we are here to serve the pilgrims of imam hussain, and there are four or five of us , there are 5 people in each team, and in the part of the bag, shawl
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, neck scarf, you put different designs on them: lipik, hussain, or qamar bani hashem. thank god it was part. our hearts are filled with this beautiful text
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our steps, god willing, imam zaman will write with my intention, i will take my cultural work is a kind of propaganda and we should do this because of encouraging one of the effects of this cultural work is the apparent encouragement of our little children.
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the arbaeen walk is one of the most important projects in the heart of anyone who plans to walk 80 kilometers from najaf to karbala in 3 days, preparing for this walk. it is so important that if one of these points is not observed, now the spiritual air that a healthy pilgrim has will turn into worry and confusion and, god forbid, the disease of observing these easy points. it keeps your body healthy so that your heart and soul can reach its destination with focus . start walking at night or during cool hours . rest during hot hours. new shoes are prohibited . and don't walk long distances without shoes. if you are asking what is the right speed for walking, you should know exactly how fast you can
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talk and breathe while walking comfortably. have mineral water and chocolate at hand. wear cotton and very loose clothes and don't twist your back when you want to remove your bag. you must also know that you should a backpack suitable for walking that does not contain anything except essential items. just like driving , for every one hour of walking, you should sit or lie down and rest for 20 minutes. you should safely reach the kissing hand of imam hussain, peace be upon him , and that's why we are by your side.
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there is always an easy way, it's easy like the entrance exam . students from the sixth to twelfth grades and entrance exams, to receive 60% of the entire two days for free and free planning advice , send the number 5 to 30085. the entrance exam is easy with gilna.
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in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light of the light, in the name of god , light on the light, in the name of god, the light of the qur’an, in the name of god, the light saying light in the name of god, light for me, in the name of god, who is the ruler of all things, in the name of god , who created light from me, praise be to god, who created light from me, praise be to god
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, who created light from me, and sent down light to him, and sent down light in the same way in the book of al-mushkhor, at the time of the revelation, in god is the greatest. god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the
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messenger of god.
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god bless you, god bless you , god bless you


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