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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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hai ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam god is great
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, we have arrived at 4 o'clock in the morning, we hope that your obedience and worship will be accepted by god. failure to implement the law requires the official registration of treason transactions against the people, said the first deputy of the judiciary. the approval of the law requiring the official registration of unreasonable property transactions has created new rights for people. mr. khalili emphasized on the sidelines of the specialized conference on the law requiring official registration of immovable property transactions: the judiciary and institutions related to the registration of documents are obliged to uphold people's rights. this law is a very good law and it is clear and naturally works.
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it can have a lot of good in people's lives in people's transactions . this law has requirements and burdens the departments. it should be said that the ministry of housing is obliged to ensure that the ministry of housing is registered with the judiciary, mr. babaei, to comply with this law. they should implement it well and correctly. monitoring is being done. the inspection organization is monitoring that this process is done well and correctly. the spokesperson of the judiciary said that the legal loophole has turned cryptocurrencies into a suitable platform for criminal activities, including money laundering and fraud, mr. janangir added, although according to the definitive policy of these prohibited transactions, the risks are directed at the users, the food system has preventive measures on its agenda to reduce crimes in this area. the judicial system has been sitting idly by regarding
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criminalization and unauthorized activities , informing the public , and has put good measures on its agenda, and with the cooperation of the law enforcement officers , it is continuously monitoring the cyber space to see if there is fraud or not. there is a possibility of fraud, he can take preventive and preventive measures in this regard . identification of legal loopholes and related crimes cryptocurrency offers and providing preventive solutions to various devices have been on the agenda and are being implemented . identifying the latest tricks in the field of cryptocurrencies , especially the frauds that are taking place , and informing people widely is another measure in this field. and the new technologies of tavanir company
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said that the demand for electricity consumption reached 7570 megawatts yesterday, which has increased by more than 8% compared to the same period last year. mr. ahmadi stated that the demand for consumption is still high on the necessity of continuous management of consumption by the subscribers. these numbers are for entering the month of september, which we are about to enter we are in september, the numbers are big and it shows that the management of the network is still difficult. it has been more than two and a half months that the electricity network, whether it is production , transmission or distribution , is being managed under borderline conditions and it is able to produce and explain electric energy with maximum power. well, this has caused this.
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if we can't manage the consumption properly and to the extent that we predicted and the demand that we predicted does not have the demand, it is possible to reduce the load. we have to face the increase of accidents in recent days, so consumption management is very necessary in this how many days have you been harvesting? excuse me, how many days has it been? honey harvesting has started from the apiaries of kohluye and barhamad province. it is expected that more than 3 thousand tons of honey will be harvested from this region this year. more than 200 species of plants grow, which make girouye and beir ahmed a treasure of flowers and plants have become. 200 types of it have medicinal properties and uses. now this plant variety has led some people to a profitable activity. honey does not get any purer than this.
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in addition to mountain honey seekers, more than 3 thousand beekeepers are engaged in breeding honey bees in kohgirouye and bey rahmat provinces. 232 thousand bee colonies maintain and nurture. beekeepers who produce 1800 tons of honey annually. during the year, we harvest 25 to 30 tons of pure honey, we produce more than 8 to 10 tons of pure honey in the province. these days, the work of harvesting the honey of 40 plants has started in the cold regions of kohgirouye and beir hamad. from the 20th to the 25th of august, we harvest gon honey, or the same honey from the chalgis of the cold region, and we have 10 honey per hive on average. up to 15 kilos of this honey
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does not come out. bring out the prosperity of the beekeeping industry in the province. i have work experience. how many houses do you have? the honey of kahlavi province is fragrant because of the nectar of medicinal plants. it has a premium quality. the honey produced in the province is usually medicinal honey, but the work does not end only with honey production. we harvest honey . it is royal jelly. there is also mountain pollen. on the other hand, honey bees are harvested in the apiaries of kehlavi and boyer ahmed provinces. on average , we have harvested 45 to 70 kg of royal jelly, but this high-quality honey has not been well introduced, there is no market
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, there is no special position for beekeepers who can sell their products, mehrdad bina sada news agency and sima kakan dehistan has started the harvest of grain and rice from the fields of north khorasan province. with the beginning of the last month of summer, the harvesting of sifijat and grain has started from the north khorasan farm. do you have green beans ? yes, how many kilos? 30 tomans per kilo. where do you get green beans from? bojanard's with the talk of this seller, we went to one of the tombs. are you ok let us come to you. lush farm. that the early riser farmers are busy planting the first crop of beans. at 5:00, i come at 6:00, i come until 5:60 a.m. you collect a few bags of beans from here every day, about 10 bags of 50 click, each bag is not more than 25 kilos. from
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green beans, we can have different products. for winter, we can make salt for food and for canning . everything will be ready. it is used fresh , i harvested it, we collect it every day, this is about a thousand meters, almost every chinese can contain 15-20 kilos, now you have harvested a lot of cucumbers today, about the 15th, we planted 4 thousand meters of cucumbers, almost from 20 burj do until now, it has been almost 20 days, we are collecting we do 4 people, 5 people, 6 people every day they are working for us here. most of the farmers' products are processed and sent to the market in this province. we deliver about 30 to 40 tons of cucumbers daily in this production workshop in hossein abad . i have been working here for 5 years.
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we sell first-class cucumbers and send them to different cities. considering that shirvan is the main pole of pickled cucumbers. we produce 400 tons of cucumber here every year. all kinds of cucumbers are produced. we make and export to all parts of the country. we are working for four seasons, cucumbers are in our region, cucumbers in the south and cucumbers in the north, tomatoes, peppers. green cabbage, eggplant. chickpeas are among the vegetables that are produced and supplied in the province. until the end of september , different crops are collected from different fields in north khorasan. malieh kiwanpur of sed and broadcasting news agency. thank you for your cooperation.
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the burden of trust is left on your shoulders, stand up, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row. hello and polite , i invite you, dear viewers, followers of the khabar network
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, to stay with us on the first page. today and tonight, this program is scheduled to let's talk about one of the ministries that can be said that people are working day and night with different fields of activity of this ministry, from the morning they wake up until the night and before the night shift, such that the decisions and performance of this ministry and the daily life of the people has an impact. mr. mohammad ali nikbakht , the honorable minister of agricultural jihad , is present in this program from the first page, so that we can talk about his areas of responsibility and activity in this program . this is the second time that mr. nikbakht has been the minister agricultural jihad is our guest on the front page and we are responsible for hosting them hello, welcome to you. thank you very much, my servant. i offer my greetings to the service of his highness and your hard-working colleagues, to the service of the great honorable nation of iran, especially
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the farmers, all those who are active in the field of agriculture. from the producers of the agricultural sector, because the producers are the main workers, both the nobles and the nomads are involved. these are the people who are involved in the production of various products in the fields of agriculture. they work hard. on behalf of them, i would like to greet you and start serving the noble people. iran, i have a lot of questions regarding the activities and performance of the ministry of jihad and agriculture. well, at the end of this government's work and the beginning of a new government, the duties of the ministers will be determined soon, so i request your excellency to help me in let's answer the questions in such a way
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that i can answer the various questions that exist in the fields of activity and the ministry of agriculture, which i said is a wide field, we can address it very briefly. what strategy did you have for agriculture and now? where did you get to? yes, let me tell you that i am the same as you are in iran. last year, in the month of july, the ministry of agriculture came and i found the honor of serving the nation in the ministry of agriculture. at the beginning of my service, i faced a series of crises in the field of agriculture , both in production and in the market, and in providing institutions and products. we had severe problems in agriculture. at the beginning of my work
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, we drew five strategies or executive policies between ourselves and our colleagues . if you allow me to give an explanation, based on these strategies, the priorities in the coming section, we determined that we can use the resources efficiently anyway , there are five ways you mentioned. the first strategy of our group is to serve you for 5 minutes to answer your questions. our first strategy is to maximize production. protecting our basic resources, as you are aware , we have problems with soil and water , especially with water, our problems are more severe. anyway, we should have maximized production by protecting and preserving these resources. this is that, anyway, both the market and the industry
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let's meet the needs of exports and increase the efficiency of production. the second way is to play a role in production in the field of agriculture . you have the storm, you have the hail , you have the pest, you are producing in the open space , it is usually not controlled, that's all. you can manage it. well, this oneness in production makes us minimize the fluctuations in production . when you minimize the fluctuations in production, anyway, both the producer and consumers lose less and suffer . our third strategy was balancing production, that is
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, making production proportional to the share it gives from resources. we had to balance this in any case . it should be a balance that follows the benefit of the producer . our fourth strategy is export-oriented production. i believe that we should not produce, for the domestic market, we must develop our own markets. the development of the market goes through export, we also gave priority to the neighboring countries and our effort was not to send the products raw in order to add value. let's get it, process it , send the processed products to the neighboring countries, let's send them . when this happens, the production will be like a stream in development, and we won't have deadlocks and limitations. our fifth priority is knowledge-
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based agriculture and increasing productivity. with the help of elites, scientists and knowledge-based companies, scientific institutions and agricultural universities, we can use this capacity with the 3 pillars of research, education and agricultural promotion. well, priorities are also very important. if i ask you and have questions, i will definitely explain these priorities. what actions were taken in each department? and how did you implement what you explained as a work priority, and what was the executive and operational plan of your excellency and your colleagues ? well, one point that is raised is that we are at the end of the harvest of many agricultural products. in these days , what is the latest status of the production of basic spices? mr. hossein, if you allow me
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to give you a list, it is very important, apart from the five that you said, yes, they were strategic, and then based on that , our first priority is to invest in fisheries, both farmers and fishermen, as well as aquaculture. flow may i say this as a research , we could not exceed 15-20% of the existing capacity and talent of the country and the resources we have in the field of aquaculture. let's do both internal water resources , south coasts and north coasts, and fish farming in ghafs. we have something close to 500,000 agricultural wells . we can tell you that we had fish farming that you mentioned. my question is, do you just
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say that you have priorities or not , it was your first priority? i say that it was important to you in order because i had your previous plan i saw that the first priority was watershed management . this is the sub-category. i have the priority of investment . i am saying that because the first priority is the seed fisheries and the fishing industry. it should be done in another program, not the same program . our third priority is the production of greenhouse products and medicinal plants. i would like to offer you the fourth priority of the pet provider, including the theory and service. we defined the two narratives that hazrat ali now put forward in the infrastructures, both light and heavy in the previous meeting of watershed management, watershed management and small
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water supply projects, according to its importance , we defined our first priority in the ministry of agriculture , and our second priority is water and soil projects. today, when i am at your service, if you allow me to explain what happened to the indicators of the agricultural sector, considering one year and 2 months, it was really a short time. i thank all the producers, all my colleagues in all different fields. in the whole country , affiliated organizations, companies, service centers, cities. thank you.
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this center is a report of the statistics center and the central bank. the growth rate of the agricultural sector's added value was positive. spring 402 was negative 46 percent, summer 32 was negative, autumn 1 percent was negative and winter 402, which leads to spring 43 is positive 6, which means we are out of a crisis and recession. we have come out and we are moving towards a direction where the growth rate of value added in the agricultural sector will be positive . let me tell you the inflation rate, which
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was decreasing in proportion to the total inflation index. alhamdulillah. 3% in food and agricultural products 1.1%. we export more than one billion dollars our agricultural products have increased during this period and our trade balance has improved by more than 2 billion dollars. how many toasts do you want to say? i will say two or three more because i spent time on this question. i am sincere to you, my noble nation. let me explain. let's continue the same process that we are going now and the financial discipline that we have created and the monitoring that is happening. hopefully, in 2043 , our trade balance will be better than in 2002
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, and the next discussion will be about wheat products as a basic commodity. we imported 400 years 400 more than 7 million tons of wheat, 401 nearly 5 we imported million tons of wheat, 422,10,35,000 tons. we bought wheat from the farmers. today , i am your servant , we rejected 11,600,000 tons, and by the end of september, for the first time, hoping to god, we will set a record that we have never experienced before, more than 12 million tons of wheat this year. after that, we were self-sufficient in wheat , and there was a horizontal saving that, alhamdulillah
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, we will not do. let me tell you the next index of 402, we reached 134 million tons of agricultural products production in various fields, and alhamdulillah , it was a very good and appropriate increase in production that happened. so, i asked my question about this, so let me ask you the question. the index you want to ask is among the questions. it was from this perspective that you mentioned, for example, in wheat production, this year we reached complete self-sufficiency. yes. that is, how much did you buy, how much did you produce, and how much did you buy, so let me tell you that until now, the same thing i have said is 11 million tons today, 11 million and 600 tons.
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we rejected 1000 tons until the end of september, it is the legal time to buy wheat, with the current trend of buying wheat , we will buy more than 12 million tons of wheat this year, god willing. 11th of september, you said no, until the end of september, until the end of september, we will buy more than 12 million tons of wheat, barley and oilseeds, how about oilseeds, this year we only bought something close to 250,000 tenza, compared to last year, something like 138,000 tons. we had almost a 100% increase in the production of rapeseed. this is the plan for the supply and production of oilseeds, which is part of our policy. anyway , we planned to continue the cultivation of soybeans in the provinces of khuzestan, which,
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god willing, will cooperate with us. dear, those who take the responsibility of the ministry of skan, god willing, continue on this path they want to know how we can go to your service . we have the same situation to provide an important part of the needs of the country. alhamdulillah, we have two and a half to 3 million tons of accurate statistics at your service. the hour must be paid. this resolution has been implemented, i would like to inform you that with all the restrictions that existed in terms of resources , i would like to inform you that the supply of resources that was considered was less than what we have wheat, we are buying 94 hemats more than 94 efforts have been paid so far, the last follow-ups i had
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40 more efforts , god willing, the other efforts will be paid soon , god willing, and the rest will be paid by the end of september. there are many priorities of the government. when the payment is made, i am ashamed of the farmers. what you mentioned
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was seen in the 143 budget. about 160 hemats were considered, which according to the volume of the purchase that is happening, the figure is higher than this, so he wants the permission of the leaders, which, in the hope of god, is being there are administrative formalities, the work will be done , let's see a report, let's come back and continue the conversation with you about the price. decide whether you want to plant wheat, rapeseed or any other crop. according to the law, the government is obliged to determine the price of the next year's guaranteed purchase of basic agricultural products by the pricing council by the end of july every year. the philosophy of implementing the guaranteed purchase policy and guaranteed price for products.
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basic agriculture is actually reassuring to farmers for continued production. members of the pricing council for basic agricultural products consisting of the minister of agricultural jihad, he is the minister of economy, the head of the program and budget organization and 6 people from non-governmental organizations in the agricultural sector. the council, which this year, like previous years , was late in determining the prices of basic agricultural products. usually there is a lot of official and unofficial pressure from the program organization that your price should not go above a certain level . this is not at all for this year or last year , always because he wants to give as little money as possible to himself. he is doing rational behavior in the government system from his own point of view, but these pressures are always there, as a result, it causes this bargaining of prices or going back and forth of prices may take some time, of course, it has been done in a short time.


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