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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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guaranteed purchase policy and guaranteed price for basic agricultural products, in fact, reassuring farmers for continuous production. the members of the basic agricultural product pricing council consist of the minister of agricultural jihad, the minister of economy, the head of the program and budget organization and 6 people from non-governmental organizations in the agricultural sector. this year, like previous years, the council was late in determining the prices of basic agricultural products. usually , there is a lot of official and unofficial pressure from the program organization that your price should not exceed a certain limit . this is not at all for this year or last year is not always because he wants to pay as little money as possible to himself, he is doing a completely rational behavior in the government system from his point of view. but these pressures are always there, as a result , this price negotiation or going back and forth between prices takes a little time. short of course.
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it has been done, except for the non-government sector, which we were, the government sectors, all of them were the destination because we were unprepared. it means that you do not have to set a price you cannot implement contract cultivation in the meetings of the pricing council of basic agricultural products . agricultural product pricing council is established in the ministry of agricultural jihad and the honorable minister of agricultural jihad is in charge of this council. therefore, as a rule , the minister of jihad agriculture should be responsible for this issue. according to the chairman of the parliament's agriculture commission, timely determination and announcement of the price of basic agricultural products is effective up to 30% in production efficiency.
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alireza shakti of sed and sima news agency. well, sir, let's not talk about the reason for the delay in determining the price it took about a month to tell you that we are talking about wheat, due to its importance and the fact that it is a strategic product, it has a direct role in the country's national security. with great sensitivity , we seek to encourage farmers with support policies to have wheat production up to the limit of self-sufficiency, so that we are not forced to import . strategic reserves are very large.
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importing a million tons of wheat is a difficult task both in terms of the limitations of foreign exchange resources and in terms of logistics it is a problem and being in the market for such a figure will upset the entire balance and balance of satisfaction and demand for this product. indeed, it is one of the country's prides that this happened, alhamdulillah. our effort is to announce the prices on time. i am submitting to you the support of the government . now i am submitting to you. in 2004, the price of wheat was 15,000 tomans. in 2003, we put 17,500 tomans within the framework of these support policies. inshallah,
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the new management of the ministry and the government, well , we must have planned to increase this price, which is why now, what is another discussion that i am healthy is that this delay is a price every year, anyway , the trend is the same, it is not a long delay, i hope to god , it will happen as a result of when it will happen , not for us this long, we talked in the previous session that the demands of our farmers should be paid within 24 hours. it is correct according to the law. he said that until the end of september . by the end of shahrivarma , the government should pay all the demands of the wheat farmers, that is, they said that they should be paid within 24 hours. they also said that until the end of shahrivaram, which is the end of buying wheat, the government should settle the accounts. the government should account, mr. hosseini, in any case, see that all the efforts of the government have been and continue to be to make the payment, god willing , and it will definitely happen , god willing. mentioning that the credit budget
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of about 165 thousand billion was considered in the budget for the purchase of guarantees, which is about 9 million tons. a smaller forecast was made in the budget, but i said that the solution is that the government, the government, no, we don't have it now, we don't have it now, we don't have it now, we don't have it now, we don't have it now. harvest and pay the demands of the wheat farmers. it is resolved.
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according to the follow-ups i had, which is already a good figure, hopefully it will be cleared by the end of september. the pricing council will also be held. yes, soon, god willing , we will announce the new price before the planting season arrives. god, but the fact that you mentioned about 50 claims that have not been paid is correct . yes, it will definitely be paid by the end of september . it will not be affected by the change of government and the change of responsibilities. this is that the demands of the farmers will be paid on time and the organization of the program will pay the 40 hamat soon, with the hope of god, with this experience both this year and last year, what is the prediction that such problems will not happen next year in
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the production of basic products? in the 404 budget , you should see the 44 budget that will come in two or three months. it must have started before the season that you mentioned. how about that? you said that the replanting season will start soon. yes, from this point of view, it has been seen for the next year, because the crop year and the water year, these are also different from the annual budget that you are looking at. our colleagues are now doing the expert work , hoping to god, in a meeting that will be held soon by the pricing council, there, hoping to god , they will make the final decision. very good, but another concern of both people and farmers in the crop season. that we left behind.
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this is the time for seeding of this pistachio. now is the time that if the seed is not closed properly, it will cause irreparable damage to the farmer. they cut off the power cut almost now, close to 4 every year it happens between 5 and 6 hours a day. electricity to deep agricultural wells and other agricultural activities will be cut off. it hurts production. maybe in some cases even more than 50% damages the product. mr. zabanakhet, the deputy of water affairs of the ministry of energy, says: the licenses issued
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for deep water wells are 2000 hours for one year, and the ministry of energy operates based on the water exploitation license issued by the ministry of jihad and agriculture . ministry of energy mandatory to provide electricity to agricultural wells within 20, i.e. within 24 hours, in all seasons of the year, which is a concern of the minister of jihad for agriculture. this is how he answers : i am strongly against the power cut, the ministry of energy should take measures so that the production is not damaged.
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the difference is a fact that exists in the country. the ministry of energy and our colleagues have given full explanations . anyway, this has been happening for 2 years , and we have opposed it everywhere. and in any case, we are also worried about the fact that the agricultural electricity will be cut off, we have also done follow-ups, the lack of energy production and in any case, the imbalance does not allow the ministry of energy to supply us. anyway , we excluded the greenhouses, chicken farms, our fisheries units, in addition to livestock farms , we told them not to cut off, alhamdulillah, nothing happened and
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we did not have any power outages in these units. don't cut off the electricity to the villages, cut off the electricity to the villagers who are doing agricultural work, they have agricultural wells , cut off the electricity to the village , don't cut off the electricity to their wells, anyway, this is the issue that this imbalance of mr. hosseini affects the scope of production in all sectors. my question is, what did you do to cause this damage? if production does not enter, it definitely has an effect on the discussion of production, and we have not reached a conclusion with the follow-ups we have done, because of these disagreements, alternative energy can be used , we have energy, we are going in this direction , we started from south kholasan to the title of a model to go towards solar energy, now we have loan facilities , started in khorasan. south and we have to ensure this in the whole country as an
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alternative solution, we have started the work now, in the hope of god, and the next issue is about the beginning of the new crop season that you mentioned in the lock section, the arrangements that it has been thought out in different areas, especially the design and communication of the harvest model and the provision of the required institutions. i would like to thank you, alhamdulillah, according to the preparations that have been seen for the fall planting that we have ahead of us, we have provided the need for the fall season, now we have more than 450 thousand tons of potassium phosphate fertilizer. and we provided the nitrogen anyway, and daily nearly 7,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer are being transported to
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the provinces of the country, and i have reserves in the entire province. in the country, we have something close to 3,000 tons , which is being consumed now, and 4,000 tons will be left as reserves. dear farmers , there was no concern about seeds and types of poisons and fertilizers. there is no need to worry about the fact that it is provided enough, like petrochemical companies , they are providing the price of fertilizer, despite the fact that they have financial problems, and here i request our colleagues in the program organization to provide financial resources to fertilizer should not be disturbed. for these institutions, i suggest that you allow the provision of these institutions in one stream. annuity that throughout the year it must happen. we are now
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providing winter fertilizer for autumn and spring should come in the same way. hopefully, dear farmers will not have any worries. we had this situation last year as well. your excellency and your colleagues in different provinces of the country did not face the fact that farmers and tv cameras or reporters were very worried. let's go back to jamandi. enjoy this time and be with us. farmers worry every year on the eve of autumn planting. chemical fertilizer for growing your paizun .
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how many years have we had a decrease in harvest , just because it is autumn planting, we can't use kota black, the concern is that according to the head of the fertilizer producers association, it is a difficult crop year for the farmers this year in autumn planting, they don't have the right seeds for it, they don't have the right fertilizer. it is going to be a very difficult year. as announced by the ministry of agricultural jihad, the country's agricultural lands need about four million and 500,000 tons of basic fertilizers , of which 2,400,000 tons are phosphate fertilizers. all these cases caused the activists of the agricultural sector in a letter to the president they want the government to pay more attention to the provision of fertilizer reserves for the cultivation of basic crops in the fall. i request that they really complete this issue as soon as possible, that is, we
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will follow up the organization of the agricultural sector until the result is achieved, and this is the law and the law must be implemented. let the european union pay 60 % of the value of its production due to the lack of supply of the required width for the import of fertilizers and raw materials of domestic companies. another concern of the activists of the agricultural sector is that the production sector has not registered orders for all types of fertilizer raw materials in the country for more than 7 months. it will come as far as customs he doesn't offer money, he looks for it. the government's subsidy for basic agricultural fertilizers is more than 30 hemt per year , while now the government owes 24 hemt to the support service company for these subsidies . i am a supporter
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of the support service company. according to the budget law every year, the ministry of jihad agriculture must provide security. in the production of strategic agricultural products, pay incentives, subsidies and bank facility fees. ahmad hamiri, sda news agency, i am sorry for your inconvenience, please continue with the matter of fertilizer apart from what you mentioned in the previous chapter and the report we saw about the concerns , you asked the program organization to finance the program. what is the operation that you have put forward so that for the next financial year these problems will not be so many problems? yes, i am the same as i explained. well, we have a plan and a timetable for providing fertilizer throughout the year in different seasons before the season arrives. we have to provide the fertilizer , from a quantitative point of view, i am now at your service to inform you that my colleagues in different departments, anyway, i
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heard their conversations, and we had a meeting with them. in relation to the provision of land and also in relation to their other problems for the provision of seeds, fertilizers and manure , we have provided 100 parts of the autumn needs, especially pesticides and all kinds of fertilizers, until the end of the year. the private sector itself provides the same gentlemen who are talking now, we had meetings with central bank and their problems were explained.
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very well, we had another issue and the next challenge that some farmers had to supply the fuel they needed in the field of agriculture, which is sometimes used in combines that operate in the wheat sector. what did you do to supply fuel , what will happen in this field, we have had continuous follow-ups through the sub-battery devices that have a reduction in fuel . it was done, and anyway, both in the parliament and in our various institutions , i asked about the quota of fertilizer up to 95% of the fuel .
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that's why they are taking it this year . this problem has been fixed. it's a serious problem, alhamdulillah there is no section, very well, very briefly regarding the production of red ears and white robes, please tell me what is the situation of the market and production . at noon, we have to provide food for us. in relation to chicken, eggs and meat. well, your highness, you are in the news. the honorable people of iran know what our situation was at this time last year. the forecasts were that the prices would be anyway, the profit process will continue and everyone's concern was that on nowruz eid may the holy month of ramadan also come, in any case, the situation
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will be very critical, the effort we made, today you can see the calm in the market, in order to stabilize the prices , it has better conditions than all the previous years, it was the efforts of the producers that this happened. i am saying that in order to achieve stability, we must first check the basis of production, then stability will happen . today, when i am at your service, during the same time that i was in the ministry of agriculture, we exported more than 220,000 tons of chicken and eggs. we are looking for new markets to neighboring countries especially in eggs, you saw the lowest fluctuation in 402, and now these stabilization conditions continue, and we produce a very good figure , from 1 million 200 thousand tons in 401 to
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1 million 300 thousand tons in 402. 403, we planned that we set a target of 200 thousand tons from 1 million 400 thousand tons for export . it had reached 110 million pieces of rhizome chicken, today it is 150 million pieces per month we are incubating and continuously exporting, the market is being supplied, the export is happening, and we are also supplying the industry , and we have given this export to the organization itself. we gave these to both the poultry union, laying hens and broiler chickens. we gave them to them and
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they are regulating the market by themselves . they are also doing the export. by the way, we went from importing to exporting in chicken production, which has damaged this industry. and it was a mozal because it was very difficult for us to get the chicken from outside. let's enter this industry was reconstructed today, we are producing ourselves , we have given the permission to export chicken , if you allow it to happen, i also have an explanation about livestock. i was present on the first page and we discussed the dimensions of this area in detail . i will also mention meat for a minute in this section. we set up a program at the entrance when we came. there was mass killing in our livestock units, which you have seen on tv in various programs , the first step we had to take anyway.
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it was the control of the production of killing and that we have to prevent the killing of the production. for this action, we went to the direction of providing them with investments . and we are moving forward . anyway, we were able to stabilize the meat market, and all the policies in that sense are their own effect. you can see all the policies. it was predicted that the meat would cost more than one million tomans. it has been controlled and stabilized now. there is a reduction, i see, 570,000 to 600,000 tomans is now a sheep apartment yes, veal, anyway, with the most stable price above 600 thousand tomans, no veal
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below 500 tomans, no sheep meat above 6000 tomans. 280 to 390 tomans are being offered in chain stores of municipal squares , which people are using, well, this is because of you. mr. hosseini's crisis, those long journeys that existed and really had very bad conditions, today we have come out of these conditions and there is a stabilization condition in the market. they put a lot of effort on the producers who , alhamdulillah, have reached this level today. today , yes, in the whole chain, enough supplies are available. today, they are taking day-old chicks. it has very good conditions , good production is happening, and the market is being secured, exports are also happening . god willing, one more issue that
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i would like to ask mohsen januari and then we will have a meeting. virtually , it was mentioned in the field of management decisions in the totality of the ministry of agricultural jihad. tell me what happened i would like to tell you, if you allow me to have a discussion related to vegetables and safi , especially because we are at the end of our time, especially the discussion of potatoes, tomatoes and onions, what about this friday? we were now. in any case, you didn't have a sharp fluctuation in price and quantity in these three products, except for the rare years that we have overcome these conditions today, hoping to god. now, the changes that have happened do not matter to us whether it is the first second or the last second people are not kidding, this is the emphasis of hazrat agha
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, that is why the officials of the country. anyway, as a compliment, we don't have any compliments on the people's table, wherever there is a problem , there is a work policy. this is our agenda. we will make a decision in order to improve the conditions and the market and the people's table and provide goods. in order to improve , i told you, mr. hosseini.
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together, the link we created between the commercial industry , today you those ugly scenes in urmia it used to happen that in the case of potatoes and other products, you don't see them. do you remember that they move apples
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and trees along the boulevards with apple loaders? today, anyway, we don't have those conditions. products are always easy way. it's easy like the entrance exam
5:00 am
. students from 6th to 12th grade and entrance exam to receive 60% of the entire two days for free and free planning advice, send 5 to 30085. entrance exam is easy with gilna. hello, at 5 o'clock, according to the return wave of arbaeen pilgrims, the border terminals' transit facilities have increased found and these terminals are ready for the return of the pilgrims, the central headquarters of arbaeen advised the pilgrims to return to the country in view of the gathering of iraqi processions at noon on the day of arbaeen before the day of arbaeen.


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