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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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and konkor to get 60% of the entire courses for free and free planning advice , send the number 5 to 30085. with gilna konkor is easy. hi, 5 o'clock. due to the return wave of arbaeen pilgrims, the transit facilities of the border terminals have been increased and these terminals are ready for the pilgrims to return. arbaeen central headquarters also advised the pilgrims
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to return to the country before arbaeen day due to the gathering of iraqi processions at noon on arbaeen day. since the beginning of the month of travel, more than 2,600,000 iranian pilgrims have entered iraq to participate in the arbaeen ceremony. 80 percent pilgrims travel to the borders by private car . the head of the country's leading police said: according to the predictions made , there is no problem in the axes of the border provinces and the stops. something more than 5. millions of traffic have been recorded in the transportation routes leading to our six borders. the irgc's services have been recorded in the six borders of iran and inside iraq. the spokesman of the islamic revolutionary guards corps said that it would help in the security of transportation and transportation, health care, water supply and nutrition, as well as services to pilgrims. due to
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the return wave of pilgrims, the comfort facilities of the border terminals such as mash and awnings have increased and this the terminals are fully prepared for the return of pilgrims. we are only concerned about the return of pilgrims, which according to the time management that dear pilgrims have done so far , the situation is very good. arbaeen pilgrims to get their passports in case of loss. pass card , they can go to iranian consulates in iraq or call 128 phone number without needing an iranian or iraqi sim card. hosseini's arbaeen headquarters advised the pilgrims to return to the country before the arbaeen day due to the gathering of iraqi processions at noon on the arbaeen day. otherwise, make the necessary predictions for accommodation and have their own nutrition. arbaeen and hemgar conference.
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these days, at the border of mehran , you can see followers of different ethnicities and religions gathering together under the red flag of imam hussain, peace be upon him, and their concern is to serve each other regardless of nationality and ethnicity. let's be on this path, he says since childhood in the parliament.
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fraternally, sisterly, hard work and brotherhood, together, they travel this great divine path to reach the main point. are you a shiite? i am a shiite, and you felt with the sunni brothers of golestan province that they are really religious brothers what does that mean? these days, under the red flag of hossein , peace be upon him, the hearts of freedom seekers around the world are getting closer to each other day by day. i don't know.
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the irgc spokesman said that the attack on iran has not been left unanswered, the enemy must wait for carefully calculated strikes in his own time. sardar nayini
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considered iran's determination to respond to the attacks of the zionist regime in the assassination of martyr haniyeh as serious and emphasized that the decision about the time and the way to respond is the way to respond: time is at our disposal. expectation and dimensions of the attack. iran's and the front of resistance in the imbalance should be headed. iran's response may not be repeating past operations. the quality of the response, the scenarios, the tools,
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are not always the same. thank you for your cooperation.
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the guest of our tonight's program is mr. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen, mr. abu torabi fard, who was previously the respected vice president of the islamic council in the previous periods, and of course, the respected representative of the parliament in the past periods, and is currently the temporary imam of the city of tehran. and i'm polite. welcome to tonight's special news talk. i am also at the service of his highness and the respected viewers of this
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thank you very much, mr. abud, for the cabinet that was introduced under the title "now the government of national unity ". your assessment of the composition of the cabinet that was introduced is in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. thanking your excellency and wishing success to the dear nation of the government of the honorable parliament with the experience we have in these different periods of the formation of governments in the islamic republic system, especially in the last two decades. the governments were usually
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formed entirely from the political current that won the election, in other words, the backbone of the governments in the political spheres economic, especially the political stream that wins the field of competition. in my opinion, they were in charge of what happened during this period and the list proposed by mr. dr. dr. mezikian to the islamic council, based on the opinion that they were pressing on him in the elections and his insistence, and you were also a witness in the negotiations. as far as i remember, they
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explained the basis of the country's problems and economic and political challenges mainly in two areas . first, we are not facing national consensus and political elites. we do not have the necessary interest from this large capital. the second point was that the general policies communicated by the leadership of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , which should actually become the line of motion and rail of the system, are not in this position. in my opinion , in the first area, they are trying to introduce a government delegation to the parliament, which is a symbol of national unity and currents. the country's politics should be full of color in him and
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he should move hand in hand in line with the general policies of the system which is the roadmap of the 14th and 14th government. with his bold presence . when the president gets away from this expectation he has passed through a difficult corridor and as far as i am aware , i had a conversation with my friends in the islamic council. the honorable representatives of the people also care and pay attention to this great work that has been formed. you believe. that this title of national unity to the composition of the government delegation that has been introduced, absolutely
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yes, in my opinion, a big step has been taken in this direction , and the friends who are now present in the government delegation represent the political currents of the country, and this can be an effective step in the direction of improving the level of unity of political elites and scientific elites in the country. and on the other hand, the role that the parliament is playing now as far as i have observed, how does he wish to review this qualification and vote of confidence meetings that are being held now? first of all, the commissions, who fairly examined the plans of the ministers within the framework of their responsibility and mission, and engaged in negotiations and discussions within the framework of the program, and presented their report to the public stage of the parliament in the parliament, both in opposition and in favor, within
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the framework of and moral rules. and the standards that are expected from a parliament should be implemented in my opinion . of course, we are always far from the ideal point. the performance of the parliament in the specialized commissions and in the public forum of the parliament is defensible, in my opinion, even mr. dr. mezikian himself, both during the election campaigns and after that, always announced that the basis of our work will be the 7th development plan, and in the parliament commissions as well. in order to review the plans of the candidates for the ministries, the criteria for evaluating the same plan was set. what is your analysis, mr. amotrami, in my humble opinion, first of all, the general policies that
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were the focus of his speech should be seriously defined as the focus of the government's movement, the general policies announced by the supreme leader of the revolution from a special and prestigious position has firstly , he has an acceptable expert background and this scientific and expert background, which the general experts have on this capacity of science and general policy expertise , is a very favorable support for moving within his framework. in the system of the islamic republic, he has the position of the supreme leader
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of the islamic revolution, with the position that is foreseen for this position in the system of the islamic republic, therefore , the characteristics and indicators that are foreseen in the formulation of the general policy program law are the scientific and expert status of the communicator of this policy. this is it creates the capacity that all the officials in the police forces use all their capacity to be effective and operational. use policies. the law of the program should be drawn up exactly with the inspiration of these policies. in my opinion, the rules of the program have moved as far as this framework. and we don't see any conflicts and contradictions in the 30 regulatory programs.
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we must move towards his implementation. where it is possible to see that with the program is far away . i think the honorable government can present the proposals they are going to make with the cooperation of the parliament , and the effort of the government of the parliament should be based on the program. let them define their own road map. see, we compile development plans, write them, and communicate them , but this is the first step. to move within the framework of the country's annual budget development program. the country's annual budget is a cut of one fifth of the 5-year plan. as far as i am aware. the annual budget of the country is based on the process that
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has been formed in the country over many years, fixed costs that have been established . managers suggest that the organization approves the program, it is presented to the parliament , it is adjusted accordingly, it has nothing to do with the program, it does not have a logical and expert view of the program, when the honorable parliament it approves a budget that is not related to the program, resources to achieve the goals foreseen in the reliable resources program. stable is not seen in the annual budget. how can you expect the respected government to implement development programs ? look at us right now, when we are in front of you, approximately the revenue sources of the 1403 budget that we are in, in 1403, the budget that we are with
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is 3 months. first of all, he is facing a high deficit, that is , 17% of the resources were collected in the first 3 months, 25% should have been collected, the expenses are according to the anticipated expenses, but our resources are not collected when we approve such a budget , whose resources are not real resources, but its expenses are definite expenses and it creates a serious imbalance , therefore, according to this imbalance , the country's current expenses in the first 3 months until the end of june are more. it has been paid, implemented and operationalized, but the country's construction budget is 44%, which means 25% should have been allocated
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. in order for the country's development plans to be implemented, first of all, these plans must be implemented secondly, we must take steps to reform the country's budget structure as the first step, we must manage and control the country's expenses as much as we can, we must take steps to obtain basic resources, if we do not change this view, if we look if we don't change with the country's budget, the country's development plans
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will definitely be on the ground, so i think one of the most important tools and prerequisites to achieve development and progress is that the government and the parliament are the first step. inshaallah, the vote of confidence in the proposed government board will establish the highest capacity for interaction and cooperation it means that we should move towards the highest level of relations between the government and the parliament in the country. i have been in the parliament for different periods. respected, based on the scientific point of view
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, the expert's point of view means that we are responsible for the vote we give, the qur'an says, "we do not stop, let's look at science , but really, it should be based on knowledge, based on science , based on the higher interests of the system." in this regard, in the vote of confidence in the government , show the highest level of interaction and coordination between the government and the parliament in the first step the second step is the servant of the president of the islamic republic of iran . the regular hands of the president personally with the ministers related to the specialized commissions, the meetings of the working and specialized meetings, means that those
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ministers should explain the problems and challenges of their work area exactly to the respected representatives. let the representatives tell their stories. in this dialogue and interaction, reach a single road map. i saw that this mr. dr. azimi is one of the prominent scientific figures of the country, who is also in the management organization having a prominent position is really a face that had a development view from the beginning of the victory of the revolution. they say the same thing about why the country's development plans are left on the ground. they say that we belong to a certain school of thought and logic. based on the consensus of the opinion of the political and scientific elites, we need this school of thought, coherent and logical
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, to not be formed with the support of science, and the parliament and the government do not have a consensus on it , do not have a serious will, and all their decisions are not focused on this road map. we will not take a step in the development path. i think a few important things have happened now. one is the chairman himself from the beginning, the president has emphasized that my plan is the seventh five-year expansion plan. the second emphasis. it has been that he will always use the country's elite and expert capacity. the third point is that forming the national unity government now means saying that i do not have a current and political view of the story . i tried to add color to that elite and expert discussion in the cabinet composition. the other thing is that , as you said, they themselves came from the parliament , they finally had a role in the formulation of this program. another point is that now both the beginning of the government and almost the beginning of
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the parliament have coincided with all this. how much do you hope that the government of mr. dr. mezikian can at least implement the 7th five-year plan in comparison to the previous programs, which were not much expected, and implement it on a higher line . you mentioned it, it should be implemented, i really look at the composition of the cabinet, i think that they have a relatively acceptable amount of knowledge and experience to understand these issues and move in this circuit , that is, the gpa is acceptable, this is a
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very valuable capacity. ali therefore, we are in a situation we are going through difficult times. we have gone through difficult times and today we are not in favorable conditions in terms of macroeconomic indicators. it definitely increases their will and motivation. i think this is due to the points you mentioned in your remarks. may this will be strengthened in the president of the honorable government and, god willing, in the people's representatives, with a long-term view of the country's issues. one of our main problems is that
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we look at everyday issues. it is our view that let's overcome this challenge today, therefore, the islamic republic has turned into dozens of unresolved issues that have been piled up . finally, one of the main issues of the country, which as far as i can remember, is the leadership of the supreme leader of the revolution. they emphasized on him. and in this recent statement, he said that he would shape the meeting of the heads of state with a view to reforming the country's budget structure, which means the clear will of the system leadership on reforming the country's budget structure, that is, budgeting based on the performance of reducing and severing the relationship between the budget and oil revenues
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of proper management. sources of current cost management reduction the country's distance of the government from the affairs of the enterprise, the abandonment of parallel executive bodies, these are necessities that must happen, i think that this field is available today in the honorable government in the islamic council, but on the condition that our daily issues are separated from these transformational issues. and the basic changes that should be made in the budgeting system in the field of the country's administrative structure in the country's energy field, i really sometimes think about the country's energy imbalance, which i think is the first problem of the country. the energy imbalance in the country is not the first problem of the country.


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