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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] dear viewers, let's watch the news segment at 7 o'clock and god willing , i will be with you after the news with the continuation of today's program. you are with the weekly morning news series , 28 pakistani citizens died in the bus accident in dehshir, yazd province, according to the director general of crisis management of yazd province, at 2154 minutes last night, a bus carrying 51 pakistani passengers
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was heading to the border crossing to karbala, mualla. chezabe khuzestan was on the move dehshir area of ​​taft city deviated from the path and overturned. malekzadeh added that 28 people lost their lives in this accident and 23 people were poisoned, 14 of them are in serious condition. the injured were taken to taft abarkoh hospitals. due to the return wave of arbaeen pilgrims, the comfort facilities of the border terminals have increased and these terminals
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are ready for the pilgrims to return. travel month so far, more than 2 million and 600 thousand iranian pilgrims they entered iraq to participate in the arbaeen ceremony. 80% of pilgrims travel to the borders with private cars. the head of the country's traffic police said: according to the predictions made, there is no problem in the axes of border provinces and stops. more than 50 million traffics have been registered in the transportation axes leading to our six borders. the provision of irgc services in the 6 borders of iran and inside iraq, the islamic revolutionary guard corps spokesman said, assistance in the security of transportation and transportation, health care , water supply and nutrition, as well as services to foreign pilgrims who are in transit. due to the return wave of pilgrims
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amenities at border terminals. have increased and these terminals are fully ready for the return of the pilgrims. we are only concerned about the return of the pilgrims, which according to the time management that has been done so far, dear pilgrims, the situation is very good. visit iran in iraq or call 128 if you need an iranian or iraqi sim card. hosseini's arbaeen headquarters advised the pilgrims to return to the country before the arbaeen day due to the gathering of iraqi processions at noon on the arbaeen day. otherwise, the necessary predictions have for their accommodation and sustenance. arbaeen conference and islamic convergence with the presence of thinkers and scholars of the islamic world of islamic schools in karbala.
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present speaker from the country. arbaeen hosseini were involved in the bus accident in dehshir, yazd province, unfortunately they lost their lives. to get more information, we are now in contact with the general manager of the crisis management of the province, mr. malekzadeh. please let me know about the details of this incident and how are the injured and their treatment process. in the name of allah, the most high. al-rahim, i offer my greetings and courtesy
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to you and the viewers of the khabar network. unfortunately, at 218 minutes last night, we received the news of overturning through in the shortest possible time, the provincial emergency department received the driver's identity and lack of familiarity. according to the report of our friends in the traffic police, there was an accident in this accident. 28 people
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died at the scene and 23 people were taken to the hospital. the cities of abarkoh taft and yaz were sent. 14 of these loved ones are in a more severe condition, but when the muslims are in a better condition, all the efforts of the rescue and law enforcement system of dastegi province were due to the nature of this incident , which happened in the shortest possible time. we are at your service. thank you very much, mr. malik. zadeh , god willing , i will say goodbye to you until the next communications, but the attacks of the zionist regime on the south and east of lebanon on wednesday morning, the zionist regime launched an air attack on two towns in southern lebanon, and there were also
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reports of at least 10 attacks by the zionists on areas of al-baqa province in eastern lebanon. it tells a story. lebanon's ministry of health in the initial report of one person martyred and at least 19 people injured. according to reports, 5 of the wounded in the bekaa region are children under 8 years old. the head of royan research institute said: "the 205th royan international congress is an opportunity for scientific exchange and the technology is between iranian and foreign technologists in the field of stem cells. in this period of the congress , new topics such as interdisciplinary fields of artificial intelligence of tissue engineering are given attention and scientific exchange. one of the topics that was considered in this year's congress is artificial intelligence. one
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of the topics that has received special attention is tissue engineering. cell engineering is an approach that is being paid attention to. it is possible and the future in 205 is actually indicated by the production days of human spare parts. more than 46 items of health- oriented goods were cleared from customs. according to the deputy minister of health the ministry of health has accelerated the clearance of health-oriented products in recent months with follow-ups. clearance of health-oriented goods after maha, the ministry of health has been seriously following the clearance of these goods, which was part of international organizations, in the past few months. unfortunately, due to various reasons
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, it took a long time for these goods to stay in the customs, which we saw with the personal intervention of mr. president, our friends in the parliament , the health care commission of the parliament, and the excellent work done by our colleagues at the customs. un refugees has been donated to help refugees living in iran . iran is one of the largest host countries refugees in the world is providing good health services to refugees across the country , which we are very grateful for. these goods are given to the iranian host community who
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have been very generous to the refugees during these years. these kits play an important role in controlling infectious and contagious diseases. some of the donated items are crisis operation bags in the three self-care sections , first aid and trauma bags. the donated items are worth 27 million dollars. today, when we are at your service, i can point out that we do not have any declared goods that are left in the customs , and whatever happened, thank god, it is supposed to be taken out. the goods will be sent to provinces across the country in the next week or two. soltanian of radio and
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television news agency. thank you for your cooperation with this news section. good morning, dear viewers , stay with us. continuing with the greetings of today's reporter, today, in the country's official calendar , it has been named world mosque day. let's see a short section . we will return in the same context
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. i will be with you with a distinguished guest.
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well, before we start the conversation about the world mosque day and what we saw, let's go to the border of mehran, mr. vahidi, the honorable minister of the country, is present at the border of mehran, about the arrangements he has made. both on the border of iran and on the border of iraq, for the return wave of pilgrims , they will provide more explanations for the dear viewers, mr. vahidi. hello , good morning. we are at your service, considering that you were also in iraq . plans have been made for the return of arbaeen pilgrims, in the name of allah , the merciful , the merciful. good morning to all our dear people. well, now we are at the border of mehran and we are witnessing a lot of excitement
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, dear people. we have a very good situation in our borders, both to resolve and to return, dear ones those who are leaving and those who are returning are moving with complete ease and comfort and everything is in the same order, thank god. it is very good and the necessary speed is available. we also have such a ruler within our own border . thank god, with the coordination that has been done, our dear ones in iraq have done very good things. the government of iraq, the minister of interior , has done very valuable things. kazeme and samara, and from there to there, all subjects closely. we checked, thank god, all the
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dear pilgrims we met and visited alhamdulillah, we have a good satisfaction in all these cities and holy care, and alhamdulillah, our dear pilgrims in all these cities were able to do the work with ease in terms of food, accommodation, and other issues that are needed, including transportation. the iraqi government has really cooperated very well and done very good things. in terms of accidents, thank god, we have seen a lot of reduction in accidents compared to last year. because of the efforts made by the iraqi government , they were welcoming the iranian and iraqi processions very well and actively, and they are still waiting for our dear pilgrims to visit musharraf and from there.
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we visited those valuable receptions in samer, a lot of good work had been done and the situation was very good, as well as in kazimi , in karbala, anyway, everything is ready so that the loved ones who have not yet gone can make a decision and quickly find themselves in karbala. may they reach the borders and in these final days they will be able to enjoy this great gift of god, god willing, in return, thank god for the arrangements made by our dear ones , our dear governors, for example, now in ilam province, where we are together with my dear governor and the head of satab, with the grace of god and the attention of the ahl al-bayt and cooperation of all devices and our dear people themselves, the procession of the dear people that
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dear guar is doing with everyone's cooperation, the work is being done well, here again it is necessary for me to thank the noble people. iraq in their generous reception from the government of iraq, especially their ministry of interior, who cooperated very well with us, here from the dear governors, various agencies at the borders , the red crescent corps, the ministry of health, the ministry of roads and all other agencies, as well as the iranian processions at the borders that doing very well, our dear people , our dear pilgrims, who provided well... according to what the central headquarters of arbaeen requested, alhamdulillah. paying attention and thank god, everything is being done in a very good routine. thank you very much
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mr. vahidi, honorable minister of the country . jahani masjid hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimin, mr. kamal khodadad. the chief of staff of the cultural and artistic centers of the mosques is our guest . hello, good morning, welcome. hello , dear colleagues, and all viewers who watch the hello reporter program. greetings to you before the conversation with mr. vahidi, one part. we have seen the companion of the mosque, please explain what the companion of the mosque is. today is the world mosque day. the philosophy of the world mosque day is to honor and respect the luminary position of the mosques all over the world. today, the world is reminded of a very bitter memory of the barbaric and rude attack of the zionists on the al-aqsa mosque and the burning of this dear and noble mosque, which is respected by all muslims, not only the muslims of monotheistic religions
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, consider this place as a noble and bright place, the al-aqsa mosque is the place very important in religious teachings. our prophet is about to ascend from there and the first congregational prayer that he performs after the apparition is in al-aqsa mosque, so this bitter memory also reminds us that we should be grateful to our mosques, that if we do not respect them , we will not respect them. they want to turn off this brightness and these lights . certainly, the zionist thought in all parts of the world seeks to turn off the light of the mosques and , god willing, the believers
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will improve the mosques by their presence in the mosques. the cultural center of the mosques was launched last year under the title of masjid masjid that the concerns in the area of ​​the mosque, whether for the construction of the mosque or perhaps criticisms and suggestions , various events can be held in the mosque, which together with the mosque helps to hold these events and there is a space for a two-way active interaction or activism between the people and the government that it can help some mosques and accompany the mosque in various functions of the mosque. do you have the number of calls since last year? we opened this system on march 18 last year. we have almost 100 calls daily, from march 18 to today, some days are more than some days
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it was less, of course, the days when usually the media , especially the news network, sometimes publishes an article on the subject of the mosque and announces the number . we do not seek to be only an expressive answer. pursuing the issue of the mosque, demanding the issue of the mosque, and monitoring the issue of the mosque is a priority for us. god willing, in the next steps, our effort is to be able to monitor mosque issues. various opinion polls, different polls from the religious community and the mosque they are present now, even those who are less likely to go to the mosque, we can
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conduct various researches and god willing , they will take steps towards the prosperity of mosques. where in the country should they call 021 89, what kind of topics can usually be reflected in this system and in the same way as the interactions we have with different devices. for example , the awqaf organization, the center for dealing with mosques, the organization for promotion of kindness and kindness has special cooperation , especially the center for dealing with those mosques. he has with us materials that are related to cultural and artistic centers, so we will place them there , the expert will answer and we will send the answer , which are related to, for example, the issue of endowment of the mosque , rivals of the mosque, the construction of the mosque, these are legally related to the endowment organization. we write , we correspond, and
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we send the same correspondence to our contacts , we follow up until we reach a conclusion, god willing. in some areas, respectable institutions solve the problem of demand, in some places they convince the same audience that this is, for example, a demand that in this area, you had either it is not legal or it is not possible to implement it. the institutions are also helping in this field because they are helping different issues of the mosque in terms of management, in terms of encouraging and punishing what should probably happen, in terms of construction , in terms of time, some people call us with the intention of helping disadvantaged mosques. we have many samples, they call us , we prepare mosques, i introduce the mosque itself, they go to it themselves. the mosques themselves help, not that we are the mediators of the help, we are the representatives of the mosques that
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need people, they also help with this kind of activity. yes, we have limited time . please also tell us about the cultural centers of the mosques, what kind of activities we have on the agenda, especially in these days. well, now that most of our mosques are engaged in arbaeen operations when it is on the way. these friends who are coming from india from pakistan through the border or entering ridman , after they enter the country , they are often stationed in mosques on the way, or in the mosques on the way or in the city itself. that all the pilgrims between there and the route is attractive and the borders of khosravi and mehran, the rest of bashmagh and tamrchin, all of this is very interesting that we
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have been for a couple of years now. sunt and daren provide service, the centers also provide all the services that are in the field of culture and art. in the field of books and book reading , he wants to perform an activity in the field of recitation chairs . he provides services such as helping the imam and the assistant. to be the cultural assistant of the mosque who can fulfill this role. very well, thank you very much
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, mr. khodade. the main axis of the al-aqsa intifada is jerusalem, that is, the spark that led to the explosion of the palestinian people's anger was the zionists' disobedience to the al-aqsa mosque. the palestinian people have received a dangerous mission to protect one of the most sacred religious places of muslims. they came to the stage with the sacred flame of resistance and struggle against the invaders
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on the 30th of august 1348, the zionists started occupying the land of palestine in order to turn this promised width into a starting point for the conquest of the nile to the euphrates slogan. for this purpose, those who were trying to trample the pride of the muslim ummah some time after the occupation of palestine
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went to the first qibla of the last divine religion and set fire to al-aqsa mosque. al-aqsa mosque is known as a symbol of the honor of muslims, and the attack on it caused the anger of all muslims, an anger that has never gone away and will continue until the existence of israel in the region. in line with the fight against zionism, years after the burning of al-aqsa mosque at the suggestion of the islamic republic of iran and the approval of the members of the islamic conference in the last meeting of this organization, the last day of august was named as world mosque day
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. as the axis of unity. we are sure. with the continuation of the struggle of the muslim people of palestine and the support of the islamic world , palestine will be freed by god's grace, and jerusalem will be freed from al-aqsa mosque and other parts of that islamic land
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into the arms of the islamic world. greetings to you, dear viewers, stay with us as we continue the program in this section, we will have a look at the arbaeen world award with the presence of hojat al-islam. muslim seyed mustafa hosseini neishabouri, the secretary of this award. hello, you are very welcome, mr. hosseini . please tell me about the arbaeen world award. for the viewers, peace be upon you. i am also at the service of your excellency and respected viewers. i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect. organization of islamic culture and communication. since 10 years ago, the 44th world award has been established in line with the spread of arbaini culture throughout the world


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