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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to the capital market news. the director of stock market supervision of the stock exchange organization announced the release of 5 thousand billion tomans of financial bonds for the capital market development fund. according to mr. masoumi khanqah, of this amount, more than two hemats. pemt bonds have been sold
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to provide financing for the mosob market development fund and we published them. today, when i am at your service , almost half of these bonds have been sold. let's trade the kalapash and popash 29 annual returns are considered. the participation of fixed income funds, investment companies and capital supply has been good. in fact, the rest of the papers are also god willing. currently, between one and a half hamats are sold daily, and we hope that by next week all these five hamats will be sold and the resources of the fund.
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to add to the market, stock market indices were down on tuesday. this decrease occurred after 4 days of increase in capital market indices. the indices of the glass hall were increased after 4 days of upward movement in trading on tuesday. on this day , the main indicator decreased by 548 units to the range of 2.325 million. the symbol of the trading price of small stocks is the average of the market. it also took a step in the negative direction of the fluctuation range and with a drop of 896 units equal to 14 hundred percent in the range of 6389 units, on this day 11 billion and 50 million stocks and financial bonds in 161 thousand rounds with a value of 8390 billion tomans. it was traded. the value of khurd transactions also
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reached 2073 billion tomans. the symbols of famli, beh mellat and shabna had the most negative impact on red the overall index was overshadowed, and the symbols of shetran, sheptis bank, and tapicom prevented the overall index from further decreasing . on tuesday, the net change of legal to real ownership in the market was negative for the second day in a row, and 27 billion tomans of real money left the stock market . the largest outflow of real money took place from the groups of mutual funds in the automobile manufacturing sector and chemical products. the largest inflow of real money was allocated to the groups of transportation and storage of petroleum products and extraction of metal ores. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 218 symbols were positive and 52 symbols were negative. also 79 the icon encountered the buy page and 304 icons encountered the sell page . the total value of the purchase pages is 183 billion tomans. the total value of the sell pages is 56. billion tomans
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was announced. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. depositing money from banks to the capital market development fund has started. according to the announcement of the stock exchange organization, one of the banks has submitted its request to the central bank to inject money into the capital market development fund with the aim of supporting the stock market. based on this , the central bank agreed to this bank's request and issued a license to deposit cash into this fund. in last week's extraordinary meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange the central bank had announced its support program for the capital market by injecting the resources of the banking network. from the holding of meetings of provincial equity investment companies to the daily value of the holders of different portfolios of equity shares in today's 60 seconds with equity equity. the trading of 30% shares of the adalat portfolio in
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the positive range in siim mardad out of 36 shares in the adalat portfolio is a symbol of the same path as the downward trend of the stock market in the range. negative and 11 other symbols were traded in the positive range. with this trading process , the value of adalat portfolio shares is 490,000 tomans to 640,000 tomans, and the shareholders' portfolio is 530,000 tomans. the shareholders' portfolio of one million tomans reached 1490 thousand tomans to 7 million 145 thousand tomans. according to the central depository company, from the beginning of the year to the end of august, the meetings of six companies. the provincial investment company of saham adalat gilan, central province of isfahan , north khorasan, zanjan and kerman has been held . also, the meeting of the provincial investment company of chahar mahal bakhtiari will be held on september 6. maryam fadaei of the broadcasting news agency and the vice chairman
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of the board of directors of the stock exchange organization said a proposal about the fund. leverage issues have not been raised in the board of directors of the stock exchange organization. according to mr. nasserpour cases what is mentioned about the coefficients of pyramid funds is only an expert proposal, which will be presented and reviewed by the board of directors of the stock exchange organization after receiving the opinions of the center of investment institutions and market participants. nasserpour assured the market participants that any decision related to financial institutions will be made by taking into account the market conditions and taking the opinions of the participants and taking into account the rights of the shareholders in advance. it will reach the people of the capital market. end of capital market news, god guard.
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they say that it takes up several hours of their time every day . at least 4 hours a day. i sit all day long and play different games. entertainment that these days, it has become a constant companion of children and teenagers. combat action some of them choose a hero from these games. when i was younger, we used to play a lot of football between games. both in the phone . they only use them to relax their minds , i play for fun , i don't imitate the characters of the game, according to the latest statistics of the national computer games foundation
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, we have about 34 million computer game players in the country, an activity that according to experts, if per capita consumption if we calculate it in relation to the country's population, it can be said that half of the country's people play about 35 minutes a day they do computer games. different people in the society are playing. now consider a person, if he has time to wait , he prefers to do something and spend his time playing, and this playing has become an epidemic among the people at this time. they play these games in order to control or relax, and this means that there is a good talent in the field of computer games in the country. game making is a very difficult and complex industry. it has the capacity, but it needs proper investment. of course
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, besides the capacity, they also have the ability to export there are some that have even been exported to other countries , russia and other countries that consider that game as an important game or games that are welcomed because of the correct islamic cover, for example, in islamic countries such as malaysia. captured by massoum ezzati of the sed and broadcasting news agency , a new thing has happened in the electricity production at the rudshor power plant in the zarandieh area near the city of tehran. for the first time, this power plant has 3 recovery boilers, which will turn 3 gas turbines into a combined cycle form . the exhaust gases from the white chimney that you see it reaches 50 degrees celsius. when
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we talk about changing a gas power plant to a combined cycle, it means that this heat is used to turn the water into steam in the boilers and this steam. finally, it leads to the production of electricity without using any other fuel. with the completion of the combined cycle section of the power plant, iran's largest combined cycle block in a 31 arrangement with a capacity of 1,330 megawatts will be delivered to the power grid. when we have 3 units in the circuit at the same time and all of them are at a minimum, the stability of the network increases, that is, if something happens to one of the units, there will be little rain for any reason. you still have two more units available. with the combined cycle of this power plant, its efficiency also increases. without using new fuel with the same fuel. in the used gas turbine
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, we reach the efficiency from about 40 to 57 in the rozshor combined cycle power plant, which has class f gas units, and of course, to save money , there are flexible fuel transfer systems made in iran, which are 124 of these for harhal or our fire. we need the flexible ones, these are currently localized, they should be for each of them, as before the revolution, all the power plants were foreign until the year 72, well, a number of these power plants, well, the fact that they are foreign, the development of domestic solar power plants is 100% domestic, now the name of iran is next to less than 10 industrialized countries that build power plants. america, germany and japan are placed. we
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are now self-sufficient in the gas turbine sector. technically and engineering wise, gas turbine is one of the most complex engineering creations of man, which if i want to say very simply, all the knowledge from electricity, mechanical engineering, precise and metallurgical tools is gathered in one place. according to the announcement of the thermal power company, the nominal capacity of the country's power plants is more than 93 thousand megawatts, which is about 76 a thousand megawatts of it are produced in thermal power plants. tina salehi of sed and sima news agency. an unpleasant image in darhashi. construction waste is being dumped at the entry and exit points of the cities
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, which in addition to the plastic that it contains , is dumped there and gives a really unpleasant face to the city and the region. many of these wastes are in the hydrographic network, waterways and rivers of the country. they are discharged, which in addition to destroying the quality of soil water resources, sometimes they themselves are the depots that take place there and the discharges that are carried out there cause the creation of artificial irrigation. reversible waste but left in the nature of construction palm trees is one of the serious problems in the field of waste management. construction waste is one of the types of waste which, according to experts , has high reversibility, but only a small amount of waste is produced out of 60 million tons of waste. it can be returned and the rest is left in the nature. the percentage of recycling is a very small number . and the fact is, we still
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don't have a clear, up-to-date facility regarding the recycling of construction debris in the country, and unfortunately, now it is mostly in the form of burials and most of all the wastes. they bury them in most of the cities, unfortunately, we have disposal, that is, we don't have a burial for them. construction waste is one of the most reversible types of waste that can be returned to nature with minimal damage. the raw materials of many construction materials such as sand, iron waste and cement are found in construction waste. now we can turn this coffin into a dream. it means that it is no longer necessary to dig up our own mountains in order to provide the raw material for construction and to provide asphalt. the collection of sand that we already have from the beaches or from the interior. we have rivers, you have our entire ecosystem , we are completely destroying it, and in some places
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, we are destroying the habitats of aquatic animals, and we are completely destroying many mountains because of this issue. we are destroying it. the private and semi-governmental sectors have taken steps to recycle construction palm, which is actually one of the tasks. the law that we have to be able to return these to the cycle of consumption again, this is trash, well, the factories that our colleagues have worked hard to set up in the past have capacities. to have which is one of the huge factories that was opened and huge because compared to our existing factories, this extraordinary capacity of about 8,000 tons has the ability and capacity to actually process the tongues and turn them into consumable products in the city. the work has been started now
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. it is now operational. in total, out of these 23,000 tons, we are currently processing about 15, 16 tons, and we are returning them to the cycle of consumption . the result is the sand of agricultural soil and finally with a block unit we have a woman who has processed the product to block us now with sizes to preserve the appearance and scenery of cities and roads, as well as preventing the arbitrary extraction of minerals. mohammad ali golkhah, radio and television news agency.
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defense industry, national will, scientific and technological authority. the arbaeen ceremony is the largest gathering of muslims with the presence of millions of pilgrims, and maintaining health against possible diseases is one of the main priorities of every pilgrim. because of the enthusiasm of serving the arbaeen pilgrims, the people of iraq use all their abilities to welcome the pilgrims in a healthy manner, but to preserve your health, try to avoid drinking water. bottled and sanitary packaged milk and buttermilk use. and remember that it is very important to drink eight glasses of water and suitable fluids daily. what foods should you eat? dried fruits and all kinds of raw,
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roasted and unsalted nuts, which are a good source of protein and micronutrients, can be used as healthy snacks. to prevent constipation, it is recommended to have fruits that have laxative properties, such as figs and plums. to prevent poisoning , use low-fat and pasteurized yogurt, sour lemon or lemon juice with the food we eat. consumption of buttermilk along with a little mint and oregano , it helps to prevent poisoning and heat stroke. what foods should you not eat? it is not recommended to consume large amounts of coffee, tea, especially caffeinated drinks and energy drinks during the journey, because it causes dehydration. as much as possible, do not consume fatty and salty foods such as salty snacks, canned foods, pickles, sausages, etc., because they stimulate the immune system. unpasteurized dairy products, especially cheese, butter and local milk that are in bulk, can be dangerous. after
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using dairy products that have hygienic packaging do avoid eating salads and raw vegetables. but consuming cooked vegetables such as potato, pumpkin and carrot along with food helps to prevent constipation . in case of diarrhea , use light, low-volume and low-fat meals. fruits like apples. bananas are useful, but fruits such as peaches and figs should not be consumed. along tariq al-hussein , we reach the border terminals. 350 processions from ahvaz to kozaba are waiting for visiting pilgrims. 10 years here as a servant of imam hossein. i serve a lot. as soon as we arrived, the pan was full of syrup.
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the passage of many pilgrimage caravans we are students who for the first time established mutab shahada student, so that, god willing, we can serve pilgrims and continue the path of martyrs. in the southeast of khuzestan, in behbahan city, the reception of arbaeen pilgrims has a long history . i give water to the pilgrims of imam hossein .
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i say, sir, send three salawats, he will happily go from here, he will pray , they came from all over the world to serve, here is a continuous treatment, in the last four days , bargh and 30,000 have served to the appearance of imam hussain. we had 40 people from all over the country. we are stationed in sharah sahib al-zaman and sahn imam sadiq . thank god , our establishment has been completed. oppressed people, god willing, palestine will be freed, we can go to quds, we can work there , the service desk at the border of mehran
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is worn for an iran, well, i have a job. don't let my flower hands hurt, nahab , we were all pilgrims .
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first, the discount tower in oraj from august 31st to september 6th, the chain stores are super blind, but we know with energy that when the air conditioner is serviced on time when the weather is very hot, it is better
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to use panko's combination of chlorine to remove chlorine. dial the square, be energetic and win, i can't believe it. yes , it was a while ago. if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around. then you reach the market . each market has one side. tehran branch in sirah afsarieh with incredible prices and discounts long-term and without advance payment in the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. excellent tea, excellent place, sofia
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tea, sofia tea, excellent tea, excellent place, excellent place, excellent place, jai sufian. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers. you are watching the news segment at 9 o'clock on the khabar channel . 28 people were killed and 23 others were injured in the accident of the bus of pakistani pilgrims who were azam of iraq. the general director of crisis management of the province said 6 people from me.


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