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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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, and i invite you to stay with us on the first page. defense and support of the armed forces. hello, very welcome salam alaikum, i am polite and respectful to the presence of your excellency and dear viewers, and allow me to first of all honor the memory of the martyrs in the name and memory of the great god, especially the 1000 martyrs of the ministry of defense, the three ministers, the martyr chamran, the martyred major general namjo, the martyred major general fakuri, and also the martyrs may the service and president of martyred ayatollah raisi and the imam of the martyrs be happy in all the martyrs. with a delay, we must congratulate you and your colleagues on the defense industry day . be with us, dear viewers . let's see a report. we will be back. the conversation with mr. talainik will begin. we do more than four dozen of that time it has passed since the time when iran
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was attacked by saddam's regime, since the time when no country provided weapons to iran , they did not even sell barbed wire, of course it was difficult, but this difficulty made our young people who have ideas, who have the talent of innovation, to think. the state of our dependence on foreign weapons will change. start the flight test of yasin project's standard production aircraft. in march of last year, the ministry of defense unveiled the yasin training fighter. a domestically built fighter that can fly at a speed of 850 km/h at an altitude of 11,000 meters with its turbocharged engine. with the ability to carry free fall, optical and thermal bombs. arman air defense system
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was another achievement that with 360 degree coverage can detect targets up to 180 km depth and track up to 160 km depth and engage with 6 targets at the same time . the arman system can be operational in less than 3 minutes and destroy all types of fighters and bombers in the world with the help of the siad missile . in february 1402, the updated version of the simorgh satellite rocket with two-stage liquid fuel was able to go into space for the seventh time. simorgh reaching a height of 450 km above the ground and with the multiple injection of cargoes was able to open a new window to space launches that
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carry the vertical, diamond and arman. iran. he also had a new achievement in the field of naval defense. the four-engine dillman destroyer was equipped with a new radar, in addition to a new tracking and fire control system and a point defense system. one of the new features installed on this destroyer is this system. the announced four-way radar has the ability to simultaneously detect and track 100 surface and air targets. an example of a radar. it
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has been installed and operated on ships from the netherlands, denmark and germany. simorgh is also the latest achievement of the country's specialists air industry. a two-engine transport plane with a maximum speed of 530 km/h, which can carry up to 6 tons of cargo. simorgh has a special use in commercial transportation and disaster relief. and khyber, the fourth generation of khorramshahr family missiles. ballistic without bulk. iranian, which has a range of 2,000 km and a warhead weight of 1,500 kg , which is considered one of the types of point-blank missiles without the need for guidance in the final phase. this was a part of iran's defense capabilities that were displayed last year. as announced
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, more of these achievements will be unveiled this year will be seyed mohsen hosseini, sed and sima news agency. knowledge base and partner companies in the field of defense scientists and researchers. elites and all activists in the field of defense industry, which is one of the great achievements of the islamic revolution, is the expansion of the defense industry. well, wait for us in general, if
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we want to have a strategic view, in principle , defense power, which is a main and important component and a central pillar of the national power of whoever it is considered as a country , its defense power has four fundamental pillars, one of which is human capital and manpower. faraje and popular mobilization have a body of jihadi force and warrior with spirit and faith and brave warrior and seek martyrdom, which we experienced in the best way in our sacred defense. and today it is one of the main components of our defense and national power. the second pillar is the power and ability of command and management and planning in the military field. well, the existence of the supreme commander-in-chief imam khamenei
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is actually a very decisive component because we with planning and with very, very precise guidance , with the help of the group of commanders who are in the armed forces, always using smart measures and measures we have proportionally active deterrent power and we were able to achieve this level of active deterrent power under these measures and experience of holy defense. the third pillar refers to equipment and weapons. anyway, today's warware. and whether in the hard field or in the soft field, the presence of advanced repairs and equipment is one of the factors that shape and calculate the defense power. well, before the islamic revolution, 45 years ago, 90% of our repairs and equipment were imported, and
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in those conditions, such weapons were not at all. and there was no new advanced equipment such as ballistic missiles or advanced drones. gone and all kinds the systems that we have today were very minimal at that time, but 90% of them were dependent on foreign countries. the achievement of the islamic revolution was that with a jihadist and revolutionary movement in the defense industry and with the help of universities and centers. scientific research, this 90% dependence on weapons before the revolution is 90% self-reliance after the revolution. although we had years of imposed war, despite the sanctions, despite the harsh sanctions that we were subjected to military sanctions from the very days of the victory of the revolution, now the civilian sanctions happened later, but the military sanctions from the same the days of the victory of the revolution were applied against us. this
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is the third pillar, and the fourth pillar goes back to the scientific power of knowledge and research, which can achieve defense power with superior technologies and surprising technologies. well, in these two pillars , the third and fourth, that is, in the defense industry and the supply and production of defense equipment and repairs, in addition to achieving the latest technology and having a scientific and knowledge base, fortunately, it is responsible for these two pillars in our defense system and this so , in the area that your excellency mentioned , here is an example of the achievements in your report so, if we go back to these last 3 years, now in the government of martyr ayatollah raisi and the period of the ministry of amir
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brigadier ashriani, which was actually a very fruitful period, we had a leap performance in this period, that is , the production rate of our defense industry doubled compared to the year 1400 has now increased or we have reached such a level that in addition to meeting the needs of the armed forces inside the country , we have found the possibility of exporting, and therefore our exports in 1400 compared to now are 3 times higher than our defense exports in the last 3 years. it has been found that this capability is without our government capacity let's add a lot, in fact, by using the capacities of the private sector in the supply chain of the defense industry , the people and the private sector and companies of scientists in the value chain and our defense chain of oil. they have therefore, the point you mentioned is this achievement that was related to last year. in the last 3 years
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, we had more achievements than these. i will give an example of these now . since it was mentioned in your report, i will not repeat it again . we have several research projects that will become products when they are completed . we have a defined process in the defense industry. from idea to product. this idea depends on the product, depending on the type of weapon, the type of equipment and the type of system, it can be short-term, it can be medium-term, it can be long-term, that is, strategic weapons and complex weapons , for example, bavar 37, which is a very advanced air defense weapon, in fact, there are hundreds of types in this sub -system and the parts used, each one of them , is the product of our research work in the last 3 years. 30% of the completed research projects that have been converted into production products have increased, or in
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connection with the satellite launches that you mentioned, we have launched research satellites. we had zul-janah, in addition to the simorgh satellite that you mentioned, the satellite on simorgh, as well as the accuracy and targeting and capabilities of missile and uav weapons, and the power of their warheads to increase the destructive power , we had many achievements, and the abol mahdi cruise missile that you mentioned. well, he was actually able to avoid a significant part of the potential threats that could happen in the persian gulf , the sea of ​​oman and in the open water basins of a thousand kilometers of these threats. in terms of this capability, the abu mahdi cruise missiles that were put into operation and the delivery of the navy to the army and the army
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the marine corps has increased its air defense systems, which are from the 15 khordad arman system mentioned in your report, with the possibility of detecting interception and engagement with several targets at the same time . or in the field of power. hunting means both offensive and defensive capabilities . it can be seen clearly in the performance of the last 3 years. again, you mentioned about our air discussions, about 55 aircraft, in fact, the armed forces, military, transport and civilian. we returned and the ministry of defense carried out major repairs and 100 we built the helicopter in part as
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a production of the panneha company in the ministry of defense . it was also partially restored and overhauled, it was put back into the operational line and put into operational use, arming all types of uavs with new missiles and new weapons, as well as razzamb vessels and the same. do a great and proud feat. well, this dana destroyer was completed in the last 3 years, of course , it had already begun to be put into operation, and fortunately, it was able to bring a great achievement of naval experience for the islamic republic of iran in the position of producing a weapon against a weapon. it is a new solo weapon that is supposed to gradually replace the j3 weapon
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in terms of weight, in terms of tactical power, and in fact , aiming and shooting accuracy, it has more capabilities . when will it happen? it has now reached the production stage. god willing, its credit resources should be predicted in such a way that within a few years, it will gradually replace the melee weapon. god willing, it will replace the z3 weapon in the army of the islamic republic of iran, in what time interval, in fact, all will be credit sources, which we are currently coordinating with. in fact, the provision of credit resources should be done through the program organization and with the approval of the general staff of the armed forces. in recent years, we have sought we were science and technology parks , defense science and technology, which is the first defense science and technology park in shiraz, with a license obtained from the ministry of science, fortunately, more than 60
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knowledge-based companies have been launched in the chain of close cooperation with the sector. defensive positioning and two campuses for these parks, we have considered one in isfahan and one in tehran in the field of microelectronics, which are new achievements, of course, in the program of brigadier general amir nasirzadeh, who received a high vote of confidence from the shura today. islamic acquisition is that , god willing, these campuses of defense science and technology park up to 10 universities in the next four years.
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there is defense and military capability and national authority . from this point of view, give an explanation to the viewers . yes, look, when we reach the strength of the defense industry and defense power, a complex knowledge, advanced knowledge is actually accumulated, and this advanced knowledge can first overflow into defense technologies. go to our non-military and non-defense areas now more. we support more than 2000 civilian products with the help of defense technologies. these are produced by the private sector and non-defense industry sectors , and the products are also non-military, but with the field in fact, the defense knowledge of these is supported and you can say yes, for example, advanced car equipment, which a few years ago, the europeans came to
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embargo our car manufacturing due to the tightening of sanctions. and the cars produced by iran khodro and saipa actually remained in the parking lots and could not be delivered to the customer because some of the advanced equipment was not actually possible to be built inside before and these depended on foreign supply and these were also sanctioned therefore, the ministry of defense came and entered, at the request of the automotive industry , we were able to localize these parts and produce them domestically let's do should we make these available, or in the oil industry, in the drilling of oil wells in various fields , i have almost said that more than 2 thousand products in the fields of electronic industries and medical fields, these technologies could be transferred to civilian sectors, but the national authority that you mentioned that a country with higher defense power
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can strengthen diplomacy, bargaining power in foreign policy, as well as the basis for ensuring security, peace and stability in the country and in the region, and this field of economic and political relations. it can also strengthen that a prominent example is ours recently we were able to become a member of shanghai and this membership in shanghai is helping in other fields as well . i would like to ask about the point that in the field of defense diplomacy that you mentioned in passing , what were the achievements and what did the ministry of defense do in the 13th government? well, in the last 3 years, we had 100 defense meetings between the defense officials of iran, the honorable minister of defense, and other officials with friendly countries. and allied countries
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. this achievement of these meetings was such that we have 25 joint commissions with countries in defense cooperation with the islamic republic of iran in the last 3 years, these 25 commissions were held and the city. we were able to conclude a document and 60 defense agreements with these countries . this actually helped the defense diplomacy platform to support economic relations and political relations, and in fact, when we are in the field of defense diplomacy, there is an atmosphere of close interaction and close cooperation, both in relations bilaterally, whether we hold multilateral relations with other countries, this space
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is provided for other areas of the country's relations in shanghai. one third of the world's area is in the area of ​​the member countries of shanghai. well, when the islamic republic of iran became a member of shanghai, we proposed new strategies and ideas to the area of ​​shanghai, and fortunately , it was welcomed in the defense diplomacy that the general staff of the armed forces makes policies. and the leadership of mike and the ministry of defense plays a role in the implementation of defense diplomacy, with the coordination of other foreign policy sectors of the country , it was very effective in reaching coordinated and close policies in the regional developments of the shanghai area. the basis of our economic cooperation with the 10 countries that now have close relations in the shanghai area, we have recently proposed an idea in the shanghai area to
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activate bilateral or multilateral defense industry cooperation between the countries of the shanghai area. now there is a follow-up and this was an initiative and a proposal made by the islamic republic of iran. and also in cooperation to strengthen peace and stability and some of the gaps that existed between shankai members, the islamic republic of iran, with its very active and close relations with shankai members, has been able to actually help it also depends on strengthening the cooperation between the members of shanghai, so now we are in a fully active role both in defense diplomacy and in the area of ​​shanghai. we got it and amir nasirzadeh also in the program that they presented in the parliament, and it is appropriate for me to thank the representatives
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of the noble nation of iran in the islamic council for their personality, backgrounds, experiences and expertise, and in fact the merits of amir nasirzadeh are also due to the good and detailed programs that he put forward in the parliament as much as possible while observing security considerations. and also because the parliament generally has a supportive view of the defense sector showed the highest vote for the minister of defense in today's vote. we are thankful and we hope that the government of mr. dr. mezikian will give him the same support. there can be a revolution in one interdependence, god willing, this support of the defense sector will continue with the same strength that was shown today. god willing, i wanted to ask the other part, because you mentioned it here, let's have this topic , and then i will ask your highness about the other matters, and that that in this area of ​​the fourteenth government and
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the programs of amir nasirzadeh that you mentioned , the headlines and the most important parts of the program , what are they and what will happen to the 14th government in the field of defense, see the program of amir nasirzadeh and the ministry of defense in the 14th government based on the measures of the commander in chief in the field of defense based on the policies that the general staff of the armed forces has by estimating the support needs of all organizations of the faraja corps and the country's defense areas, and based on the law of the seventh plan , it has orders in the field of defense support and armed support , which the ministry of defense is in charge of carrying out. based on it is the general policy that the supreme leader in the field of defense and defense support and the field of national security announced this program in the past years, a
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copy of which is here. i am with you. in fact , its main axes and its different seasons are in the eight fields of activity of the ministry of defense, of which we have eight fields of activity . the first field is the production of weapons and defense equipment, with the many life-saving factories that exist in the defense industry , as well as the fields of production of systems that we had before the 31 revolution. we had a defense system in domestic production , mainly state. had a montage but today there are more than 100 very advanced systems below there are many systems of these. today we have domestic production. this is the first mission that came in amirnasizadeh's program. the second part of the program of the ministry of defense is in the research of innovation and defense technologies . the ministry of defense is one of the ministries that has 8 thousand designers and researchers, which means we have more than
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85. our employees in the ministry of defense have university and higher education. the elites have a special place in the ministry of defense . there are centers of design offices and defense innovations next to every industry, that is, those industries and factories that, for example, are producing individual weapons or cruise missiles. or in aerospace it is producing the long-board missile. besides , we also have a defense innovation center and a design office. these also have scientific support, that is , the industrial research training institute of the ministry of defense is an independent institute under the supervision of the ministry of defense , the defense research and innovation organization, which was approved and strengthened by the legislative assembly this year, as well as mal kashtar university of technology, these are 3 pillars of research education. and there are researches that provide scientific support to our industries. since the ministry of defense and the defense industry
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are moving at the edge of knowledge and the most advanced weapons in the world, the reason is this scientific support. it is research and technological capacity that exists in the ministry of defense. this was the second area of ​​programs that was mentioned. the targeted year, of course, we have some considerations in exports. we do not export equipment and weapons to any country . countries that may want to use them unprincipledly and outside of the defense system of international treaties, we will definitely control them and if there is a demand for those countries. we do not export weapons, and countries that seek to create crisis and threaten others inappropriately, these are also controlled.
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but the export sector is one of the programs that can add new resources to the country's resources in addition to the government resources that are used for the defense sector and the defense base. we want to include the civilian departments, which have a clear provision in article 102 of the seventh plan law. a new mechanism that the national defense partnership center in the ministry of defense this year will be activated and a new regulation will be approved by the government according to the task that the parliament has given in the law of the seventh plan and we will try to help the civilian sector in the advanced technical and scientific fields of the country and finally make maximum use of the company's capacities 7 thousand companies in our knowledge base and private sector. the party to our contract is
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from the private sector, i.e. the production chain of parts and raw materials, and more than 60% of the supply chain has gone to the private sector, and this will help the employment of the country and the prosperity of production, which the supreme leader emphasized on the jump in production and the participation of the people. they are also jumping the production may be saturated with the needs of the armed forces, but the surplus production of the defense industry goes to export. the private sector is not enough for the country because they are present and play a role in this production chain. in fact, a part of this income and benefits goes to private companies and academic companies and other sectors. livelihood and social security of retirees and employees of the defense diplomacy that you mentioned in the seventh section of legal affairs and legal issues in
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the field of defense.


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