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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , my fellow countrymen. at one in the morning, 19 ministers proposed by the government received a vote of confidence. he asked may something from you reach us, may something
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reach us from this field of diplomacy, the ministry has always had a father, once we want to send a mother, my back is warm to the ladies, and an intimate atmosphere between the president and his former colleagues , my dear islamic slave of iran, sir, and honorable deputies. ministers god willing, this is the president's final defense of his proposed ministers. the trust of both the president and the parliament . you said what was in our hearts because i don't know how to read from paper. we should be brothers. we should
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join hands. how many goals do they score? i hope they don't score any goals. the unity of the herd means that if they confirm all of them , they will score and be successful. the voting process is always monitored, filmed, photographed , but for the first time, the audio and television camera has been so close to here in the time. voting that to illustrate , we count the rwandan voting process twice a year, from the reaction of female representatives to the election of the only woman in the cabinet to their reaction to the election of their colleague as the minister of jihad agriculture. we also asked a lot about their first works. the discussion of equalizing pensioners' rights is also related to the fight against terrorism. one of them is the move towards increasing the country's crude oil production capacity. the fundamental change document, which is the national covenant of the system anyway. education is actually using
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the maximum capacity of the elites and the efficient forces of the ministry of communications. the discourse of this higher education course is the discourse of social responsibility. it was emphasized by the respected representatives that the money for wheat should be paid quickly and the issue of autumn cultivation , god willing, we will finally start in the coming days in order to slowly collect the budget deficit and control the inflation , god willing. the friends who are on the border and in the arbaeen area are trying to improve the interaction of the forces, the work of the people should be done better , the main priority of the country at the moment is electricity and water. we are going to talk less and work more with you he is the minister of energy facing the problem of electricity . inshallah, they will help us and continue to say good things. good works
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will surely continue with greater accuracy and speed. however, one of the most important challenges is the housing challenge. the neighborhood policy was one of the very good policies that was followed more strongly in the previous government and will continue to be followed in this government, god willing. we will continue every positive action taken by the government. the first step is that each home ministry should take out those clauses of the law and write an action plan for it, and finally we should come. operational plans let's define a monitoring system for it and set a schedule to go towards what we claim and we used to say that the speaker of the parliament, based on an agreement with the president , said that once every season, the government of the parliament should sit together for one or two days and review the past season together. let's think together. yousef salami, reporter of sada vasima news agency. arbaeen walking route is prohibited these days and it is one of the pilgrims who
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walk day and night on behalf of the imam of the time, farjah al-sharif, and walk on the path of al-hussein and show their steps in the sight of the prophet. there are no shortage of ways for everyone who travels in this wind. oh fellow traveller your appointment is unbelievable. i can't believe arbaeen next to you. experiences should be learned from this short trip. the weather is now 46 degrees and you have to die in the unbearable heat. warm the heat was what agha imam hossein tasted in the desert of karbala. this is not warm. this prosperity, this water, this shade, where is it hot , even if it is 20 degrees, i will come again, it is hard, but we will bear it, the sweetness is worth more, the warmth of imam hossein is another thing, we accept any heat for the love of mr. imam hossein. we only come for the love of imam hossein
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, we don't let fear into our hearts you owe this to those who organize your security , they are the ones who will bring us to this rescue ship.
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turkish pilgrims set up an arbaeen procession on the way from najaf to karbala and serve the pilgrims of seyyed al-shahda (peace be upon him). we are 20 people and prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for pilgrims and arbaeen pilgrims around the clock. we celebrate arbaeen every year. for about 15 to 20 days , you set up a procession on the walking path of the pilgrims. we set up a four-story procession to rest and welcome the arbaeen hosseini pilgrims. currently, we can serve 990 pilgrims in one meal. most arbaeenians of türkiye and other countries
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neighbors enter our country every year through land borders, then they leave for iraq. for the past few years, thousands of survivors of the arbaeen pilgrimage have also been walking and mourning in istanbul and some other turkish cities. last year, 446 cyclists were killed in germany. this report is from the words of one of the city traffic officials. he wrote: cyclists in berlin often face a life-or-death situation because there is no protected path for them. thank you for your attention.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good times to you, dear and respected viewers , we are at your service with the economy desk, as you have heard in the news , the new agricultural year will begin in less than 20 days , and naturally, by now, planning should be done from the provision of inputs. production such as fertilizers, seeds, fuel for machines, etc., as well as the design and communication of the cultivation pattern has been done and
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it has been communicated to the provincial officials and our dear farmers, that is why we intend to challenge the plans and also provide immediate solutions in today's economic desk program. to fix let's deal with them. in today's program , we will discuss the supply and explanation of agricultural institutions, especially chemical fertilizers and fertilizers, and what are the issues for the beginning of the cropping year, especially for autumn crops, and how much has been provided and how much has been explained. and what are the challenges facing our officials to meet the remaining needs of farmers? in the studio , mr. sayad farhadi, the head of the agricultural fertilizer producers association, and mr. shamsullah molazadeh, a member of the board of directors of the agricultural support services company, and in the other studio, the program of the economic desk is in the service. mr
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atallah hashemi, we are the president of the national wheat farmers foundation . other dear guests will be added to our group by phone and online. well, mr. farhadi, greetings and a good time . welcome to your service . peace be upon you. have a good time. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. viewers , especially the four million farmers who are at the forefront of the country's judiciary, greetings to you, i am at your service, mr. molazadeh, greetings and good times, greetings, greetings to your excellency , mr. parhadi, and dear farmers, and my condolences on the days of mourning, abba abdallah. hussein at your service yes, mr. hashemi, greetings and good times . you are very welcome. in the name of god, i am greeting you . dear viewers , hardworking farmers all over the country, dear guests in the studio
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, your telephone guests, greetings to you. acceptance and hard work appeared in this program, but before we start the conversation, a report of my colleagues in the agricultural desk of sed and sima news agency , let's prepare together, let's come back and start the conversation , worry. every year, on the eve of autumn planting, farmers come for chemical coating do you have autumn planting? yes, it is autumn planting . they don't give us the fertilizer on time. our quota is delayed , they give us less fertilizer. for several years, we have a decrease in harvest, just because it is autumn planting , we cannot use black fertilizers. this is a concern , according to the head of the association. fertilizer producers have a tough crop year for farmers this year in autumn planting , not sowing. they have a correct calculation, no, the fertilizer is correct. it will be a very difficult year, as the ministry of agricultural jihad announced
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, the country's agricultural lands need about four million, 500,000 tons of basic fertilizers. out of 2 million 400 thousand tons of phosphate fertilizers, 400 thousand tons and 2000 tons of potash fertilizers , there is a shortage of phosphorus and potash fertilizers that the private sector will provide. . fertilizer reserves for the cultivation of basic crops in the fall, i request that they really complete this matter as soon as possible , that is, we will follow up the organization of the agricultural sector until the result is achieved, and this is the law and the law must be implemented. the european union has 60 values ​​of its products. america pays subsidies to its farmers they subsidize 50% of the production value of their agricultural sector. our country is about 15% . the amount required for the import of cotton and raw materials is not provided
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. the government subsidized companies for basic agricultural fertilizers are more than 30 tons per year. meanwhile, the government is currently 24 effort for these subsidies , i am the contractor of the support service company and now the support service company says that i have not received a single rial subsidy for 30 months according to the budget law. every year , in order to provide food security and increase the self -reliance factor in the production of strategic agricultural products, the ministry of agricultural jihad must pay the incentives, subsidies and bank facility fees. ahmed hamiri of sda news agency . we thank our colleagues in the agriculture desk of sda news agency for the complete report
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they prepared and submitted to you. well, mr. molazadeh, let's start the report with his highness. i think everything was completely clear, it was clear that the conditions our farmers are facing now, especially for autumn crops , is a bit worrying in terms of providing their institutions with agricultural fertilizer , which is very important to start now. how much fertilizer do we need for autumn crops? we have and until now we are talking about how much of this need has been explained in the provinces . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the need of the agricultural sector for agricultural fertilizers, which is estimated annually by the soil and water research institute, is about 5 million tons. 200 million of all fertilizers
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, including all chemical fertilizers, of this amount , according to the financial limitations of the budget program and the problems it has, and this amount in the past years is between two and a half to 3 million tons, the ministry of home affairs announced to the program's support services company. to provide according to the financial constraints of interaction with they have a budget plan for this year, and this year's plan covers almost half of your needs. let's do it and deliver it to the provinces, and our dear farmers , how much of this 3 million have you given so far, just now that we are in the service of hazrat ali, 5 months from last year, we
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have procured 1 million 300 thousand tons of this amount, which is a significant amount, and this is yes. we did not make any calculations. it is the institute's estimate that you provide the country's needs with 3 million tons . yes, the 2 million tons that are now needed for agriculture and agriculture, what is the task? where should it be provided? in fact, the farmers will provide it from the private sector. they provide in addition that the government, the government, this is important, the government due to
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the financial restrictions on all products. he doesn't give this kuda, he only gives it to the basic products. for the basic products, this amount is enough. it is true that for the basic products, this kut is actually fulfilled . paying for 5 products of jandam, barley, rice, beet in sugar and all oilseeds, plus cotton, means more for all of them. out of 20,300 products , it is gardens, for those 5 products , we actually provide them and we provide them to all products.
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in fact, agriculture has been given a cross-section. now , more than spring and summer crops are available to farmers. right now, farmers can get urea from all agencies.
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has the title of one of the strategic products arrived or not? if not, where do you think the problem comes from? let me tell you that the 450,000 tons that mr. mollazadeh said for the start of the new crop season will start with wheat and jojoba. of course, we need 1000 tons of 240 tons of urea fertilizer for the crop season and the beginning of the crop season in the fall. yes, and 200 out of these 800,000 tons. in the store and in the warehouses of the organization of support services throughout the province, but this is almost a quarter
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of the amount needed for the autumn season for the beginning of the crop year, from 45 thousand tons of potash fertilizer, 100 thousand tons are now provided , and from almost 600 thousand tons. but the issue is that the farmers expect the petrochemical plant to announce their schedule at least 3 months before the start of the cropping season, according to the request of the ministry of agricultural jihad and the agricultural support services organization. one month before the beginning of the cropping season of petrochemical plants regarding urea, this schedule should be done
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let them announce themselves what situation we are in now and when we are now. this statistic shows that now we should have 800,000 tons of organic fertilizer needed at the beginning of the crop season, of which 200,000 tons are in tension, and in particular, we have followed up on petrochemicals, which is in the program today. we should be at their service, but don't accept and don't bother. well, mr. in karuno , let me tell you that these factories, javad petroushchemi , were not able to fulfill their requirements last year , that is, out of 2 million 500 thousand tons of urea fertilizer that should have been delivered, only 1 million 900 a thousand tensions were realized, and this was more appropriate in mr. hashemi how was it in the fertilizers? what were they provided ? considering that phosphate and potash fertilizers are only of imported origin, the support service company should have provided them, but because the amount and credit
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required for the support service company was approved by the organization. the central bank was not provided. i am now fully aware that the support service company regarding the imported coats is really under the money that i imported with credit, and now mr. hashemi , please tell me the conditions of this year . in 20 days, the situation will change it's like that the season of arachi that started , there is a need for potassium phosphate fertilizer one after the other, and it would be better to have at least 500 now. of course, the report prepared by my colleagues shows almost the same conditions, mr.
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farhadi khammit. as the head of the agricultural fertilizer producers association, please tell me how much of this amount of fertilizer that the country needs anyway is produced domestically. this estimate is based on the soil and water research of the country it calculates annually, relative to the cultivated area, the type of cultivation , in fact, the cultivation places that exist in the country , it makes an estimate. because mr. engineer molazadeh said those basic fertilizers, you confirm the 5 million tons that mr. molazadeh said . do that exactly i now the table of the institution.
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agriculture is 2 million 299 thousand tomans in our horticulture sector, approximately 72 thousand tons, which means that the country's estimated need for fertilizer for the fertilizers is exactly 3 million 27 thousand tomans for the year of 400 and 401. well, in phosphate fertilizers in the agriculture sector, 1 million 41800 tons are
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now. we have production capacity inside, how much we have inside we have production capacity. look, we have more production than the country's needs in the short section of nitrate. now our petrochemicals produce and export that surplus. in short , in fact, potash in the potassium sulfate sector is 100 more than the country's needs. we are now producing 254 potash sulfates for the country. thousand tons today, we have almost 300,000 tons of industrial production , even though it cannot be imported , there is not much importation in this sector. in this sector, there is not much importation of potassium sulfate. in fact, we do not have one more mine in the country . if this year with a capacity of 50 about 1000 tons of this requirement is 430 thousand tons of
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the country's class 500. regarding fertilizers, actually phosphates , unfortunately, we have not invested much in this sector, because phosphate fertilizers are provided in the form of superphosphate, pmep and tsp , which we we only have razi petochem, which produces with a very low capacity.
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we are talking about the lack of growth in this area. let me talk about the supply and explanation of fertilizer in
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the provinces, considering the problems of supply and explanation of fertilizer in your province , how is the situation now and how much you need to start the year. new until today that we are at your service yes, the share of fertilizer that we have prepared, for now , our share of fertilizer does not match with the amount of our agricultural land, and this share that is provided to the farmer is much less than the amount that we need.


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