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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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for a safe trip to iraq, you need to know the dangerous places on the road. there are points on the road trip to iraq from inside iran that knowing them will help you concentrate more and drive with more concentration when you approach them. in these accident-prone areas , reduce speed and increase concentration. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, it is three o'clock in the morning. the al-mayadeen tv channel announced that the zionist regime targeted at least eight towns in southern lebanon with airstrikes on wednesday evening . the media also reported the fighters of the zionist regime blew a whistle over me. notiyeh and its surroundings in southern lebanon
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are broken. you will receive additional news in the next sections. a number of ministers went to their ministries after receiving the vote of confidence from the parliamentarians. on wednesday , all 19 ministers proposed by the government received a vote of confidence. getting a vote of confidence from the islamic council. after holding the vote of confidence in the islamic council, i will announce the end of the meeting when the ministers arrive at their new workplaces. the minister of energy was the first minister to go to work. what the ministry of energy is always involved in these days, especially in the summer, is conflict. we have an overview of the balance.
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let's do that, god willing, in a calm and safe environment , we will actually solve the problems related to the beginning of the school year . we will fully implement the reopening road map, which mr. dr. sahraei and his friends worked very hard to design. god willing, mr. salehi's arrival the new minister of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance to this ministry along with the recitation of fatiha. this
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ministry was on the grave of the unknown martyr. it requires that we pay attention in all fields, including culture and art these social changes and old and classical methods may not work for some or most of them , so adjust your own strategies and methods according to these changes. 1820 hours and the presence of mr. momeni in the visit of the new minister of the country at the building of this ministry. more than ever before, our country needs security , needs peace, needs peace of mind, needs national unity and national unity, god willing, this will be a support for more efforts and also a lot of interaction
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, but the minister of labor cooperation and social affairs to the charity organization behesht imam reza, thank you for coming , we passed very good laws in previous years the seventh plan of this law is to protect the rights of the disabled , which unfortunately has not been implemented. i think it is the same issue as the medical doctors emphasized on the implementation of the law and do our best to implement the laws that are lacking.
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sajjad wahabi mentioned that one of the priorities of the ministry of home affairs is to support the disabled community. in the first official meeting with the ministers of the 14th government, the president asked them to follow up the goals of the 7th development plan with a specific program until the results are achieved. first of all, i would like to congratulate all of you dear ones you could get a vote of confidence from the honorable parliament. i would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the presidium of the parliament, to the speaker of the parliament, and to all the dear representatives who accompanied us, helped, sympathized, and
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approved all the members of the cabinet with a decisive vote. i will assign the relevant deputy to these loved ones. they should design an action plan for this policy and write it. mr. mezikian, while emphasizing on solving people's problems and creating motivation and hope for the youth, told the ministers of the 14th government not to rush to change the managers of the institutions, based on merit. put a dictatorship. regarding the management and the assistants you want to choose. i suggest this is the same. what we have done in relation to you, dear ones, is to create a series of indicators for each position, when these indicators are determined, whoever wants to volunteer can come and announce . i don't
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know if he is left or right, the lady is a man, he is sunni, or shia, so that , for example, i hire my acquaintances, that one brings his own faction, that one, i don't know his friends , that is, this process should go out, go to the right party. the bureaucracy is in a hurry to change , for example, to put people in a hurry, for example , don't waste money until we find the right people , let's find the right people, god willing, help us to develop the integrity, honesty and integrity in the process. our duty is to solve the problems of the people. it is in the society that people should see that we are telling the truth. we really want to tell their problems. barsunim and but the manager
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the general headquarters of fars governorate's crisis management said that fortunately, there have been no loss of life or loss due to torrential rains. this province has not been reported. most of the cities of fars province are involved in flooding . the meteorological organization has issued an orange warning for today, thursday, in fars province. on wednesday, the western and southern regions of kerman province witnessed heavy rains and strong winds. it has been reported that the flood in the baft region of kerman has blocked the communication route of 15 villages.
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thank you for your attention until the next part of the news.
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kuwait is the most important investor of saddam's war against iran , but saddam made a mistake in his calculations that kuwait it was not iran that the united states and the west would be silent in front of its attack, the american president reacted without hesitation.
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and iraq began over kuwait, which finally led to a complete embargo on iraq, so much so that saddam had to destroy all his missiles and announce the location of his defense facilities to the west. saddam has implemented all the tasks that the atomic agency dictated to him, and he does not even know that the new president of america is going to be without the approval of the united nations. attack him at once. this president
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is the son of the president who attacked iraq earlier. now saddam is here among these children are walking without him knowing, they have plans for him. the americans have brought this special fighter to their secret base in saudi arabia. with the rise of these birds, the days of saddam will come to an end. but saddam does not know anything about the presence of american f-7s. he went among the nomads who support him so that they beat him. saddam was seriously injured in the previous war with bush sr. but
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he is still interested in defense systems. the systems that no electronic warfare system failed in the war between egypt and israel. even the american phantoms of iran could not easily escape from the claws of this defense. but the trump card that america has and saddam doesn't know is that they have been secretly conducting test flights from secret american bases in saudi arabia for several days. planes that want to change the world's radar evasion record. russian and iraqi medium-range systems
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will have no chance against these bombers. it seems that the job will be over for saddam soon. f7 this pseudo-black will give its first serious test here. the land of mesopotamia, iraq. finally, the promised night comes. at 22:00 f17s take off from saudi arabia. saddam is here giving a speech to the high-ranking members of the iraqi baath party to confuse the iraqi defense commanders. american warships start firing missiles at baghdad from the persian gulf . iraq does not have a proper defense against missiles. the americans have launched more than 700 fighter-bombers behind the f-117s. the largest
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air raid since the end of world war ii begins . if the f-7s are successful, this bombing will finish iraq. but if they fail. iraq's defense systems will inflict the biggest defeat in the history of america on this country. the americans are still not sure of this victory. so they send their apache helicopters to shoot at the iraqi border defenses. everyone is supposed to entertain the iraqi commanders so that the 17th can beat all the frontline systems. once the iraqi sky turns red. the rain
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of anti-aircraft bullets has started, but there is no news of rockets firing. the pseudo has not been discovered and these eyes are blind. the f117 opens its belly and the bombs fall on the defenses. all the arrow is fired. the attack of 700 bombers begins . how iraqi radars work for detection the planes used to send radar waves towards the plane, then these waves hit the plane and returned to the radar, and the shiite type of the plane was identified, but the body of the f7 is made of radar wave absorbing material
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, which is it is known that these waves caused the f17 to never be detected and can easily attack its targets. saddam may have thought the same when he was captured by the american soldiers . why was not even a single missile fired from its defense towards the american birds. iraq will simply fall and many countries in the world will follow this fall do one of these countries is iraq's eastern neighbor iran. the people of iran and the people of iraq were bloody at the hands of saddam. the fall of saddam didn't bother them , but what worried them was the overwhelming success of america in the fight against saddam. iran should have learned from this battle to be able to stand against the power of the united states of america. after the first
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us attack on iraq in 1369. if another battle is going to happen in the west asia region , this battle will not be between two neighbors. the days of proxy wars are over and this time the superpower will attack the countries by itself. the fall of afghanistan and iraq shows the same situation. these days , american tv channels broadcast these images a lot . a view of america occupying any country it wants. especially from this model of advertising images. these are a symbol of the thousand cruise missiles that america had hit iraq. the land of iraq
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is not vast. if a thousand cruise missiles escaped from iraq's radar systems. they have reached their goals, why can't iran be occupied with the same method? how does the police work on the ground? air defense has the same responsibility in the sky. air defense is a unit, a 24-hour force. iran it is a vast land full of mountains and plains , that is, the best place to use cruise missiles to hit cruises, special radar systems are necessary
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at low and very high altitudes, these balls are also the first step in fighting cruises the sky must be turned into a fire for rockets. only after having the radar to detect this dangerous pseudo-missile, it is necessary to reach this height and hit this black giant. that too right before the hatch of your bomb opens and destroys the sky on the heads of the people of the earth. this bond it only takes off from america and they hit their targets in other continents. pseudo planes, the symbol of the power of the united states is the almighty. the arrogance and colonialism of america is behind it. america has returned to the era before the 20th century, to the days when the colonists themselves
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attacked the countries directly. of all the countries with which america has declared enmity. iran is the only independent country in the world. it was not affiliated with the former soviet union, nor is it willing to surrender. breaking iran can be an important lesson for the world. iran's defense industry experts have a big worry, can they quickly protect the country against such attacks? this system and device all of them are either american or british, the range of their missiles is very limited. and their radars are hard to repair. but for now, this is all iran's defense capacity and it should be turned into a scientific capacity as well. rapier hack systems. rapier
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is a british short-range surface-to-air missile launcher and hawk is an american medium-range surface-to-air missile system. iran had eaten them before the revolution. at the same time, these missiles did not reach the required range to hit iraqi fighters. now it is iran's only tool for a possible attack by a power like america. of course, iran is a type of system he had also bought defense from a country where this man's picture was painted on the door and wall. a parade from lee and the launch of the systems to be delivered to iran , of course, these were not made by libya, the soviets built them under the name sam 2 and sold them to libya, but sam 2
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entered iran and it quickly stopped working after libya's support was cut off, gaddafi decided he wanted to join saddam's supporters. iran remained and the systems that it should have made it possible for iran to completely reverse the foreign radars in 1377 and build the first national radar by itself , but now it is 1383, the united states also went to iraq. and iran must quickly achieve systems that will take the whole country under a dome of protective waves. iran is
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going to buy sam-5 from russia. the russian s20 or sam 5 is killing the iranian army. let's have a design and see what can be done. come to think that we use a. let's lock it and launch this missile in the evasive mode. after chasing the target for a minute , we will detonate the missile in the air. who had the courage to do that under these conditions? on a domestic missile launch plane. do that inflammation of anxiety that occurred in those moments when we did everything, the lock is done, we want to launch the missile against an internal plane, the profile of this
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was drawn on a board, it was deleted many times , it was adjusted from which angle it should come, what angle it should come from because we had to clear the area so that there was no aircraft present in the area, for those moments when we want to carry out this operation , this person said that person should sit, that person said that person should sit . finally, everyone came to the conclusion that this honor was given to me one day. it was decided that the plane would come to us let's do a trial lock and come the next day to launch the missile. god helped us. on the first day , the plane arrived very easily . the other main thing is that we were invited guests from the army chief , i think it was about we got ready for this and the plane slowly entered the area, the missile cutter is ready to lock the plane, everything is very beautiful.
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it can really be said that god really helped me everything was ready and with god's help, i said a loud allahu akbar and launched the missile and the missile was launched easily. we have the missile 's trajectory on the system. ebay after burling there after burling there. he prepared to strike and moved away from the area with the speed of afterburning. sam 5 is also handed over to the defense industry for study. research on the concept of radar has been started for a long time and continues. men and women come from all the universities of the country. for the first time in history, iran wants them
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system needs. give yourself completely to the young students. mersad air system is the result of this trust. mersad means ambush. iranian ambush the reverse example of american hawk is the first step to conquer the sky step by step. it is now the year 2009. the marsads
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launch their missiles one after the other, the missiles are called shahineh and are produced by iran itself . the missile control room is also domestically produced. this is an important secret. this room it is the big secret of iranians and not having information about it makes it impossible for the enemy country to disable it easily. this is this
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allah air is one step higher than air superiority, which means that if the air force can achieve air superiority , it will win the war. when a country achieves air supremacy, when it can overcome the air force of the other country in terms of equipment and skills, mersads are updated quickly. . and
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the conflict radar is formed, which in the early versions of all these products was reverse engineered from the american hawk defense system. this system is of medium range and its operational range is up to 40 calculated kilometers. but it is not going to stop there. the sahin missile quickly turns into a shlamcheh with a speed of about four times the speed of red. shalamcheh can hit any target at an altitude of 18 kilometers , which means that iran is slowly approaching the highest level. the firing of shalamcheh from the mersad system makes the then defense minister respond to the claims of the american side in this way, claiming the ability to attack iran.


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