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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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discovery radar and conflict radar are formed, which in the early versions of all these reverse engineering products were based on the american hawk defense system. this system is of medium range type, its operating range is calculated up to 40 km. but it is not going to stop there. the sahin missile quickly turns into a slug. with a speed of about four times the speed of sound at an altitude of 18 km, shalamcheh can hit any target, which means that iran is slowly approaching the highest altitude, god willing, the firing of shalamcheh from the mersad system will cause the then defense minister to respond to the claims of the american side. to claim the ability to attack iran, that we
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have all the options to respond to any threat, and without a doubt, any aggression against the territory of the islamic republic will bring irreparable regret to our enemies. iran has an important theory called the defense dome. but the defense dome has many needs that cannot be met only by the shalamcheh system. radar khas wants to be able to withstand the electronic warfare of great powers. maybe something like the defense systems of the americans. but this is a big claim. the flight height of american fighters is high and cannot be measured by ordinary radars it. discovered
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, will iran build its defense cannon? we will act in defense of the air in such a way that the threats to the bekweh that exist here do not turn into bluffs. we will not allow this. with the variety of defense systems, radar systems, missile systems and artillery systems , we carried out an operation to combine weapons in such a way that we do not let these threats become real. iran greets the 90s and the country is moving towards a new era. the era when the turmoil of the embargo reached its peak. will arrive more than military issues
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it is economic issues that will attract attention. in 1392, the united nations security council imposed sanctions on iran based on the proposal of the united states and its western allies. one of the branches of this embargo is the purchase of weapons. this means that iran will soon face an important challenge regarding one of its purchases. sc
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and it is suitable for hitting cruise missiles and drones at low altitude. therefore, the s-300 can be the unraveling of the iranian defense dome. tor means the torus of this russian system has a lot of operational capability at very low to medium altitude. but it is possible in the operation tour.
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from the decision to transfer s-300 missiles to iran said also in this regard benjamin. netanyahu made a phone call with his russian counterpart, vladimir putin. he stated that his government is worried about russia's decision to hand over s-300 missiles to iran. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is here on another trip to moscow, and as usual, one of his goals is to put pressure on russia regarding iran's nuclear program not to sell the 0 system. america had previously announced its opposition to the sale of this system to iran. and moscow should take seriously the concerns of washington and its allies in the region. it is one of the questions that loved ones usually ask. the position of the islamic republic is to stand against coercion and sanctions. this is
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what the then defense minister said in front of the cameras. we think that russia should not fall into the trap of these american traps and be under pressure. in any case , we are pursuing the issue through legal channels, the aim is for the country to be able to defend itself and for others to know that this defense power exists in the country, this is very important. what are the movements behind this controversy, traveling so much to russia , come and go, that this did not happen. while the s-300 is not meant to hit a city, it is meant to hit an attacker. this means that the enemy cannot tolerate the defense power in the country. they cannot tolerate you having the defense power
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. therefore, one of the most basic things is to strengthen our defense tools. the non-arrival of the s- 300 makes iran start building the system. it gave results and the first convoy of s-300 arrived in iran. despite all this, the s 300 will finally arrive in iran. iran, which has found an upper hand in the reversal of defense technology, is looking for a new system design based on the integration of western and eastern technology.
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the river iran has many natural complications. for this reason , the noor military satellite launch systems have created the hope that iran will be able to take care of its territory from space, but until that day , there are still several surprises for the americans. at the beginning of the 90s, the kandahar air base belonged to the american occupation forces in afghanistan. at the beginning of the 90s, iran is no longer like iraq, which
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was blinded by knocking down its limited radar stations. this was the lesson that iran's defense taught to the american side in december 2010. this bird that rises from the ground is the history of iran-us relations it will turn out differently. the world's highest military technology flies. animal of kandahar or archeo 170. the bird that has the highest level of stealth.
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over the past century the population has done nothing but increase, with more customers. it's easy to grow businesses and the stock market, and demographics have created a wave of economic opportunity over the past 40 years, but things are about to change. the fertility rate has decreased significantly in the last 40 years. currently, the fertility rate is just the average number of children a woman has. can you imagine if they had two kids? they themselves would then replace a male counterpart. we call this substitution rate. now, for reasons we won't get into in this video, the replacement rate should actually be higher than that, about two and one-tenths or two-tenths of a percent. you may think that this difference is insignificant, but the amount. it is significant and the difference of two hundred percent in the fertility rate
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has a significant impact on the country's population. so here we can also see a decline in the global fertility rate, and we are approaching this line that is kind of taken into account for the replacement rate, which you see in the united states for a period of time. we have been below the replacement rate for a long time, that is , about 18%, which is actually very high for developed countries. we can see that there is only one continent on this planet whose fertility rate
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is higher than the replacement rate, and that is africa. the countries that are kind of looking at it here are either all at or below the replacement rate, then these countries here are above the replacement rate. almost all of africa is like this. and yet, even in africa, we can see a significant decrease in the fertility rate in the last 4 years and those. really looking to catch up with the rest of the developed countries. the fertility rate is between half and 19. so why is the fertility rate declining so drastically? it is actually only a product of developed countries. because women have better access to education and health care, they have fewer children. with the decrease in child mortality, families are less worried about their children's survival to adulthood and the need to have more children. taking care of you in old age is not that difficult in the developed world.
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similarly, taking care of children costs a lot and likewise, in today's world, their number is less. but if the fertility rate is declining, why is the world's population still increasing? well , it is because humans live about 70 years . so from when an area drops below replacement rate until their population actually starts to decline. there is a noticeable delay. earlier i talked about the fact that these demographic changes are creating a period of economic prosperity and to understand that we need to look at population pyramids. so let's take a look at india about two thousand years ago. this is a pyramid it's a population that just takes all the people of india and groups them into age groups 5 years apart
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, and people from the youngest. a line is placed here for when people generally enter the workforce. a few retirees a relatively good population of workers but a lot of kids we quickly get to where we are now where india has fallen below the replacement rate and we see that in the last 24 years every successive generation in india in fact it has become smaller , it is very expensive to take care of children and we don't have to pay for their food or education, which frees up a lot of money so that you can spend it elsewhere and in the short term, your society will make us it makes it more dynamic. so even though india's population is still increasing during this time, it
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is because more people are being born than dying. this also creates concentration in the labor force of india and nowhere else . this will make india more productive than ever before for a population of similar size. not only is the population continuing to grow, but it is becoming more concentrated in the labor force. and they make the best use. likewise, the number of people on the planet who are becoming consumers is increasing. so war.
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of course, now while all this is going on , let's see what happens to the population pyramids . now you can see that these younger generations of kids are starting to hit the workforce. for example, you go to the year 205 and you see that the population pyramid begins to turn into a stable demographic column, the labor force segment of the population. it starts to shrink again. because these younger generations started to influence and so. there is a similar concentration of the older generation at the top of the pyramid and we are witnessing a temporary situation where the number of people retiring from the labor force is equal to the number of people entering the labor force. this trend will continue until 2070. at that time, you will see a situation where
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the number of people retiring from the workforce is greater than the number of people entering the workforce, and this is because. lowering the population pyramid due to lower fertility rates the replacement rate is now and it might say that there is a long way from now to 2070. let's look at france in 2024. currently, the country is not in a situation where there are as many retirees as there are people entering the workforce. in america, the fertility rate is slightly higher than in other developed countries. just about the entry to the point with the exit. the sedentary people are witnessing the arrival of the labor force in their place, and in this case, not only the population decreases, but the most expensive part of the population is concentrated in the retirees. in the foreseeable future may be the largest let's move on from the recession that humanity has been involved in so far. such drastic changes in human population have not been seen since the bubonic plague
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, which affected europe for centuries. this is the most trafficked border of arbaeen or hossein , the border terminal of shahid soleimani in mehran city, ganjaish city
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cannot accommodate more than 5,000 people. we have built the ground for this 422 , now this procession is from 20th of august. he started it, we will fire your pot 110 times we have 110 cauldrons, each of which easily covers 500 people , now it is 50,55,000 people per meal, but we have put a pico on 50,000 people in three meals , we can even feed up to 120,000 people. serving the pilgrims of aba abdullah al-hussein only on the condition of
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intention 14 every year, we have people up to 70 years old working here, they come with enthusiasm and love. this is nothing but love, specialists, doctors, doctors , but they are washing dishes for mr. imam hossein, there is no wing or person with a degree, and these things are not important here , where the servants and pilgrims are sympathetic, we do not take money here , everyone works for imam hossein, let us pay. it's a pity for anyone who sells the service of mr. aba abdullah al-hussein at any price . how many years has god been giving us success, we are coming, empathy, friendship, friendship between the processions, between the people, between the pilgrims, all i see is friendship, friendship, this is the only activity of this procession until 5 days after arbaeen hussain.
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you have made a path of love, there is a better way in my heart , there is a wire in my head, i have the passion of arbaeen , whatever happened, your ashes became heavenly. your arba'in has become universal . everyone has a sad cry to god in their heart
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. hossein hossein hosseins. hossein hossein hossein aww, i can't believe it. i won't go to karbala with nawasi ninwa . it's not a good news to meet him. i miss him a lot. there is nothing better than a pilgrimage
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. which has been learned from you in god of khatfani, abu mahdi.
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the human gathering is muslim and maintaining health against
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possible diseases is one of the main priorities of every pilgrim. the people of iraq use all their abilities to welcome the pilgrims in a healthy way because of their enthusiasm to serve the arbaeen pilgrims. but in order to maintain your health, try to use bottled water and packaged milk. and remember that drinking eight a glass of water and suitable liquids are very important every day. what foods should we eat? dried fruits and all kinds of nuts, roasted and unroasted. salt, which is a good source of protein and micronutrients, can be used as a healthy snack. to prevent constipation , it is recommended to have fruits that have laxative properties, such as figs and plums. to prevent poisoning , use low-fat and pasteurized yogurt, sour lemon or lemon juice with the food we eat. consumption of buttermilk with a little mint and oregano helps to prevent poisoning and heatstroke tick what foods should you not eat? eating
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amounts. it is not recommended to drink coffee, tea, especially caffeinated drinks and energy drinks during the journey, because they cause dehydration. as much as possible, do not eat fatty and salty foods, such as salty snacks, canned foods, pickles, sausages, and sausages, because they stimulate the immune system. unpasteurized dairy products, especially cheese, butter and local milk that are in bulk, can be dangerous. after using packaged dairy products , avoid eating salad and raw vegetables, but use vegetables cooked like potato, pumpkin and carrot along with food helps to prevent constipation. in case of diarrhea , we should eat light, light and low-fat meals. fruits such as apples, bananas are useful, but fruits such as peaches and figs should not be consumed. . o fish of the west, you are a guest of a flower garden. may i be
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like you, come up to us, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, light on the light, in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light . in the name of god, light upon light . in the name of god. light upon light. in
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the name of god. the one who created light, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. the witness of muhammad is the messenger of god. the martyrdom of muhammad rasool. the messenger of god is the witness
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of god, and god is the witness of god.


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