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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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let the way that mr. president has started take shape , we will be partners in it, and the surety of the parliament , the talks with each and every minister, the program that the honorable ministers will present, the promises made with the parliament, all this is in the effort of information. the country informed iran to comply with the law, comply with the 7th plan, comply with the above documents, and i will also speak to the government in order to be able to solve the government's problem and the government to be able to do what it promised to solve the problems, especially the issues of livelihood and economy. it is because of this that mr. dr. mezikian, the president, took the first step for this agreement and before this confidence meeting was held, they also published in the virtual space that now it is the turn of the parliament, what
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will be the answer to this step, the parliament also took the second step, do you think there is a third step , and if so thirdly, what happened to this national alliance, mr. doctor? it seems to me that the path of the national alliance government that mr. medicalians is following has three main sides, which must be connected to each other, and if it is not connected, the approach that opinion
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it is not the ministry of oil or the ministry of energy. different devices must share and move in this part and don't see the problems as parts anymore. of course, with this view, the government should have an internal truth and define for the mechanism how we can turn our own super-problems into an agreement. inside the cabinet of the government from top to bottom, experts don't see a part, managers don't see a part, the ministers themselves don't see a part, this is one side of the story, the second side, well, this is the side of the sovereign government that mr. medzikian has followed . assembly of the judiciary, governing institutions, military institutions, police , security and various areas. other independent foundations
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which exist now. the high councils that exist now , the guardian council, the assembly of our expediency, to solve this great problem, our government has taken the first step regarding the cabinet with the parliament, but with the parliament, we still have many steps to take, the seventh expansion plan itself is one of these areas. the efforts of the parliament have been completed, both with the parliament, there are still many steps to be taken in the implementation of the 7th development plan and discussions of this kind, and with the rest of the governing bodies, and naturally, the government should have a plan for this path and think about it , and the third part is also the part of the nation's government. as someone who was in the culture, i did various surveys either we were in charge or in the working group in the middle of various national surveys, we came up with various reasons that we don't have the opportunity to propose those reasons now. in
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fact, our social capital has weakened and weakened and weakened more than trust in the government. the course of the three-term elections showed that these gave us significant warnings. well, in countries where there is no democracy , according to some elders, they do not consider the ballot box as something to eat or wear. they don't have a problem with welfare or through the army or a combination of these two , that is, their system as with the people. the monarchy has not found a bond with the good fortune and politeness of the people they don't have it, but the islamic republic, blessed by the imam's revolution , which is an annual system of religious people, the luck and politeness of the people should be very important to it, and these last three elections warned us, finally, in the first stage, all political parties came, but they did not reach 40. this means that it means 60. the percentage that is now 60% is an exaggeration, but it is a reasonable figure, because no country has it all. 30% of the 400 who can
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speak and not come are meaningful, therefore, we should think about the relations of the nation state because we have a democratic system, not a system. the relations between the nation and the nation should not be renewed, the trust should not be restored, just because the government the parliament and the governing bodies sitting together , being friendly with each other, even reaching the same solutions will not solve the problem, because our big problems are in the hands of the people. the people will be resolved and they will not participate with us until the people trust us enough. in order to solve these issues, we must rebuild our relationship with the people in the various branches of the government. renovate the places where we
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made mistakes. our bad temper is our way of thinking, we apologize, we change our relationships with people, people are people, but blessings. we are the imam bringing people to the seats is a blessing . it is not a slogan. it is not a compliment . really for your blessing if you see that you are unhappy with us. if we see that they are protesting against us, if we see that they are criticizing us, if we see that they are even higher than this , then we must give them the right to find some existential and spiritual distance that we must have taken a wrong path. some tips what you are saying is that in order to increase
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the social capital and become the ruler of this approach that you mention, and this discourse as a dominant discourse, is now being considered as an approach or something that is not personally, now we are having the same discussion in the government, i know the truth. before the meeting and different friends, now that i say it's not me, it's just different friends that if we don't consolidate this part of the government of the nation of unity, the part of the government of sovereignty will not work alone, and with this view, we must make an all-out effort to renew relationships, especially social reference groups, dominant groups in the social space influential in the social atmosphere, iqbal and polite people should not be underestimated, because they are instigators, mediators of communication between the nation's government, members of the media , members of culture, art teachers, university professors, groups
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like this that act as mediators of the nation's government , how do they pay attention to us? what was kenan's interpretation of us? they say that if i am abdarcheh in that government where the deputy is rightly praised, the parliament will be proud of him, despite the fact that the proposed ministers
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had high and low compatibility with the 12 characteristics, but this government took a firm stand. and the problem statement it is also characteristic that we, as the representatives of the people , have the highest relationship with our clients. when it comes to letters for employment, then for training, then for other problems that we are very interested in, we should solve the problems of the people, for example, one of his children is a soldier in sistan baluchistan, and he is interested. zanjan, therefore, energy imbalance, housing discussion, marriage discussion, employment discussion. the bureaucracy that has become the ruler now and is killing the people is because the parliament said to propose a rail system and recently they also said that , sir, on the government road, since your rail cannot be moved, you can have one on the road.
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the government should come to be established and start working firmly and those issues that are going to be discussed for our people, i personally believe that we should go to the culture , monotheistic education, cause qassem soleimani to appear in this country and the world, because hazrat agha said that my priority culture has been, now the economy and people's livelihood are the key, so we as the parliament did not cooperate with the previous governments, we definitely cooperated, but since i became a minister myself and was in the implementation, the government is the frontline of the implementation, so the government said what has been said that we we will solve the problem of production and we will solve the problem of education we solve the issue of housing, we take care of sports, we take care of culture. we are discussing the issue of energy export, discussing petrochemicals, therefore
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, the issues facing the government are very difficult. what did the doctor say from the beginning, what did he say from the beginning? i have said that my plan is the general policies of the system and the 7th plan approved by the parliament, where the growth of 88 was mentioned and the huge problems that or important issues in the country, if it continues like this , it will cause a lot of losses , so we are waiting to see that the government, especially the half-finished works, which in terms of events. because the government
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was moving forward and did not think this would happen at all, my people did not think that this work was half finished. one should finish those works while they are finishing. my word , even i had a meeting with mr. president. i told them to solve marriage, employment, housing, youth and people, half of the problems have been solved mr. doctor, referring to the increase of social capital and the restoration of the relationship between the government and the nation, do you think it will happen in this way, or after that approach becomes operational, other measures should be taken. i prioritize culture, but now. the issue on the table is the issue of livelihood. we are in contact with the people. after all
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, what are the problems of the young people? marriage is the problem of housing . people are concerned about the livelihood of the people. we don't know that we don't consider ourselves servants of the people and big decisions should be made on these issues. toman is working for construction works , we have 62 to 65 thousand half-finished projects, a very large number to complete these projects, he needs to accept the construction work he wants to do from this side. our banks are in conflict, mr. president, he should make a decision because our economy is a bank-oriented economy
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, our banks are in conflict, so we all know the problem, the parliament also agrees, my government now knows , the supreme leader of the revolution also said that the reduction of social capital is happening. we speak we say, you go, sir , get a master's degree, a master's degree, a master's degree, and a doctorate . there, therefore, we have to go back one by one , a decision must be made. finally , a decision should be made regarding the energy imbalance. the time decision and the increase of social capital will lead to the parliament, the government and the governing bodies agreeing to this decision and taking care of the people's needs and the people know us. what do we want to do? my advice to the government is that, based on the experience they have, they should see
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what is the benefit of this decision for the people, especially the lower class, what is the problem for them. he will solve them, otherwise, now is the time for implementation, the government must implement it, because mr. agha even told us that the priority in the parliament is the bill , not the plan, as some governments do. but we, as a parliament and as one of 20, and now that 90 are gone, there are 287 left, i say that we do not insist on giving a plan at all, but the government should give a bill, the government should state the problems it recognized during the elections, in the middle of this. as mr. saleh also said, we can solve problems with loyalty and consensus, god willing, but ultimately this is the executive of the government, because he also said that you are more if it is not your priority
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, give the government level to the parliament to solve the problems, we will definitely handle this matter in the shortest possible time. i, mr. medical doctor , put a finger on a problem and the correct basis for us to stand together. to solve national problems, if we are looking for development, if we are looking for prosperity, if we are looking to solve our internal problems, to increase our interregional influence , and many other things that are mentioned in the vision document in fact, it passes through this path . today, the fruit of this path was finally tasted. it
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was finally sweet. and in my opinion, this is a path that can be followed and the group of those who are between an ideal and ideal and between an achievable path and an achievable path must be kept in mind, even if the ideal is an ideal , this achievable path is obtained through the combination of forces, not the elimination of forces. the governing forces and our social forces can move as much as possible in this combination of forces. that average is more stable, lasting and effective. in my opinion, the spirit of the medical doctor is also a man . i did not mean anything to him, sir nikzad, well, i was with him for many years, i saw him for several meetings. but in this election, in these days when i was in the parliament, my feeling was that he died. i know that. thank you very much, mr.
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nikzadi. please give me two minutes, your excellency. the 14th government wants to try a new experience . we have never had such a thing in the history of parliaments. one parliament only voted for the entire cabinet . i was discussing mr. president's speech today which he also said that i want your help, i also want this project not to fail in my opinion , alhamdulillah, the parliament did this work , creating the space for building a very solid unity and consensus of the government of the parliament, so it's time to work, time to try
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, time to deal with what that in the discussion of the budget, in the discussion of inflation, in the discussion of the imbalance of energy, in the discussion of the imbalance of the banks, in the discussion of various topics, and this is it, we know the implementation and have been, we do not say one day, but the government must make a firm decision, you know for sure, the parliament and my colleagues , i wish that we can what is the seventh plan, what is growth, what is justice, what is welfare comfort, what is people's livelihood, what is youth marriage , youth employment, what is youth housing, what is the elimination of bureaucracy. that are bothering the people , and mr. doctor, we should all help , but the government should be the one who knows about this matter and should be able to create a new thought, a new way, a new action, a new strategy regarding the national horizons , god forbid, to anyone. it did not lead to and
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this can be done with hard work and our care and honesty, god willing , thank you very much, mr. n. we congratulate this vote of confidence and getting it from the people's representatives and we wish them success in the future. thank you for watching the special conversation . have a good night and god bless you. i am thirsty for your hugs, my helper, give me time to hold us in
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our arms, martyr of karbala or hussain, here is the busiest arbaeen border, hussain hussain, the border terminal of martyr soleimani in mehran city, the city cannot accommodate more than 5,000 people. at night, we see something around 100,000 people pass through here , for this amount of pilgrims, a procession was necessary. it is used once in the dish of the prayer room of the doctor's room. it was established 6 months ago with the help of benefactors and even different religions. the person who did the welding of this project, i can even tell you by name, that is
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, he prayed with us. just to finish this project, now this procession has started welcoming pilgrims from august 20th. modares and these things are not important here, where the servants and pretenders are sympathetic, we don't get paid here for everything imam hussain is working. we are ready to pay . it is a pity for anyone who
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sells the service of mr. aba abdallah al hussain at any price. now, for hussain's sake , i will come for imam hussain's sake . it is not my first job every year. the camaraderie between the processions, between the people , between the piadras, everyone sees only the camaraderie of friendship , this is only love. the activity of this procession continues until five days after hosseini's arbaeen .
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the truth of monotheism of your revolution was forever, instead of your revolution, it was selling faith.
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if there is no good news to visit him, his regret is less than
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pilgrimage. hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein is not dead aruzandeh testified that he learned from you, suleimanani , who was killed in god of khatfani, learned from you, abu mahdi
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, abu mahdi. because the blood of aqaqis is iranian and iraqis, no matter what happens, it is immortal.
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soreh fesh, his comfort is calm, my dear.
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the messengers of wahad are the lambs of our faith, our messengers of independence, freedom, the role of our lives, martyrs wrapped in the cry of time, enduring. kamani and javbadan
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of the islamic republic of ira. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful al-mohammed and ajl farjaham, hello, good morning. at 6 in the morning, a number of ministers left for their ministries after receiving a vote of confidence from the members of parliament . yesterday, all 19 ministers proposed by the government received a vote of confidence.


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