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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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[000:00:15;00] thank you very much for your attention and companionship with this news series, dear and respected countrymen. have a good day. over the past century, the population has done nothing but increase, with more and more customers growing
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. jobs and the stock market are easy, and demographics have created a wave of economic opportunity over the past 40 years, but things are about to change. the fertility rate has decreased significantly in the last 40 years. currently , the fertility rate is just the average number of children a woman has. you can imagine that if they had two children, they themselves then won a match they replaced we call this substitution rate. now for the reasons that enter this video. we believe that the replacement rate should actually be more than that, that is , it should be about two and one-tenths or two-tenths percent, and you may think that this difference is insignificant, but it is a significant amount, and a difference of two hundred percent in the fertility rate has a significant effect on the population. the country has, so here we can also see a decline in the global fertility rate, and we're getting close to this line that
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i've kind of considered for the replacement rate, and you can see that we in america have been below the replacement rate for a long time. that is, about 18 percent, which is actually very high for developed countries. we can see it in other parts of the developed world, so here in europe, with one and a quarter percent of china , of course, it has an extremely low fertility rate , which means that the average woman only india has one child in its lifetime, the most populous country in the world, even below the rate. replacement of 1.98. and this statistic was for a year ago. this situation is probably worse now. in fact, if you look at the world , there is only one continent on this planet whose fertility rate is higher than the replacement rate, and that is it is africa the countries that are kind of looking at it here are either all at or below the replacement rate. then these countries
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are up here. are more than the replacement rate. almost all of africa is like this. and yet, even in africa, we can see a significant decline in fertility rates in the last four years. and they are really looking to catch up with the rest of the developed world. the fertility rate is between one and a half to 19%. so why is the fertility rate declining so drastically? it is actually only a product of developed countries. because women have better access to education cares. have less with the decrease in child mortality, families are less concerned about their children surviving to adulthood, and the need to have children to take care of you in your old age is not so difficult in the developed world. in the same way, taking care of children requires a lot of money , and in today's world, their number is less. but if the fertility rate is declining, why
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is the world's population still increasing? well, that 's because humans live about 70 years , so from the time an area drops below replacement rate to the time their population it really starts to slow down, there is a noticeable delay. earlier i talked about the fact that these demographic changes are creating a period of economic prosperity, and to understand that we need to look at population pyramids. so let's look at india in about 200 years. it takes the people of india and groups them into age groups of 5 years apart , placing people from the youngest at the bottom to the most accomplished at the top of the pyramid. you can see that when india was above the replacement rate each successive five-year generation was larger than the previous one , which makes for very few retirees. have i have this line here for when
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people in general work force. they leave then put a line here for when people generally enter the workforce. few retirees, a relatively healthy population of workers. but there are a lot of kids. fast forward to where we are now, where india has fallen below replacement rate . and we see that in the last 24 years each successive generation in india has actually become smaller. it costs a lot to take care of children and we don't have to pay for their food or education let's pay this frees up a lot of resources to spend elsewhere and makes your community more dynamic in the short term. so even if the population of india is still increasing during this period, it is because more people are being born than people are dying. this also creates concentration in the
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labor force of india and nowhere else. this will make india more productive than ever before for a population of similar size. not only the population continues to increase, but this population is concentrated in the labor force and they benefit. to likewise, the number of people on the planet who are becoming consumers is increasing. so the population as a whole is getting bigger, and the percentage of the population that we consider to be development consumers is also increasing, which is kind of creating this perfect storm of economic opportunity. but all these things will come to an end in the near future. certainly the population in 25 to 35. next year it will decrease and start to decrease, and the number of people who are becoming a new consumer will decrease. the world is modernizing at a rate that probably it will shock you. of course, now while
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all this is going on, let's see what is happening to the shrines of the people. now you can see that these younger generations of kids are starting to reach the workforce. for example , you go to the year 205 and you see that the pyramid. it begins to become a fixed demographic column . the labor force portion of the population begins to shrink again as these younger generations begin to influence and similarly there is a concentration of the older generation at the top of the pyramid and we see a temporary situation where people from the workforce retires the number of people retiring from the labor force equals the number of people entering the labor force. this process until 207. it will be like this. at that time, you will see a situation where the number of people retiring from the workforce is greater than the number of people entering the workforce, and this
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is due to the decline of the population pyramid due to the fertility rate below the replacement rate at the moment, and you may say that from now on there is still a long time left until 2070. let 's look at france in 2024. currently, this country is not in a situation where the number. there are as many retirees as there are people entering the workforce. in america, the fertility rate is slightly higher than in other developed countries. just about getting to the point where as the retirees leave , we see the labor force entering in their place, and in this case, not only the population decreases, but the most expensive part of the population is concentrated in the retirees . in the foreseeable future, it may
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move towards the biggest recession that humanity has ever been involved in. they are old and worn out. basically, there are two ways to build a sewage system. you can make them so that your rainwater and polluted water or sewage enter separate tubes. or you can build these sewage systems in such a way that all the sewage goes into one pipe, and many old sewage systems were built in such a way that all the sewage goes into one pipe, which means that when it rains, the pipes are filled and the system cannot handle this amount of water, and you are in this. you have water release valves that mix rainwater with wastewater into the river and the sea, which prevents water from returning to people's houses and streets , but obviously this is not an ideal situation.
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because you end up with all the pollution from people's homes and businesses that pollute the river water and finally the sea water, and what we have seen in england is that in fact these waste waters are not only on days when it really rains. it rains heavily, but on normal days it also falls in the rivers and waterways, which reduces the oxygen level in the water. this causes the level of native plants and pond weeds and plants of this type that provide habitat and food for wildlife to decrease and they can no longer continue to live. then we we have the issue of germs that can infect you with diseases such as cholera. obviously, when people get sick, this becomes the headlines of the media. random people. they drink some water and on the other hand, the fact that some people try to
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have fun and swim in the rivers becomes a problem for them and is not good for their health. so what should we do to prevent waste from entering? the effective solution is to separate rainwater from waste water. we talked to people about this. they said that if you started from the beginning now, you would you were able to separate water, rain and waste water . but unfortunately this is very problematic cost. its cost in england is estimated at hundreds of billions of pounds. so it really needs a lot of money. of course, there are things you can do to reduce the amount of wastewater, and that is to reduce the amount of wastewater produced. instead of paving the surfaces, more greenery and gardens should be created. more basins like what was done in paris should be created to collect surface water. water enters the system very quickly. so you can create a system that prevents
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going down they work and this is a big shock to the society. if you think about the situation of european rivers, they are also polluted by pollutants from agriculture and industry. you know there is mining. there are other activities going on that haven't really been noticed yet. but what has actually happened is that the regulations have become more and more difficult day by day. but despite this , we have reached a stage where we see the overflow of combined sewage compared to the past, which causes more problems
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. what you are saying is that people they are looking for recreational use of talib and rivers. this is what happened during the corona outbreak in england. i was in contact with some environmental activists in brussels and they were somehow trying to draw people's attention to the pollution of the canals. you can swim in the canals for fun. but it's not really possible now because they have enough. they are not clean. is this just a european problem or not? it can be seen in other parts of the world. this is not unique to europe. it is also found on the east coast of america. in china and australia there is also this situation. something about europe and england. it's that we have a really high proportion of pollution among them. this amount is about 70%. this is much higher than the rest of the world. but i think there are probably other rivers like this . are contaminated and it
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's not really talked about, but it's not unique to europe and
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it needs to be addressed. there was no one under the dome of the dove
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, like the sound of the sky. the one who is looking forward to the pilgrimage for a year . karbala is hot in my heart, waiting for you for a year i have been on this path for a year and i always say hello to you
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, tell him i want to come, but i can't. send my greetings to the gentleman and tell him
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that i am from the bottom of my heart. all that remains is salam ali, a resident of karbala . salam ali, a resident of karbala. salam ali, a resident of karbala. salam
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ali, a resident of karbala. salam ali. this is for you, mr. mohammad, 73 years old, who came from isfahan, says that omris is sitting at the wheel these days , but a little different than at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night when we we get up, we haven't slept yet. it's almost 11. i was so sleepy last night that they took my wheelchair. his honor is to serve the pilgrims at the zero point of the border . now someone came and said that we were at imam hussain's shrine, my picture fell on us, we
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prayed to you there, we said, "god's servants are working hard there, we are here to make a pilgrimage, so this is an honor for me, gentlemen, please tell me the salavati khayati station, we are coming from karbala, we came here ." in the sunny way, he was bothering me, i said your head send my blessings for the health of imam zaman. mr. mohammad and his friend karbalai mustafa retired, but he doesn't know the path of retirement. how many hours did you sit at the wheel at 7 in the morning? so far , i've been riding for an hour. i came again in 14-15 hours. it's true that it's crowded here, but i'm comfortable, i'm happy, i'm in love with you the world is close to this service, not very close, that is, if you want, i can send it do a service whether you want to serve or not. their salary is a blessing and someone really came and said how much is it?
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i said go, you can't take money, you said, how much can it be ? when he saw himself, sir, i said goodbye to you. don't let your hands fall here, naibo, we were also on your pilgrimage , god willing, may you have a long and blessed life . god willing, we went on a pilgrimage and came back. the purpose of people's intentions is that they are working with sincere intentions, whether they are tailors , cleaners, whatever they are, they are serving people, it is about serving the people. i came on the way, my bag was torn. god willing , they will be rewarded with mr. imam hossein. their work is no less than jihad. the table of service at the border of mehran is understood for an iran. this is my job, i thought i have to work in order to do a good service , i saw that the best thing to do is
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to repair zahera's shoes, god willing, with this book that we got, we should read arung more , not only tailoring and shoemaking, every pen and color in mehran is for devotion to seyyed al-shohad, i saw here who write the name of our master, imam hossein, for example, all imam hosseins are a culture, a path of life for us, from birth to martyrdom, and after martyrdom for a few days, we are here at the service of the pilgrims of imam hossein, and there are four or five of us, each team
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has 5 people. in the happy bag section. mr. abulfazl, what did you call on your phone? yasa review at the time of all our steps, we vowed to imam zaman. being in our hearts. no, they are in our hearts, they are from before. this sign is a very effective advertisement for our religion. we played the synth from mr. rais , god willing, from the moment it was written, our hearts are in our blood, veins, and footsteps with this beautiful text. god willing, imam zaman. farjam writes, we will take the cultural work itself as a kind of propaganda and we should do this because of encouraging
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one of the effects that this cultural work has, the apparent encouragement, the encouragement of small children is a matter of opinion, now that they show their devotion to their chests and phones. they pinned together with them , they travel the path of knowledge, they do not differ in the path of arbaeen. what service is provided? what march should be smoked? what shoes should be waxed? it is important to be devoted to sayyid and shahad. vahid hajian, sada and cima news agency reporter, mehr international border. step by step, i walk around the corner, column by column, looking for a sign in a place. the crowd that
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i want to pray behind you, is it possible at night? i don't feel any pain and sadness, can my lover call us imam askari here on this trip , can he call us father, son, i know that i am between zaim. i know that i am burning like people in the fire of your sadness mr. imad chandmi is labik, or sahib of zaman
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labikke, or sahib of al-zaman. seraf, hurry up, why is afsarieh, why do i lose you, because you are an official, don't make a mistake, be careful , sirah afsarieh, the only tehran branch in sarah
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afsarieh, with unbelievable prices, neck and long-term photos, and without prepayment, in big iranian sarai, the first tower, discounts at the peak from august 31 to 6
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shahrivar chain stores of afogh korosh. bejrouha and farad al-afa zain saed qadr bahruf karbala ali kal juneb waqah bis ma waqah man al-luwa ali aroo qamar tatbaghbe bazaar al-samaa ali azam kafin ali al-shati


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