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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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from 31st of august to 6th of september, chain stores of oghok korosh. in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful, dear viewers of khabar salam network , we present to you the daily media news section at this hour, and we will start this section with short news. a special muslim child.
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the documentary son of lajordi city will be broadcast today at 19:00 on channel four. this documentary is about the life and cultural and artistic conduct of mohammad ali najafi, the architect and director of cinema and television in our country. sarbadharan television series and films reporting a murder, the heavenly land and zagros are among the works of this filmmaker. satra in order to support. introducing
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the capabilities, capabilities and synergy of inclusive audio and video media, the third national rasta exhibition is held. the opportunity to register in the 3rd exhibition of audio and visual media of iran rasta has been extended until september 10. platforms licensed by the organization for the regulation of universal audio and video media in cyberspace. satra home show networks and those interested to attend rasta exhibition can refer to satra point ir base. the third rasta exhibition will be held from 26 to 29 september. arbaeen procession route from najaf to karbala, you can see that all the pilgrims of abu abdullah are traveling this spiritual path . the opportunity to participate in the arbaeen ambassadors campaign.
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send pictures of content recorded with your mobile phone to this campaign with arbaeen topics and hosting methods as well as the oppressed people of gaza. the best stories are broadcasted on radio and television networks. ali ghasemi, sed and broadcasting news agency. kateb azam television series airing today at 19:00. this drama series narrates the events of ashura night from the enemy's tent. among the army of ibn ziyad, i sigh for hussain. it is a narrative of the events of the half from the night of ashura to the evening of ashura. we are writers. here we have pen and duat and word. a story of the scribes of the yazid army in the incident of karbala. can you see them the one who doesn't have any clothes. the story of
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ashura is narrated from inside the enemy's tents, i.e. the scribes' tent and the events that happen around the day of ashura. those who will shine on hossein's body today want these coins. somehow we are working in the real location. i said that the coins are not. this collection is an adaptation of the book confessions of the slain writer made by sasan natiq. this book that has been selected narrates a part of history on the day of ashura and the angle that we have chosen, the angle that has been treated less and less in this space.
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more information about the fields of study is the goal of the fourth season of the brope kart program. this program is broadcast every night at 22:00 on the omid channel and the next day at 13:00. where do i want to be when i'm 30 ? guidance for students in choosing a career and academic path, the report card came with notebooks the selection of the field is coming, the result of the entrance exam is coming. we visited farhangian university, but they didn't invite us to the interview. what's up with the field of rahe balad
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and china are among the sections of this program. here, children learn the law of making a field selection list. every night we are at the service of one of the advisors in human mathematics groups. art and all fields and here, in fact, a field selection list is closed for them. the fourth season of bropy kart also has a campaign. an opportunity to hear experiences. we also have a campaign, a return campaign, where children can participate and send their stories. they say that we may be unhappy with our course , we turned around, but we are happy and well in the second course we are studying. if in your friend's family.
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you are very welcome, so what are the changes in this program in the fourth season? i would like to inform you that we have the fourth season of go pay card tv show. well, this program is a special program for this year's entrance exams for those who want to choose a major in 2014. season two and 3 well, we had 26 recorded episodes in season two. his audience was the children who wanted you in the ninth year. it was august and it was special for the 1402 field selection program. this year we are serving our children with the fourth season. well , we had some changes in the content and form of the program compared to the previous seasons . see what those changes were. last year, we
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had 18,000 text messages. well, it reached us in 14 episodes , and all of them were questions about the choice of the children's fields, that is, the children sent us approximately 18,000 text messages about the choice of fields. sending this question was categorized by artificial intelligence, the topic was included and we used it in the content of this chapter. see, we are a section . in the program, we have various statistics and information that are related to the choice of field , it is useful for the children in their academic and career orientation, this is the same that came from those text messages. academics and careers. well, children , many of their problems in choosing a major are that they don't know them well, they don't know them accurately, and they don't know about their future career environment . we mostly deal with mental stereotypes. in the majors, we try to break these stereotypes. accurate with all disciplines in different groups of mathematics, humanities, experimental arts, even get familiar with the language. the next part of our program
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is the chinese major, where the children learn the techniques of making a major selection list from our advisor, and my approach is that choosing a major is not really a strange and complicated thing, we don't need to spend a lot of money in advance. let's go to the counselor. well, you know, in cities or underprivileged areas , children may have little access to first-class professional counseling, and in fact, in the educational justice environment of this program, we are creating awareness that children are on their own feet. they can choose their field and find out what they are interested in let them know and close the list of their choice of fields. this field is ours. we have a section called the way to know , where psychological issues are discussed. every night, the story of a subject who changed his path in his academic and career paths is told. in fact, now we have a campaign for this. under the title of "round trip" , the story of people who take an educational path and go, now they are students, but after two years, after 3 years , they regret their educational path and change to the second path
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. one field to another, for example, the field of for example, he was a doctor, he left medicine and came to the field of art, he is studying, and why do you have this department? a human being and after a few years, regretting the course did not fit their personality , it did not fit their inner mood, we called it regret , turn around, this is actually turning around , they changed their path and in their second path , they are satisfied and happy. you know a way that we are at your service every night, mr. dr. vojjani , and counseling psychology points from this story are narrated for children. we also have a campaign under the title come back, guys, can you send us the stories of these people in the form of audio or text?
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yes, now, since you mentioned that you have a psychological perspective on this matter , i am paying attention to the family and even the volunteers themselves. it should be said that the entrance exam is not the end of the road, or even that someone may not succeed this year, but it is next year, or the university does not necessarily mean that everyone should study and enter the university. there are many paths to success outside of the university . by the way, last night was the eighth episode of our program . according to published statistics, one out of every four working men in the country has a university education, and another 3 of the working men in our country may not necessarily have a university education, but they are working , they have a skill, they are specialized, they are working. we really have the approach that university is the only way. it is not success for the child and it is one of the ways along with the other ways. yes, mr. arkan, now, how much
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advice is given , you can see these advices right to the minute. well, we in the program tried to invite the most expert people who really they have experience in this field and worked they already gave their own test, but in addition to this, i would like to add this. well, last year, we had a flood of text messages and questions from our audience. this year, we have come together with a television program that has the mission of raising awareness. the program is on the program site, where children can express and choose their field very easily and for free. i would like to use this time to announce to the dear parents of those around the entrance exams that children can easily get advice on, which is the site of this television show. do it for free. we have a chatbot where artificial intelligence is taught based on artificial intelligence , with all the latest articles in this field
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. children type their questions there and get answers instantly and free of charge . this is one of the the parts of the system are under the title of our chatbot . there is another part of this system called dol. guys, they doubt between different fields and universities. they can compare one field and one university with another field . what is the point of this? what is the point of that? they are comparing it. another part under the title of chinese field, the children can close the field selection list, that is , the children will be asked a few questions to discover their interests and desires , in which cities the candidate would like to study , he will specify his personal priorities, and the system will give him a it provides a suggested list of majors and universities. we have really tried to make this site able to provide a very good answer to the question of choosing a major for children. standing on this real need of children, but creating a yellow market, yes
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money really means choosing a major , it is not the second hornless giant at all, it is not strange , the kids can do it easily, this system has come to remove them and give everyone free and easy access to choose the major themselves. yes, yes, this is the site's address . of course, if you search in farsi, search a lot. yes, you can find it. there is no point. yes. we have worked on the content, this issue is really so long, for example, for 13 or 14 episodes, in their opinion, in terms of your direction, yes, now we have this episode, which has 21 episodes, last time there were 14 episodes. you see, so many children are feverish about this issue , they have concerns that i can say that some of them may be false concerns, the point of discussion is that the statistics of our audience's interaction are in different sections. let me introduce a little bit. we
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tried very hard to make all the visual parts of the program, the visual parts of the program suitable for the taste of teenagers. they are taking entrance exams everywhere, but we are children next to them we have people from the 8th to the 9th year of the program because their future education and career is important to them and they are following the program. and the appearance of the application , the decor, the identity of the program, the rhythm of the program. the program has tried to make the items short and short that suit the taste of teenagers so that they don't get bored , the conversations are not all stiff and dry formal conversations and what happens suits the taste of teenagers. we have a large audience of parents, counselors and dear teachers, because this is a triangle that actually
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makes sense together, volunteers, counselors , their coaches, parents, and we have good feedback from all three sides. yes, very short because we have a lot of time it is not, and this four -season experience that you were, if the program wants to make a change, what will that change be? the truth is, we would like to see a special program like this one that we had for 12th graders this year, which is going to air in august, so we can do it in the next season. god willing, a special program for children we have chosen 9th to 10th and we are going to pass it because now we are discussing the impact of the academic records of 10th , 12th, and 12th.
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they broadcast iranian and foreign movies , concrete city, a lifetime of life and robbery. the new film of this animated collection of lamia's poetry will be broadcasted on omid channel at 10:30, jalaldin. this film is about the introduction of a muslim girl in the city of aleppo to the poems of maulana. an 80-year-old man is suffering from dementia and alzheimer's disease. this is the story of the movie father, which will be broadcast on salamat network with special subtitles for the deaf at 11:00. tehran network broadcasts the film "theft" for an hour and 30 minutes. this is about
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robbery of a bank with a predetermined plan and the police attempt to arrest sardane. after a terrible earthquake, there is only one building left in the city and the survivors are trying to get there. this is the story of the concrete city movie that will be broadcasted on channel 3 at 14:00. it had been a long time since he bought a gift, was it good? channel 1 also filmed it at 16:00.
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this story of doni's movie is an untold story that will be broadcasted at 19:00 on show network. who spent most of his life in the heart of the mountains. maryam mohammadi, radio and television news agency. the end of this news segment is the next news segment, of course, at 11 o'clock
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water is a vital resource that is difficult to obtain in our country , but it is easy to obtain. alborz regional water statistics show that more than 1 billion and 30 million cubic meters of water are consumed in this province every year , about 650 million cubic meters. 63% of the total consumption is used for agricultural purposes, and about 50 million cubic meters are used for industry and about 330 million cubic meters per year are used for drinking purposes . greenhouse cultivation in the province should be considered. they are producing many products in the greenhouse safi vegetable is a vegetable. there are flower products and ornamental plants that are produced in the form of both apartment flowers and branched flowers. a series of products are also produced considering that now warm and out of season products are also produced. mr. khosravi
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is one of the greenhouse owners of the province who says in greenhouse cultivation , the farmer can grow his desired crop at any time. you can easily harvest 9 to 10 months in 12 months . you are looking at this lemon. lemon can answer you very well . in natural cultivation, maybe four may be 5 months, but we have 10 months of this product in a year we take having diverse products and significantly reducing water consumption are other advantages of greenhouse cultivation. with this cultivation, we can have the products that are cultivated exactly in the northern regions with humidity of 60 to 70 degrees inside a hall and a plastic complex . in which of the collections, a quarter of the irrigation of open lands, besides the benefits of cultivation, the government has also
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considered various services such as long-term facilities, tax exemptions and reduction of water, electricity and gas tariffs for the development of the greenhouse industry. one of the tasks what the government did was to facilitate the issuance of permits for the construction of greenhouses. which is very different compared to the past and is really being implemented in the issuance of permits and very good support . the successful experience of greenhouse farming has made mr. khosravi have a recommendation for other people who are interested in this type of cultivation. in a good part , i reached the point where we don't need to sell land at all, but we can have a product in 12 months, and the more you work , this land will give you a product. with the entry of the private sector and the cooperation of the government, now more than 350 hectares of the province's lands are dedicated to sorghum cultivation
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. a method that can increase the production of agricultural products up to 5 times. about 4,000 hectares of land in the province are suitable for greenhouse cultivation , and with the plans made, about 2,000 hectares of these lands will be under greenhouse cultivation. mohammad shirzadeh radio news agency. four gardens the first operation of wireless battery implantation in the heart of a 70-year-old patient was successfully performed at imam khomeini hospital in tehran. this type of battery that we use is actually placed inside the heart inside the right concrete through the black vein of the leg it turns it is two and a half grams, 6 each. once we can control this from the outside and adjust the heart rate. an operation that
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has been started in the world for two years and due to some sanctions , its equipment has recently entered the country. fortunately, this shift came in the country, in imam khomeini hospital, we actually admitted the first patient , it didn't last more than an hour. the duration of your look and the side effects of this method compared to the previous methods. it is much less and has a simpler treatment. the disadvantage of this battery is that, first of all, nothing can be seen outside . batteries that are placed in a patient can be seen under the skin. it is possible, and since the wire goes through the vein, it may actually cause the vein to close or malfunction of the heart valves, and another very important issue is actually the issue of infection with these batteries that we are putting in from the outside. it would be very dangerous and cause the destruction of the heart valves and even death, and
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it would not have the side effects of the usual batteries, such as heart valve disorders or heart infections . this battery can be seen from the outside and this battery can be seen from the inside. it cannot be seen or narrated. the cost of importing this battery is 10,000 euros, which with the support of the government and insurances, the patient in the government hospital pays less than five million tomans for it. in that method, we usually make a 3 to 4 cm slit on the chest , put the battery under the skin and really sew it in two layers . the problem they may have is that the battery wire may be damaged when they move their hands, or if they try to fasten their seat belts
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, or if they try to read at night. while the previous batteries had a lifespan of between 7 and 10 years for the patient. maryam bikpour news agency radio
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energiku. discounts at peak from august 31st to september 6th of the korosh chain stores, one by one, one by one , one
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by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one , one by one, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time , one at a time, one at a time, one at a time. no prepayment in iran's big house.
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may your day be good, dear and honorable compatriots. inshallah, the minister of defense and support of the armed forces welcomed the former minister of defense at work an hour ago. pilot nasirzadeh paid his respects to the unknown martyrs before entering the ministry of defense building . god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad. all sections where there is a need, god willing, we must try with the cooperation of all of us.


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