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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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its main axes and its different seasons are in the 8 fields of activity of the ministry of defense, of which we have 8 fields of activity. the first field is the production of weapons and defense equipment with numerous factories in the defense industry, as well as the fields of production of systems that we had before the revolution, 31 defense systems in domestic production. we had most of them in montage mode, but today more than. very , very advanced that there are many sub-systems of these, today we have domestic production, this is the first mission that came in the program, the second part of the program of the ministry of defense is in the research of innovation and defense technologies, which the ministry of defense is one of the ministry of home affairs. there are 8,000 designers and researchers , that is, more than 85% of our employees in the ministry of defense are university education. and they are great, the elites
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have a special place in the ministry of defense , there are centers of design offices and defense innovations next to every industry, that is, those industries and factories that, for example , are producing individual weapons or cruise missiles or have long-board missiles in aerospace. besides, we also have a defense innovation center and a design office, which also have scientific support. that is, the ministry of defense industrial research training institute is an independent institute under supervision the ministry of defense is the defense research and innovation organization, which was approved and strengthened by the parliament this year , as well as the mal kashtar university of technology. these are the three pillars of research and education that provide scientific support to our industries, since the ministry of defense and the defense industry are at the edge knowledge and the most advanced weapons in the world are moving. the reason is
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the scientific and research support and technological capacity that exists in the ministry of defense. this was the second area of ​​programs that was mentioned. we have a jump in exports in terms of product variety to have an export, the amount of export this year is targeted, of course , we have considerations in defense exports to any country. if they use it , we will definitely control it, and we will not export weapons to those countries if they have a request , as well as countries that seek to create crises and seek inappropriate threats to others, these will also be controlled, but the export part is one of the programs that
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can be used in addition to on government resources that are for the defense sector and the defense base can be used to add new resources to the country's resources. the fourth part is the national defense partnerships . as i mentioned, we actually want the civilian parts, which are specified in article 102 of the law of the seventh plan. the seventh program has come with a new mechanism that is the participation center. national defense will be activated in the ministry of defense this year, and a new regulation will be approved by the government, according to the mandate of the parliament in the seventh plan law, and we will try to help the civilian sector in the advanced technical and scientific fields of the country. finally, the maximum use of the capacities of knowledge-based companies and our private sector is 7 thousand companies that are parties to our contract from the private sector. this means that
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the production chain of parts and raw materials and the supply chain of more than 60% have gone to the private sector, and this will help the employment of the country and the prosperity of production. the need of the armed forces is saturated, but the surplus of this production of the defense industry goes to export, which is beneficial for the country and the private sector because they are present and play a role in this production chain. a part of these incomes and benefits goes to private companies and academic companies and other sectors. now, if i have the chance, i would like to talk about the livelihood and social security of retirees and employees of the defense diplomacy, which you mentioned in the seventh section of legal affairs and issues . it is the field of defense that the ministry of defense is responsible for following up in the government of the parliament and finally the field. in all these dimensions, amir
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nasirzadeh gave a complete and clear plan to the parliament in coordination with the general staff of the armed forces and in the form of high-level documents. we will talk more about them , see a report, we will come back with the continuation of the program . or the famous three-wheeled motorcycle of the indian capital, which hosted the minister of defense for the meeting of the ministers of defense of his area in may 1402. this was the first time for iran that a delegation at the level of defense ministers was present at this meeting. dealing
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with the unilateralism of america, nato, and the west , as well as dealing with terrorism, extremism, separatism, and drug trafficking these were among the basic issues that were raised two months later when iran became an official member of the shanghai cooperation organization, now the path for multilateral cooperation. cooperation with other member states of russia, china, india, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, pakistan, uzbekistan and tajikistan became smoother than before, for economic and security interaction. 3 months after
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membership, the iranian delegation headed by amir sartib ashtiani arrived in dushanbe to realize the same. the minister of defense, in a meeting with sepe bad shir shiri mirza, stated that the purpose of this trip is to strengthen the defense base of tajikistan and ensure security. central asia region. participation to provide regional security was not limited to central asia. in march 1402, the persian gulf coast of qatar, the minister of defense arrived in doh at the head of a delegation. the presence of the iranian delegation in doha was accompanied by the start of the dimdex international exhibition, an exhibition focusing on maritime defense with 200 active fleets, including iran's fleet , uav air defense systems and various types of vessels. some of
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the products of iran were in this exhibition. it is noteworthy that almost all the visitors mentioned it. the depth of technology and the movement of knowledge and defense technology of the islamic republic of iran are at the edge it was the latest technology in the world, but a little further than qatar and outside the waters of the persian gulf, iran also has a security-building presence. along with china and russia, two countries are permanent members of the united nations security council , and the shanghai cooperation organization will be 5 years old. brought to the northern indian ocean to hold a joint exercise called the maritime security belt to secure the north-south passage to guarantee the security of iran and shankai members and a route to replace the swiss canal route to reduce 40 % in time and 30% in trade costs between
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the members of this organization start from the western ports of india it will reach iran's chabahar port to reach russia after passing kasbin and amirabad ports. the last decisions to secure these routes and participate in regional security were made here. may 1403, the eve of the defense ministers' meeting this time after iran's official membership in the islamic republic of iran's shanai cooperation organization, with its history, culture, civilizational field and strategic position, as well as its various geopolitical capacities. in line with other member countries , it should be effective in achieving the goals of the organization, especially in the military and security fields. among the proposals of amir brigadier general ashtiani in this meeting, these things can be done. establishment of anti-terrorism research center, formulation of a mechanism
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for joint cooperation against emerging threats, creation of a safe and fast joint system for information exchange, preparation for conducting customer exercises. the formation of a defense industry working group with the aim of strengthening cooperation and pooling capabilities, but attending these meetings and holding naval exercises was only a part of iran's defense diplomacy in the past 3 years to increase security and defense as much as possible . what kind of defense products are the export areas that you mentioned? yes , exports are made according to the needs of the requesting countries. of course, we export at a level that
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does not harm our deterrence power and our defense superiority, but at the same time, the type of weapons and equipment that is exported. first, it is compatible with conventional weapons agreements and international treaties, and secondly, it has a diverse portfolio because each country has different needs. from individual weapons to light equipment to heavy and semi-heavy weapons, as well as recently, the demand for some of the equipment that is more advanced and in fact there are new possibilities in the field of combat, missile combat , air combat, naval combat, and air defense in the actual fields.
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it is used in the fields of electronics, electronic defense equipment and forestry, so there are many demands, so it is not limited to a specific type of equipment. ok, it will cause more customers . first, the second point is that we because we actually relied on the localization of the defense industry, this localization has helped us to increase the production price and export price. in the market competition, in fact, defense can create a position, and this position also helps that, as i said, our export production has increased 3 times compared to the previous year , and this trend will continue to increase this year , especially in in 1403, our plan is that we
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will have a 50% increase in export products compared to last year, according to the contracts and the initial agreements and the contracts that have been concluded. new defense missile systems that are under production what are the things that can be expressed ? yes, see, the amount that can be said is what we are actually looking for. we are combined systems, which means that our defense systems have the ability to operate as a combined system from the stage of detection, interception and conflict, using multiple systems, and these can actually have a combined operation in one piece with each other. for example, the use of drones for the field of defense is now one of the priorities of our plans, which is being pursued, specifically , for example, we can use drones to launch the siad missile.
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should we use the air defense system, or the bawar 373 system, which was already put into operation last year ? that we can defend ourselves in the field of navigation, both in the air field and in the field of land-based systems, for example, our battleships have their own self-defense, in fact, they also have their own defense , the prototypes of which have been produced , are now operational, and these are in in fact, it is tried to be completely included in a hybrid system, these systems combined the ability to maneuver and the ability to detect interception and conflict, especially with multiple targets at the same time and according
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to the type of threats, because all systems should be built and designed according to the threats . our air is going in a different direction and fortunately we are following the advanced steps that in addition to the aggressor fighters. it can be used with missiles, even cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, defense systems capable of interception, and about satellites in production , the amount that can be expressed. please well, specifically, amir nasirzadeh in the program that announced that we will launch 20 satellites in the plan of the ministry of defense for the next 4 years, in cooperation with the country's space organization, and according to the program , well, you expect some program before the government of martyr raisi. unfortunately, space projects were rocketed
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and were not really supported much, and in this recent year , the amount of support is almost several times that of previous years, which can be seen both in the aerospace organization of the ministry of defense and in the space organization under the supervision of the ministry of communications and technology. there is information in the air force of our revolutionary guards that we witnessed that every every few months, a new achievement is happening in the field of space, which has the ability to exploit civilian areas in different parts of the country in the future. it can provide services and it is possible to use it in the field of defense. therefore , both the launch of new satellites and the two-stage fuel that was in your report on the simorgh satellite , the ministry of defense is looking for this three- stage fuel to be a solid fuel combination. fuel is the source, and in fact
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, i will show the new satellite launchers with heavier satellites in higher orbits and more stable, god willing, in the program and for the participants of the march. azim arbaeen hosseini, which is actually a continuation of the mission of ashura and the karbala movement, which the ministry of defense has tried in recent years based on the motivation and spirit of jihad that exists among the employees and managers and all those involved, in addition to participating in the march. arbaeen participants can support and support
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hosseini's arbaeen pilgrims, so this year we are in five borders: shalamcheh border , chazabah border, mehran border. khosrowiyeh and marz bashmaq , we were actually able to have five support camps for hosseini's arbaeen pilgrims. several types of services were provided by our colleagues with motivation and spirit in hosseini. first of all, these five border crossings provide the possibility of accommodation for pilgrims in transit , we were able to provide permanent accommodation this year. let's make sure that it can be used for the next years and to remove deprivation in these border areas, it is possible to use these facilities and accommodation in non-arbaeen hosseini to welcome pilgrims with the help of astan quds razavi and other popular institutions. in fact, the ministry of defense is helping to build parking spaces for the cars of our compatriots who
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want to park their cars in the borders to go back and forth. arrangements and the necessary protection, the ministry of defense has participated , as well as the possibility of actually landing and taking off the helicopter . if in special circumstances, rescue helicopters want to provide services in the border areas, the possibility of actually landing and requesting this, the helicopter pad at the ministry of defense could help provide the system facilities. communication tools to help traffic and help the traffic police, as well as services about. the ministry of defense has been able to help as much as possible, in any case , as far as the ability and talent of our colleagues are concerned, with the motivation of hosseini and the spirit of pacifism and jihad that they have in serving the dear visitors of the ministry. this year's defense is many times more than last year's in coordination with
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arbain hosseini's central headquarters , it is the work of god and hazrat seyyedsha of all who, like the elite who enter the ministry of defense , in addition to playing a role in the defense industry and defense power, with complex knowledge and experience there are several dimensions that exist in the ministry of defense, this group of ours can play a role in the civilian issues of the country , so attracting elites, supporting the elites
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is one of the priorities of the ministry of defense, their dignity , their role, and the welfare support that should be given to them. fortunately, the elites have been strengthened in these 3 years compared to the past and in future plans as well there is one. we have a production jump program that has been implemented in the last two years since 2014. this year is the third year of this production jump. there is a research that has provided us with a chain, in fact, a national technological network , in addition to the fact that our defense industry is growing by leaps and bounds, alhamdulillah. next month and it will be approved with the help of other agencies and ministries of housing
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we have a new mechanism like a targeted system to play a greater role, in fact, the private sector and the elites in the dual purpose of defense and non-defense products and national defense partnership, which are the main priorities of amir nasirzadeh in the program of the parliament and the program they have in the government. it was announced , thank you very much, sardar reza talainik, deputy for strategic planning, spokesman for the ministry of defense and happiness, and thank you for your attention, dear viewers, may god protect and protect you all. although i don't believe it, but i, but karbala, thank god
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, oh people, my kind lord, let me go again, god. now me and cesh terem and paran aba abdullah now me and the mountain of my grief and healing, aba abdallah, o lord, aba abdullah
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, in the life of aba abdullah, o aba abdullah
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, o a sacrifice, aba abdallah, o aba allah, that he is in the heart. abbas is the work of the heart , it is not the work of abbas. whoever is the lord of abbas , he is the only witness to god. he is the only witness to god . what is our pain? drunken love.
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you are the one who has not been kind to you until now , god has healed our pain, our pain has been healed, now i am and my eyes are warm and the rain of abad allah is me.
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my wish is for my shepherd, my dream, karbalai, may the wind be my neighbor, may the flag be red, may his comfort be peaceful, my soul. how can i help you? we can do this we should have two hands of the same color hair at the same price . there is only one left of this hair style with the same color, that's why it came at this price in the fake house of my father. i came to ask the same thing.
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big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh.
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dad, this washing machine makes the dishes dirty instead of cleaning them. it was a good question. i said there is a problem. why don't you buy household appliances from the city ? unfortunately, no. amazing
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimrozi news. the boss president in an intrusive visit and a four-hour meeting with senior managers of the program and budget organization. in order to prevent the wastage of resources in the executive bodies, this organization should design an operational budgeting model according to the requirements of the country and strictly monitor its implementation. active start


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