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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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there should be communal meals there, that is , if the children are there from morning to noon, then there is a family education class in the gymnasium for families to use. the door should not be closed at 12:00 p.m. , it can be used by the neighborhood and become a place of education and development for the neighborhood. newly , we are pursuing this with strength and seriousness , we brought up a plan for this, but right now we have 1,700 people, and 60% of them are in our marginal and rural areas, and 40% are in cities that are close to each other. now we have a problem with our big cities, the discussion
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of destruction and reconstruction has been noticed. let's move towards large-scale schools, in every way, now we just have to take care of the access of students, especially the elementary school levels , which are all specified in our a7 publication , so that these are not disrupted. a manager above him. it is placed and that's it you create shared spaces for a large group . we also have a very good ruling in the 7th plan, which is really because the 7th plan was emphasized in the government's plans in the parliament. well, since it is our 5-year plan, we have to do the same thing . yes. there are 200 large-scale complexes in terms of their task to build them, are they geographical locations? characteristic, yes, we mainly
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go to the areas where we have density problems, that is 270 to this 20, it is getting close to the places where we can gather small schools and from the place of production, i.e. increase it, i would like to serve you the user who has the value that is put in the method , the added value that we can turn it into the highest summary of goods or land, then let's build a large complex from that place , which will have a large prayer hall, a large meeting hall , sports hall spaces and various facilities for it is necessary to prepare a comprehensive education in different fields , because the document of the transformation of the soul is that we should only pay attention to the hours of education and pay attention to all the hours . the first thing that is necessary is the spaces
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that we should pay attention to these 200 complexes were notified to us in the program seventh, we started the issue of productivity with the priority of these schools. now, apart from the issue of completing half-finished projects , we are looking for the priority of donors. god willing, a detailed study has been done . location is very important in these, but in new cities, in the development of supportive housing. with this priority and with these plans, the national housing authority is definitely moving towards meda, which means that a new generation of schools can be created, and on the other hand, the field of exploitation and the necessary laws are being discussed in the high education council of berbalesh in its commission, because this school is like the economic spaces around it. there is a need for financing and the type of facilities this is different, it should be managed as a complex, these rules are necessary, this work is going well.
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is the reform of education based on this or has it been planned that the density of students in each class should be about 26 students? it was also in the report. you see, we have a consolidation, which we now call the re-allocation of spaces, which means one of the ways that we can take a credit and build a school. well, construction credit is the most difficult task, the most expensive task of construction discussions, which grows with inflation and the like. we say a new literature, mr. doctor we started in my opinion, this
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can be defined in city and even provincial city packages , we say to re-allocate the spaces, which means that we are somewhere average now. the density of our students has decreased. let's turn it into a school. first , we need to pay attention to the equipment and the equipment. this means that a hand should be drawn there. this reassignment is one of the ways that will save us from this density. building a school and deciding to build other ways, there are specific strategies in your transformation plan. look, we designed a five-year plan that needs we have to build a thousand conservatories, of course, 1800 to 800 to be allocated again, all of these are included in the program, which is the homework that
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i would like to tell you about the programs of your service. this is the balanced development of our fields. that case. hazrat agha's emphasis is that these students should acquire skills. well, this space is necessary. this is one thousand and 1,800 of our schools, which is seen in this program. the discussion of the development of our sports space in the seventh plan is that we need one meter of sports space for each student. the number is almost 3, which is a lot the discussion of educational spaces is the subject of farhangian university . the combination of these has become a program, that is , it has taken into account all the hours. where is the challenge of this program ? it identifies the needs. in general, the feature of this program is that it accurately identifies the needs, not based on my personal opinion, based on the road map of the document. we have 53
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indicators in the road map that hazrat agha emphasized in his last speech. 53 indicators are for us, those indicators that will be realized within 5 years, we also have 1408 indicators in that road map based on those priorities and plans. to the point that he needs a credit , how should we secure this credit, we have ways we proposed different ways, one of those ways is to discuss the use of new technologies with the approach of future schools so that we can use the capacity of our classes in any way. some of the classes can be organized in a combined way , we don't need space where we have density , that means we have to find such courage , now the program is gone because the main free commission procedures and the like are proposed for the subject that we call open bazrahi open. the next issue is the discussion
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that we put on the additional tax in barzakh, and we said, well, people are very interested in the tax they pay it should have a direct effect on education. feel this . it means that everything you have seen now is based on some facts. this is a good feeling . we can also put a promotional message that this will go directly to the construction of schools or schools that will be built from this place. let's say that this was approved from the place of two tenths of the tax. in the seventh plan , of course, it did not reach this year's industrial budget. in the budget of 404, it will be seen that two tenths of one unit of the additional borzash tax will be allocated to the construction and development of educational spaces in farhangian schools and universities. he finds that the discussion of productivity of mr. doctor has a great capacity above all, we have unused surplus properties located in good places, the example of which everyone can touch is shahid rajaei school, which you know around
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, but it has been unused for years , and the work is being done. it is legal because the supreme board of production should rule, and we carefully observe this issue in production , because some people are worried about our khaigeri schools, our waqf lands, our habeh, even our rural schools, which are mainly of this type, are not included in this production. productivity is the space that is created for us it is useless or we do n't make good use of it. we have a piece of land in the best place where the school is located now, it is creating traffic, and issues like this model have not been provided to this group
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, there is no tension in this area of ​​iran. let me tell you how much you were able to produce last year. help, yes, it's a very good question, because there were some tensions during production, if you remember, and we have to take care of this issue with sensitivity, because for education. and the method of space and per capita is important in this process, 500 properties that are non-rural , our urban properties are in a process of obtaining the permission of the supreme council , and now in the stage of value addition and valuation and then the transfer that takes place. from this place, we were able to collect 170 million numbers , but because we had the courage to do it, it was done , especially for example, in bandab, 40 billion, there is an unused school, 40 classes left from that place, and
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we will certainly make this known in the media for years . it was common , it started fast we hit it first because the property was cashed out quickly, it came to the account not with the user with the highest user, that is , the land that may not be available to us in the next years to the highest user. the money they received from their father is given to them , they sell it, they spend money in a school because they know the basis of the progress of education. this is our prediction that if the procedure
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is correct, we can earn up to 40% from this place , which can help schools. let's destroy it from the place of two tenths of value added tax. our sports space out of the 20 percent between us and the ministry of sports, we delivered 45 hard. the dedication of a special student is a teacher who knows the student's literature and arranges a fun time for him to learn a skill and in different areas of the school environment that 220 grass inside the school was done by ter shahid soleimani. in any case, these are remarkable works. my last point is, well, we applied for of course, these funds should go through the process. every organization has its own tasks and we must definitely
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give incentives to the industrialism that the jowar conservatory has paid attention to in the national skill program. we must consider the social responsibility of companies and institutions . this program needs to be identified because it has not been finalized. doctor , how many of our stone and compound schools should actually be collected on the first of mehr? see, one of the issues that seemed to be a challenge anyway was the issue of children's education in the annexes, which are now the reason for passing in a period was that there was an unsafe space for children to at least go to that condo, that is what we have
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to look into the future, mr. doctor, we must be aware that we are creating a space that will be part of our surplus property tomorrow. nasheh 172 conaksi schools. now, sangia , i will tell you one more thing about your service. it was identified that it has more than 10 students and has an independent space . this plan was started in the organization under the name of shahid panahi plan. and thanks for coming to work, especially haj akbar ebrahimi, who is one of our benefactors, the barkat foundation , as one of our main partners in the work of the school. we hope that with the efforts that have been made, of course , 70% of the way has been completed. i am saying , god willing, that the first time is the first time. this discussion of organization , we do not say hazm, because we may have to say organization somewhere else. 1072
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have been completely identified. those who have been gathered, god willing , they have been gathered this year. we also have a plan for the stone construction schools. there are 1,500 schools, those that are not resistant , both from the place of destruction and reconstruction, and from the place of participation, which anyway the camps were supposed to be done with us. the body whose name has been signed with the corps is yours we hope this issue will help us, we hope this way too , or at least until 404, or maybe now it depends on the credits, but these two issues will be removed, these are complicated issues for us, we must quickly go to the large-scale schools in the outskirts the city and inner city and the issue of strengthening, god willing, and one of the challenges that arise every year in the winter season for schools and education, this heat issue is how to create heating in schools. don't repeat it. yes, thank god, there is a
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solution after that unfortunate incident in the credits. it was done that we say the parliament government should help our organization because it is an organization with many missions, but it is faced with limited funds. 2 % of gas taxes were done for the issue of space standardization. almost 81% of our spaces are standard spaces, in terms of heated discussion. . this open place has a very good ruling in the 7th plan , it has increased our share from 20% to 40%.
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we have this system and always repairs and in this in my opinion, the 7th program gave a frank opinion and helped us, and we should ask the national gas company and this is our legal duty, but when we do it, we also do it on time. at that time, we explained billions of tomans. thank god , there has been no problem so far. we are now announcing through this media that if they see a school somewhere that is not easy, they should contact the education department. we will solve this problem quickly . we have a problem with this problem. well, in some places, due to the lack of gas and other issues like this, it is possible that gas and if there is no electricity and such, we have problems. now , in the details of our program, one of the very good projects that the education system has been implementing for the past 2 years is the shahid ajamian project, and
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that is that the students themselves participate in the renovation. paint or make the models and these things, which seems to be done in other countries, where i know, in japan, the children themselves clean the educational environment even after the classroom. and then they go home, our colleagues prepare a report, we will see the report later we are also talking about this project , thank you very much. it's summer and schools are closed, but it seems like there is news in this school. for almost 10 years , we were able to do it in our own school. now that it's not here , i've done a lot of welding. i swear , i've welded our own school entirely by myself. there's no news about books and notebooks. the children's lessons are participation and new friendships. i went to our school and painted. with
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my father, vard javadi, the school is cleaned, it is fixed, the children use it, the children who are on vacation. placing their turbans to beautify the schools will make the children feel very good when they enter the school. their teachers, school-related work, painting the school wall, cleaning the school, renovating the 600 benches that were out of order, welding and painting the panels, and the teenagers who spent their summer serving their classmates . to the children we help other students who can do good things at the table, for example, to study, and of course, with an indefatigable spirit. i have come to work, i can't bear the heat anymore
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let's do something that, in addition to serving the children , will also teach them a valuable lesson since we came here . and skin and bones everywhere, we can touch what they are doing, this color can have a sense of cooperation, tolerate each other and carry out a task. the groups between 10 people, 20 people, 30 people are active, they are mostly in a day, they are 15 days , they are a week, what are the schools, what are the provinces , the whole province is tolerant , helpful to others , selfless.
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in order to beautify and improve schools , summer camps have been held in schools for two years. this year , 110,000 classrooms are going to be ready for the new school year, amirsin zulfiqari of sed and sima news agency. well, it's a very good plan, considering that the number of 110,000 classes in my class is a respectable number. why did you prepare this plan? let me tell you that in the past, this was done sporadically, for a period it was followed seriously as a migration plan, but now the reasons for this were forgotten for us to discuss. participatory and most importantly an educational flow that students he should feel responsible for his own school . we asked the student, principal, teacher what to do. well, the main
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issue is that we, as the government, should have helped a little with the things i needed , including the paint, top, sole, and equipment needed for electricity. and shiralat and these are now called sex. it is ready. in these offices , they take delivery from our renovation offices, and the children themselves , with their families, sometimes work with their teachers as a kind of jihad work in school . they also learn a skill in school, the same sense of responsibility that they this clip is really good we lost the place to talk, so many children analyze the students themselves, which means it is a very good educational process. now , what we wanted to do was let a company do this, maybe it would have cost ten times as much , both the school, the parent-teacher association, and all of
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our student groups in kokol bahih rahmat area. it was a very big task last year in the spirit of student groups . cultivators, students, even the army, for example , seeing this report, the commander of that base said, "why don't we do this?" do you have an opinion? what is more important than school? i mean, we don't have anything more important than school to pay attention to. besides, mr. doctor , there is a very big event happening on the first of mehr. everyone should make preparations. i ask from here to all the officials who can help , governors, villagers, mayors, those who they have something to do, in any case, like the government, benefactors , jihadi groups, people's groups , we have one month until mehr to move towards our schools , help us. they
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sent even a family saying that i had a guest he came two or three days ago. we were summer guests. i told him, sir, i am the principal of my school. let's go together and do something good. he said, "we went there in the afternoon under the shade of that tree . we had a short meal. it is a lasting memory. at the same time, the school is getting ready. when the first month of october comes, the student has a new face, while saving, a table with 2 on the floor is changed to a kind of table . the culture of saving culture, anyway , strengthens this contentment in our children, something that maybe it may not be implemented officially in the curriculum , this is a first plan only for the organization it's okay, we are all healthy, we are also part of the organization, and to be honest, last year was good, but we are a little bit behind the schedule now because of that. the changes that happened, i request that all institutions go back to school, remember that if they have a pen, they have an expression, anyway, they have science
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, they have knowledge, they have skills, they all come from school, everyone should go back to school, and in this movement, the movement is to refresh the students. first mehr comes to feel that he is in a good environment. they are willing to help us . we have an explanation for isogan and asphalt we are doing it and we are doing it. these are the services that our 490 large-scale schools, which means above 9 classes, which are on the outskirts of the cities, which are densely populated , we put 500 billion for these to be seriously renovated . creating for us , because it was mentioned in the document that major repairs should be done with us, but we did not have any line. some people say that 40 years later, it is an investment, especially in this field well, shahdabsazi says that it is important that the school is resistant. but
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anyway, since there are 40 students, 30 students in one class, 300 students in one school , they are constantly using it, it is harmful, and what skills do the students learn in the framework of shahid ajamian's plan? kenan, or people who are students in conservatories , it seems that this education can also be transferred. yes, look, we are in the field of table and chair repair, that is , we got equipment for them, then with the jihadi approach of those teachers, you can see this is a phenomenon. like arbaino, we see how this project of martyr ajmian is moving forward. one thing , my noble martyr martyr ajmian goes to jihadi groups because he knew how to build these
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, he helped romantically and took time off from what he had, that is, this is a culture of self-sacrifice. i say it is a super process of education. what happens means that this movement is more of an educational aspect for the students. it was written on the back of their clothes that we are building to be built. this was a very beautiful message that we really say from the coaches of the teachers. this is our own movement. when we move, god blesses us. this should be done every year, we do this plan every year we should have an average of 10% of our classrooms in our schools, we should renovate and refresh them so that the students have that good spirit and the teacher is motivated and this learning happens . the board of trustees of the mosque should announce that the first of mehr is coming. how many schools are near us? what
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is the situation even for those who have expensive industries there? now , anyway, those economic activists who are threatened there, indifference to this issue will have consequences . in my opinion, we are sometimes in the days of corona b we paid attention and saw what is wrong with our children . thank you very much, mr. dr. kham mohammadi, the head of the country's school renovation and equipping organization, and thank you , dear viewers, may god bless you.
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in the name of god, light, in the name of god , light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, light, in the name of god, in the name of god, who is
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the master of affairs . i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god


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