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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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matt, the inadvisability of martyr lajodi iii, the mischief of the hypocrites, the mischief of the hypocrites , explain a little more, that's what i wanted to say about the discussion of torture and exaggeration lies, if you could give a concrete example, i would appreciate it if you could see a meeting with mr. montazeri, maybe around 15 16 there are 20 city governors and prosecutors, what year is it? it was the beginning of the armed struggle or before it, it was before the armed struggle, because i was still there before 30 years ago. yes, we were sitting there in the order of the governors of the city, and then the judges and courtiers, not at that time.
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one of the loved ones said, hazrat ayatollah , choose 1 to 20 of these and check them to see if they are correct. or not, let me make a comparison here , the same move with mr. taleghani, the same move with mr. khamenei, may god protect him, with mr. rafsanjani, with shahid beheshti, much more than this, well, it means a cycle of reporting, and at all, these were their jobs, by the way, sometimes. the reports were in a way that there was one line and one signature, for example 10 reports with one line, one signature and one ink.
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true, but different topics were very interesting , different topics and telling different lies, 10 of these now, let's compare between montazeri and shahid beheshti. of these cases, shahid beheshti takes his own important cases, which were two cases, and between evin , it was you without prior notice. yes, i was personally present. at one time, the arrangements were made to ring the doorbell when mr. beheshti came, and we were all surprised. no, no, no prior notice, no prior appointment, why what happened? i remember hazrat ayatollah gilani, who i heard from dolb mubarak imam that he is an absolute mujtahid , do whatever he says. he covered his path and
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came around havalki until half of his life, when shahid beheshti's car came to you and on foot. they started to get angry, their faces were contorted, they were angry, they were upset, and they were saying everything , sir, let's go to the office, and they said , bring these two people, with photos, two of the prisoners, two of the prisoners, we didn't know that that gentle face and he is logical and patient, now he is hot and angry, so quickly mr. lajuvari ordered the children to go and bring the two people. finally, it became clear that the reports that were given to them are that a girl closed her eyes so much that she became blind and one of them was blind. cut the foot pay attention, these
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rumors were so strong that shahid beheshti had accepted someone lajurdi, or the employees and agents of pashu's prosecutor's office cut us off with a smile. his feet and eyes were healthy, and after that he came to sit in the office and have a well, a reception, and some apologies, and they were also martyr lajurdi. i have two points to make, one thing is that the story of the afar board is difficult. define it in a
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little more detail, and secondly, as this time goes by, we will face a phenomenon called ayatollah montazeri's board of pardons, which is formed by the order of the imam. that this amnesty board actually works for two days, one is the amnesty of the prisoners, which is also criticized by martyr lajivardi and his team. a prosecutor will be appointed, and secondly, the reports that this board brings from inside the prison means, in addition to that discussion, now the reports that the organization sends to influential figures, the reports that the members of this board also bring, and it causes opacity about these two things. let's talk and see from evin prison. it was inspected four times, once by the team of martyr mohammad montazeri , may god have mercy on him, in fact, the majlis team, which of course was also provoked and it was mr. montazeri's order, that they came to investigate for months and
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give a report that everything said is a lie. second, personal. in the name of fahim karam hojjat al-islam fahim karam. a report he gave a detailed explanation to a very small, ordinary and commonplace point that is in every prison , and he went to the imam, he reported, and the imam convened a meeting, and he also went to ardi behesht 5. 8 mohammad reza saadati, one of the senior members of the people's mojahedin organization , is arrested while meeting with the soviet intelligence attaché in tehran. he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for spying for the soviet union. on july 8, 1360, mohammad kechoi, the head of evin prison
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, was assassinated by one of the infiltrators of the hypocrites. investigations show that afjei has been associated with saadati for a long time and under his influence has led to this assassination. saadati is tried again and executed for incitement to terror . asadollah lajevordi, the prosecutor of the revolution of tehran, explains about saadati's case during a tv interview some time later. mr. mohammadreza saadati, the people of iran are more or less familiar with the wind. about two years ago, he was arrested in connection with espionage for the benefit of the government. the soviet union was granted the mercy of the islamic revolutionary court and
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was sentenced to 10 years in prison with the abbreviated reasons that were included in the reich. mr. saadati during his time in prison. according to their explicit admission, they have all kinds of facilities. in page four have files that i had a direct relationship with outside. all the publications of the organization reached me immediately. i had a face-to-face meeting with my family once a week, where i could discuss all issues . good luck we are filming here in person without being a guard to guard anything with them . they used to sit next to this garden and meet their families and exchange whatever they wanted . but unfortunately, not enough.
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there was a mentally weak security guard here who took advantage of this security guard's emotional weakness and worked his way up by the name of kazem afjei. well to the reason is that he used to be a prison guard, sometimes he returns to the prison and makes noise to show that i have entered the prison . mr. saadati admitted that i had dated kazem , i used to write letters and put them in a part of the bathroom, and kazem would come and take the letters, or he would bring me a letter from outside. vared used to put it in the toilet and i would go and take it and use it
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for example, an allahu akbar or another voice would announce the existence of a letter in that embedding to each other. what was the story of the dismissal of mr. lajordi in 1963 ? let me tell you that without retouching and censorship , i said that they attacked two or three times, and it can really be said that it was an attack to remove mr. lajordi from the prosecutor's office, and due to the special circumstances of the time, it was not expedient at all. it wasn't and we also supported it because we had not seen the things they said , even though he was there day and night with mr. lajeordi. and it was neither true nor right, so two or three cases
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were resolved, for example, i will present one case to you i know that the deputy prosecutor of haftamun branch was present in that meeting, they brought a complaint to the imam about the person of mr. mousavi ardabili and the complaint was that many prisoners were sentenced. their sentences are over, mr. lajordi will not release them , he is one of the famous people who say yes , they also give a statistic, for example, let's say they say 300 people , 400 people, assuming mr. lajordi usually sits quietly, and because his back is also because of the tortures that yes during they had given him taqut, he was in constant pain , his back vertebrae were broken, he was sitting in a certain way , which everyone thought was rude to the people present. they are rude, but no, he really couldn't
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sit any other way, so they give this report and give this report , and the more they report, the imam's frown becomes more and more, he knits his eyebrows more and lowers his head with that special excuse that the imam has at the end. he turns his head to azure, what do you say to i said the same words in the way that my friend explained to me, dadyar, yes, mr. rajwardi starts saying that the imam is not 200 people, but 300 people. the gentlemen are wrong . my diagnosis as your imitator is that if i release these they go outside the grocery store to sell rugs if anyone has a beard, the beard of hezbollah is the shoe of the book. the windshield of his car should be as clean as the windshield wipers. they call this hezbollah and they
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assassinate between 30 and 60 people in the streets every day. let's do it, the regime will be overthrown, do you think it is advisable for them not to repent and they are still on the stand, i will release them, go to the streets and kill people, which the imam will do in the same meeting , they will spit on mr. ardabili, they will frown, their eyebrows will be removed. mr. ardeli says that you are simple-minded sayyid, don't think lightly with these words , he is right and gets up , leaves the meeting behind and walks out of the meeting. in any case , these were the issues until the last stage of the dismissal , when they informed us that mr. lajevardi was dismissed without any preamble. i said that if mr. lajurdi
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was dismissed, the imam should have given his opinion because he was one of the prosecutors that shahid beheshti had appointed, and the imam had said that this should not be done without my opinion. anyone who wanted could reach the service of the imam through ahmad agha all the activity maybe more than two months. we tried to reach the imam, but finally they came and killed him. as people who knew lajurdi and knew imam, we believed that this is a lie. but we had no evidence. today we have proof. they say that the imam has deposed, he said that the imam has deposed, it means that the demotion has taken place, and this was the opinion of the imam, yes, he came there and was introduced, mr. soni. your presence there
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, when our path to the imam's service was closed, everyone decided to resign en masse, all the judges and judges, now i don't remember exactly, the governors of the city. to be or not to be a poem. i went and he said that this is the case and they want to resign collectively , it is not advisable at all, now is the peak of the struggle and if we struggle. let's cut off and leave the hypocrites to themselves, they will hit harder , so friends are listening to you, you go inside the child and don't let them, and convince them to give me these things , for my personality i know the imam doesn't have an opinion, but in general
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it is a negative thing for the revolutionary process. well, we have scheduled two or three meetings with the fathers until what time of the night. everyone had their own opinion, and in the end, i was able to convince you not to do anything, sir, so let's have someone go there in the farewell and introduction meeting , and say the words of the crowd, in short, the words of the crowd, they said, sir. i thought for a while and saw that it was not advisable. after all, i was a judicial officer, a service officer in the revolutionary court, i was a judge , i was an investigator, at that time i wanted to do nothing , gentlemen. differences in economic issues between mr. lajevardi and mr
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and mr. mousavi ardabili is always in traffic, yes. let's ease these issues and don't get into narrow places . i was constantly having this traffic. you became a speaker . i didn't really want to give a speech . i insisted. i said let me do istikhara . i don't remember what verse came, but it was very interesting and i went the next day, he said. i said, ok, guys, i'm talking . at noon on the first of september 1377, the sound of shooting in the market of tehran shocked everyone. the victim of this shooting was so well known that his news quickly spread around the world. seyed asadollah
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lajberdi, the prosecutor of the revolution in tehran, in the 60s in the 1970s, the head of the prisons organization was assassinated in his scarf shop in jafari bazaar, tehran. one of the two assassins had first shot lajurdi in the head with a colt equipped with a silencer, and the next one had closed the shop. shortly after the publication of the news of the assassination of a representative of the munafekin organization, he contacted the reuters news agency office in dubai. took over this operation. public relations of the judicial branch announced the arrest of a member of lajordi's assassination team in the evening of the same day. but he took advantage of the officers' negligence and committed suicide by eating cyanide. mujahid magazine, the press organ of the hypocrites, one year later on the anniversary of the assassination
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martyr lajordi, ali akbar akbari alias reza. 20 years old and from ilam. the main perpetrator of the assassination was arrested two days after the incident in abadan. irna news agency quoted a security official in the ministry of information as saying that the assassin's name is ali asghar ghaznfaranjad, who introduced himself as siavash. during the interrogations, he admitted that he had completed various assassination training courses, including how to assassinate martyr lajordi in iraq, the headquarters of the group of hypocrites. ghaznfaranjad, who was from babol, in 1375, when he was serving in one of the army units in the border areas. kurd introduced himself to the iraqi forces. after 50 days of detention, he announced that he is ready to join the hypocrites. ghazanfar nejad
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to the barracks after joining the hypocrites and staying in a camp in baghdad. ashraf was transferred. a year and a half later, he was chosen along with ali akbar akbari for the assassination operation of martyr lajordi. after the necessary training, the liaison officer of the hypocrites brought them into iran through basra and sent them to abadan. in his confession, ghaznafar nejad describes the moment of assassination in this way . the distance was close. i shot the first shot. i shot an arrow that hit his head. because it had a muffler i did not understand. later i shot a few shots. after me, reza received a volley. after that, i ran and fired aerial shots to make people move away. mr. abdullah said that we have documents that show that imam
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was against the removal of martyr lajurdi and it was not done by him . we will talk a little more about this . his orders are cited. i agree, in his memoirs, his book was published in 1963, on 17 bahman, he says, "it was morning. ahmad sir came to me while we talked a lot. that the imam was unaware of the dismissal of mr. lajevordi and they were not satisfied and were extremely upset
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. they say that ahmed agha has been oppressed, yes, and they make accusations against ahmed agha, including the accusation of defending hypocrites, which is not true, in that famous letter, which is known to all , has been seen in writing and published. in that letter, when imam wants to remove ahmad agha , he makes these accusations in support of ahmad agha from martyr lajurdi, that is ahmad agha's support for martyr lajurdi is considered a privilege for ahmad agha and a reason for the fact that ahmed agha was against the hypocrites, not a supporter of the hypocrites and not a supporter of the vision of these men, and therefore... in the form of ahmed agha strongly defending and removing he considered mr. lajevardi a disaster and mentioned it in that letter.
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when was the last time you saw martyr lajavordi? the last time of martyr lajuvardi was maybe three or four days before his martyrdom. patience should be given to the old man. the last meeting i had with martyr lajurdi was at the insistence of friends, many of whom are his family and close friends. mr. karden came on a bicycle and did not leave . he used to come by bicycle on the way home to the shop, after that he went to sew and his eyes did not allow me to continue sewing. he had come to his brother's shop next to his brother's, he was selling cloth, and in fact he had become his brother's apprentice. my friends
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insisted that you go, maybe he would listen to you. there are too many of them. we don't say that you should have an official bodyguard. it was the verdict of the driver please let mr. darvish accompany you, don't even go on a bicycle, even his wife insisted to me, and haj khanum suggested that you go, she was threatening them, we were always waiting for martyr lajavardi to be martyred with this way. they were the ones who surrendered and in some way i think they were inspired by him. and he had consented that one day they should be martyred. and just as hazrat agha said , it was a pity for him to die in the bed of a normal death and he
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should have been martyred. well, i would like to thank mr. abdollahi, the judicial assistant of martyr lajardi in the prosecution prison center and organization. please do me a favor. i also thank you and your colleagues. dear viewers who were bored to this interview. thank you for listening.
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festival, wait. alles, leute, leute, wir
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wurde gerade durchgesagt, ach so, kein abbruch, kein abbruch, leute, doch kein abbruch, wir müssen hier kurz warten auf weitere informationen, aber ich muss sayn, wir können natürlich jetzt hier keine party machen, wir müssen erstmal dafür sorgen, dass alles.
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