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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] i would like to share my experience of 40 years in the field of foreign policy. certainly, the diplomacy square is the media that creates narratives , it is the media that presents the image, it is the media that can turn a defeat into a victory, and present a victory as a defeat. i have many examples, i don't want to take your time now. there are many examples where successes have been achieved in maidan and diplomacy, but the media has not been able to move step by step and these media are the enemy of victory. failure has been shown even in the eyes of the insiders or on the contrary , there have been places where the media has been able to show the weak points of the field compensate for diplomacy and produce favorable narratives. these three must move together , especially now in our work relationship. i have always said that these two should go together wherever we were. i followed this and in every negotiation, every trip, being a reporter
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is really hard work. darren and i have to say that i respect all the reporters who sometimes wait for hours behind the doors of the negotiation rooms for a few moments when the attractiveness of their work is yes, those few moments that some so-called people leave the negotiation room or the meeting room. they go out there, they can't get an interview , get an article, and sometimes we decide not to talk to the reporters. i really have a hard time when i come out , the reporters who are waiting are disrespectful. they have a very difficult job. they move closely with diplomats . journalists and diplomats are present in all fields, but with a separate mission , i must discuss public diplomacy, especially media diplomacy, because public diplomacy is a wide field in itself, media diplomacy. there is a part of it , according to my experience, it has a serious price i
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will give you more special work from the events that happen in the field of speaking. how to use farsi, if you are not iranian , it should be done regularly. it is what the whole world does. the journalist does not take orders from anyone, but if he is aware of the national interests of his country and what the diplomats are doing, he will move in the direction of the country's interests. this is a complicated issue. the 3 months i was the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs was very useful for me in terms of the knowledge
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i gained about the work of the media. transform it and somehow use the media side by side with diplomats in the field of foreign policy of the country and side by side in the field. these three elements must move together in order to determine the interests of the country , god willing, and the development of mokran coasts should be given priority. completion of chabahar port in the plan of the ministry of home affairs to reach the goals specified in the plan for these issues. for the past 3 years , i have had less work, so now finally my scientific activities have increased a bit. i became interested in the sea-oriented development and makaran coasts , and i did a study that i now
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feel can help to design the programs that we should have. i believe that the development of the makran question does not take place in isolation. we must move towards regional and even trans-regional cooperation one by one. the development of this part of these coasts is formed in a framework of better and faster regional cooperation, especially with the countries on the other side of the coast. on the other side of the persian gulf, there is a connection between them and an overlap between the economic activities that take place on both sides of the persian gulf. it helps the coasts of makuran to develop more . the development of these coasts needs many projects in its own way within the government . the duty of foreign policy is to bring regional cooperation to
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even extra-regional cooperation and with the help of development. . place a beach and we will do it, god willing. this is a real treasure in the hands of the islamic republic. we have about 700 kilometers of beaches in makuran, which have access to open waters. for 20 kilometers, other countries have fought for years, how unique and beautiful, yes, at that time, this region was, according to you, beautiful, pristine, full of wealth. i hope that the revival of this development of these ports is on the agenda of the 14th government. i hope that it will be followed up with intensity and strength. we are also trying to do our part by creating regional cooperation for the development of the issues. and even cooperation beyond the region, which i personally believe is possible, of course, there are obstacles that must be overcome, and one of the priorities
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of the seventh plan is the development of transition and transition routes. the issue of transit routes is one of the most serious concerns no more iran has a very prominent transition position, but like almost all opportunities, if not used on time, it can turn into its own opposite , well, we were less able to use these transition opportunities, which are all god-given , and the delays that existed. it has caused these paths to shift a bit and our interests are less taken into account . this is also one of the cases where foreign policy is not a specific task, it is the government's task. the foreign policy of the ministry
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of foreign affairs must also play its part. in attracting the necessary investment to create this routes completing existing routes we have routes that sometimes have ticks left and at the same time protecting iran's interests in relation to routes that may be bypassed from around iran, some of them not only with our national interests but also with security. our nation has a conflict that i don't want to name now , but there is a specific path that is of concern . certainly, the ministry of foreign affairs has the duty to stand up and secure the country's interests. and should it play a role in the field of transit? you have mentioned a part of the issues in the neighborhood policy in the government of shahid raisi. well, the issue of saudi arabia. the emirate of turkmenistan, azerbaijan, pakistan , good things happened, a series of challenges that still
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exist, i will mention the section, again , please, if you want to talk about these neighborhood policies, the issue of illegal immigrants, the issue of differences over titles, fine dust and the crisis common environmental and security issues. violentism, the growth of terrorism, arms and drug trafficking , border insecurity, this is a part of the ministry of foreign affairs, after all, it is related in the field of diplomacy. see, these are the problems and challenges that the country is facing. dealing with these challenges is a collective effort by he wants different departments of the government and the ministry of foreign affairs must do its part. now , your list was very long. for example, let me mention the phenomenon of fine dust. fine dust does not recognize geographical borders . it does not recognize political borders
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. it moves from one country to another region. it affects and hurts different countries. therefore, dealing with the phenomenon of fine dust is definitely necessary. it can't be done by one country alone , the countries that are on the road to kurd must come together. our borders or the issue of the haqaba and these, well, there should be a diplomatic interaction with the respective country of the neighboring country if it takes place, and without diplomatic interactions, the issue of terrorism cannot be resolved, it is like a roundtable. geographical borders do not recognize official borders, i am just pointing out that there are a lot of debates on each of them , and then i have to give an example of how things are going on in every part of iran, but the fight against terrorism definitely
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needs a regional cooperation. and there is multilateral cooperation, and these are the things that we have to enter into. our path goes through the path of interaction , but constructive interaction, positive interaction, and at the same time , preventing extravagance, hollowing out policies. it is wrong against the country and finally, one of the dignified and honorable paths for each of these challenges must be planned and designed . of course, all the governments tried their best and the 14th government will fulfill its duty, god willing, mr. president.
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i think that the first meeting of the government board asked all the ministries to propose and present operational and practical programs for each deputy. for each of these, a solution should definitely be prepared and timetables should be designed and the so-called evaluation and measurement factors should be added to it, god willing. we will do this in the case of this program that has been presented will definitely become a booklet of solutions that so-called. yes, and clearly, since mr. president mentioned the role of china and russia in that tehran times article, you clearly made some hints in these two areas. they are strategic collaborations and our partnership with them is a strategic company. actually, now with the considerations that are in the definitions, these two countries are in a difficult time. and in time
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sanctions are by our side and helping, and of course considering their own interests, this is natural . diplomacy is basically the art of aligning interests with each other . we will certainly not forget to help these countries, but we will strengthen our relations with them, we will expand them and we will try to design proper and reasonable relations for them. signed, which actually gives us a perspective of the set of activities and cooperation that two countries can have with each other in the next 25 years . we have a 10-year plan with russia, and now negotiations are underway for a 20-year plan
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, because it is very important for these two countries that we give them a long-term vision that our interactions with them will continue in any situation. this will also be our policy. thank you very much, mr. doctor, for coming to the special news interview . also, congratulations again on the occasion of the appointment of your excellency as the minister of foreign affairs. i wish you success, my colleague. thank you very much.
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i am at your service in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen. hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with jahan. i am with you today. in the first case of tonight's program , we will examine the confirmation of the results of the venezuelan elections by the supreme court of this country. in the second case, we will take a look at the use of second forces. the war in gaza,
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we see the latest pictures from palestine. the massive targeting of the zaytoun square earthquake is complete . hey zaytoun, yes, yes , we are not walking in the streets . we are not arifin. where are our women?
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naqad region, it is the second day of the year, and the second day , biqulwa lena, inziha, anqlua, ruhwa, kza fin, madal al-bahr , youduna ali bahr, and most of them killed us. that is, this is not the life of the life in the life of misari. on the fourth day of the congress of the democratic party of america , the police of this country in chicago
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violently suppressed the demonstration that was held to condemn the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. demonstrators gathered at the entrance of the democratic party congress venue and chanted slogans in support of the people of gaza they gave and said that the unquestioning support of the american government to the zionist regime should be stopped. in the last four days, the members of the american democratic party gathered in the city of chicago in the general assembly of this party . the streets of this great american city were the scene of widespread anti-zionist demonstrations by the people of this country. tens of thousands of americans from different states of this country shouted the end of the genocide in gaza, the freedom of palestine and the arms embargo of the zionist regime, and declared their support for the continued resistance of the palestinian people
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. our message to the democratic party is that you have no right to use our name and dollars. our taxes and weapons americans to genocide. the united states of america is the biggest supporter of israel and if it were not for the financial and political support of the united states, the genocide in gaza would not have continued. he shouted at the members of the democratic party, "israel is a racist regime. what you see in my hand is the symbol of thousands of bloody babies killed by israel in gaza." are you still willing to support this bloody racist regime? we protest to the democrats we do it because they lie to us and while they themselves are sending weapons to israel to
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attack the innocent people of palestine, they are talking about a truce and an agreement. peaceful demonstrations of americans protesting support. the government of this country attacked us face to face with the crimes of the zionist regime by suppressing the police and arresting dozens of people, as if we are terrorists, we are not terrorists, the terrorists are those who give our tax money to israel to deal with the helpless and civilian people. kill gaza to the ground and blood. whether harris or trump wins the election makes no difference to us. we to them we will press to prevent further genocide and oppression . the american people are against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and the continued support of the american government for these crimes. two and a half months before the us presidential election, the two democratic and republican candidates, who
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consider themselves loyal to the zionists , make it more difficult. ali rajabi, new york broadcasting news agency.
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we start our first case. the supreme court of venezuela confirmed the victory of nicolás maduro in the presidential elections of this country by issuing a final decision. the supreme court of venezuela announced this the court has reviewed the documents of the national election council and confirms that maduro has won. following the issuance of this vote, a large number of venezuelans demonstrated in support of maduro. earlier , the national electoral council of venezuela announced maduro as the winner of last month's election, which was met with protests by opposition candidates and demonstrations by his supporters. now we want the venezuelan elections and the final confirmation of the results with diego. writer and political analyst in caracas, venezuela. mr. sekra, hello
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, thank you for accepting our invitation to talk. thank you. as a first question , what is your assessment of the final confirmation of the election results? if we want to look at it from a technical, political and organizational point of view, well, this issue was resolved anyway , we have legal and legal mechanisms in venezuela that we use in such cases and when such incidents occur, and well, we we did this this time, these issues will be investigated in the court if necessary, and this also happened for the elections, and in the case of the elections, when this dispute arose
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, a legal and legal procedure was established and this issue it was investigated legally, well , there were a number of people who did not accept the results of the election , but in any case, legally, the issue was resolved. well, we have seen it during this time. you saw the opposition much better than us. and the westerners made many efforts to question the results of the elections, we even witnessed the support of foreign interference . they relied and those websites themselves were supported by the west and received their information from onor
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it was possible, and in fact, it did not have a correct basis. the content they expressed was just making baseless claims. there was no reason for it. the analysis they did could not be verified even from a computer point of view, and it was because of this that they failed. they were completely out of the atmosphere of venezuela , and the second point was that they brought violence to the streets in order to disrupt the atmosphere, but the country of venezuela and the venezuelan security system immediately intervened and stopped these riots. he did not allow the atmosphere to
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fall apart and went through the legal process the third point of their plan, which was foreign intervention, and which they wanted to rule venezuela through, was to make the result clear. question that it did not reach the result, but this way of working shows that they had this way, well, they had this way before, and now they want to do it, and the fact that they tried to reach an external intervention shows that they did not have the right intentions. well, mr. sekra, with this account, nicolas maduro will be the president of venezuela for another 6 years, that is, until the year. 2031 , your analysis and prediction of the policies that are likely to be implemented in 6
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what will we see next year? and this is the most important issue that venezuela is looking for. another issue is that a national dialogue should be established in venezuela in order to create a new consensus in venezuela, a new social and political consensus with opposition groups and the opposition should be discussed . we should involve the groups so that those groups who are looking for regime change will either join us or their tasks will finally be determined, and another issue is that we were always faced with foreign interference, some of unfortunately, regional countries and the main country, which
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is the united states, carry out these interventions. it is falling in venezuela. therefore, i think that in the next 6 years, venezuela will try to improve its relations with other countries, and some of our policies will depend on what happens abroad, for example, what approach the united states will take. whether he
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changes his policy or not, or if he still wants to have that influence, he should try. modi, who met and talked with the president of ukraine , hopes that peace and stability will return to the region quickly. the adviser to the president of ukraine also said new delhi has a certain influence over moscow and good relations with them are very important to find the best way to end the war. russian president putin
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accused the ukrainian military of trying to attack the kursk nuclear power plant. this power plant is located fifty kilometers away. that ukraine has occupied . kersk nuclear power plant has two active nuclear reactors and supplies electricity to 19 regions. un nuclear inspectors are scheduled to visit the kursk nuclear power plant next week. shop thefts in the uk reached 44,000 cases a year, which means 50 thefts every hour. daily newspaper mail wrote: british thieves steal nearly 2 billion pounds of goods every year. they steal, while an extra 700 million pounds are spent every year to protect stores , one out of every eight shoppers in the uk steals by abusing payment calculators. uganda is trying to increase its oil reserves in the next 25 years. the amount of oil reserves of this country is 6.5 billion barrels and it is supposed to


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