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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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hello, at 3 o'clock, the payment of the 800 million tomans roof of the national housing movement is pending notification from the central bank, the director general of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development said that despite the agreement of the supreme housing council to increase the amount of the national housing movement facility, the approval to increase the loan from 55 million to 800 million is yet to come. it has not been implemented.
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this loan of 800 million will be paid in our project, god willing, but we are all waiting for the central bank to inform the banking network that this big event will happen, and we will see that the projects of the national housing movement will move forward faster. guaranteed purchase price of wheat for next year, with the participation of farmers, the minister will be appointed and announced soon. in an interview with wijeh khabari, the jihad of agriculture said: this year's wheat farmers' demands will be paid based on the timing of the purchase of wheat. since its formation, this government has been following this debate seriously since it was formed, now it has been introduced semi-officially, and it has been resolved by looking for resources and with the help of having the position of supreme leader, and god willing, the delivered wheat will die until the end.
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they will be settled before the end of september, god willing, but fortunately, we will have another purchase, now there are about 11,700,000 tons, we hope. if 12 of these are rejected, the rest will be paid at least in the month of mehr, those who will be delivered after this. garma was not a match for hossein's love , while this year is the hottest arbaeen of hosseini in khuzestan. shalamcheh after mehran. the second exit point for arbaeen pilgrims from the country is at the chezaba border crossing. the number of pilgrims entering the country has exceeded the number of exits . today, we came from karbala towards iran . abroad and 140 thousand people to the country. they entered, that is, al-afzal ahn nazur
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how can the pilgrims not face any problem , and the minister of roads and urban development visited chazaba on the first working day after mehran, that the number of buses will be sent to the capital of the province, the explanation given is that, god willing, we will not have any problems, but definitely the next plans after the end of this ceremony. it will be done so that, god willing, next year we will not have the same problems that we have now. let us have and say more proudly that we did our duty towards the pilgrims of imam hossein. all facilities at the border have been prepared for return. currently, we are facing a wave of returning pilgrims. according to 47 degree heat and 90% humidity, 8 cold rooms were installed in chezabeh. so far, more than 825 cases have been referred to our colleagues in different departments. i was in the procession. we were working when
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he got heatstroke and he was already gone when we came here . this is the first time we have seen the medical services like this. it is completely free and after the delivery of the medicine, they send a blessing. it is recommended that zaheran rest after returning. it doesn't matter whether it's going or returning , we provide full services, whether it's food, sleep, bath, or rest. alhamdulillah, everything is available on the bus. from kazaba pilgrims are transported to ahvaz for free. from the border zero point to the four cities of qom, tehran, esfahan and yazb, buses transport pilgrims. farhad farhani, radio and television news agency, chazaba. 3 thousand processions serve the arbaeen pilgrims with unity and empathy on both sides of the iran-iraq border. the procession of saqi atshan karbala from central province is one of these. there are processions that
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provide medical, health and cultural services to pilgrims in addition to accommodation. no one in this holy valley. if this population that you see increases 10 times or even 100 times, it will be abundant and a blessing, but it will be accompanied by the suffering of the journey. he puts the hungry person on the bed, thanks to the grace of imam hussain , we were neither without a place , nor without food, everywhere. throughout maybe the answer to my question
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is in this semi-finished multi-story building in the corner of karbala, the flag procession of saqi azhan from khomein city is located here .
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it is during the day, everything is great, god bless their father , they are working hard. god, muhammad, i am a soldier, i am a loader driver, anyone who wants to work for ahl al-bayt. the truth is that the love of the ahl al-bayt between iranians and iraqis has been rooted in the family tree of the sada and sima news agency for years. iran, in the group of countries developing the repair of smart hearing aids, a knowledge-based company succeeded in producing digital or digital smart hearing aids in the ear. this smart hearing aid
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brings good sound quality and easy user experience to hearing impaired people. according to the officials of this daneshbovanian company , it offers these hearing aids at a cheaper price compared to similar foreign models. students of ahan university by setting up tents for improvement and protest they continue against the crimes of the zionist regime in the gaza strip. according to al-qadr network, the students of akhund technical university demanded the end of the support of the german government to the zionist regime and the termination of the university's cooperation with the universities of this regime. aachen university students organize to support gaza within the framework of the law. for this reason , despite the efforts that have been made to dismantle these tents, the erectors of these tents have been able to continue their work. each group
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knows its own work and despite the pressure exerted by the university, we continue our work. request to stop cooperation with the university israel and stopping the genocide in the gaza strip are the phrases that are written on the placards installed at the place of the tents, and in addition , we are witnessing other types of connections, such as this young man who, while passing in front of the tent, declared his connection in his own way. does our request is to stop cooperation and communication with israeli universities that are actively and directly involved in the war against gaza. the issue of palestine should be considered in german universities. i thought to myself , how can we do something for palestine ? i saw that there are tents set up here the reason we sat down here was not to put pressure on the university, but to reach our own goal. personally , i would like
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to do everything i can for palestine and gaza. more than a hundred days have passed since the tents of aachen university of technology were erected. students in protest. the ongoing genocide in gaza is here to pressure the german government to stop supporting israel. they also want to pressure aachen university to cooperate with the university. stop israel supporting the idf. thank you for your cooperation.
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this is a spiritual thing to connect with the natural world and the environment it calms me naturally, it gives me a sense of peace. so i want to be in touch with water as much as possible. more than 40,000 trips were made during the slave trade , including more than 12,000 ships. but it is very interesting that from the point of view of archeology, only 56 of those ships have been documented
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. each of those ships has its own story . in this earthen container of makwa village in mozambique , these are all precious necklaces. i am sure you have heard many things about them. including that these necklaces were traded for many things, even for the delivery of african bodies. well, what i do what i do is that i take these and sew them to clothes. we do this according to a small tradition before we hit the water. when we are in the water, we have to sharpen our ears to hear the sounds . you know, we have to listen to the voices of our ancestors. listen as they try to lead us to the remains of sunken ships.
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how sad that the shipwreck discovered in the river delta belongs to clotilde the expert for many reasons. have in their possession, which shows that this wreck does not belong to the clotilda ship, it is the present-day country of benin in west africa. many people think that they can never overcome that ship to find i was never looking to find the wreck. it didn't matter to me at all to know the place where one of them drowned. because when they have these stories. they explain that all i want to know is that we
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came by water, that's enough for me, if they find the ship, i'd like to touch it, i'd like to see it, i don't know, maybe they'll find it, maybe they wo n't, he told me since childhood. being that i am a descendant of the same slaves on the clotilda ship , at that time , my generation is waiting for your answer, four of us, five of us, have you read?
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i am directly descended from charlie lewis, one of the survivors of clotilda, where is this cazola , you all know him very well, he and charlie are standing here at louis kors, so this is my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather , six generations before me. i don't want to dwell on this too much. i'll take a picture. we can read parts of the story. i know that when you look at these words, you say to yourself, i know many people who talk like this. charlie is the oldest person who came from africa. one day after his wife left me, he came to me along with some other people who had come by water and said: "abu kaja" tell us a moral story. do my name is zoranile. i want to sing a song
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that i had collected it, the name of the man who sang the song for me, and i forgot . history is like a puzzle, the pieces of which are put together. my grandmother would wash them at night and tell us stories , and she would pass them on to us. to be able to tell the same stories to others like him. they call me the treasurer in the family now. my role is to try. keep the family history alive by telling stories for others. this is your narrative, this is your story as a society survivors of clotildast so we definitely
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want to follow you. for those of you who don't know me, my name is kam. i am very happy to come back to you once again . some of the faces are familiar to me. as it was said, i am a member of the project of the remnants of my slave ship. 158 years ago, about 110 people left their feet on the soil of this alien land without knowing anything about their future. they knew that they would never see their families again. they not only came to a foreign land, but also stepped into a land that was torn apart by civil war. when we we find a ship and get a very valuable artifact that helps us to narrate this story. clotilda's ship has done this like a communication channel. a channel that is not only towards the past of this story and this group of people , but also a channel towards a very powerful future . a very powerful future for this category.
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as my mother said, timothy meher, who was a local businessman, provided that after the abolition of slavery , he would still bring africans to america . on foot kurd also set fire to the ships so that there would be no trace of his crime. what i know is that everything was related to a condition and timothy mehr said yes, we can do this. captain william foster was the one who built the clotilla and set sail in april 1860. he went to an area that was called dahmi at that time, that is
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, today's benin country, and he enslaved these people. brought to mobile bay in alabama. he sold them to buyers and turned them into slaves. foster was able to take the ship upriver and set it on fire. the remains of that ship finally sank in the river. the purpose of setting fire to the ship was so that no one could find it and no documents were left . gradually, the effect of the ship disappeared and my help disappeared. and as far as i can remember, never in the history books. such an event was always considered a legend above that river. it is said that these people are the descendants of the same slaves who were on the ship. a ship that burned down. no one spread the news because everyone was afraid. for years , africans were told
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not to tell this story anywhere. they don't even mention his name outside the house. because they may be killed. maybe because of the discussion to do. well, when we look at things. which is about 25 years ago, it's like you went to the cemetery because everything is destroyed, as if they are in a hurry to grab them before something is destroyed.
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it was gutner williams' son's job, but henry williams himself was not involved. it's really a pity and a shame. the truth is fragmented. some culturists tend to go to historians and gather things to somehow reveal the truth. another name here is africa town, because my maternal grandfather, kojo kazola lewis, came here from the west of ghana in africa. america came after the population grew here, it was called: africa town. well, what i like is that it is a great story, very great. as you know
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, there are commonalities between all local historians and culturalists. we have a generation that belongs to the past. you know , it's been a month since i used this device. i talk about some of these things sporadically because they 're not as organized in my mind as i'd like them to be, so like quoting captain foster had guns in both hands and threatened to shoot anyone who wanted the ship. leave he shoots an arrow and kills him. some were transferred to other places and some others to the city. they were transferred to the state of alabama. we always said that we would talk about it among ourselves, but we couldn't
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talk about it publicly. that is why many people do not know about our history. they gave us some clothes on the first day and took us up the alabama river. in the future, we are inside. they have to narrate. these stories were not only about shackles and chains, but also about cooking pots . maybe some of those expensive necklaces
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it must have been a part of their culture and heritage that africans brought with them. all these things represent incredible adventures. bring a container and put these foods in it. this is better than pancakes if i can go back to my grandmother's time. i will see where the ship is and what it looks like. i will see what condition you are in. then i will feel complete . i will feel connected. it is like you are constantly searching. you are searching and you say that you are missing something. something like a child is a child, a child who is looking for his real mother keeps coming back to find his real mother well, this desire exists in me. i am looking for the essence of my installation. if i can reach a part of it , it will give me a more complete feeling. there is a story in the middle that
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is very valuable to share with the world. i would like the ship to be found and honored. but i don't need a degree. my whole life is a proof. like all the people who were on that ship, i can tell you that they are in this entire neighborhood. the american civil war ended in 1865, so they were no longer slaves, that is, about 5 years later , that is why most of the slaves who were freed from they were born slaves before, they were born slaves. we were trying to preserve our house so that we could preserve this historical monument in luis cortez. africans
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brought a completely new attitude to the people who were already settled in america. they turned this place into a prosperous place. the slaves are so far away from the city that no one interferes with them and they can easily tell their stories. these stories remained in the minds of people who came from africa. they talk about the time of african countries and feel an identity for themselves. this feeling an identity that gives meaning to others and their sense of identity. they kept this feeling and fought for it ever since. this is my last blood. that's why i was lorna's fan. he says all this. it will provide you with all the information you need. these two people are his children. the photo is from when a new church was built. our family
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came to the city of mobile in alabama from a... they started building a small town , bought land, the family still owns it, they told us that you should never lose your land because they care. it was said that if you have land here in mobile, alabama, that's when you have something to say. i don't know if you can see down there , but the entire path of the canal is full of gravestones. when i was there, i saw some of these gravestones. there was no name written on them, it was not at all clear who they belonged to, but this is exactly where i remember when i was a child, i came here, the bushes were as tall as the tombstones, and my father used to take us through the middle of this bush, we came from
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that part. we come forward. we were passing through these. many nights when i fall asleep with my father i speak i feel that when you have such a history, your ancestors always talk to you. i spent my whole life in this cemetery from birth until now. everything they taught me, i learned them right here. i even learned kaja's name in this cemetery. i didn't go to class, i didn't go for fun with my family. my father used to pass us by the middle of this cemetery at 3 or 4 in the morning with a fan in his hand and he was talking to each other. when he talked to me, he always said, son , you know i'm old. one day i will leave here, you have to learn something. he is always from us
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he wanted to talk to the blacks. so whenever we heard the ghost story, it was not a ghost story for us. they were our ancestors who used to talk to us. he used to tell me that i was born to know about these stories. my father would have liked to have at least passed this knowledge on to someone else. when i look at my father's eyes , i imagine where my father is. i never saw my father really cry, but i heard that he cried. he didn't cry once, but he cried for several days . everyone came and asked him what happened. he misses his homeland. the village where these africans
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after freedom from slavery, they built it and named it africa town. its current name is plateau in alabama . they chose its new name because of the birmingham mobil railroad. now it is part of the southern rail network that passes through the middle of the city, but it still has its african identity. he has preserved according to these things that he knew. i am once again looking for the old house of a man named kojo . how can a person who has such memories under his pillow sleep? this film was recorded in 1928 by a young writer and cultural scholar named rosanil herdson. that first
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