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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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five hi, 5 o'clock. three people were killed in a stabbing in germany. in a stabbing attack in the city of zollingand. in west germany, at least 3 people lost their lives and 9 others were injured, and their condition was reported to be critical. german security sources announced that no one has been arrested in connection with this incident. this incident happened in a festival that was held on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of this city. that the independent candidate
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for the us presidential election announced that he will run for this presidential election in the us in favor of donald trump, the republican candidate in this the election is suspended. kennedy said that he met with trump and his aides several times and understood that about the issues. they agree on things like border security, freedom of speech and ending the war in ukraine and the wars that the us has been involved in. he added that there are still very serious differences between the two sides on different issues and approaches , but we are on the same page on other key issues. from the ballot in 10 key states that will likely determine the outcome of the election . will delete europe's decision to impose
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customs duties on the import of electric cars from china the business relationship between the two sides has faced a challenge. according to the euronews network, if the trade dispute between china and europe continues , a trade war is possible. the inevitable trade war.
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what is our strength , they use it in the export of food and agriculture, but we should not be deceived , we should note that the export of these products to china is a lever of power, and we should clearly defend the common agricultural policy. it is wrong to think that this policy is wrong. this action of china means a response to the european union's decision to impose customs definitions on electric cars imported from china. beijing research. about dairy products it announces imports from china at a time when the european union has announced the implementation of customs tariffs on chinese electric vehicles in the coming months. brussels also does not agree with china's subsidies for solar power plants and solar panels, and china, in turn , has launched an investigation into imports of meat, alcohol, chemical products and medical equipment from europe. joseph bull.
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the european union's top foreign policy official said during a conference in spain: a trade war with china may be inevitable. i think for a trade war to occur, there must be a chain of events something will happen from both sides to reach a point that is called a trade war. currently, only a part of the trade between the two sides is in dispute , and i think this issue will depend on the severity of measures taken by both sides in the future. analysts believe that the outcome of the us presidential election will be very important, especially if republican candidate donald trump returns to the white house. thank you for your companion.
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constructive and effective interaction with the world based on the three principles of honor, wisdom, expediency is the main foreign policy strategy of the islamic republic of iran. the seventh program as a map the way of the new government in the political field. the foreign minister listed two key tasks, firstly active activism in official and public diplomacy and effective targeted cooperation of organizations and institutions responsible for foreign affairs and secondly strengthening the economy-oriented approach in foreign policy and regional and global relations and strengthening
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economic ties with the priority of neighbors in the program tonight we are proud to host mr. dr. abbas araghchi , honorable minister of foreign affairs, which i think is his first tv program after serving as the ministry of foreign affairs, and we are very happy about this. welcome, mr. doctor, with my condolences on the occasion of arbaeen, we celebrate the government week and i congratulate you, your colleagues, this week in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful. i have arbaeen days. hosseini , i am very happy that i am at your service for the first time after being the minister of foreign affairs and thank you very much for this program
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. and i wish you success, mr. doctor, first of all, if would you like to talk about the general approach of the 14th government in the field of foreign policy for a few minutes, and then go into some specific issues , i would like to ask you to see that the general approach of the 14th government's foreign policy is somehow an approach of a balance between continuity and change, that is, we in our foreign policy, we have principles that are unchangeable and continue naturally. it will be in our program and that of any other government, and this will be combined with initiatives and steps to make changes for the better and for the further development of the
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general foreign policy approach of the 14th government to a great extent. it is deeply rooted and originated from the statements made by the supreme leader on the day of the inauguration of mr. dr. mezikian, the honorable president, less than a month ago, on the 7th of august. and more than half of the talks of the supreme leader were related to foreign policy and if a person studies. they drew almost a manifesto of foreign policy for the 14th government, saying that the program that was prepared and presented to the honorable parliament is in line with this general manifesto, in addition to the dimensions the other thing is
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that we prepared a very complete program and presented it to the honorable parliament, which was also explained in the parliament . in the foreign policy and all the other commissions that i attended, the main discussion was one of the main discussions of this program that we had and are having . on the same day , using universal means that we will widen the field of diplasia and definitely to one we will not be limited to a specific region , we will try to expand the diplomacy field to include new fields, new fields in africa, latin america, east asia, so to speak
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, in addition to the fields in which we were already present. neighborhood is the most important. i will discuss these priorities later. now i mean inclusiveness. and this is the comprehensiveness of our foreign policy, which will not be limited to a specific point, a specific region, a specific area, and will have a comprehensive view. second, our foreign policy will be active, active, which means it will not be passive. it means that we will try to play an effective role in global issues, international issues, regional issues, be present , express our positions and follow them, try and try to make our presence an active presence and not a passive one. we should not just watch the international developments, we should not just sit back and watch the developments. what direction will the crisis take, how will it be resolved, no, we must
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be present in all of them, regionally, transregionally or internationally, if a new order is emerging. we should not be passive and sit back and wait for others to define a position for us, not the position of the islamic republic should be defined by us. . the region and the interests of the islamic world on a larger level, and thirdly, our foreign policy will be effective. we will not be satisfied with diplomatic visits, meetings, attendance at assemblies, speeches at assemblies. this should be done in such a way that its effects can be seen. every visit , every trip, every diplomatic program, every we must have a political program. it should be done with a specific goal and
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show its effects on the national interests of the country, in the country's economy, and even at the tables of the people. our foreign policy will be inclusive and effective . there are three missions for these policies . the second is the consolidation of national power or national security. major there are all the activities of the ministry of foreign affairs and politics. our foreigner will be placed in one of these three. in the first mission, we are looking
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to secure the interests of the country, the national interests of the country , wherever it is , it is mainly economic interests, but other than the economy , there are also other interests envisaged in the plan. the explanation has been given. now, if you ask, i will explain the details . our second mission is to help the country's national security, to strengthen the national security , and to help deter the country's deterrence power through diplomacy. which now has its own city , the third mission is to raise the dignity of the country more than what is securing the international dignity for the country and the pride of iran and iranians are these three mission areas. in each of these, programs are defined, our priorities, which are now the specific topic of this program, in the same order as the supreme authority. the leader said that in the defined term, i
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will talk about the regions first . the first priority is the neighbors . martyr government. ayatollah raisi has expanded a lot, this will definitely continue with more strength and power will do the second priority is to expand the diplasia field to africa, latin america, east asia and other areas that may have received less attention. there are many opportunities in these areas that can be exploited for us. thirdly , there are countries that
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are by the side of the islamic republic in times of hardship and help us in the field of sanctions. we will do it and we will continue with more strength. the next priority is the emerging powers that in the arena. internationally , countries such as india, south africa, brazil, and now to some extent turkey and the country are playing an international role.
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the islamic republic adopted an interaction of respect with them. we will have an opportunity based on mutual respect and from an equal position, and as the supreme leader said, if these wrong policies, if they put aside their wrong and hostile policies , they will return to our priorities and after that discussion america is mentioned in the program, clearly we are not looking to resolve the conflict with america, to resolve the tensions. we are not america because there are many of these tensions many of these enmities that exist are caused by a series of differences and differences in basic views, and in principle, there is no point in us trying in this direction, what we should do is to manage the tension, if this
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tension exists, but it is not necessary to pay any cost. we have a duty in foreign policy to reduce the costs of this conflict as much as we can, to reduce its pressure on the people , not to allow an international consensus to form against us , not to allow excessive costs to be imposed, and foreign policy to i believe in this it can move in a very good direction and with the initiatives that can be spent, the costs of this conflict can be reduced, managed, and not allowed to go beyond a series of stages and cause major losses for the country. in addition , there are opportunities within every opportunity, every threat, every hostility. according to martyr soleimani, every threat has an opportunity, and i believe that
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there are many opportunities within this threat and hostility that america has had against us over the years. it has also emerged that the islamic republic has used many of these opportunities and is now in a position where our strategy is actually at a much higher level compared to previous years, this is the priority of the regions , there are other priorities in the economic field , which i will raise in the next questions , as you can see, mr. doctor, one of the most important challenges or issues in area b, which is perhaps the most important issue that people demand from the ministry of foreign affairs, is the issue of sanctions. well , there are two specific strategies and in a sense theories, some believe that we should move forward with negotiations and the removal of sanctions, and some believe that efforts should be made to remove the sanctions. but most of their policies and strategies are aimed at neutralizing
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sanctions. which of these strategies will you follow in this macro policy? you see, i believe that both strategies should move together at the same time, and the first strategy, which is to weaken the sanctions , is a higher priority in my opinion, and this is a mission that happened to be repeated in the speech of the supreme leader on the day of tanfiz, which was divided into two missions. to define them , the first mission, which has a higher priority , is the discussion of neutralizing and neutralizing sanctions. this is a mission related to the entire government. the whole government should be involved in this in order to move, the ministry of foreign affairs and our foreign policy should also help to move in this direction and our first goal is to neutralize the sanctions as much as possible and reduce their pressure on the people and this will happen automatically. it will disappoint the sanctioners from their own sanctions, and
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apart from their so-called sanctions being ineffective , their policies will also be ineffective and they will be disappointed from their own threats, but there is another mission besides this. it is an effort to remove sanctions, and this is the special mission of the ministry of foreign affairs and our foreign policy apparatus an interpretation that hazrat agha mentioned on the day of the meeting of the honorable representatives of the islamic council with him , i think it was almost a month ago, july 31st , and there they said that we can lift the sanctions with honorable means or through honorable means, of course priority it is sarcastic, but this mission and this task are left to the ministry of foreign affairs. i believe that we are looking for the lifting of sanctions at the same time, but the removal of the honor is grateful. this
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interpretation that was used is an accurate interpretation in my opinion. himself to lift the embargo this effort, of course, has already started during the government of martyr ayatollah raisi . he found that the negotiations related to the lifting of sanctions were also in that government, and now we will try to restore it in a dignified way, god willing, and move forward. if we can lift the sanctions , we will not delay even an hour. this is also an interpretation that hazrat agha it was used a few years ago , and i think it is still a valid interpretation . our efforts will be continuous.
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and in this regard, we will neither delay nor postpone it, there will be no haste, but we will not get caught up in destructive negotiations. we will certainly exploit the country's expertise in technical, political and legal fields and we will try to enter this field with a national consensus this time. foreign policy should rely on a national consensus and a national consensus that can be more forward and those with negotiation our soldiers face our diplomats, our ambassadors know that there is a nation behind this ambassador, behind this diplomat, behind this negotiator, and in this way, our diplomats
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move with more confidence and strength, and both our sides know that this is not just one person, it is a nation that is emerging, if we reach this agreement, our work will definitely go further and better , and i will definitely try with the cooperation of the honorable islamic council, with the cooperation of science and academic centers, with the cooperation of the media in cooperation with radio and television, in particular, this public awareness of this consensus in general , let's create this national unity behind the foreign policy, so that we can move with more strength and all the institutions under the 1, in any case, find a connection with these movements , find a link and participate in it, and god willing, when the result will be we conclude that it should be implemented strongly. which did not come to a conclusion because of the request of the other side which was not consistent with what was in the strategic action law. this honorable action
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that you mention is practically defined as the opposite of this law. let me give a brief explanation in late 2019, when mr. trump was defeated. khurd for the second round and mr. biden became the president of the united states expressed. he was interested in returning to the jcpoa, and this request was not rejected by the united states on the part of iran, but conditions were set for him, conditions that became known as the definite positions of the system, which the supreme leader himself had clearly stated in his own words, as well as the honorable majlis of the islamic council. he had passed the strategic action law in the same area or in the same vicinity. well, after the request of the americans , negotiations related to the revival of the jcpoa started in the early 1400s, within the framework of the system's definitive positions and within
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the framework of the strategic action law, which now has 6 periods. far from those negotiations, i carried out the negotiations during the government before mr. raisi's government, then it continued during the time of shahid raisi, it went through some stages, however , it did not come to an end. now, the revival of those negotiations is not easy. we should all know that the international conditions have changed. in the meantime, the ukraine war has occurred, which has had a profound impact on the security outlook of europeans and the so-called international security arrangements. the war in gaza and the so-called crisis in gaza, the attack of the zionist regime, the killings that took place there
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, have completely changed the conditions of the region. and now there are other things that don't i don't want to waste my time, the picture that exists now is a different picture compared to the past, in the jharjam itself, some of the dates that existed have passed, so the jharjam in its current so-called form cannot be revived . if it is opened, parts of it can be changed, and well, this is not an easy task , you know, when a document is opened , it is a very difficult task to put it together. the conditions have changed a bit, i am sharing these i think that we should go with a different perspective in the scene of the previous form of negotiations and the conclusion of the agreement . all of this can be a guide, it can be a so-called reference or mirror for reference and
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use, but they cannot be implemented again in that way. be true new negotiations must be formed. of course, the situation in europe is difficult. they are busy with elections in america and it will not be easy, but we will do our best. we consider this a mission for ourselves. we know a task for ourselves, to reduce the costs of sanctions on me. let's try people we will also try to lift the sanctions, god willing , we will put it on the agenda , we will use all the scientific and scientific talent of the political country, the legal country of the country, god willing, and we hope that we can take a positive step in this direction, something that makes things much more difficult. the type of approach that the europeans and the americans have, especially after the americans' own elections, which is almost the opposite of the issue , the europeans themselves, not having a very serious reaction to
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, for example, the ceremony of mr. medjikian , not participating at a very high level, or, for example, mrs. haris's evening, is completely threatening in some way. attacked the islamic republic of iran it means that the approach is confrontational from many sides and for this reason it makes it very difficult for them to do the same. you see, i think that the type of approach of mr. president, mr. dr. mezikian, is based on the views they expressed and the policies they announced. and the way that the announcement showed to other parties abroad that the duality of the two poles that they have been promoting or telling him for a long time does not exist, there is a unity, so there is no more on this difference between the government and the government on the difference in leadership. the president thinks that they can no longer participate in these games i think the honorable president moved very intelligently and tactfully in this field. well
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, it was welcomed by the general society, it was also welcomed by the public , anyway, those who are in different endeavors were also welcomed by the government that introduced the government of national unity, and the honorable parliament responded positively to this effort for national unity, vote of confidence on all the ministers. it was given to them, so maybe contrary to what they expected. in some western countries, a kind of unity and oneness in the domestic and foreign fields was introduced by the respected president, and therefore , their so-called reaction was the same as you you said that you cannot expect very special and so-called radical developments
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, the government's move is a logical move. it will be within the framework of our existing foreign policy principles, and their unreasonable expectations will definitely not be met. as you mentioned at the beginning of your speech , it is also stated in our foreign policy program that the guiding principles of the fourteenth government's foreign policy are, firstly, the constitution, secondly, the general policies of the system announced by the supreme leader in the field of foreign policy, and thirdly. the measures and instructions of the supreme leader, especially the strategic principle of honor, wisdom, and expediency, are the fourth documents in the case next, our upstream documents are the vision document for the development of the 7th progress program and the laws of the honorable majlis of the islamic council, which in its core area is the strategic action law, for example, but the rest of the laws that the honorable majlis has interpreted in the field of foreign policy are the same.


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