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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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the government's move will be a logical move within the framework of our existing foreign policy principles, and the misplaced expectations they have will definitely not be met. it is fundamental, secondly, the general policies of the system announced by his highness. in the field of foreign policy , the third is the measures and instructions of the supreme leader, especially the strategic principle of honor, wisdom, expediency. for example, the islamic council, in its core field, the strategic action law is one of them, but the rest of the laws that the honorable majlis has enacted in the field of foreign policy are the same.
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these are our fundamental principles that define the framework of our movement, so there will be no polarity, no duality, we will move decisively within the framework of these principles, and we will use all our capacity and talent to be able to benefit inshallah , let's provide the country's national security in all spheres, god willing, and one of the priorities in the field of foreign policy, especially after the operation the al-akhsham storm is a palestinian issue, which is under the control of the americans, who are still supporting the killing of more than 40,000 people in gaza. and what is happening in food now, you may open it up a bit and see how this conflict management with the us will happen. now , the discussion of resistance is basically a discussion of separation, and we will look at it in the framework of the treaty with the us and so on. . do not do this resistance axis based
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a series of ideals have been formed and it has its own school, the school of resistance, which now sometimes recognizes the martyred sardar safar soleimani as the founder of this school or as someone who is on the way to the rise of this school . the axis of resistance will be supported by the islamic republic of iran in any situation. this was clearly stated in our program , it was clearly stated in the speech of the honorable president on the inauguration day, and it was very clearly stated in the speeches i had in the honorable parliament on the day of the vote of confidence . both my speech and the president's speech were welcomed welcome president dear representatives, this is our principled policy and it is the result of a school of thought that says that some of our differences with america cannot be resolved.
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it is because these things that we believe in, the ideals that we believe in, basically do not allow these divisions to be resolved, so when we get to that side of that division, our job is management, and i repeat, management means not allowing any a fee should be imposed on us. yes , there is a possibility, but there is no reason for us to pay any fee. there is no reason for people to bear any pressure. it is our duty to relieve the pressure as much as we can. let's reduce as much as we can to reduce people's expenses, it is resistance instead of itself. there is something that our positions will not change. among our ideals, it comes from a belief and school. and our support for the resistance and all the groups that are in the axis of the resistance, all the countries that are in the area of ​​the resistance, is an unchangeable principle and we will continue with this principled policy of ours . definitely supporting the lebanese people, supporting the palestinian people, the oppressed people. palestine, especially in gaza
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, supporting the people in yemen, supporting the people everywhere else in the islamic world, especially in the area of ​​the axis of resistance it will be among the unchangeable policies of the 14th government , and now in the story of the case that we are still involved in, now considering that the organization of islamic cooperation held a meeting of the security council , as an activist in this field, in the field of foreign policy, what specific action will we take? you see, here is a place that is covered by the active clause in our foreign policy. regarding gaza, well, in the discussion of resistance that is raised, we have our own presence and presence, but when we enter the field of political politics, in the diplomatic field, well, other countries. there are those who have, for example they mediate the ceasefire negotiations or advance the policies. i believe this is not enough . our foreign policy must be active, it must play a role
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not only in the field but also in diplomacy. we must plan for this. it is not like the country enters. and the so-called negotiations related to the ceasefire, the negotiations related to now, any action that should be taken without taking into account the wishes of the palestinian people, perhaps without taking into account the positions of iran , will be designed and our foreign policy will try to be carried out in this field. i am one of my colleagues in the ministry of foreign affairs. the islamic republic of iran, the whole world acknowledges the presence of its field role, they should also acknowledge the presence of our political role, god willing, and we
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will also move in this field. one of the good events that happened in the field of foreign policy was iran's membership in the shanghai pact and brics. but as expected. it will include an important part of the activities of the ministry of foreign affairs and the movement of our foreign policy. i believe that the ministry of foreign affairs and our apparatus and foreign policy should
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be in the orbit of the economic progress of the country, that is, in what orbit and in what direction is the economic progress of the country. a designed axis of foreign policy go in the same direction. and this creates a heavy duty for us . what is the duty of the ministry of foreign affairs? we must be careful about this. the ministry of foreign affairs is not going to enter into economic activities and will not, but it should open the way for the activists of the economic sector, whether in the field of the sector. whether in the government or in the private sector, we must remove obstacles and create facilities. we must find new markets, introduce them, we must create favorable political spaces for economic activists to move in this space, express themselves and use one of the measures in this regard or one of the things. one of the areas that should be created
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is the use of the capacity of regional and international organizations, which you mentioned, the shanghai brics union, the asian union , etc. well, the ministry of foreign affairs. his duty is to realize the membership of these organizations in these institutions, enter them , identify the capacities of the existing capacities and transfer them to the economic sectors of the country. after that , the economic sectors of the country i said that both the government and the private sector should move in this space and on this platform and, god willing, they will gain economic benefits and then show their works on people's tables. give as i said, we in the ministry of foreign affairs do not do economic activities ourselves, but we open the way. the example i gave in the parliament for the honorable representatives is very expressive of exactly what should happen in the so-called seas near
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the north pole, you know. in winter , seas and oceans are covered by thick ice up to a depth of two meters. it seems that there are icebreakers there, whose task is to break the ice and open the way for a small ship, but it has a very strong engine and there is a very strong shield in front of it in such a way that it breaks the ice and moves forward. ship commercial cargo tankers are moving behind him for their own purposes. the duty of the ministry of foreign affairs , the duty of economic diplomacy is the duty of the icebreaker that should open the way. break the ice and move forward, remove the obstacles, these obstacles are of various types, one of them is the most important , naturally, they are the sanctions that exist , the ministry of foreign affairs, that icebreaker, must remove the cases and open the roads. in order for
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commercial ships to move behind it and reach their destinations, there must naturally be a 100% coordination between the icebreaker and the commercial ship. ok, you can't kill the icebreaker to open a path, the commercial ship will go on another route, then it will get stuck in the obstacles, it will get stuck in the ice, or you can't kill the icebreaker to go to port a, for example. open the way, this complete coordination must exist in a hundred percent form. we will design economic diplomacy in this way, god willing. in complete coordination with the economic sectors, our work, as i said , is creating space, removing obstacles, opening the way, creating a favorable political space and platform so that the economic sectors can move in it, and here, of course, there is a need the government should also facilitate the so-called work of economic activists in many places in our country, and now, as i hear from the economic sectors
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, some of them are suffering from internal sanctions according to their own interpretation, that is, cumbersome laws , bureaucratic problems, and so on. sometimes it is as much a hindrance to work as foreign embargoes, many places have opened the way for trade, but the commercial ships themselves are not able to move, so these must all be corrected, we will fulfill our duty as i said. one of our most important duties is to undermine sanctions and at the same time try to remove them remove a big obstacle from the path of iran's economy, and god willing, move in this direction, especially the embassies in the trade planning department , will new missions be defined for them or the same approach? in my program , i clearly mentioned that this has always been one of my concerns that our embassies abroad should have specific missions defined for
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them, and roles should be defined for each embassy, ​​perhaps a separate mission, and it should be clear that this in what direction should they move and what are their needs? they should figure out what ices should be broken, what paths should be opened, and then it can be measured and evaluated that our colleagues who go to attend the embassy. an ambassador who is appointed should know what mission he has to perform, where he has to go, where he has to go, and finally, he can be evaluated and measured. with some countries, there is so-called , they really stand up as men, tolerate and try to advance their own work, but we must do more than this. we must make an effort , we must define the missions of each embassy individually
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, what activities should be carried out, and at the same time evaluate and ask for feedback for the missions that must be carried out , god willing, we will design this for them. in the seventh program, we are talking. there , he specified a task and said that the community plan to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of economic policy, especially in the field of academics, with a focus on economic ties with neighboring countries in asia, africa , latin america, the declining powers and international organizations , including within 3 months from the date of implementation i don't know if this law was made with the cooperation of other executive bodies. i don't know if this plan was implemented after those three months. i don't know if you know what stage it is. finally, i think it has not changed in this era, and anyway it is an accident. that happened and it disrupted things a bit. one or two or three months, however , there were changes in some things, although the country
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completely maintained not only its stability , but also its efficiency, and continued. the elections were planned and carried out peacefully. all this is true, but it is natural that some things like this are stopped until the next government comes and the planning that needs to be done in this regard, we will definitely do this . we will implement and report. one of the points that seems to have been neglected in the past decades , especially that he did not use the capacities of public diplomacy and the media , especially from the side of the embassies, this kind of interaction with the media in a country that do you have a mission in this area? i believe first let me introduce myself sometimes. maidan and diplomacy come together. i, who truly believe
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, made it clear in the program that i do not see any difference between maidan and diplomacy, and i consider these two to be one and the same unit, which move together towards specific goals and each complements the other. each of them performs its own tasks, so now i want to add a third side to this, and that is the media side. yes, it means field diplomacy and media, these three should move you together . i want to share my personal belief, that is, my 40 years of experience in the field of foreign policy. diplosi media is a media that creates a narrative . it is a media that presents an image. it is a media that can make a failure look like a victory . make a victory look like a failure. i have many examples , i don't want to take up your time now. successes have been achieved in the field of diplomacy, but the media has not been able
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to keep up with you, and it is the enemy media that has made victory look like a failure, even in the eyes of your own people. or on the contrary, there have been places where the media has been able to compensate for the weaknesses of the field and diplomacy and produce favorable narratives. these three must move with each other, especially in our work relationship now. i always said that journalists, diplomats, these two should go together wherever we were. darren and i have to say that i respect all reporters, maybe sometimes. they wait for hours behind the doors of negotiation rooms for a few moments when the attractiveness of their work has come, those few moments when some so-called people leave the negotiation room or meeting room where they can get an interview, get an article and so on. some when we decide not to talk to the reporters, i really have a hard time. when i come out, the reporters who are waiting
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disrespectfully have to leave, but that's the way it is, they have a very hard job. they move at the feet of diplomats, journalists and diplomats are present in all fields, but with a separate mission, i must talk about public diplomacy, especially media diplomacy, because public diplomacy is a vast area, and media diplomacy is a part of it. according to my experience, i will give him a serious price for the events that happened in in the area of ​​speaking , you will do a more special job. yes, yes, at all, in our spokesperson department , it is not just speaking. speaking is a small part of his work. i said that the media are not subordinate to the diplomats , they must be justified, they must be informed, so to speak, they must
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have regular meetings. if not, it should be established regularly, what everyone in the world does, the journalist does not take orders from anyone it is difficult, but if he is aware of the national interests of his country and what the diplomats are doing, he will move in the direction of the country's interests . i hope that we will be able to transform the media department of the ministry of foreign affairs, which is in the sphere of the spokesperson, and somehow use the media side by side with diplomats in the field of the country's foreign policy. these three evils must move together in order to determine the interests of the country, god willing the development of mokran beaches with the priority of completion of chabahar port is the plan of the ministry to check the goals
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specified in the program. what do you remember about these questions ? i used to teach, and now i wrote books and articles, including now, for the same reason , i became interested in the area of ​​sea-oriented development and the makran coast, and i did a study that i now feel can help in the design of programs. that we must have i believe that the development of makran issues it is not formed in isolation. we have to move towards regional and even trans-regional cooperation. the development of this part of these beaches is formed faster in a framework of better regional cooperation , especially with the countries that
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are located on the other side of the coast on the other side of the persian gulf. establishing a connection between this and the overlap between the economic activities that take place on both sides of the persian gulf will help the coasts of makuran to develop more . foreign policy is regional cooperation bring trans-regional cooperation and help the development of these beaches, and we will do this, god willing
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. this is really a revitalization of the development of these ports is on the agenda of the 14th government. we are trying to do this by creating regional cooperation for the development of saad makaran and even cooperation beyond the region, which i personally believe is possible. of course, there are obstacles that must be overcome, and one of the priorities of the 7th plan is the development of transit routes. now, the corridors that it is defined, and what policy did you make in this area? the issue of transition routes is one of the serious concerns, iran's transition situation
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will change a lot and our interests will be less taken into account. foreign policy is not the duty of the government, the foreign policy of the ministry of foreign affairs must also play its part in attracting and attracting the necessary investment to create these routes and complement the existing routes. . iran in relation to the routes that it may want to pass around iran yes, some of them
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conflict not only with our national interests but also with our national security, which i don't want to name now, but there is clearly a path that is of concern. certainly, in front of these, the ministry of foreign affairs has a duty to stand up for the interests of the country. provide and play a role in the field of transit. you are in politics in the government of shahid raisi. well, the issue of saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, turkey, armenia , azerbaijan, pakistan, good things have happened. there are a series of challenges that still exist. tell me about these neighborhood policies the discussion of illegal immigrants, the discussion of the dispute over the rights, and the common biological and security crises , violence, the growth of terrorism, and the insecurity of arms and drug trafficking. naamni merzaha is a part of the ministry of foreign affairs, it is finally related to the field of diplomacy. see, these are the problems and challenges
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that the country is facing. dealing with these challenges requires a collective effort by different departments of the government. the ministry of foreign affairs must also do its part. now your list was very long. for example, let me mention the phenomenon of fine dust. microgrid does not recognize geographical boundaries it doesn't recognize political borders , it moves from one country to another region , it affects and hurts different countries, so dealing with the phenomenon of small dust definitely cannot be done by one country alone. cooperate with each other. the country of origin has the same responsibility as the countries that are on the way. other responsibilities and other tasks should be done in the form of a regional cooperation, the security of our borders or the issue of rights and these can be resolved, well
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, there should be a diplomatic interaction with the respective country of the neighboring country. without diplomatic interactions , the issue of terrorism cannot be resolved, as if the micro-organism somehow does not recognize the geographical borders of the official borders. i'm just pointing this out, there are many debates that i want to go into, and then i have to give examples of how things are going on in every part of iran, but the fight against terrorism definitely needs a regional cooperation and multilateral cooperation , and these are the cases that we have to enter it, our path goes through the path of interaction , but interaction. constructive positive interaction and at the same time prevent excesses prevent politics wrong things against the country and finally from the path. of course
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, all the governments did their best, and the fourteenth government will fulfill its duty , god willing. mr. president, in the first meeting of the government delegation, he asked all the ministries to present and present practical and operational programs for each deputy. i think with a certain timing, you entered now to see the program that we have prepared. well, these are the main activities that must be done. now , for each of these, a solution must be prepared and a schedule must be designed, and factors related to the term evaluation and measurement should be added to it, god willing , we will decide on this. this program that has been presented will definitely turn into a booklet of solutions that should exist, and clearly because mr. president in that tehran article. the times pointed out. regarding
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the role of china and russia, specifically in these two areas , your excellency, you made some hints. if you would like a more specific plan, you can say that china and russia are our close friends, our cooperation relations with them are strategic cooperation, and our partnership with them is a strategic company. now with the considerations that in history, these two countries have been by our side and helped us during difficult times and sanctions. and of course, considering their own interests, this is natural. diplomacy is basically the art of aligning interests. however, we have relations with china and russia and our friends in other countries who help us in difficult situations. we will definitely not forget these countries. rather , we will strengthen our relations with them, we will expand them, and we will try to
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design fair and reasonable rules for them. let's do it. we designed a plan, a 25-year vision with china, and it was signed in the truth gives us a vision of the set of activities and cooperation that the two countries can have with each other in the next 25 years . we have a 10-year plan with russia and now negotiations are underway for a 20-year plan to these two countries. it is very important that we give these two countries a long-term vision that our interactions with them will continue in any situation and this will also be our policy . the occasion of his excellency's appointment as minister of foreign affairs for you, your colleague i am successful, thank you very much for the week of singleness, i congratulate you and thank you, dear viewers , for watching this conversation on your night.
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iran, islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the merciful. may allah bless him and grant him peace, muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speed their fate, dear compatriots, hello , good morning, saturday. the hebrew media reported that in a missile attack from southern lebanon , a military base of the zionist regime was targeted in the town of kiryatche mona in the north of occupied palestine. targeting the yeftah barracks of the regime army.


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