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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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haifa border is very, very good climate, really only because the route is difficult from inside iraq itself, then enter sulaymaniyah and kirkuk, and then go towards najaf ashraf, well, it's a little difficult. they prefer more direct and faster compatriots to enter iraq and get to iraq sooner. for this reason, najaf burstan is less welcome, a point he made yesterday in statement no. 15. the center of arbaeen was that in the axis 543 of karbala to baghdad, this axis of karbala and baghdad is different from that of najaf to karbala, they have to leave baghdad and enter the axis of baghdad. in that axis 543, a bus has been prepared and it is supposed to take the loved ones from there. transfer them directly to the border of tamerchin and bashmagh so that this problem is solved as well as the problem of commuting. well, let's go to
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the border of tamerchin, our journalist colleague, mr. khanzadeh , they are in contact with us. piranshahr at the entrance of this city, you will find here is a place located at the entrance of piranshahr city and processions such as processions. sunni and shiite christians are here together , showing an example of unity between muslims . in piranshahr, one or two nights ago, a table was spread , the table of unity, where more than 12,000 meals were prepared and
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distributed among these dear pilgrims and even the needy people of this city. the path leading to tamrchin border from the front of this procession is about 12 kilometers long, which provides a mountain path with very mild and cool weather for pilgrims , and this is a very good path for pilgrims . use it, i would like to tell you that pilgrims have a series of problems on the way back, especially from karbala to baghdad . west azerbaijan last few days with the consul general of iraq and also some officials of the kurdistan region.
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iraq was done and according to the officials, this problem has almost been solved. let me correct that the statistics that were announced about the traffic of arbaeen hosseini pilgrims from the tamrchin border, something like 90 thousand people were passing through the tamrchin border of piran shahr until shaban last day. regarding the return. there are nearly 40,000 people. let me tell you that many of the infrastructures leading to the border of tamertin are ready here, and besides the mosques, there are many scientific and cultural pavilions, especially for children. has been taken and provided a very safe and comfortable route for the pilgrims here in the procession itself . the tradition of piran-shahrhar city
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is that pilgrims rest here in the early morning hours and head towards piran shahrhar tamerchin border. the infrastructure for the movement of more than 500,000 people from piranshahr tamerchin border has been provided. the past has almost increased, and also due to the infrastructure that has been prepared, due to the facilities provided to the pilgrims, especially the processions , with favorable weather and transportation. even karbala itself has provided the conditions for the northern and northwestern provinces of our country, and even other provinces of our country and neighboring countries , including turkey and azerbaijan , to travel from here.
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brought to provide relief items especially for the processions on the other side of the border to karbala itself and more than 123. there is a bus for the transportation of pilgrims from outside our country and neighboring countries to atbat alayat from this customs office . thank you very much, mr. khanzadeh. thank you for your explanation. yes, mr. hamzeh, the statistics that i am announcing are the statistics of the arbaina headquarters, maybe the local statistics are different, but the rule is yes . it is a source that we can rely on and it has been the same every year that the headquarters of arbaeen is also my instructions. the statistics are based on what we talk about in the national media. yes, there is one more thing that i want to say . the western part
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of our country has 47 million traffic. now maybe someone will say , sir, where did this 47 million traffic come from? this is another traffic route. number in every province and city of ours we have a traffic counter, for example, a person who walks from abadan city, for example, may need two or three traffic cuts for him, or if he has loved ones like a bus to go , he needs to eat different types of traffic, this has a scientific basis, there is no problem, this is everywhere in the world yes, they take the percentage and it is based on the traffic, this has increased by 14% compared to last year. we had 9 fatal accidents in which 15 people died in these axes, apart from this accident, in addition to the accident in yezde province, in the axes of the western provinces of our country, which are related to pilgrims, we had 58 injury accidents with 117 people injured. fortunately, it has decreased by 6, but
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there is a very important point that if they do not observe this number today and tomorrow, this number may change from 4 to 9 in the morning peak or the same pike departure and return from 17 to 21. 9 in the morning the air is cool in that area, then again from 17 to 21 there is a cool air in that area, the peak side is almost 3 times that of other hours . 3 times whatever it is, no matter how much capacity it has, we will provide as many facilities as we want let's expand it, well, when it is equal to other hours, you might eat traffic, and there was one more thing: 2,600 cars parked in the wrong
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place with jarsqil. tell me where you took your car, tell me about qadaba. yes, if we want to go to qadaba, it is the fourth busiest border of our country , according to the statistics of arbaeen central intelligence until yesterday. at the border of chazaba, hello, good morning mrs. hamidi, hello, good morning. hello, your voice is very weak, i apologize. please, mrs. hamidi the traffic situation of the pilgrims from the border of kadaba, you have my voice
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, but they don't have our voice in good quality, ms. hamidi , we had their picture, but they don't have our voice so that we can receive the last alliance , please, mr. hamzeh, so let's go to the borders of the eastern provinces of our country, mirjavus, and how many days as far as the other border that we have, that is, the inflows coming from our country from pakistan, pakistan, and afghanistan , are blocked and this is still going on . well, the shiites of afghanistan, now the dear ones in the eastern provinces. they live in our country and have almost the same custom. the 40th anniversary ceremony that we hold, those dear ones hold the 48th anniversary. and this 48th month is still being celebrated by the dear ones , almost 28 trips, yes, they are celebrating the 48th month, this is
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the tradition that they even do it for their own loved ones , they are also celebrating the 48th year . there are many provinces in our country. let these my dear ones go from afghanistan to pakistan to iraq and hold that ceremony. a very grand ceremony will be held in the city of najaf, unlike now the arbaeen ceremony, that is, for those who go to arbaeen, there are up to 28 trips. it has become very high and loved ones from afghanistan are going with the cars that have been prepared the western borders of our country, if they can help us , we want to see a report from mirjave, but before that, because we have to conclude with you and say goodbye to you, the border. bashmagh, i think it is left, and if we also have a point in the conclusion, well, bashmagh in west azerbaijan, yes, about 50
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thousand people of these men entered the country of iraq and about 43 thousand people returned, which means a very significant percentage of loved ones who left and returned from this country. it is a very pleasant disease that surely in the coming years, according to these arrangements , the buses that run from mard to najaf and from najaf to the city, from karbala to back again, these are the borders whose growth in the coming years will definitely be a much better growth. for sure, the dear ones who enter our dear country should rest for two hours. i know there are catering facilities, there are plenty of them. after walking, take a 10-minute rest for two hours. have a cup of tea and along the way , which i took the statistics, even from the saveh road, i
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saw some loved ones telling us that they can stop and have a cup of tea and rest for 10 minutes. he went to leave at 2 o'clock and take a 10-minute rest, which, god willing, will happen . well, thank you for the report, mr. hamzeh, for your presence . let's see the upcoming report. let's get back. i'm working with you. the caravan had come to reach karb-bala. emdad hossein gobele salar is the last caravan that crosses mirjaveh, the eastern border of iran, and reaches the al-hossein route. the weather was very hot and the road was long, but thank god we are going to karbala.
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and bring themselves to the inter-haramin that the dear faces of pakistan will enter the territory of the republic later islamic iran will be guided through the passenger hall below the border by buses belonging to the pakistani fleet and the iranian fleet to chadaba border. many processions and attendants say that they are standing at the zero point of the border. as long as we want to tell him. we are serving. for nearly 10 days, both
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shia and sunni have been in this shrine of agha imam reza , peace be upon him, serving the pilgrims of ahl al-bayt, especially imam hussain, peace be upon him. according to the sistan baluchistan radar organization , nearly 50,000 appearances have been made since the first days of the travel month. arbaeen hosseini entered our country from the neighboring country of pakistan through the border terminal of mirjaveh. pourali of the sed and sima news agency, the zero point of the border between the islamic republic of iran and pakistan is mirjaveh border terminal. be with us. next, let's take a look at the international news with the presence of mr. shahzondi. good morning. hello, i am at your service, mr. hosseini . good morning. good morning, dear viewers. ok , we are at your service with international news. one of the news we will follow today
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is the continuation of crimes in gaza, the crimes of the zionists in gaza and in addition to these negotiations. mr. hosseini's ceasefire is going to be held in cairo . the first round of ceasefire negotiations in doha, qatar has been unsuccessful and the new round is going to be held in cairo. a joint statement by the americans, egypt and qatar. it has been suggested that hamas will not participate in this round of negotiations because of the new conditions that netanyahu has set and the americans are trying to impose. there are new conditions for hamas, but hamas has firmly announced that it will not accept netanyahu's conditions . do you have a guest? we will come back, mr. shah suvani and his esteemed guests will be with you, they say that some of
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the sellers say that we don't have separate sukans, all together. they don't let us pick the fruits , i said it must be mixed, why don't they let you pick a series, they say you have to pick it because there are good and bad fruits, some of the fruits are small, a bit more flattened, so it's not worth picking them, now let's go to one the french fruit shop here sells the fruits together, something has made some of these fruits as rotten and unbuyable as this reporter says the seller.
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karberi vasht: it is a store in england and these people have a recommendation for customers. do not buy these. by sticking these labels, these men and women warn that these products were produced by the zionists. the police have opened their eyes to this story , either they do these papers or, for example, here in london. they have a similar attitude. some, like this irish seller , have pasted themselves on the shop window. we do not sell israeli goods here. user posted this video. he says that when he buys a product from companies related to the zionist regime, he hears a sound. another user of this left left
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he published his look and wrote: my feelings when i understand that mcdonald's and kfc
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have been established and we are following this issue and in the opinion of the islamic republic of iran army. meeting in brescia!
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good morning, dear viewers. yes , as we mentioned in the news, the issue of ceasefire is one of the issues that
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we will follow today at the international table. mr. mossadegh po is one of the new conditions that netanyahu has set for the ceasefire and it is said that many experts they believe that we should announce the death of negotiations with this. please tell us the terms of the truce, including the philadelphia axis, about this issue. yes , thank you very much. yes, as you said, netanyahu is now stating that he is not ready to withdraw from the philadelphia axis or the axis. hamas also exists, in my opinion, it will definitely not go to cairo, and because its conditions have not yet been met , the israelis are not even satisfied with the exchange of prisoners. prisoners who are sentenced to life imprisonment are not ready to be released anyway
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now, contrary to the optimism of the americans, because the source that is broadcasting this news now is mostly axios sources, they mostly follow israeli motives, we have to wait for other american sources, namely new york. the authorities of the zionist regime have their own differences on this issue, yes, 100%, now the army, especially regarding this axis, suggests that we should ignore it altogether. it doesn't matter to us now. our priority is to release our prisoners that evening. later, if necessary, we will go and occupy there again . this is the last offer that the army gave.
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netanyahu denied that it was to withdraw one kilometer or two kilometers, which egypt has no excuse because it is a supplemental agreement to the comedian treaty, which was signed in 1997, and signed in 1984, regarding the security control of the tunnels that are there. on that line, saladin or philadelphia, well, netanyahu does not accept it, he is not even ready to evacuate four observation bases there, he even rejects biden's offer and announced today or late last night that he is ready to use only one base. withdraw, so these negotiations are over will not arrive yes, egypt also seems to have announced that it is against their security agreement, we have very little time for this. yes, egypt
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can be your best friend now. of course, the end, hello reporter, thank you very much, mr. shasbani, for you and your esteemed guest, and thank you for your attention, dear viewers, have a good time , god bless you, we are not the world when we are together. step by step, i am going up, column
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after column, looking for a clue, where is this crowd that i want to pray behind you, can it be a night of pain and sadness? is it possible for my beloved to call us imam askari during this trip? the father should not call the son, i know that between appearance and
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knowledge. i am burning like a people in the fire of your sadness, o agha amoud, my lips are my lips, or my lips are my lips, or my lips are my lips.
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with energy, we know some ways to make our blood cooler and energy consumption is lower. it is a mistake to have 300 automatic cars and 45. dial the square , be energetic, you are a winner.
8:00 am
good morning. arbaeen hosseini pilgrims' empathy with the people gaza on the road to karbala, the path of imam hossein, the path of right-seeking and oppression. one day in karbala, ali asghar imam hossein 's martyrdom.


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