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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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listening and speaking of trodami salam ali hossein and ali yak. good day, dear compatriots, at 11:00 , another part of the news, since the beginning of the month of safar, until this morning, more than 3,433,000 iranian and foreign pilgrims have entered iraq from the land and air borders of the country to participate in the arbaeen ceremony. the central headquarters of arbaeen announced that more than 2 million and 312 thousand pilgrims have returned to iran during this period. according to the announcement of the central headquarters of arbaeen.
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the return process of pilgrims from the borders has been expedited so that yesterday more than 98 thousand pilgrims entered iraq from iran's borders and 231 thousand pilgrims they returned according to this report, mehran border with 1 million 521 thousand, shalamcheh with 801 thousand and khosravi with 45 thousand are still the busiest arbaini borders in the country. chazab bashmagh and tamrchin are also in the next ranks. people from all parts of the country and abroad are going to march towards the roaring sea of ​​karbala like drops of water. . he can do it in a way that
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is not lacking in difficulty. god willing, our understanding will be better than their understanding above all, you can understand this path based on luck and not coming, it was definitely an invitation. the invitations of imam hossein with the diversity of culture, language and religion had set their hearts on the road where each of them had a story to come. i always said that it's not hard for him to bear it, but now i feel it beautifully, you really can't help it. i will take him there to imam hossein and tell par ghandagh ali asgart, children, say goodbye to us, we ourselves are drops, and sir, i remember this poem by mahmoud karimi. you drive me
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to the sea, you drive me to the sea, i am coming, not you, we are very grateful to imam hossein who hospitality in this way, not only us , i also saw a christian age, which is one of thousands of thousands of destinations with towering legs. and their homes become processions that gather them together every day and every night like family members.
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in this path that they set foot on, they are building the islamic civilization, the civilization where people can travel a long way with just one backpack, so maybe this path will be the path to quds . khosravi, mr. bajlani, i am at your service, please tell us about the traffic situation in this border.
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buses and 40 vans at the khosavi border and 120 in the iraqi countryside are expected to accommodate 300 convoys from the zero point of the border to tangavar, which is the exit of the province . based on statistics, a 17 % growth this year we had khosravi at the official border, which is recorded compared to the same period last year . i should also add that 80% of visitors travel from 18 transportation routes of kermanshah province. shah and merz khosravi , the minister of foreign affairs, said to protect the axis of resistance iran's policy is unchangeable. seyyed abbas araghchi , participating in the special talk program, explained the most important priorities of this ministry in the 14th government. interaction with neighbors, expanding
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the field of diplomacy and developing relations with emerging powers are the main foreign policy priorities of the 14th government. the general approach of foreign policy. the 14th government was largely rooted and originated from the orders that the supreme leader made on the day of the inauguration of the honorable president, mr. dr. al-badzikian, less than a month ago, on the 7th of august. the special news talk explained the government's plans in the field of foreign policy and said support. iran is an unchangeable axis of resistance, the axis of resistance will be supported by the islamic republic of iran, in any situation, the new head of the diplomatic system emphasized in another part of this conversation that we are not seeking to resolve the conflict with america, we are not seeking to resolve tensions with america, because there is too much of this tension.
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many of these enmities that exist are caused by a series of differences of opinion. there are basics. in response to a question about the sanctions, mr. araghchi said: two strategies of censure sanctioning and removing them are followed at the same time. the minister of foreign affairs also said about jcpoa: international conditions have changed and jcpoa can no longer be revived. the jcpoa cannot be revived in its current so-called form. this document must be opened again, its parts must be changed, and this is not an easy task. a part of this conversation was also devoted to iran's relations with china and russia. we have relations with china and russia and our friends in other countries who help us in difficult situations. i see we will make it stronger, we will expand
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the desecration of the holy quran by the zionist forces . the zionist regime's soldiers attacked the bani saleh mosque in gaza and burned or tore all the copies of the holy quran. in addition to bombarding a house west of khan younis this morning , the zionist regime forces killed 11 palestinians. they also targeted sharq khanyounis. according to the reports , the quadcopters of the zionist regime shot at the tents of the palestinian refugees in the east of deira and around the al-qastal towers in the center of the gaza strip , injuring at least 5 civilians, including two women. doctors in a letter to the prime minister of this country, the british asked to end the sale of arms to the zionist regime . british doctors, nurses and medical assistants
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who have worked in gaza warned prime minister kerr starmer and british foreign secretary david lemmy : continued arms sales to the zionist regime could put britain in a position. violation of international law . these doctors say that it was difficult for them to see the scenes in gaza, especially the injuries resulting from the use of british weapons systems . thank you for your attention.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . welcome to the football magazine program. the program is starting let's definitely do it with ligue brett. well, today's games were held, the second week is over, now that it's over , i'll say this, i didn't say it last night, because we were in the middle of the week, this vr booth of yadgar imam stadium was very attractive in its own way, there were at least three or four chinese people sitting next to it. i don't know a chair, if we really can't have a room. let's leave it at var's disposal, so what should we do if my athlete can't go to the ministry of sports or
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any other institution that can help, at least to the ministry of roads and urban development, maybe something better will happen. let 's talk about today's games with mr. mahmoud. kalhor, our country's football coach and expert, who are now in the studio and let's see how the games were technically today. welcome, mr. kalhor. thank you, in the name of god. greetings, mr. iraqi. dear colleagues , i am also at your service, dear viewers. from the first game of that game , we saw the press of the police. it is really bad. it means that there is no room in yadgar imam stadium. i don't know. maybe we are asking too much. his arrival, mr. iraqi, is an achievement apart from the technical issues, a very useful achievement. it has brought for football and not for our football, and
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the independence of the sailors, yes, yes, it helped a lot otherwise, the tension was too high and he could have taken a penalty. it is really helping a lot now and i think it will help our football
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, our coaches, who are more calm, in fact , their own tactical thoughts, the negative mentality that they create for themselves, yes, these tensions that exist , these collusions that they talk about over and over again. it has happened that these events that happen add up to some extent, finally, there is always this tension in your football. but the percentage is going down now , thank god that it exists, god willing, it is also said that from the fifth week, all games can be given the fourth and fifth. god willing, if this happens , let's talk about today's games. esteghlal seemed to be growing compared to the first week . he played a better game. the sailor of his teammate showed a thick neck. he was surprised that the people on the field have names and customs. it seems to be pregnant and also young. the game was played at an acceptable speed, although it could still be iranian. i would like to point out to
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the rooted team of melvan and i am happy that a melvani sat on the bench after the departure of mehdi tartar, who achieved very good results. anyway, he is a young and successful coach so far. and i think the arrival of maziar zarham has been very influential because a sailor who loves his sailor team started his football from this team. in the past, you have great sailors. we have great players. god forgive you. it's a pity that the sailor, whose position was good last year , should be at the top of the table now, and i think he has this ability and is full of talent to score points. we have one of them, another sailor, and today, in my opinion, he played extremely well. the players
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he has at his disposal, maziarzare, are among the good players. there are, and most importantly, the military players who go there are very helpful to the coach, who in any case , omari is now a spotlight, has now been added to his sailor team. in front of me, mr. you esteghlal team may actually have that player like silva who made individual mistakes and conceded 2 goals. and we saw the questioning that melovan was doing was very good against esteghlal team's defense, that's why keldi melovan scored, and they were very good in the attack , they were added very well, they gathered very well in my opinion. playing, but let's not forget that esteghlal today, a player like mashari pouf is wonderful, a player who creates a game in the attack and is added when
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he gets the ball, such a player in a great team like esteghlal pervez. niazeh, and this player is very impressive, but he still feels the creation of a striker . he has had two or three chances that maybe yes , bronko, in my opinion, now, of course, let's not forget that arman ramezani has always been one of the people who scored goals every time on the field last week, but a sometimes we see another player like blanco is very influential on the field and on shots now corners and free kicks or passes that are high, how well he controls, and the players who play next to this player are very impressive. let's not forget that arman ramezani also has this characteristic and so far , esteghlal has played extremely well. and my left and right are very good today, maybe the center of the field, the
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defense center of the independence field did not have the necessary coordination and we saw it. ramin rezaiyan's right wing, at his age , was the most influential player on the field in my opinion. from then on, zakipour was a very good addition to the attack, and the center of the field was mostly his goal. javad nekonam will take over the center of the field with roozbe cheshmi and rezavand next to him and in front of him a free player like machari paf who has always been a successful player and i think esteghlal fans can hope to see their team in the second week of the season. and i think that in the second week, our team has never been so prepared in our previous leagues and i think that esteghlal has done well so far, considering that some of its players have not yet been added to the team.
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the thick neck was playing like a sailor. yes, let's not forget. he didn't use his hosting points and this is effective. even persepolis, in my opinion, these two teams have been wronged considering that they don't play in azadi stadium. yes, let's go to the top of the sepahan table, which got 6 points, the only team with 6 points, i said last night. if i'm not mistaken, now the quote is accurate. if i remember, mr. ferguson said that if, for example , you collect points well in the first weeks, you will win the championship, and yes. being contenders in the course helps you a lot and we can assign a good start to sepahan , maybe the game against shabab al-ahli. he did it, he actually made sepahan come to his senses and change his skin, maybe i can say
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that mr. moraiz plays the young people very well in my opinion. and he is using these players, maybe i can say that he is promising very good days for sepahan and we can see the results he is getting, i think that the young players with the experience of the young players who are playing and we can see that he is doing well, mr. marais he uses these players and it is not without reason that he is at the top of the table, maybe mr. iraqi has a problem in his defense and he scores easily. eats in in their first game, maybe this happened, but we can see that hafek's line and attack are fantastic, and there are a lot of combinations. anyway, mr. marais is also a complete gentleman , he knows our football very well, and i am impressed. now
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there are new faces who came to the league this season , full of tents, and in my opinion, khyber has not yet settled in the league, like the best, but in my opinion , he got a collar, now maybe he was a bit less experienced , which makes the competition more difficult. preparing to see the khyber khorram abar team now considering that it is from the league i think it's beautiful football. now i haven't seen all of their games, but i watched a few minutes of the games. they show up and the most important thing is how well the players interact with each other, how well they have a good alliance, and this has helped the khyber team so far. that a good investment by the owner of the club, by the way, by those who are now behind this team, has had an impact on the results that the khyber team got and came to the premier league, now
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considering that the past two weeks, despite all the problems our past we did not understand who was the host and who was the guest, which means that one of the problems of our football is that we have to move towards privatization, mr. iraqi. esteghlal police press should have their own land for themselves, the times when our stadium finally gets into trouble, i was busy with my job today . you expect the audience to remember everything, well, i'm saying that it has an effect on the results of our great team considering that there are so many fans. they have, but we will see now they can't use this hosting properly , and in their opinion, iraq will go to esteghlal the week before this week, qazvin zobah has its own stadium
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. we should give professional money to the players, fix our construction process, fix our stadium , this has been happening for years since the time of mr. girosh, even our national team camps said that i do not train in this field, but nothing has been fixed, there are still those problems, that is, we have to let's go to this side and the football federation and those who go to every now they are responsible, we must go towards professionalism , make the right investment, and there are people from companies who say that they will help our football to improve its position, especially in the international fields of the contenders, what do you know? second
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, in my opinion, esteghlal presplis sepah, the tractor of my team , that is, the sailor of this, is very much the sailor of steel , sailor of steel, but i think that these four teams will occupy the top of the table to some extent, considering the very good investment they have made . god saver
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i'm a farmer, i'm a teacher, i'm also a student, i'm in a restaurant i was present, i am a lawyer , i am a nurse, i work, i am an employee, i am an electrician, i am a hairdresser , they say that under this flag, everyone wears the same dress, for me it is a khaki love dress, whatever it is, i will come to you hossein, it does not matter if you have a job , you are this or this the house is all servants. here there is no difference between official, worker and ordinary person. here everyone is trying to serve imam hussain and his pilgrims. we all come for the love of imam hussain. of course, hussain, i came for the love of imam hussain
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to serve abu abdullah al-hussein. all countries have different religions i am going to iran to be one of them. it doesn't matter which country they came from, india, turkey , or wherever they came from , i gave them this trip just for the sake of visiting imam hussain. the path that started several years ago and we see it is getting more and more every year. let your red flag be my comfort.
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labik or hossein labik or hossein alamut in israel , alamut for israel with the cry of death to israel, the walking path of najaf towards karbala took on the mood of palestine. allahu akbar allahu akbar, peace be upon you. may allah's mercy and blessings be upon him. and iraqis and other muslim nations are in the arbaeen procession and i am happy that the turning point of
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this large-scale demonstration will be held on the arbaeen walking route. i participated in arbaeen this year with the aim of supporting the palestinian nation. i came from bahrain. i believe that we can send the cry of oppression of the people of gaza to the world from this arbaina . the israeli diamond of israel, america. death
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to israel death to america death to israel khyber khyber or zion of the army of muhammad khaybar khyber or zion of the army of muhammad hizbollah labik or messenger of god america death to america death to israel death
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israel, don't make a mistake, be careful. three way afsarieh is the only tehran branch in three ways afsarieh with unbelievable prices for long-term loans and no prepayment in big iranian house. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and their speedy fate. hello, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with the economic news of the director general of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development .


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