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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:20pm IRST

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well, you are with us, mr. mirrahmadi. please tell me how many visitors this year was, and how different it was from previous years. in the name of allah, rahman raheem, the latest statistics we received from our loved ones were 3 million 560 thousand until 2 o'clock this afternoon. the work of iranians and non-iranians entered the country of iraq from our six borders and nearly 2 million and 460 thousand people returned to the country so far . at your service from the border of mehran, 48 borders. shalamcheh 27, chezabe 8%, khosravi
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12%, each 1% of the air border, which is approx between 3 and 4 percent, of course, some of these have decimal numbers, now i went around and shared the closest number, these percentages that came from each of our borders. in terms of return , you mentioned that 2,460,000 zaars have been returned so far. the wave of return continues. what arrangements have been made to make it easier for pilgrims to return? a very happy event happened this year. we asked them to start their own journey from the beginning of the journey, well, from the beginning of the journey to
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the twelfth day of the journey, which means the end of the eleventh day of the journey, nearly one million or more than one million and 700 a thousand of our pilgrims went to iraq and by the tenth trip , more than 500,000 of them returned to our country . they expressed their satisfaction in the meeting we had with the iraqi officials. from this new movement, which makes it easier to manage, and the pilgrims are more comfortable, the crowd and concentration of the population is not in the tenth of the next trip, and it also makes it easier to provide services and facilities for the administrators, this is what happened this year, god willing. let us
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continue this problem in a better way for years to come. they are not, but again, a good thing that is happening is that the iraqi procession leaders have their departments , they coordinate the type of service and the time of their service with the travel time of our pilgrims, this year for the first time , a small number. from the iraqi processions , they started their services on the 1st to 10th days of their journey, but we anticipated our own processions and planned that they would be stationed and provide services in the cities of najaf, karbala, samarin, samarin, kazimin, of course , on foot, that is, not far from karbala. well, we don't have a march from the 1st to the 10th unless
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the people themselves insist on this do the second point. well, a number until today , about 6-7% of our statistics may be a decrease compared to the previous year. of course, you should see by the end of the travel month and make a more accurate comparison with last year. it was very hot this year, and the main reason is actually the weather. from the beginning of the trip, we had an increase of more than 12% compared to the previous year, but from the second decade onwards, it found a decreasing trend. it is correct to talk about the harsh weather there. there is nothing we can do very much in
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that vast volume that is the geography of the presence of pilgrims. everyone who came on this trip did a jihad in every sense because they had their own hardships in this hot weather, but it's very strange that you and everyone who comes back, the only thing they don't talk about is the hot weather, but the pleasure. spirituality and the spiritual vitality that has created many of these hardships for them, the heat of the air cannot be ignored in any way. you mentioned a preliminary statistic, my colleagues, prepare a report of the latest news . agree, let's go see each other let's go back and continue our conversation with mr. mir ahmadi
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. from the beginning of the month of travel, until now, about 3,500,000 pilgrims have left the country, and about 2 million people have returned. has started the minister of roads and urbanization continued his visits from arbaini borders to chazaba and shalamcheh borders. all the efforts of my colleagues and colleagues of other related institutions are to wholeheartedly serve the legacy of mr. aba abdallah al-hussein. of course, there were some problems, god willing. with the effort we make for the program i hope that these problems will be solved for the visitors next year. if you went to the arbaeen trip with a private vehicle , don't neglect to check the trip on the way back. dear compatriots who came with their own cars, if they have space, they should
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take some of their loved ones who did not come with their own cars and bring them to the cities. providing army navy field hospital services. pilgrims continue until two days after arbaeen in shalamcheh . the walking ceremony of hosseini's arbaeen survivors will be held in tehran at the same time as the whole country on arbaeen day. 6:00 a.m. from ayeni square the movement of imam hossein (peace be upon him) will begin and god willing, it will continue until the shrine of hazrat abdulazim hosni. international poetry night of arbaini women in karbala with the presence of about 5.
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what difference did we see this year in terms of providing infrastructure facilities compared to previous years? well , in the field of construction, one issue was the roads leading to the borders, and all efforts are made to pave all the roads leading to our 6 borders, this path continues. he finds that part of it is completely finished, like the road.
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dear country, we went to them yesterday, well, in the past , they were the head of the traffic police and they were completely with problems the traffic on the roads is familiar and one of the points they mentioned reminds me of the old memories and very heavy traffic on these roads, which there was no news about this this year , even though our visitors are more than our years before corona. it has been increasing every year. one problem was that it was managed very well.
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most of the wet accident spots that lead to accidents and human casualties have been removed, and there are still a few that , god willing, will be removed this year as well. how were the losses compared to previous years? much less that is, our accidents are what i have in mind , the casualties on the emon road on this side are more than two. it had led to casualties in iraq, which was extraordinary. in iraq, our iraq, based on the negotiations that we started immediately after arbaeen last year with the iraqi ministry of interior, the iraqi police and the iraqi officials, well , most of our casualties in iraq were due to accidents and from loved ones we wanted to form a joint committee to solve this problem. iraq took a very appropriate action to speed up all the roads leading to the six borders, which
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were the routes of pilgrims, under the cover of speed cameras. the use of cell phones and waist belts increased and the police were stationed in different places. accidents and casualties in iraq decreased significantly. how much damage did we have? i took 29 people who died in total, which was related to accidents, that number was very small, the rest were normal deaths, i think that more than 3 people were not due to accidents, while it means that out of these 28, 9 people died, only 3 of them died in accidents. it was caused by accidents and this was an extremely important event that took place and we should appreciate the action. dear iraqis, iraqi statesmen, our very important issue is one of the challenges
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the issue of the heat, how much heat we had, which endangered the health of the pilgrims, was heatstroke , with more than 100,000 people suffering from heatstroke from all over the world visiting our red crescent's emergency and medical centers. alhamdulillah , we have not had a single death among iranian heatstroke victims until today, and this is a very important measure and something like a miracle. compare this with the hajj and in the ministry of health of saudi arabia, i said that we had deaths out of 125,000 people, most of them heatstroke from the crowd.
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maybe close to 150 thousand square meters of our awnings we installed fixed and non-fixed ones under them, all jetfans, sprayers, cooling devices were installed so that the path where the pilgrims are moving is not under the sun and has a foul air. we have prepared more than 120 million bottles of water for the pilgrims. we have more than we prepared 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims . we
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provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. we provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. we provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. we provided more than 120 million bottles of water for zaylin . we are over. 120 million bottles of water for we prepared pilgrims. we provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. we provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. we provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims . we provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. we are over. we prepared 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. we
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provided more than 120 million bottles of water for pilgrims. the zionists considered the iron dome system of this regime's army to be the defect of this system in intercepting hezbollah's missiles. these media evaluate the deviation of missiles of this system as very serious and dangerous do well, settled with my colleague. on the border of lebanon , we will be with occupied palestine, mr. azimzadeh . hello, zionist regime media. specifically , which hizbollah's offensive operations do they mean, which has made the inefficiency of the iron dome more obvious. mr. sadeghi, dear viewers, hello, have a good time. it was yesterday that hezbollah carried out 15 operations in a row. hezbollah's most extensive offensive operation was in the last 35 days. part of these operations
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was carried out by hezbollah using its grad katyusha missiles, and a picture was published that showed the iron dome system missile of the zionist military. it deviates and cannot intercept the grad katyusha missile and it falls inside the occupied territories . he raised these widespread criticisms , of course, about a month ago, the iron dome missiles of the zionist military also hit the town of ilit hashar. 15 kilometers north of the occupied territories and to the highway in the occupied city of nahariya, where 19 zionists were wounded, except for this, hezbollah is conducting very precise operations with its own reconnaissance drones. the iron dome systems of the zionist military and the border what they want he can accurately identify those who can act and after the resistance , he fires his grad katyush missiles at the targets . a great example was last night when several missiles
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hit the center of kiryat chamune military town and caused a massive fire there. create a party. lebanon has carried out 3 operations since this morning. it has targeted a gathering of zionist soldiers in the hermon base with its own explosive drones, and also targeted the spy equipment and fortifications of the rahab base with its own mortars and small explosive drones. radio of the zionist regime's army it was earlier that he announced that some rockets were fired from southern lebanon towards the zionist military base in the north. west of the occupied territories, the artillery of the zionist regime has been attacking four different areas in southern lebanon, including itron and addisah , since this morning. developments in lebanon. reports indicate
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that a ship carrying fuel in the red sea is destined for the occupied territories. it was on the move, the target of the yemeni armed forces attack , it may sink soon. yemenis instant images they published the explosion on this ship. allahu akbar america's death, israel's death. the yemeni armed forces, in support of the palestinian people and in response to the aggression of the united states and the united kingdom , targeted the sunion oil tanker belonging to a company cooperating with the zionist regime, which was planning to ignore the embargo on israeli ports, in the red sea, according to the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces. it is on the verge of drowning. in the second operation, the ship s.w. norse
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wayind, belonging to a company cooperating with the zionists, was targeted in the gulf of aden. the minister of foreign affairs said that supporting the axis of resistance is iran's unchangeable policy. mr. araghchi interactions with neighbors considered expanding the field of diplomacy and emerging powers as one of the foreign policy priorities of the 14th government. minister of affairs the foreign minister, participating in the special talk program, said: the foreign policy of the 14th government will be comprehensive, active and effective, and the field of diplomacy will be wide. inclusive means that we will widen the field of diplasia and definitely
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not be limited to a specific area in a specific area. we will try to make the field diverse and wide. new fields.


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