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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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greetings to you again, dear and respected viewers . we are at your service at 17:00 with some news. from the beginning of the month of travel until this morning, more than 3,500,000 iranian and foreign pilgrims arrived in iraq from the land and air borders of the country to participate in the arbaeen ceremony. became the central headquarters of arbaeen announced that during this period, more than 2 million and 312 thousand pilgrims returned to iran. central headquarters. arbaeen pointed out that the process of
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pilgrims' return from the borders has been clarified and emphasized: rest areas for pilgrims have been planned in the borders of the country and it is recommended that pilgrims go before driving if needed, be sure to have enough rest . the first international flight of bojnord airport to najaf ashraf was made. the manager of bezhnoord martyrs international airport announced: he told this article that follow-ups are being done to establish a return flight from najaf airport to bezhnoord airport. so far, about 3,560,000 pilgrims have left the country for the arbaeen pilgrimage. well, we will go to iraq and talk with my colleague, a reporter of sed and sima news agency. of course, my colleagues in the steering room. informing me that
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we are not in contact with mr. kazemi at the moment. god willing, in this news section, we will try to communicate with mr. kazemi so that he can tell us and you, the dear viewers, more about the mood of the hosseini arbaeen pilgrims. continued news. the martyrdom of 69 palestinians in the last day and night attacks in the gaza strip brought the number of martyrs of the war against this region to 40,000. 10 people are the number of wounded people in more than 10 months of war against the gaza strip. the united nations children's fund , unicef, announced that 19,000 palestinian children were orphaned or separated from their families as a result of the israeli attacks on the gaza strip. in an operation, hezbollah targeted the positions of the regime's army and set fire to them
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it was widely followed. the smoke you see is caused by hizbullah guided missiles hitting the positions of the zionist army in the asb al-jalil area in the north of the occupied territories . in the north of the occupied territories, hezbollah of lebanon, in addition to this operation , has also targeted a gathering of zionist soldiers in the hermon base in the north of the occupied territories with its own small explosive drones, and the fortifications of the rahab base of hezbollah with its own mortars and equipment. espionage the zionist military has targeted the rahab base with its own small explosive drones
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. the artillery of the zionist regime has also attacked 5 different areas in southern lebanon, including itron odysseh. the painting of hassan roohul amin and mohammad ali naderi on the roof of karbala, these two artists were invited by the cultural committee of the arbaeen hosseini headquarters to karbala and on the roof of karbala. this work of art is supposed to be unveiled on the day of arbaeen. the report of the central bank shows that until today the amount of supply of the country's import needs is 28 billion 354 million dollars and of this amount 6 billion 200. million dollars for the provision
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of basic goods and medicine, for basic goods and medicine, it was 60,49 million dollars, for commercial and commercial goods, 15,223 million dollars, and in the import and export sector, it was 6,167 billion dollars, and also in the service sector, 715 million dollars. dollars have been provided, the amount of land provision since the beginning of the year has reached 21 billion, 300 and 90 million dollars in the industrial sector, of which 15. it was related to import versus export we have a report on the hosting of kermanshahi processions.
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i request you to see this report . our colleagues have been here since 5:00 in the morning . they are cooking. my colleagues, god willing , this program will continue until two or three days after arbaeen hosseini. they say that it is an honor for them to be a servant . you do not get tired. you come here and
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work for free. in general, saadat wants someone to be present. whoever comes here, at the invitation of mr. imam hasina, cooks food in this procession and delivers it to the hands of the pilgrims who are supposed to come from kermanshah. we will help them to go to karbala, for rice and cooking chicken and potatoes, more than 2,000 dishes are cooked daily, in two shifts, noon and night , there is no news here from two o'clock to four o'clock. you had love for imam hussain , love for all the good things is tireless.
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we are on the way from najaf to karbala . i am having a conversation with my colleague, the journalist of the sed and sima news agency. mr. kazami, greetings to you . say hello to the pilgrims in the remaining hour of arbaeen hosseini for us and the viewers. i am at your service. your viewers
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are moving the shrine of imam hussain (peace be upon him) to the other side, maybe it will be better to know that this crowd is more than a thousand people and they are entering the shrine with this slogan and with palestinian flags in their hands. if it is possible for my colleagues in the control room to do this, please do it. on this side of
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the radio and television , i would like to thank you dear viewers for being with us until this moment. god bless in the name of god, i greet you, the viewer. good evening dear, the weather maps show that for today and tomorrow
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we have instabilities in the central zayats and south zagros provinces, including in parts of the eastern part of the province, areas of chaharmahal bakhtiari , the western and southwestern parts of isfahan province, parts of we predict that levy and rahmat in the north and east of khuzestan, parts of fars province, especially in the hours after and at the beginning of the night . in other parts of the country, the weather is calm and stable, and we predict that for monday, tuesday, and saturday, this may stability continue in most regions of our country. also , we will have strong winds for the next two or three days in parts of the northwest and the east of the country, which will lead to upheaval and soil erosion and reduce the air quality in these areas. for isfahan , we also predicted for tehran that the sky was clear to a little cloudy. sometimes it will increase and we will also have a rise and fall, and
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i will tell you about the weather conditions in the border cities of the west and southwest of the country. mehran, we predicted that the sky will be clear and dusty, and in tamerchin and bashmagh, the sky is clear and partly cloudy, and as you can see, the air temperature is lower than the western and southwestern borders , as well as for the holy cities of the country. our forecast is that the sky will be clear and sometimes we will have wind and dust. the temperature in the hottest hour in kazemin is 49 degrees, baghdad is 46 degrees, karbala is 48 degrees , najaf is 48 degrees, and we expect it to be 47 degrees in samarra. thank you for your support. asking for prayers and god bless you.
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history according to documents. fatigue and death resulting from the occupation of iran by the allies in shahrivar 1320. following the occupation of iran by the russian and british forces on the third of shahrivar 1320 until 1945 ad. he continued: during the second world war, iran
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became a center for supplying items needed by the allied military front against the germans. based on this, the allies, by dominating iran's oil and taking advantage of the north-south railway and iranian roads , prepared and sent the necessary food, fuel, and weapons to russia. according to documents published through iran. 5 million tons of supplies were sent. as a result, it created a severe crisis in iran. before this, the policy of reza shah in sending the summit to germany and in return importing industrial goods with the aim of industrializing iran , several years of drought and lack of water and lack of planning on the other hand caused iran to face problems in providing public food. at this time, with the presence of the occupying forces. and their efforts in preparing food and supplies for themselves and the war fronts, a huge amount
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of food items such as wheat, barley, rice , potatoes, and meat were taken from the people of iran and sent as a result of the country's crisis, the situation of bread shortage as the most important the people's food was very poor, there was not enough flour, especially due to domination days on azerbaijan as the center of production of garbage. in iran, even empty bread became very rare. in tehran, the food of many people was a kind of hard and dark bread, which became known as siro bread or brick bread. inside which small and large insects were found. the spread of deadly diseases, excessive hoarding by profiteers, and the severe devaluation of iran's currency, which caused the price of goods to double , intensified the crisis and created a disaster. in such a way that a large part of the people were unable to provide the essential necessities of life. hence
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, the severe shortage of food and starvation and the death of the people learned about four. millions of iranians lost their lives. according to mohammad goli majid brigadier hurley, advisor to the president of the united states, who during his visit to iran saw the dead bodies of the people in the streets and heard the wails of women and children next to their dead, he said: the policy of the british towards iran is a bad policy. it is merciful and experienced. they entered iran before others . then they took over this country without dignity and seized all the iranian trucks for their own benefit. they took every food they could from the people and then the iranian government for printing they pressured money to pay the salaries of the british forces , which fueled inflation, and the result of all this has actually caused famine and starvation in some areas. worse than all this,
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british representatives deliberately adopted such a policy. a copy of one of shah bullard had fallen into his hands, in which he had written: starvation is a unique way to control this country. some of those who could not reach karbala themselves, have become the hosts of karbala travelers. i only serve the visitors of imam hossein.
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durood city is on the return route of hosseini pilgrims and the people and their officials in this the city prepared all the people in a procession to welcome imam hussain's funeral. tea, syrup , whatever he had , served the people with all his sincerity. the starting point and exit of the city where we came , the facilities were very good. the processions were really organized . greetings. a week after hosseini's arbaeen to zwar. imam hussain (peace be upon him ) will provide services. the processions of rumshkan these days also welcome arbaeen hussaini pilgrims from all parts of the country . we are from yazd province
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, we happened to come this way on the way back from karbala. really, these loved ones presented a very great cultural and very good reception with a very appropriate reception and a clean cultural work. these processions offer services such as accommodation and cultural programs to arbaeen hosseini pilgrims around the clock. we are cooking new things and the love of imam hase is expressed. in these processions, we provided all the facilities for the hosseini pilgrims and all the services such as dinner, lunch and breakfast.
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irwin should.
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i stick them to my chest for any actions we do because of the imam of the time, bags are now not just a tool for moving things , they have become a medium for speaking, each of them is a flag. we are behind you and we will help you as much as we can . they displayed the variety of nationalities of ashiq hussain, peace be upon him, on their country's flag, and other pilgrims
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were reminded of imam hussain's message for the good in the ashura movement, a constructive jihad to inform people of what they do not know. and they should act on it we are going to a servant who has been repairing the backpacks
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of nine-year-old arta in the first year of his life. in the first year of his life , he was diagnosed with a serious illness . he was 6 months old. for years , we used to go to this doctor and that doctor for treatment, for example, i even remember that my wife was very upset, a doctor who had just returned from germany to iran.
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children like arta were treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and returned to normal life, and here was a conference to meet stem cell donors and recipients. about 9 years i went to shariati hospital with one of my friends to get an organ donation card . i was introduced to this bank through the same friend and... he explained to me how it works. their work process was very interesting to me and i became a member there almost after a
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15 years ago , we were able to set up iran's first hematopoietic stem cell donation bank at tehran university of medical sciences. cities developed all over the country. different and now episode many patients can use the country's hematopoietic stem cell donor bank to complete the treatment and recovery process. these children need the support of the authorities. our people are always ready to help their fellow man, and only the parts of my relationship have developed a lot in the past years. from 2 transplant departments to more than 20 transplant departments, hematopoietic cells, but one of the most important infrastructures is the availability of compatible donors
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, and our people are ready. they want to become members, but they want the support of the ministry of health, which i hope, in the hope of god , will solve this problem, especially in the last few months it has come to be resolved with the help of the new officials of the ministry of health. the appreciation conference for stem cell donors is an opportunity for all members of the society to know that by donating their stem cells, not only their health is not at risk, but they can save sick children from the danger of death .
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renovate iranian with exceptional conditions and enjoy this economical and special purchase. big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. elziman,
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special choice of tone. now is the time to buy a vacuum cleaner . now is the time to buy an installment of a vacuum cleaner you are paying fees, this is not the reason. no, it is not the reason. you can go to the city of home appliances because the fees are less and the cleaning fee is calculated only from the cash balance. the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. it could be so simple, right? the possibility of buying and declaring fire insurance claims online
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through the application. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello fellow countrymen , at 17:30 , i am at your service with some news from tozeh alam khanavari, the specialists of a knowledge -based company succeeded in developing a heart condition monitoring device along with portable equipment and treating deep wounds with advanced iranian pantmans. for pilgrims provide arbaeen. according to the announcement of the scientific vice president, by using these devices , it is easy to find suitable veins for injecting samples. according to the experts of this device:


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