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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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peace be upon you , peace be upon you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear compatriots, welcome to the first page program. in this program, according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation, they are in front of the camera . what they are doing in that institution is an issue that, if
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it is implemented well, can take a lot of burden off people's shoulders and reduce a lot of traffic. salam alaikum, i also offer my condolences on the days of arab troubles. topics that are very effective in the third decade of the 21st century in people's lives are the use of new technologies in establishing and communicating.
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the affairs of people who do not directly refer to institutions in faraja, or in fact, the command of police forces is one of the places that people have the most contact with, from driving directions to passports to border traffic to various issues that exist , how is our situation in this field in faraja now. as you mentioned, using the capacities of information and communication technology, maybe for a while it has been a disadvantage for the organizations, but now it really guarantees the survival of the organizations, that is, without these, no organization, no assembly can continue its life as it should. or
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the police to the people, well, even now, from the past, these services have been done in different ways, and the provision of these services has had an evolutionary process in the police complex, including the time of outsourcing , until the electronic approach of these services to a serious face is placed in faraje's program and in the last one or two years , it has become more intense, as you mentioned. even though other portals are strong, we have planned more services on new platforms, that is, through internet infrastructure and through mobile applications, and we are developing these day by day, because faradja is looking for to create consolation for the compatriots in the field that is related to the police, and in this way, regardless of the discussions that may
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exist in terms of resources, the cost in terms of some even technological challenges that solves this. and the goal he has set is to provide these services without being dependent on a specific geography or a specific time. faraza's plan is that whatever services he is providing to the people , he can do this in the geographical scope of the country without being limited to a place. special services and also during the day and night without being limited to specific times such as office hours, through these new platforms that exist and people have access to , and the development in our country has been good, to provide these services through these platforms you also said that in the matter of driving directions, now it is a part of it the operational services in the field of passports and other polices is a plan that is being followed against. well, when the police came in addition to 10, this
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itself was a leap in solving people's affairs . in each neighborhood, on every few streets, one policeman was created to 10, so that people are not dense and go to a specific place, for example, in tehran. a passport office now has several offices. now , the second thing that happened in the last two years is that through the platforms that have been created, my police platform is actually talking. it solves the tasks that are necessary to get a passport or other issues how is the situation now? how much infrastructure is ready? what you mentioned
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was a unique work in its time, that is, in fact, the geography of services that were given to people from related places. with the police, he went a little further to the police offices and reached 10. well , again, there were restrictions. in addition to the location restrictions , they also provide services at certain times, that is, it is not like that during the day and night. to be able to provide services to the people 24 hours a day, because of this issue that is being discussed now, it is a kind of a new paradigm that it has happened since the past, they are working that way. look at what faradje has done , the compatriots have that part of the service layer , they see that you refer to them, for example, in connection with obtaining a passport, they get your passport , but what infrastructure measures are
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there to get this passport? it doesn't have to be with citizens, but if it is not, this service cannot be provided, or in the matter of driving directions, the same goes for you to transfer the car to one of the numbering centers. you refer or even refer to the infrastructure of my police application, only you there you see, we have a service layer, well, in order for this to be done in the best interest , there are a series of indicators that we must pay attention to . we should not be able to provide this service in the days you want, which means we should be able to plan for the most frequent times. or if it lasts for 20 hours, then all of this is necessary to foresee technological infrastructures , including data centers, should be considered for this purpose. because there is a large amount of people there, they must be able to store the data related to these services
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. when necessary, the police can provide services based on these data, and can have infrastructures with other organizations. finally, some of the services provided by the police. it provides that part of this is the need to get services from other organizations , for example, in each of these services that are provided, there is a need for identity verification. well, in terms of authentication of the health registration organization, it is necessary that we are behind that service layer. we should have a relationship with each of these organizations, which are actually the police by implementing these infrastructures, by making this substation operational with the indicators i mentioned , what can these services do for
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my colleagues? prepare a report about this police station. informing the people can play a role. let's talk together. with the increase in the penetration rate of technologies based on smart mobile phones at the community level, organizations were pushed to provide non-member services by using mobile phone software. in order to facilitate people's access to police datanic services. vice president of information technology and farajab communications, using the local knowledge of software experts in the field of information technology , has launched and
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made available the beloved mardin of our country by providing the infrastructure and secure platforms for the application software of the national police. this application software has been updated in 14 versions and about 40 services such as six services. immigration and passport police, 10 traffic police services, five intelligence and theft police services, five preventive police services and police stations , five duty services. a border guarding and border crossing service, two services for monitoring public places, a public surveillance service, a police map, and a map of the places of damage outside and inside the ultimate public education has provided social services for the dear people of iran. if we want to operationally to this issue. let's look, maybe the biggest border traffic in the world in a short period
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is in the arbaeen area, where millions of people leave the country and enter in the same time in about 10-15 days. the feeling of satisfaction among the people has increased a lot, and almost reports indicate that people are very satisfied with faraja because they cross the border in maybe four or five seconds. and this shows that the infrastructure of this issue has been prepared, the mission of erbin that you mentioned , the mission that actually includes all the elements of the field of information and communication technology. they say that this education is taking place, well, the police always
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after the completion of every arbaeen mission, all the police departments under the title of the committees that exist , including the information and communication technology committee, after , for example, this arbaeen for half a year, we have our meetings and our plans. in order to better present the relevant fields , meetings are held, expert work is done , what is in the field. i happened on the mission of arbaeen is one of the issues of managing the demand for issuing passports. well, the type of passport discussed in the discussion of arbaeen is a normal or international passport, and requests are often made in person , while the same international passport itself can be reissued online. renewal or re-issuance means that the renewal is a kind of re-issuance. it means that you apply for the passport once . well, first you need a biometric print , if there is a defect, your fingerprint is according to the standard
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defined by the eca. there are records, i said this infrastructure after the international crossing that i presented to you, the capacity that existed was the issue of pilgrimage crossing. it was much lower and it was valid for 5 years, and this pilgrimage pass made it easy for pilgrims to have those so-called traffics . we were also issued for taqad through the pilgrimage pass through my police, more than 1 million 200 thousand. until this year, there was a demand that this would go from 200,000 to more than one million somehow a lot of passing it was from house to house, that is, all of our compatriots
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registered their requests offline and online, and the related work was done . after printing, the mail was delivered to their homes . parallel to that, the normal passage, how was it coordinated with the sick iraqi police that he accept this as a fact. the official document is like other passports. well, after the agreements were made , the technical work started. the technical work was that the information items that should be in every passport , well, this was agreed upon, exactly the same standards that the country of iraq wanted. it was launched. after the launch, the necessary tests were carried out and it was provided to them with the devices that they had that they had to control and control this too. after the tests were done on both sides and i saw that they can use this passport
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and have the necessary controls during transit, this was the basis of the work and based on this, i said that more than 1,200,000 pilgrims will pass this year alone. from the first of muharram until today , the demand came and the work was done and handed over to the people . it was predicted every day that the capacity that was created. we had asked for it the peak days were around 60,000, and the printing capacity of this pilgrimage was more than the number of instruments that had been seen, that's why we are in this discussion. we didn't know about normal transit. how many days does it take for a pilgrimage pass from the time the request is actually made to the time it is received? they do this at the same moment it enters the issuance process, the necessary controls that
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must be done in darun faraja, for example, the party is not prohibited from exiting or with other organizations. what to do'. yes, it will be done completely electronically and systemically, and it will be printed and delivered to the post on the same day, because the issue of the passport is a process that involves several organizations. it can be done, but what happens to the other organization about the delivery ? incidents may happen in this delivery process itself. this is the reason why we announce to the people very cautiously, and this year we also announced that the average was delivered in less than three days , and often this volume of requests less than three days the pilgrimage passports were handed over to them and our commander, now a number of pilgrims from the eastern borders of iran, such as rimdan mirjaveh
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, are entering the country from the subcontinent. because it is possible that in the coming years, god willing , there will be more pilgrims from pakistan and kashmir, india, and other places. after all, there is this technical experience, if there is a need to issue a passport between several countries. it should be like this agreement between the two countries of iran and iraq this was done in the case of the approval of mr. salah of two countries and other countries. this is possible. from the technical knowledge of the police, there is no problem in this regard. the capacities related to the registration of printing have been explained and controls have been carried out, but in those two areas that you mentioned that the border crossing of rimdan mirzaveh, the volume
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of our entry was not as much as the volume of traffic that we had at the border crossings of mehran shalamche chahabi khosravi, even though we have the infrastructure of a single fabric of communication, that infrastructure that may not be visible on the surface, for all of our borders. providing services, so-called services with broad services we implemented a runway and there is no problem because of this , that is, as much as we have technical and infrastructure facilities at the border of mehran, we have a crater in chelamcho , we have one in khosravi, and so on.
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they travel a route from different cities to one of these 56 borders, that is, from tamrchin to, for example, shalamche, chazaba, mehran, khosravi, and other places. god forbid, there should be no theft, there should be no problems , the number plate should not be damaged, and that both the security issue is raised and the issue is actually related to social issues and this what did you do in the arbaeen mission? we have a series of central camps that
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are active in the center of a series of camps at our border crossings. the mechanism that is foreseen is that everything that the camp commanders need to manage the field scenes is provided to these commanders through information and communication technology systems, as well as all the data that the field commanders receive from those centers. the data they need is provided to them online, because of this, there are monitoring centers at all borders and in the center, which routes and sam. face to face they are fully controlling and because this year, these gaps that you mentioned, in terms of visuals, such as the police in all these border areas, whether on the roads or at the end. it has a good video surveillance system, but considering that this year it is predicted that the situations where the cameras are installed may
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be limited and there are blind spots in some places in order to cover those blind spots. according to the case of each route, it was necessary to cover them in the network using these cameras. dress online. they are placed in that path , they are placed in that position, and in a way, it can be said that the elite police have a complete image based on where it needs, through these network infrastructures and video monitoring systems to control the traffic, to control the people who are on the path. or doing some kind of police work and carrying out missions . yes, one of the complaints that sometimes happens, for example, in this area of ​​traffic, for example , there are fines that the person says that, for example, i did not go on the road at all, but i was fined. well, with the nobility of
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smart devices, smart cameras, maybe this can be reduced a little, that is, i think four to five percent error probably existed before this. and the police have tried to fix these things . how much effort can be made to bring this closer to zero? now, even if it is not zero, you have correctly pointed out that it may not be zero, but the police has plans to push it to zero . that this cause and the authors in the discussion of this error are not related to the police at all. i will give a few examples. well, after all, some of these errors are due to the lack of calibration of the cameras , that is the speedometer. so, are you aware that according to article 3 of the law on dealing with traffic violations, the installation of speed sensors on the roads is the responsibility
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of the traffic authorities, and within the cities, it is the responsibility of the police to operate them. it is enough for these cameras to be out of calibration. sometimes , basically those algorithms that exist for extracting speed. many artificial intelligence-based processes used to be done in the center, that is , it was done by collecting information in data centers, but now it has advanced so much that many of the processes are done on the camera itself with these approaches. now we have done some tests. one of the things that could cause this error
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was duplicating your license plates , for example, a white pride with a white pride. well, with the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, we have now achieved good results, which is a criminal act of license plate forgery and license plate manipulation , so far, we have achieved good results in recognizing the model and color of the car. we are now detecting the amount of cargo vehicles using we are testing the cameras that we have now, and if we do this, in my opinion , many of these cases will be minimized, and some of these will be minimized if the organizations provide the data to the police. as for your year, you are on the radio right now, your car may be here, and you will be fined. well, if we have the data that you are here now, your car
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is here, then the police can easily recognize these differences and these errors. at the very least, for whatever reason, most of this really comes from outside of those police discussions it is under the jurisdiction of the police and it shows itself in the police work, and these errors are tried by the police , which at least the mayor or the municipalities install, you have a supervision that is beneficial. taking from the knowledge that naturally exists in faraja, it can be said that, for example, the discussions now are algorithmic or digital, so if it has to be, then
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we have to. we can make the best use of it. yes, by itself, while preparing this system, there is an exchange of expert opinions. but at one stage, in order for these cameras to record violations, they must receive a code from the police. this is the so-called violation registration code that issued by the police. therefore, the police must make sure that this camera is really up to standard in terms of performance. there is a question about the police that at the beginning of the work, god forbid, there was a mistake regarding the issue of misdiagnosis in the issue of fines. the police have these sensitivities at the beginning, and over time, wherever they feel that a camera is out of adjustment, there is an error, so to speak, they will definitely disable it. what institutions and devices do you actually exchange information with in order to work better?
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that is, for example, in the field of passport, of course, when if you want a valid passport to be issued , that person's identity must be verified. well, of course, the civil registry center is effective in this field with different places, or when someone wants a passport to be issued, they are prohibited by the judiciary or even may not have paid taxes.
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we interact with more than 35 devices, which means two-way electronic data exchange with 35 devices. about 800 million transactions take place in this area every year. regarding the example you mentioned, passport, yes, one of them is, for example, the health record , and the other is the document record. after all, you are a married woman. if he wants to issue a passport, he needs the consent of his wife for this consent, the wife must go to the official offices during the exchange. the data that we have with that organization, for example, will ultimately lead to that approval and the work will be placed in the issuing process. for other works, as well as in the field of car transfer numbering, you mentioned the tax area of ​​this interaction and two -way data exchange. in order to provide a very good service from a service organization that provides dozens
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of services. it is available to the people , it needs an infrastructure and this infrastructure must be stable so that it does not disconnect when it means you should feel what will really happen when this system is cut off at the exact moment when there is a peak of traffic at the border, because it used to be manual now. everything is based on aiti . now, how is the state of our infrastructure in this area? we have planned an excess in our infrastructure so that this does not happen, that is , we have a data exchange infrastructure that has several layers. for any reason, if one of the layers has a problem. other layers are so-called exploited without the users experiencing this outage, now with a mechanism with a design.
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we multiply this so-called with a special architectural topology. it is a pardon for the part related to saban, which you mentioned in the boundary of the system . one of the cases where there is a real concern is how many visitors there are in one minute, if there is a one-minute interruption. no matter how many accumulations or destructions take place there , several systems have been seen . anticipatory control is necessary, while all the related specialized areas and technical support are placed at the border, so that this work is not done at all. yes, well, my colleagues, regarding these border passports, which is really one of the unique actions of faraja, and i think there are few such countries.


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