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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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from the point of view of technology, in order for the license plate to be khan, a car , for example, god forbid, should not be stolen , there should be no problem, the license plate should not be damaged, and the security issue is also raised, and the issue is actually related to social issues. we have a mechanism at the center of the operation of a series of camps at our border crossings, which is planned in such a way that everything that the camp commanders need to manage the field scenes is provided to these commanders through information and communication technology systems. and also whatever the data that the field commanders need from those data centers is provided to them in bulk because of this.
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there are monitoring centers at all borders and in the center that fully control the routes and systems, and because this year, these gaps that you mentioned are visible from the point of view of the police in all these border areas, whether on the roads or at the ends. ashraf has good video surveillance, but due to the fact that this year it is predicted that the positions where the cameras are installed may be limited and then there will be blind spots in order to cover those blind spots. the online clothing has been provided to the police officers, so it was necessary for each of the routes to have a video coverage of them on the network. these colleagues of ours use these online clothing cameras to be placed in that route and in that position. in a way, it can be said that the aristocracy police have complete video based on the places they need, through these network infrastructures
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and video monitoring systems, to control traffic , to control the people who are on that route, or in some way to perform police work and carry out missions . one of the complaints that sometimes sometimes it happens, for example, in this area of ​​traffic , for example, there are fines that the person says that, for example, i did not go in that direction at all, but i was fined. well, with smart devices and smart cameras, maybe this can be reduced a little, that is , i think that four to five percent errors probably existed before this, and the police tried to fix them, how much can be done to reduce this to zero? it will be close now, even if it is not zero. you pointed out correctly, well, this may
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not be zero, but the police have plans to push this towards zero, what is the cause and the authors that in the discussion of this error, it is not related to the police at all . i will give a few examples. after all, some of these errors are due to the lack of calibration of the cameras . it is the speed sensor. you are aware that the reference to article 3 of the traffic violation law is the installation of a speed sensor. in zadeh, it is the responsibility of the road administration and in the cities, the municipality is responsible for the use of the police . well, it is enough for these cameras to be out of calibration. if they are not calibrated , they will cause errors by themselves, or sometimes, basically , the algorithms that exist for extracting speed. is he making a mistake himself or is he talking about ghosyar or there may be an error in the number plate reading , these factors work hand in hand, and that error occurs, however, well, the police. the programs that are
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using artificial intelligence, well, now this field has progressed so much that many of the processing based on artificial intelligence was done in the center , that is , it was done by collecting information in data centers, but now it has progressed so much that it is very from the processing on the camera itself , it happens on the spot. with these approaches, we have now conducted tests. one of the things that could cause this error was your fake license plates. for example, a white pride, and with a white pride, if the count is the same, maybe this error will occur. well, by using artificial intelligence algorithms, we have now reached good results, that forging the license plate and manipulating the license plate is one act. it is criminal. to some extent , we have achieved good results by identifying the model and color of the car, alhamdulillah . we are currently
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testing the cargo vehicles using the cameras that we have in our hands. it is also possible to do some of these things if the organizations provide the data to the police , at least for example, you are right now in sadasima, your car may be there, you will be fined . well, if we have the data that you are here now. you are present, your car is present here, well , the police can easily recognize these distinctions and minimize these errors, for whatever reason , most of these are really from outside the police discussions that come within the police. he is placed and shows himself in police work, and the police is trying to reduce these mistakes at least now. after the figures you mentioned, it is less than this, but the effort is to make these errors go to zero. inshallah, the issue is not that
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the police are to blame because the police actually took advantage of the capacities of installing the cameras . or the municipalities install, you have a supervision that can be said by using the knowledge that naturally exists in faraja, that, for example, the discussions now are algorithmic or digital, if it should be so that we can make the best use of it, yes , it is automatically implied that expert opinions are exchanged during the preparation of this system, but in one in order for these cameras to be able to register violations, they must receive a code from the police . this is the so-called violation registration code issued by the police . therefore, the police must make sure that this camera is really functional in terms of functionality. he
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has the desired standards of the police, and at the beginning of the work, god forbid , there was a mistake regarding the issue of misdiagnosis in the issue of fines. these sensitivities are on the police side. first of all, it works, over time, wherever it feels that a camera is out of adjustment, there is an error , so to speak, it will definitely be disabled. what institutions and organizations do you actually exchange information with in order to be able to do things better, that is, for example, in the field of passports? if that person is verified, well , of course, the civil registration center is effective in this field with different places, or when someone wants a passport to be issued, they are prohibited from leaving the judiciary, or even they may not have paid taxes with the
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ministry of economy. it is done well. to some extent this is done well from the point of view that even now police missions have processes that need to receive data from other organizations, and the missions of other organizations also need part of their processes to exchange data with the police. we now have more than 35 interactive devices, which means two-way electronic data exchange. with 35 devices, we have about 800 million transactions per year. yes, this passport is one of them, for example, the register of health , and the other is the register of documents. after all, a married lady who wants to issue a passport must have the consent of her husband. for this consent, her husband must go
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to the official offices. it is possible for it to be approved and the work placed in the issuing process for other works as well in the field of numbering. you mentioned your transfer , the tax field, this two-way interaction and data exchange is established, in order to provide a very good service, a service organization that provides dozens of services to the people needs an infrastructure, and this infrastructure must be stable. which does not connect and disconnect when you feel that when this system is disconnected exactly at the moment when there is a peak of traffic at the border, for example , what will really happen, because before, well, based on
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it was handy. now everything is based on aiti. now , how is the state of our infrastructure in this area? see what we have done to prevent this from happening. for any reason, if one of the layers has a problem, the other layers will take advantage of the so-called case. you are setting it up without the users, the users, experiencing this outage, now with a mechanism with a design, so to speak, with a special architectural typology , we will multiply this. the real concern is how many visitors there are in one minute if it is interrupted even for a minute , there will be a lot of accumulation and destruction . for any reason , if one system has a problem, up to 3 other systems at the borders
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need to be foreseen for this kind of control. moreover , all related specialized areas and technical support are placed at the border so that this work can be done at all. yes, colleagues. i am talking about these border passports, which are really one of the unique measures of faraja, and i think that there are few countries that have such a situation, because they do not need this at all, that is, once, for example, during for some days, millions of people do not travel, but based on the so-called average, it might be a few thousand people, so ziresta will not face many problems with this action that faraj. i have prepared a report for the pilgrimage passports and the international passports of my colleagues
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. we will see this later and we will talk about the details of this issue together . they can also use the pilgrimage pass. this passport is for iraq and is valid for 5 years. days other than arbaeen as well it can be used, it costs little, and there is no need to visit in person. you just need to go to my police system, register your request, and after a few days, you will receive it at the address you want . the application process is just as simple. register yourself and after logging in, enter your national code in the user account section. now, on the main page, from the quick access section of the pilgrimage pass, select the sections that must be completed by you. it is determined according to your age and gender conditions, for example , for men over 18 years of age, the status of the end of service or
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the educational exemption is controlled online and it is enough to fill in the required fields. for people under the age of 18, their father must apply for a pilgrimage passport . therefore, the applicant's father can enter the relevant section from the top of the page and complete the details of his child and send the application. ladies, in addition to registering information, the image of the first and second page should be. if they are married and their spouse's permission to leave is not available in the system, they should go to the notary office and get the spouse's consent certificate and enter the id and confirmation code of the consent certificate in the relevant field. in finally, the photo we send must meet the requirements of the passport, that is, it must be of good quality, the background must be white, and your face must be clearly defined, and it must not be old. maybe we can say that actually this
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preparation of pilgrimage passports is a procession to facilitate the movement of pilgrims to participate in the arbaeen ceremony, so that people are not on the screens . what did you do ? at the same speed , they pass through the iraqi crossing at the same speed , what happened in the meantime ? we have to increase the speed there , one on the iraqi side, because this connection had to be created so that the people of that so-called crowd do not notice and it does not take shape. well, in order to have the maximum speed at our own border, we have passport control in less than four seconds. for this purpose
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, we transferred all the infrastructures that we provided centrally in the center to all the borders, that is, to control the few seconds that the passport is placed under the so-called reader , which interacts with the database, that is, it is viewed. let's see if this passport is valid or not well, it is necessary to compare with a bank, whether this person is the same person or not. well, that's why we saw all our databases at the border. that's why our control is less than 4 seconds. well, this huge amount of people who visit with the increase of the gates that you mentioned and how much is this control. humanity, this problem will be solved on our side. in the past years, well, this situation was going away. the iraqi side was formed with the consultation that took place with the country of iraq and to be honest, a very good cooperation. a technical mechanism was implemented for this task and a system was planned which so called under the title of sajjad system means us from each of these borders, the border crossing that we had in
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shlamcheh, chezabe mehran and khosravi, an optical fiber infrastructure between our server room and the server room. it is not here, or because there are few numbers , there are very few numbers here, after all, these four borders, because our traffic was the maximum traffic from these borders, between this room of our own servers and onur , we created an infrastructure connection of pahamband network with security mechanisms that are for both sides of the case. it was approved and we put a system in place, while the visitors were controlled here, the data was sent to iraq at the same time. iraqi and this caused that on the iraqi side, zwar did not have the so-called "zovar". these two things caused us to have practically no stability in our borders this year . besides, i said that the necessary mechanisms that should have been foreseen to prevent the outage were already foreseen, and finally, zwar
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this year, all those who passed by felt this completely , that stagnation and that pain in nothingness. or not having a single service window that both sides seem to adhere to, based on that single window , both we and the iraqi side have our own control and supervision, while due to a split the network that was between us and the country of iraq in the matter of passport control, this split caused people to act like a march as a walk between the two borders, while the necessary controls on both sides. they were doing, it was done , and when pilgrims from iraq enter our country, the same process continues. it is exactly that network breakdown that causes them to enter the so-called controls that are carried out , so-called our side. it takes the iraqi sides
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of our colleagues to sit down and conduct these tests before they become operational. it was a very extensive task that was carried out in the past few months and finally it led to the fact that we can implement this at all borders , which is agreed upon by both sides, and create a special facilitation for visitors in traffic, this facilitation in time other than the arbaeen travel, it is also done or is it only for this period, for example, the days of the month of travel. it has been agreed that for these days, this work is done to prevent the interruption . the term should be created while these infrastructures are such that whenever the parties can choose because the infrastructure and systems are always there, whenever they want, they can use this capacity on any day, they can use this system during eid or other occasions, the days of tasso ashura
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, apart from arbaeen days, they can also use this system. and to prevent the accidents that may happen due to the overcapacity of both parties there , there is no difference between the so-called pilgrimage passport and the international passport in terms of traffic and speed, not at all both information items that are the same. in the discussion of pilgrimage, it is controlled and also in the discussion of passage international is the same for both of them, and this data exchange is done for both of them, and without any problem , both people, whoever has an international pass , will have the same payment for him as for someone who has a normal ziyarat pass, that is, if i pass between if i go to the international side, i will be checked. whether it is on the iraqi side, the information will come to us at the same time, and
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if it is checked, it will go to the iraqi side . the same is true for the pilgrimage crossing and the difference between these two crossings. what is this pilgrimage pass, only special, that is, iraq recognizes it and other places do not recognize it, or there are other differences, see it. what has been agreed upon is the international transit, well , it is accepted by all the members of ika, it is all the countries, but the pilgrimage transit is now only with the country of iraq according to the agreement made with iraq . another problem seems to be a control in or more monitoring to identify thieves and criminals through. the so-called smart images and these are also taking place , what is the form of this, that is
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, they make faces through the cameras, what is the form and method? theft, starting the discussion, this is the reduction of the stolen and dealing with the thief. also, in the discussion of preventive measures during arbaeen days, a series of measures were taken for people who shouldn't get passports at all . well, finally, a mechanism was planned for them, except for the basic controls. well, this was another part of the system . being that they had endured their punishment so to speak, but despite this, it was necessary that these necessary checks should be done on the man and that the necessary warnings to identify him should be done by the police, and this was done at the borders for the first time this year. the system was already done in other ways and this made the police
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to have a complete aristocracy in this area and to have strict controls and people who also had cases that wanted to find an exit or when the police returned. based on the crime that was committed, there were even arrests there, and this itself is an action. it was a very good confrontation that can be a model for other cases that are in the program, god willing, it will be done. there is another issue that exists now, apart from the arbaeen issue , i wanted to see if these electronic bindings are also valid you designed the subtotal term and did this work, or other parts of the entire field of systems related to information and communication technology, the responsibility is very low.
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those who have been arrested three times have been sentenced to prison for more than three times. well, they have been placed under an agreement with the judicial district with the coordination of the judicial district. it is possible and the police will monitor their movement in places where theft is a crime it happened that if they were close to each other , the police would arrest them, or the cases of this type , which can have a kind of complete nobility, for this type of robbers who have been convicted of theft more than three times, four times or more. the cooperation between faraji and these knowledge-based companies is a good cooperation, mostly in what
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areas does this cooperation take place, because i saw a report that for the design of many of these systems, companies of scientists who are in universities are there or are they in knowledge-based settlements ? it is being used. everything that can be provided is produced inside even if it exists, it can still be produced from within . the example of the ban that you mentioned is a
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knowledge-based company that is located in one of our universities. the knowledge-based company is provided with other hardware areas in the same way , and the internal capacity is used as much as possible to meet the needs of the police. do we have to go to the police let's move intelligently, and where are we heading in this direction now? i went towards intelligentization. well, it is a requirement, that is, it is not an option because, well, the variety of the so-called crimes and the complexity
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of the crimes and the big data that we are facing are increasing. the so-called unbridled discussion of data production, and there is no other way to exploit this volume of data except to use the so-called machine, which means that human beings cannot use this volume of data using traditional methods. and for this reason it uses the capacity of artificial intelligence one of the programs of the police and headquarters for the intended purpose of intelligence-related matters is carried out according to the priorities and capacities of each of these polices, perhaps it can be said that this my police application is one of its outputs. the police intelligence program where it was felt that police services should be done intelligently through cyber space and
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internet infrastructure. may its product become the platform of my police mobile application, which is in the program , increase day by day, and the services in it will increase, and the coming of artificial intelligence will make crimes very, very complicated. it has become so that now under the title of deepfake or the use of artificial intelligence that easily designs the sound and image of the other party and it is difficult to recognize and identify it . look, well, after all, every technology may have some side exploits, artificial intelligence is not an exception to this, well, naturally, the police also do all their efforts on the capabilities of this
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technology in carrying out missions. if he uses it , he can create capacities in himself to deal with the criminals who use this space. instrument some work has also been seen in this matter, the collections are now working in this field, so that now in the discussion of artificial intelligence, the related documents can be said to have been prepared, and even the tools in some fields are based on the necessary tools. produced on artificial intelligence. the assumption of identification that we have mentioned for all criminals , basically, these identifications are based on artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence algorithms that are known to help the police or, in general , use a large amount of data that the police use in their missions. he uses it it is extracting the patterns, this is with the help of artificial intelligence, the police have taken good steps in this regard and have good plans, and the last question is about the issue of installing cameras on clothes.
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the forces that are in the field, you said that we can use some of these in real time or as some say online, has this technology been created? yes, there are two types . he sends them online. well, to send this, he needs a special communication infrastructure, which the police has now, that is, a communication infrastructure. a mobile phone for data exchange, like the one we have in iran, cell and mobile first , has provided such a situation to the police, and now it can almost be said that it is expanding, that the police will be equipped with this. faraj information and communication and thanks to you, dear viewers, may god be great.
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four other parts of the news: the survivors of the resistance in the gaza strip published pictures of the targeting of the zionist forces inside the kamal adwan school .


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