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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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we have climate change in our country and we can see that this topic is being followed rapidly , and its consequences are now drought, there is an increase in the intensity of heat , there are consecutive droughts, excessive evaporation of water. what did you do to reduce the natural hazards caused by this issue? of course , as i mentioned, we have this climate change and now we have its consequences and complications. it's destructive, unfortunately , we will be affected. now there is a discussion of happy years, there are floods, and there is also a change in rainfall patterns, for example , dear people will surely see, we will see you someday. it rains in the summer season, we see it in the spring season , and the weather gets very hot, which means that the rainfall patterns actually change , we have crops freezing, this has actually entered the text of people's lives, and we are seeing the effects of climate change in a region. we are also in the middle east, where
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its effects and complications seem to be more . well, for this issue , we must do the things we have planned for in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and we must also increase our cooperation. that means we have to improve our face with this problem to make our cities resilient or to face the problems that are caused by this climate change anyway. in the first part, you mentioned the control or planning for greenhouse gases, what did you do or what will you do? clean energy, the development of clean energy is very important. anyway, we are in a region that has a solar energy capacity as an energy that it is free and with investment, of course , it requires an initial investment, but we can benefit from clean energy , as well as other measures that can be
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taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. for example, making engine houses or combustion devices intelligent, these are the solutions that we can do to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases , and in the matter of resilience , we can implement different programs , knowing that we are affected in any way. our region , our land is affected by climate change, well, we must consider this issue in the cultivation of plant species , in fact, in our agricultural cultivation pattern, even in the loading of our industries, which we want to establish anyway , we must consider the water limitation in it , industries that in any case, they should not be water absorbent settle desert areas, that we should pay attention to these issues in our policy making , we should pay attention to this issue in our development projects , unfortunately, the thing that is mainly said is that the environment is now being called the environment and
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they are usually referring to it. that the environment has been against employment and against development in some way in the past , but the fact is that this approach must change, this view must be changed by understanding the problem , that changing the view of the environment will not solve the problem. see, changing the view does not mean that we the environment don't take life into consideration, i mean this there is, by the way, a balanced development that the environment. life should be in the heart of it, which means that we definitely need that the assessment of the environmental effects that we do for the development projects should be the assessment of the real effects, not formal, the assessment of the effects should be real, not formal, and that the environment should definitely be at the center of the decision. therefore, this is a very important point that now all over the world , development can actually be balanced, which must be for the environment. pay attention
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, otherwise, we will have harmful effects we see it in our lives and even in the livelihood of local communities . now, one of the issues of wetlands drying up is that we must see the discussion of zinef groups and local communities in the protection of wetlands, and it is the same in development, that is, you in our development, we should actually consider the environment and other aspects. since we mentioned waste management, i will go to the fourth article of the executive regulations of the waste management law, which states that the executive bodies had the duty to separate the normal waste from the originator by the end of 2013. tell us what are the obstacles to the implementation of this issue and the implementation of this work, and the work for its complete implementation and segregation in fact. what are
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your plans for this issue? let me tell you that our waste management law was approved in 2013, which means that i think it is more than the previous 20 years. well, in any case, in the same article, for urban waste , there are normal wastes, and we have 5 groups of waste. there are five groups of waste, and urban waste is the responsibility of the ministry of interior. the face the infrastructure should be provided by the ministry of interior, municipalities, rural districts, and this task of regulatory policy-making is under article 23 of the management law. the task of monitoring this law is the responsibility of the environmental organization. by the way, we have a national working group on waste, which is not only specific to normal waste. we have special waste, industrial waste , agricultural waste , hospital waste, and in all these issues, that is, in
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all five groups of waste. the environmental protection organization has a supervisory role, and the national working group on waste also follows up on issues. discussion is one of the topics. in fact , there are other components of waste management, which is the point that we mentioned about the economy of waste, that is what should be paid attention to, and unfortunately , the discussion of waste economy is acceptable, that is, as long as we consider the category of waste economy. we are not going to limit the waste as well as the participation of the private sector. we definitely need to use the capacities of the private sector in the issue of waste management, and now, what about the separation at the source, in any case, a series of private applications will become more active. yes. the private sector must to be more active, now the separation at the origin is our first component, now
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, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. it would be effective if the citizens of the families first produce less waste or the producers who are the industry. produce less waste. in the next step, we will separate the waste from each other , which again requires training. after the processing, recycling steps, which in any case, can be buried at the end. therefore , we illustrated all 83 of this law, 84 we gave executive regulations, 92 we were supposed to do it completely and still. yes, because you see, the same inter-departmental cooperation that i mentioned to you, we definitely need that in the implementation, as i mentioned, we have many laws, we do not have a problem with the law , we have a problem with the implementation of the law.
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let's move forward with priority. unfortunately, environmental issues are not a priority, and what will you do to make this a priority for the organizations interacting with you? well, we are definitely trying to activate working groups on various issues, whether it is water, garbage, or air pollution. and we will definitely follow up on the issue of public demands and attracting people's participation . we want to use people's capacities in our different departments, without which we cannot do it, that is , you are now in our back matter for separation at the source. you mentioned that we definitely need people to work. if we don't have it, we definitely won't be able to solve our waste problem
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. create a plan for waste management with the goal of monitoring all waste management measures in the country by the end of the first year. god willing, we will follow up on this , but you see, the ministry of interior is in charge of normal waste, the environmental protection organization monitors and follows up only. normal ones not mentioned one infectious management system and ministry of health waste , for example, component waste. especially for industrial waste, thanks to the fact that it is an industrial production unit , all of this is detailed in the waste management law and their executive regulations and some executive regulations that specifically, for example , have an executive regulation regarding our infectious waste , the government or agricultural waste as well. in any case
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, time will help you in this matter , considering that now the number of institutions and ministries in our matter is numerous and different, we will follow up and this will of there is a side of the environmental protection organization that pursues these issues with strength, but this definitely depends on the fact that we have inter-departmental cooperation and coordination. we should have it, and there must be that desire and determination on the part of those institutions, mrs. doctor, the numbers and figures related to the plains of the country, the plains that have fresh water, the issue of land subsidence is a critical issue that exists in this land and in this field. the plans that you are going to implement as a challenge in this issue, you can see in the issue of subsidence, well, we are actually talking about aquifers, aquifer management. in fact, it is the responsibility of the ministry of energy, but subsidence is an environmental issue
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. we will definitely follow up in this area , but the issue of the ship model that i mentioned, which is the agricultural jihad , is on the one hand of the ministry of industry. their establishment or the development projects that exist, which in any case, the discussion is actually about their aquifers and the ministry of energy itself, which is actually the main custodian body in the discussion of aquifers. and that consensus and agreement that i mentioned at the beginning of my speech is the method let's agree that there is a huge challenge in our country right now and we must come together and solve this issue together . one of the topics that i need to mention is actually the issue of environmental diplomacy
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, because now we are following up on the issue with the waters of transboundary waters and the ministry of foreign affairs , but the issue of active diplomacy in the field of environment is also one of the issues. now we have the issue of dust, well, part of the month is the internal centers, but we are for the issues that now, as the famous saying goes, at the regional level , we definitely need to have that active diplomacy. you mentioned in the discussion that we have plans, now we went to yes, yes, i remembered that we have this active diplomacy, it must be mentioned. let's do it, because it is a very important issue, because the issue of cooperation was brought up. i , the foreign ministry of rome, should say that in any case, in the discussions of water diplomacy, we must
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proceed with the support of the ministry of foreign affairs and, in fact, with the delegation of the ministry of foreign affairs, in this discussion of active diplomacy of the environment. our life in the 13th government is good we have seen the conferences that were held, the consultations that took place with the countries of some neighboring countries regarding how far their dust issue will continue in line with the approaches and solutions of domestic and foreign issues. we will continue . we are not supposed to reinvent the wheel . anyway, i mentioned the good things that have been done in the past, which we will follow up on. regarding dust, i think several resolutions have been issued and follow-ups have been done , but we should definitely deal with dust first. he is also with the environmental protection organization, as i think he is a colleague of the natural resources organization. it must have the necessary cooperation. again, this can be considered an interdepartmental work, that's why the discussion
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is that these resolutions should be binding and followed up and that interdepartmental cooperation should be realized. internationally, basically, our environmental issues and problems cannot be solved in enzo and the lack of interaction with the world. we definitely need this for our environmental issues. we want to move forward in an interaction with the world, the issue of using the technologies of the day is also discussed which we need in the monitoring of house settlement and pollutant purification, and in any case, the follow-up of international agreements in the field of the environment is very important, and the discussion of sanctions, we consider the discussion of sanctions very effective in the field of the environment life, and for this reason, we definitely need
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to see this with a serious approach in the matter of active environmental diplomacy, even though active environmental diplomacy was one of the policy clauses of the 15 mineral policies of the leadership in 2014, which means that we must consider as one of important issues and axes that god willing we can consider in the 14th government, while following the discourse of the consensus agreement. let us know that we need to discuss water resources and dust and other climate change issues in different discussions . in an interaction with the neighboring countries , especially the neighboring countries and our neighbors, we can reduce the problems that we have at least at the regional level to some extent and imitate them. may we can provide a short-term solution
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, both mid-term and long-term. the seventh program also mentions this topic regarding the stabilization of the production centers of dust production centers , short-term and long-term solutions that are going to be implemented by the government in the environmental protection organization to control this issue , see what is the priority. i also mentioned that the department of natural resources is the organization that is involved . de-desertification follows issues related to internal centers. in the discussion of regional centers , follow-ups have been done. good follow-ups that should be followed. these have plans . now there are a series of short-term programs, like now , first of all i think that the identification of the dust centers has been done, the stabilization of the dust centers is done, and the solutions that
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are nature-oriented, these solutions are considered, and the plans are long-term. the issue is that we can manage these internal centers. and at the same time for the foci at the regional level there is, because you know that in any case, a part of our problems in the field of dust goes back to the foci that exist at the regional level, from neighboring countries, and for that , we definitely need those interactions to take place internationally. and to have an active diplomacy , we can solve the issues, god willing. we have about 3-4 minutes until the end of the conversation . we have mentioned that we have various challenges, which can
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be interpreted as super-challenges at the environmental level. the issue is that we, firstly, the super-challenges we have in the field of environment cannot be solved overnight . as we mentioned, this definitely needs a medium and long-term plan, of course, which we have to follow. unfortunately, our problem is that the plans we implement are abandoned, supposedly in the issue of our air pollution in the hot season of spring and summer now. we have dust sometimes, but usually in the season. cold year that with the phenomenon we are facing an inversion of temperature. we remember that we have air pollution in large and industrial cities. the issue is that we must adhere to those upstream laws. now you mentioned the seventh plan . for example, in the field of dust, we
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have to follow up on these within the framework of that time and within the prescribed time frame, and in fact, it is a medium-term and long-term plan. and short solutions cannot answer the problems of one point in the same place that you are referring to, many of these in the government the issues of the past were followed, sometimes the issue of will was raised , sometimes the consensus between the institutions and more interaction between the ministries was raised, and now we see that these issues continue and are still among the priority issues of the environmental organization, the important thing for their implementation is from your point of view. what will happen with priority? we have to follow the topics throughout the year. we have to follow up all the issues and now there may be obstacles , these should be followed up and the important and very important point is that we should consider these environmental challenges as important challenges in to know our country means to be able to do it at the level of the macro truth, at the level of our governance, whether at the level of the government
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, the judiciary, the music, or the non-governmental public institutions. municipality and other institutions, we can consider the environmental issues as issues that are really becoming huge challenges . when we look at them from this point of view , the issue of their priority can be felt, their priority is taken into consideration and it is there that now the issue of financial and credit resources and their priority is now the issue of credit resources and their priority in decision-making and policy-making is actually considered. and what will be the tools that you will take to prevent the lack of accompaniment or resistance ? well, sometimes there are tools in the rules, sometimes there are not. but it is possible with the follow-ups. i think that for example, if we have the working group on air pollution, this working group should not be closed, it should be activated, it should be closed, we should
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follow up on environmental issues, and now one of our problems is that we we think that now that the governments are changing, the issues will stop at one place. we want to reinvent the wheel again . if we accept that our colleagues in the government different topics in different eras. follow up and we continue the path of those friends , it is definitely not the starting point anymore , we can definitely move forward and use all the capacities. the last thing i want to tell you is that today's environment no longer has the capacity for trial and error. really , there are many problems, there are deep problems, and i am asking for this from all the devices and also from our dear people. to have the participation of all people to solve environmental problems, dr. ansari , i wish success to you and your colleagues in the environmental organization. living in the 14th government, i say goodbye to you and
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thank you very much for your company . nature's self-care against fire. goats are natural mountain climbers who have an endless appetite and can climb shibdal hills without any problem and they eat almost everything . thanks to the ancient tradition, the nomads used the surplus fodder of the forest and meadows for their livestock . fire-prone spots are almost
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certain in the country, and in fact, what foreign countries are doing now to prevent fires in forests and forests is the revival of the tradition of koch eshaya, but in the meantime, a problem has arisen. the discussion of livestock, which traditionally happened in different years . and it was going its own way, when we gave up on nature, we came and ruined it, we sat in tehran, we issued a directive for the whole country without considering the potential of each and every place in the region, we weakened and destroyed the nomads with wrong planning. we won, and after that, the accumulation of dry alufah is much more and has remained untouched, a problem that is even more serious this year in the central zagros areas in alborz. central in samzar mosque on the side of khorasan in the areas where in the province of ilam and kurdistan, especially in lorestan , we have weather conditions that are extremely suitable for
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us to have fires in natural areas with the smallest secondary factor. 21,000 hectares of it are burning in fire, and this number has increased in 1403. in terms of critical areas, we have two critical areas in terms of fires during the year , one is zagrasi and the other is hyrkani, because our vegetation is denser in these two places, and there are solutions for preventing the spread of fires. one of the most important ways to reduce fires in grasslands has been experienced by different countries, in addition to providing equipment and using technology and controlling and monitoring its reality, it
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is optimal use in the form of approved plans by ranchers and nomads in proportion to the production of biomass or living mass that can the most important solution to reduce fires is according to the announcement of the natural resources and watershed organization of the country, hot air , sparks, combustible materials are the three main causes of fires. the first two factors may not be very controllable, but the third factor is that combustible materials can be removed from the forest to prevent the spread of fire in the forest and pastures. be it alireza shaukati, sed and sima news agency. arbaeen should be at the beginning of the mahdi period.
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on the arbaeen walking route, a comment has emerged . i am 8 years old. i am coming here. now, it is not just a tool for moving things, but a medium for speaking. coins are each a flag, we use these flags to express our opinion. we are with you and we will help you as much as we can
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particle for direct object. they displayed it and other pilgrims were reminded of the message of imam hussain in the ashura movement. as it is known, it is a constructive jihad. informing people about what they don't know and should act on it. we go to a servant who has been in charge of repairing pilgrims' bags for several days. we sew backpacks whose straps are torn.
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6:00 am
good morning, dear viewers, we present the news of this news section at 6 o'clock. i present to you the presence of millions of arbaeen pilgrims in karbala at the same time as the arrival of the arbaeen of abu abdullah al- hussein, peace be upon him, pilgrims from different countries. they brought me to karbala to pay their respects to the leader of the martyrs. it changed and changed my life , servants of allah


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