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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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[000:00:15;00] thank you very much for your attention and companionship with this news section, dear and respected countrymen. have a good day.
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peace be upon you, people of mashayir, peace be upon you and people of mashayir. god's paradise is not the original, maybe the paradise between the two shrines is the shrine of hussein or halabi or zair or halabi or halaik. or zaib or halabi, everything from the beautiful distance of the shrine, from close to the door of al-hussein and the intercessor of al-hussein in
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the word. the fatigue of the way is very sweet, he
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sees his servant, my heart went under the dome to god. there is karbala and there is a shrine. the shadow of the imam's grace is on my head
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. seyyed delshan, mr. jan, mr. sane, sir, mr. seyyed letshan mr. john, mr. sane, mr. sayyid let shan , mr. a heart full of water came. the moon has come from the lord's army , the black army has come, covering the breasts of the lord's wives, every
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night they sing a lamentation for arva, john, agha, senba, seyyed , your heart, agha, agha. there is no one who can take us for a night of pilgrimage, the hand of politeness on the chest of the master's wife with a head, i will go under the feet of the master, john agha sane
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qurban agha seyyed letshan agha john agha sane qurban agha seyyed letshan agha john agha sane qurban agha seyyed letshan agha . hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein hossein if you want okay, i will take him to karbala. i will sacrifice imam hasina and
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harma for an eye that does not bring you sorrow. i do not want an eye that does not bring you sorrow. and your heart, what do i want from god, i swear to you
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, dear, my sweetness, what do i want from your voice. i will wear black on your face forever. even for you , i will wear black. cumin, whether alive or dead , i say one thing. if you are not sick, i don't want it
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. my life, if you don't spend money, i don't want it. if southern lebanon is fired at the occupied territories , and hezbollah of lebanon issued a statement from the beginning. the initial response to the assassination of the martyr commander fad shouk in the zionist regime's air attack on beirut has been announced , i would like to inform you that hezbollah has announced that in response to the attacks of the zionist army , it has targeted the headquarters of the air operations management unit of the miren base of the zionist army in the north of occupied palestine, mr. taghbinia kar. . those who know the issues of near asia are with us, mr. tagbinian
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. hello, have a good time. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i also offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you and also to the dear viewers . mr. tagbinia of the strategies hizbollah, please tell me what the predictions are, according to the operation that you have done today and the statement that you have issued. you see, hezbollah has announced that it has targeted 11 military bases of the zionist regime in a heavy barrage. also , according to the information published by the zionist regime media, the cities of galilee have been seriously targeted. also, hezbollah has announced that it has targeted the iron dome systems in most of its attacks
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, which means that hezbollah probably intended to officially announce in the first stage of the operation. in this first phase of the operation, hizbollah intends to engage or attack the iron dome systems in the first phase of the operation, so that in the next phases of the attack, they can attack with more quality and quantity. continue the zionist regime and that is why it has announced that this is the first stage of the operation. it seems that in the coming hours or days we will witness new waves of attacks by hezbollah in lebanon. another point that i have to say is that hezbollah shows he said that his operations will not be stopped, which means that he will not carry out a wave of attacks in response to the assassination of the martyr fouad shu and after that he said, well, the matter
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has been resolved, but he knows that this revenge operation is continuous and with time intervals, this is not the way to put the zionists at ease and make them feel relieved that the first operation has ended , but based on the information that the media the zionist regime has announced a state of emergency for the next 48 hours. and it seems that the regime expects that the level of tensions will increase in the next hour or two days . that many zionist regime media believe that this this morning's attacks by hezbollah will be a prelude to future attacks by the resistance axis. it is possible that this is the zionist media's speculation that after the arbaeen ceremony is over, the resistance axis
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will prepare a large-scale operation against the zionist regime , as you mentioned in your comments. in the hezbollah statement, it is also stated that the completion of this military operation will take some time and after that, god willing , it will issue detailed announcements regarding the direction of its objectives. that perspective the developments will be in the next hour and the next days , and please let me know how you predict , considering that you made a reference to the next 24 hours.
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we don't know how hizbullah made a decision , but we know that bingurion airport has been closed and the zionists are waiting for the growth of taddal. we have a picture and voice from you, mr. tagbinia , stay with us, we are in communication with mr. alipour, an expert on west asian issues, mr. alipour, have a good time. you also say about strategy could you please give an explanation of what hezbollah had in this morning's operation? i offer my best regards to my friends. yes, thanks to god, the predictions that could be made before regarding hizbullah's response were made, and israel also pointed out this point, and
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israel's fear was that hizbullah will make this happen in its own time and place. that this happened hassan that this happened hizbollah forces came and put their hands on the points that are considered as israel's strength and israel always stated this as its own strength, the issue of their air defense system and their iron dome and that is the infrastructure that he valued so much and he said that i am very protective of zirsta. exactly, hezbollah entered this point and showed that israel has no strength at all, contrary to what it says in the media , just this case. as mental peace in the occupying regime of the occupation of qudsah, otherwise, in the operation and in
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the field discussion, we are witnessing how these have become the achilles heel of israel. you need to master the electronic discussion and be able to attack the sensitive points of the electronic discussion this attack is not only a physical attack, but also an electronic attack, which hezbollah was able to pay close attention to in this case and
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paralyze it so that the iron dome or israel's defenses cannot respond, and hezbollah can attack this very easily. if they have a duty or mission to film, let us see them in the next hour or two to see the depth of hezbollah's attacks and the extent of the destruction they have caused. and they are the best army in the world, showing that fighting with israel is necessary it is not a complete army, but the resistance groups
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can do it much more easily, considering that the zionist regime took a very specific method like the month of 1402 and cut off the electricity, which helps to demand that the media actually keep it a bit more limited so that they cannot portray the news as it is. from now on , please point out the fear and terror that has happened in the zionist regime, which has decided to cut off the electricity, and how it is. yes, as a rule, we will give a very strong challenge inside israel, both in the case of israeli citizens and in the case of the israeli military , if they can control this incident. and in a way , if their management is based on the fact that they can manage the disaster in the first hour or two, so that
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later they can make decisions and announce to the media what they want, that is the pressure and violence that can cause psychological warfare. to moderate it and bring it to a low level , so israel's goal is that when it comes, it will cut off the electricity, limiting your scope of vision. you do and you can't completely investigate and film this case through a drone or through your service, halshads . therefore, since the area that was attacked is completely a military area, from below, we cannot see the media, the only agent who can film this case. unfortunately , there are only video camera drones, so when it gets dark, even the drones can't film it properly and show the depth of the disaster. it is one of the wars that you can. manage and one of the factors that can keep your citizens confident and hopeful
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that nothing special has happened is media control. the media of powerful countries are always in the hands of powerful countries, israel is doing the same thing, taking the media under its control to show that nothing has happened yet and that they are going to manage and will manage the same thing to themselves. the media knows that the media should be used in the same way, especially the media that is affiliated with israel and the factions of the zionist regime. thank you very much, mr. alipour , please stay with us. mr. taqbinia, but i would also like to tell you that all the beaches in haifa are open the massive attack by hezbollah against the zionist regime has been closed to the israelis, and also as you mentioned. dear experts with whom we are talking, israel's ben gurion airport has also been closed. well, hezbollah's statement also stated
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that this is the first stage of the operation that hezbollah has carried out. and hezbollah will surely publish more details in its next announcements, mr. taghbinian. my voice is for israel and the regime regarding these restrictions that are being implemented zionist, please explain. you see , the zionist regime is a very closed regime, which means that it has a small population, the occupying zionists, and that it applies strict security control regarding the media and that the news of resistance attacks is not published
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. we saw that most of the clips that were published were taken by palestinians who live in the west bank and the occupying zionists almost did not publish the video of the rockets of the islamic republic. i want to say this. that this regime is one of its tools to keep the internal front calm in addition to the defense weapons that it has , it is the media, which through controlling the media can manage its domestic public opinion and reduce their anxiety and to some extent reduce the effect of hezbollah's attacks so that they have less fear and panic. suffer to prevent the spread of at least mental laziness in the occupied territories,
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thank you very much, mr. alipour. in the second statement of hezbollah that was published, it is stated that 11 barracks and bases of the zionist regime were targeted by drones . jaberi also mentioned the scope of this operation . the extent of this operation , what will be the prospects for the second stage and the second step , i would like to say one thing before i answer your question, when we are on october 7. we witnessed that we are in the three phases of israel's operation. it can be checked. i have nothing to do with the first two phases. in the third phase, when israel was defeated in the field war, he announced that we should take the war from the field to a war of zero and one, that is, right and wrong. look at the representative of israel in the united nations security council, every
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time he spoke, he announced that this is a war between the jews and hezbollah, and iran is fighting against the jews. he is fighting with the jews. yemen is fighting with the jews. he associated the zionist regime of several hundred thousand people with the jews. this is another case. when he came , he pointed to the representative of palestine and said, "you must separate yourself from hamas. you must separate yourself from the resistance forces, for example. this is showing the cleverness of the representative of israel. i mean that israel is fighting a field war in which it has lost and has not won . it is moving towards a religious war. when you start this religious war, it will mean a lot of winning and losing with you. there is no criterion in this religious war he is doing it and he is going towards his real ideology , he is showing that israel
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is the representative of judea in the world, it is fighting here, this is what israel is doing, it is very dangerous, it can lead to bad things. first, when he started his attack, he just wanted to hit one thing, in my opinion, carry out an israeli attack to see what is israel's reaction. as a rule, we will see the second phase of hezbollah's attacks. it depends on the reactions that israel shows. if israel ends don't continue this case for now because it will attack. we will witness the second phase of hezbollah with more scope and more technical. they only want israel to occupy themselves with this issue and show israel's weaknesses to the world, and those drones that went to the depths of israel to film, and the drones that came back very easily, show that israel is against the slogans that the media say or
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even the countries that support me say that israel is not a powerful country, even from a military point of view, keep this in your mind. when we return to the main discussion, we see that israel and hezbollah are the first. in his own words, he showed where israel's weaknesses are, hezbollah is also showing a point to the yemenis, and the iraqi hashabi group , look at israel's weaknesses, where have we shown you these weaknesses, if the second or third phase of hezbollah begins yes, we are definitely in israel. we will witness 3 points on the war front, which will really bring israel into a very severe crisis. i think that if friends have an opinion and investigate, we in the cabinet are witnessing the same thing now, because my liberal was against these israeli attacks and strongly against this. the issue emphasized that israel to there is no reason to enter into a war with hezbollah or iran
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. the entry of the israeli party into a war with these two resistance forces will surely deal a decisive blow to the legitimacy of israel and the survival of israel. therefore, in the real opinion, we will see this difference in the israeli cabinet and therefore in the media. israelis , we have this difference, we see that netanyahu, who has turned the war into a personal war, and israel's security is not important to him at all. most of the 30 years of his survival in political discussions, he is working in this phase . in my opinion, netanyahu will be very dangerous. it will hit the sensitive points and the heel of the israeli shale. thank you very much, friend


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