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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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100 km border strip up to a depth of 20 km, this operation was carried out first, so that its drones could easily reach the desired targets in the depth of the occupied territories. the mentality created by the zionist regime's army, which carried out pre-emptive operations, was only a media deception of hezbollah. hit the intended target and in today's speech, the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah , seyyed hassan, will speak at 18:00 local time, 18:30 iran time. nasrallah, the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon , will explain the details of hezbollah's operations and it will become clear what targets hezbollah has targeted. the media of the zionist regime has been raising speculations about how many targets it has targeted for almost an hour. inside tel aviv, the headquarters of
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the mossad shabak or the intelligence of the zionist regime have been targeted. some media also deny that these conflicting news are still broadcast from tel aviv, but the extensive censorship by the zionist regime army on the news and images from tel aviv. it shows that something happened there, but it doesn't the army of the zionist regime wants this news to be published in the media and is carrying out extensive censorship. in addition to this early morning, the fighters of the zionist regime attacked different areas in zabkin and attacked khayyam. in these attacks , 3 people were martyred. also, a spy drone of the zionist military in northern lebanon near the border with syria in akar sar'. it did not happen that this
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spy drone of the zionist military was an hour ago when the sound of several explosions was heard in the upper galilee region behind me in the northeast of the occupied territories. the situation is still within the border strip. especially in the northern region of the occupied territories , be red and ready, as well as the mayors of large occupied cities in the north of the occupied territories, among others. safar akka and nahariya asked the zionists to stay in the shelters and the situation in the north of the occupied territories has not yet returned to normal. thank you very much, mr. azimzadeh. thank you for your explanation, as it was announced in various news reports, and quoted from regional sources and the hebrew media themselves , they published the issue that hezbollah is located in lebanon.
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in beirut to have as soon as this we will hear the latest news . the zionists are not sitting idle in this direction and they are trying to have a confrontation, such as the fact that the prime minister of the zionist regime had an opinion and tried to make this incident and this action and what happened look ineffective, or for example claiming hezbollah intended to fire 6,000 rockets they can track and track and
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neutralize this attack with pre-emptive attacks. if such an attack is possible, then how should these events be analyzed? well, in psychological warfare, one of the important topics is the narrative of the war of narratives. you know, an operation can take one hour. it should be done in two hours, but the narration of this war and the actions that have been taken should be followed for years. the 33-day war was 33 days , but you can see that for several years now, new narratives are still showing themselves, well , in every operational plan, now in the defense era moghaddis was like this, it has about 203 attachments, one operation there is information continuity, there is psychological warfare , there is propaganda, now there is support for how to coordinate the forces, healthcare, field treatment, telecommunication issues, electronic warfare, and all kinds of things. when hizbollah wants
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to start an operation , it has seen all these annexes together, worked out a method and has a plan for it. the opinion that this missile that moved towards this center is the first thing to say is that instead of us saying where it hit and what was killed and what damage it caused, it is that the depth of 1500 kilometers of the zionist regime is a security hole, that is, in hezbollah's next operation, which now wants to fire 6,000 rockets, but now mistakenly said 6,000 as 60,000, now wants 60,000. the iron dome and patriot missiles are useless. even america could not get involved in this matter. even america seems to me that with the statement it gave and announced that we are innocent , we did nothing, we were not
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present . it was a successful operation, and this success has made the information and security weakness of the complex not only musasia and the intelligence service. they have revealed themselves, so the enemy is weak in terms of information ok, it should have security holes , it should be easy to penetrate, this enemy will not have the ability to fight back. of course, they know that if they engage in a ping pong action, it means we will hit them, they will hit them, we will hit these conditions, hezbollah is the party. god is not an army, not my country , a group of resistance people. there are fighters who are fighting for a great cause, these are their capabilities now , considering the issues they are currently showing , they have not yet realized what capabilities
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they really have. hizbollah will have the upper hand in this because it can strike the first domino pieces. thank you, but we are still in touch with mr. hikmat shahrul, an expert on regional and west asian issues who is with us from beirut. what effect will this have on the general conditions as well as the economic conditions of the zionist regime and the zionist settlements?
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and reached around north tel aviv and the sensitive security centers of mossad or shabak or the intelligence organization the system that their own hebrew sources have announced since this morning that attacks have been carried out on these centers and this issue actually affects the economic issue of the zionist regime and also causes disruption in affairs. they can be security and political. the reality of israel is that the bengrion airport is closed , the airlines are closed, the port of haifa is closed, and all the industrial centers of israel have reached zero, and in fact, israel's financial situation has declined and
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reached its lowest level. yes, israel is now under attack. many of them and the attack on tehran has not yet been done , if this issue happens, what an accident it is happening, in fact, the situation in israel now, we see that the internal differences are exploding and the situation there is full of differences and accusations are being exchanged between them.
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we talked about the impact of what happened on the current situation of the zionists . dear mr. shahrour , i would like to tell you something. this is an indication that the so-called resistance groups of iraq have not responded yet , apart from the fact that yemen has not responded, tehran has not responded , iraq has not yet responded. why did they carry out a special operation this morning? the attack on the so-called hashr al-shaabi is a response in support of hezbollah, but this is multilateral.
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if they do not reach the desired result of hamas in these negotiations that are currently going on in egypt and the resistance front does not approve, this will have a huge impact, israel is extremely vulnerable. i told you, look anywhere in israel. attack, that target has countless bases in the north and south and we
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witnessed in the field that a guerilla group in gaza is fighting against the aggression of the zionist regime in these days about 850 tanks merkava and the armored vehicles of the zionist regime are being attacked with basic missiles such as the yasin 105. if the zionist regime dares to attack on the ground, it will definitely be severely rebuffed, and if it is based on an air war, it will have the upper hand with hezbollah and the resistance front , which, god willing, today at 6:30 p.m. it is the zionist regime and hides it from the eyes of the world , where they express the things that my doctor mentioned.
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open the doors of the shelters for these areas that have been declared the highest level of warning and now you mentioned that you analyzed the psychological operations that try to make these events seem ineffective, but in reality, what conditions are the zionists facing now, mr. hosseini? look, the zionist regime has 3 principles, one is nation-building, one is state-building, and one is land occupation. in the discussion of state-building, which has not succeeded
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, every year you witness the fall of the government and its replacement, and now it is in a situation where it was able to keep the government because of gaza because of its opponents. for now, our silence is waiting for the food discussion to reach a certain point mr. natanieh and his war cabinet will fall and this is doubtful. in the discussion of nation building, we are also facing serious problems, first of all, racial problems and different groups of immigrants in the zionist regime, and the lack of coordination and homogeneity of these, and the demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people that we witness every day in tel aviv or other places. it means nation-building , yes, nation-building has not been able to do anything. this operation that is being carried out is equivalent to how many missiles you go. 100 people who do reverse migration means those who came to the occupied land in the settlements
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and are now settling in the hope of security and prosperity. they now see that they don't have any of these comforts, they have to go to the shelter at any moment , their economy is not right, their security is not right, and reverse migration is the biggest blow to the zionist regime because you look at the bangorian airport, as soon as two missiles are fired, all recorded. they try to run away. in my opinion, this is the biggest blow to the zionist regime here , and now nearly 20,300 of these settlements are in the occupied territories in the north of the occupied territories and in the south of lebanon due to hezbollah's operations . they are riding on the head in the government now, because of this , it seems to me that the conditions of the zionist regime, which is in a state of desperation and al-ghoriq is like the whole hashish, as the arabs say, is now doing everything to keep netanyahu and
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his own identity is at risk because we see that life and death is not an issue for now, that we want to have a government from the nile to the euphrates, for example , they are being buried under the iron dome . that if the zionist regime reaches this point where there is no way back or within the regime something will happen to the zionists, there will be a coup , they will kill netanyahu himself, because there is a history of extremists killing their leaders. or if he wants to fight against this , he should wait for a long full-scale war, because if the resistance all join together in the unity of the area that exists, i think that the zionist regime will not be able to survive
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, mr. farkhandepour. in this context, if you have an analysis, we will use it. well , in recent years, the zionists have always claimed to have a security and intelligence capability together. the regional arena as well as the global arena according to their own claim, but in this recent operation, we just want to have an assessment , we can clearly see the superior intelligence of hezbollah, whether in the operation that happened , the response of hezbollah in lebanon, and which areas were targeted. from this point of view , analyze the weakness of today's zionists and see that we are in a war of will. and the narratives, which mr. dr. kanani also presented very beautifully, on both fronts, the war of will and the narratives, hezbollah is victorious. in what sense , mr. hosseini, see the sound of the explosion when it reaches the zionist people of that region in talavid, and this we can see its reflection in the entire city. here
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, the people of the zionist occupation know that hizbullah was victorious in their will and narratives. how can they spend billions of dollars ? so how did hezbollah come today and attacked these collections , special collections that happened to be punctuated , hezbollah's rockets are victorious in both the war of narratives and in the war of both, because it was able to achieve this volume. peroz was able to break through the sound of the explosion in tel aviv to the ears of zionist speakers the real resistance front is, as you expect, the zionist army has a very weak structure, as my doctor pointed out, because
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this army was founded based on an idea that mr. bengurion, as the prime minister of the zionist regime , presented a manifesto indicating a front attack. in this attack, it is possible for us to deliver maximum particles to the other side in the minimum time, which by the way showed this in the 6-day wars and subsequent wars of the zionist regime, but the war model that resistance has imposed on the zionist regime is a short-term war. not a long war he said, "in these three months , i will destroy the forces of hezbollah and hamas
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, i will assassinate all the leaders, and i will release all the prisoners, please take care of more than 300." 20 and how many days have passed since this event, was netanyahu able to do this in these 3 months? well, this shows that this regime is weak. the military and security structures of the regime are collapsing. the top american military strategists have recently informed even one of the famous generals who retired and by the way a very big samad in the zionist regime in the defense system of this country has officially announced that he should accept seri netanyahu sur because. we cannot tolerate this war any longer. the political, economic and security structures of this regime cannot tolerate long-term wars, and this is the weak point of the zionist regime, that we have to go to beirut. mr. hekmat shahrul, an expert on west asian issues , is still with us, mr. shahrul, as
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announced this evening, mr. seyyed hassan nasrallah, the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon, will give a speech . your excellency's prediction of his speech today will be clear. it is very clear that the topic that is going on now he will talk about this attack, about revenge for the assassination of fadshekar or seyed mohsen, so he will try to expose the lies of the israeli regime and expose their false media, and then explain the political realities at this stage about the negotiations that took place in what is happening on the part of the resistance forces, in my opinion mr. seyyed hamas will receive information and from 6 o'clock beirut time
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, he will also announce the position of this party regarding this attack, that this attack was the first stage and what the stage will be like. the second is the second of this operation that will talk about it undoubtedly, political signs about the people. he will speak about these issues and he will speak honestly and will expose the lies of their government , so they are more than anyone else, more than the people of lebanon and the resistance nations of the region are waiting for his speeches. this stage because today.
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as you have said many times to the zionist regime that you are my opponent, there is no need for ansarullah, there is no need for eight branches, there is no iranian attack, hezbollah itself is enough for the zionist regime from a position of power. having a deterrent power will now speak and he will set the conditions for the enemy and the red lines , he has said it before, and he will repeat it again . we are not looking for the expansion of the war, neither are we, nor are we the resistance front, but this is in the military dictionary of the resistance. the imam of the resistance, the supreme leader , has said this many times, these are examples of the resistance, and
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all the resistance forces write this several times a day, they write hihad ment zala, so against the will of the resistance, which is here, the leader of the resistance is the one who is in the front line of the front. the resistance is now present. and he is fighting, i think the party that will act from this position of superiority may force the zionist regime to accept some of its conditions and even have a great influence on the ceasefire in the gaza strip , the crossings will be opened, there will be an exchange of prisoners, and it seems that with one hand
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is full of thought today, but defense and response to the crimes of the zionist regime are among its very clear and powerful principles. we know that if we had not reacted to the crime of the zionist regime in targeting our consulate in damascus and had not carried out the storm of al-akhsa, today the crime of the zionist regime would have been much better and more. more powerful, this power of terror was showing itself in the world, but i think you said that you were active before, and it was hamas, and what you mentioned was a sincere promise. we did. yes, this incident will happen. the hebrew media are waiting to make news like this, but this promise is an honest answer. the crimes
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of the zionist regime in line with the so-called attacking the so-called regulations of our consulate in damascus, but if the resistance front is now against the crimes of the zionist regime that occurred in the region and these assassinations and we will not fail to implement these killings, we will definitely not fail and we will answer it with authority, this will be the last chapter of the book and good speech of the zionist regime. of the zionist regime, and god willing, this movement of ours will complement the great movement of al-aqza storm , and soon, god willing, we will have witnesses, god willing , mr. al-moghadam, i will review the news that i was reviewing last night, the spokesman of the zionist regime
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announced that this regime entered a week it becomes important and the army is alert and ready to defend a few hours before what happened and the response of lebanon's hezbollah to the zionist terrorist attacks . they knew that hezbollah would take revenge. regarding their martyred commander , he is determined and may enter the operation at any moment . it was clear i think
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that most of the blows are now. the commanders of the zionist regime , because they have been defeated in the field, whether in gaza or at the negotiating table or in south lebanon, they are more seeking to keep themselves afloat with psychological warfare or the war of narratives and to make them believe that they do not have any power at the same time. the main problem that the zionist regime has now is that they have been on full alert for almost 10 months now , they are in shelters, the economy is bankrupt, unemployment, reverse immigration, the state of the failed government, all of these are put together and in order to put themselves in a position where we we are ready to attack and to expand the operation
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. considering the upcoming elections and the problems he has within himself, he may sometimes take a risk in order to get more votes in the country. the victory of the ceasefire should be used for its own benefit, but if this is not possible, then this. the victory he may fall into the trap of the zionist regime. regarding what you mentioned, with the claim that the army of the zionist regime had and said that we are informed and entered, in a way , we can say that despite the claim of the capability of the information they have, they are caught in a deception operation. it is a well-known issue that it is being done by hizbullah. they say that those who plan deception operations are
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themselves if they do not have enough information. they are involved in this deception, which means they are deceiving themselves because they do not have accurate information and they have a void of information, so even their psychological wars fail. they themselves believe that there is a news, mr. farkhande puri, please tell me about the inability of the zionist army to fight against hezbollah. which was a very interesting and attractive method and in fact a deception is defined as a deception, that is, this attack carried out by hezbollah reduced the intelligence of the zionist regime to a minimum and showed the inability of the zionist regime to carry out its pre-arranged plans. the regime of being able to carry out preemptive operations and the same doctrine plan.


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