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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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flames, blood stained swords , burnt tents, crying children, headless bodies. perhaps there are few people who, seeing this view , do not remember the fateful events of the day of ashura and curse yazid and his accomplices in the deadly incident of karbala .
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it is by the family of abu sufyan, who had the enmity of hazrat ali (peace be upon him) in his chest and poisoned the propaganda atmosphere. it is administered against the ahl al-bayt who have ruled there. with the arrival of evening, the people, unaware of the facts of ashura, rejoiced and celebrated the insult that was done to husayn, peace be upon him, his family and children, peace be upon him. they knocked but very soon with the fiery sermons of imam sajjad (peace be upon him) and hazrat zainab. peace be
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upon them in the yazid majlis, the oppression of this family will be revealed and the drum of his scandal will be played. yazid, who sees the sedition of the people, asks numan bin bashir, the former emir of kufa, to return asra to medina according to their wishes. but many may not know that the return journey of the osra caravan. is known today as the arbaeen hosseini walking tradition after centuries. in the year 61 ah, 40 days have passed since the day of ashura. jabir bin abdullah ansari, a companion of the messenger of god, may god bless him and grant him peace ali, along with his student ati ofi
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, left for karbala a few days after the news of imam's martyrdom arrived from madinah . old age, blindness, distance from the road, and oppressors like yazid ibn ziyad did not prevent him from this journey. according to history, jabir bin abdullah ansari was the first pilgrim to imam hussain's tomb in 61 ah. the first pilgrimage letter of sayyed al-shahada (peace be upon him) is left in his memory, which was narrated by ati ofi, a great scholar and famous islamic scholar. the first person who managed to reach karbala on the day of arbaeen , what a great man he was and what he did. when we come back
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if you read the history of jabir bin abdullah ansari, you will understand that this person was one of the companions of the messenger of god, the one who was on the side of amir al-mu'minin in the battle of safin, he was on the side of imam hasan, and at that time, jabir had lost his sight. they can tell. he keeps saying , "take my hand, take me to my beloved's grave." jaber faints, comes to his senses, atiya, then hey, hossein, hossein, why do n't you answer me? sen from the head is separated from the tension and his head. how far is it from this body?
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habib's answer? i testify that you are a boy. you went the way your brother yahya son of zakariya went, seyyed ibn tavus, one of the shia scholars of the 7th century ah , writes in his famous book lahoof, because the women and the family
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and the wife of imam hussain, peace be upon him, returned from syria and reached the land of iraq, they said to the caravan guide, "we take it by way of karbala. so they came until they reached the slaughterhouse of the martyrs. they saw jabir bin abdullah ansari and a group of bani hashim who came to visit the grave of imam hussain with a group of the prophet's family. so they all gathered in that land at the same time and cried together they lamented and mourned. from the point of view of many shiite and sunni scholars and historians , the historical basis of the arbaeen husayni walking tradition is, on the one hand, the movement of jabir bin abdullah ansari from madinah to karbala on foot, and on the other hand
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, the arrival of ahl al-bayt in karbala in the first arbaeen of the year 61 ah and the burial of the pure heads of the martyrs. especially the holy head of imam hussain (peace be upon him) next to his pure body, but some historians and researchers have a different opinion about this historical event. without a doubt, the elders did a good research in this direction, and that is the truth this arbaeen arbaeen is the same. it is a year , because on the 14th or 15th day of muharram, the caravan of captives moves from kufa to damascus with a very gentle movement of 10 or 15 kilometers per day, that is
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, they especially moved the caravan of captives in such a way as to show off the entire route. and... show the power of yazid and the umayyad system to the people , that is, they did not follow the natural path. in the evening , there was a yazid assembly and the sermon of hazrat zain al-abidin , to the extent that everyone was amazed by this speech, and contrary to the opinion of the ruling system and yazid, they saw that the situation he has dinner. it is mixed according to traditions and days on the 10th of this caravan's journey , it was moving in the direction of madinah. it was here that hazrat sajjad and hazrat zainab, peace be upon them, requested that
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we are on our way to karbala and that the normal movement was relatively fast, and this according to those who they have information about the movement of caravans in those days, this route is something around 1800 to 1900 kilometers, and a so-called orderly and regular caravan can reach this point in 5 days, and the 9-day caravans reached this point, and this has been proven.
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the way to fight oppression has always been a circle of shiites. the recommendations of the infallible imams are also related to visiting the grave of imam hossein on this passion and inspiration. he added, therefore, the oppressive rulers always felt threatened and tried in every way to destroy this spiritual center. one year, one of the prophet's companions came and said, "o messenger of god, i did not succeed in performing hajj this year. what should i do instead of hajj?" ok, he said, look at this mountain around mecca, mount abu qaisah, if this mountain. put red gold on the head , it means the most valuable type of gold, red gold
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. if you want, give this instead of hajj. hajj is so important. hajj is so important. when imam sadiq, may god bless him and grant him peace, comes, he says that every step in arbaeen is every step. which you take to the sides. hussaini masjid sharif of hazrat aba abdallah is equivalent to 70 hajj , saying less than even some authentic sources say the number of 1000 hajj and 1000 umrah, 1000 hajj and 1000 umrah, the arrival of ashura during two centuries until the time of mutawakkul, the tyrannical abbasid caliph , became universal and any changes and developments in karbala . and the court of imam hussain (peace be upon him) is spread throughout the islamic world. mutawakkul
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is not only famous for imposing harsh punishments on the pilgrims of imam hussain, including the amputation and killing of shiites, but also , according to historians, he ordered the destruction of his tomb 17 times. zayd majnoon, scholar and writer has resided in egypt since. hearing about mutawakkel's actions of destroying the grave of seyyed al-shahda and closing water and farming in it, they are very upset and leave egypt for the pilgrimage. zayd majnoon arrived in kufa in 237 ah and from there, accompanied by bahlul hakim , he went on foot to visit imam hussain (peace be upon him). the pilgrimage of hazrat aba abdullah
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has never been interrupted since the year 61 until now, when we are at your service, just as the circumambulation of the house of god, the kaaba, the hopes and dreams and hearts of free people, shiites and lovers of the ahl al-bayt, after the year 61 hijri, this kaaba has never been empty of pilgrims. most circumstances in circumstances martyrdom means that a person knew that he was going to be martyred , he was going to be martyred, or he was martyred in return, or he was incomplete in al-awad in the era of mutawakkil, the year 249 ah of the third century.
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it has been nearly a century since the abbasid era has ended and the shiite rulers of albuya, who have their roots in iran's tabaristan , rule over parts of iran, iraq, and the levant. during the years of their rule, the sultans of alb bubuyeh
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have not only made offering prayers to imam hussein (peace be upon him) during muharram days into an official ritual, but also paid special attention to the restoration of the graves of shiite imams in iraq, and they also many have depended on it to promote the tradition of pilgrimage. azoud al-daulah abu kalijar from bakhtiar's family and jalal al-daulah are among the nobles of daylam who visited najaf and karbala many times to the holy shrines of amirmanan (peace be upon him) and imam hussain (peace be upon him). according to ibn juzi , the famous baghdadi historian, jalal al-dawlah , along with his children and a group of companions , went on a pilgrimage to karbala and najaf ashraf in 431 ah, and in karbala , he went barefoot in front of the cemetery, and in kufa, he went from the moat of the city, which is one farsang to the place of martyrdom of amir mominan
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(peace be upon him) is a distance away on foot. during this period, the land of iraq is known as the state of baghdad, a land that is under the control of the ottoman empire. ismail safavi is on his way to this state to expand the borders of his government. according to ibrahim amini harbi, the historian of shah ismail's reign, after the conquest of baghdad, he first went to karbala, and after entering the city and visiting the shrine of imam hussain (peace be upon him) on foot,
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he stayed awake all night in the shrine and personally carried out grave cleaning. holy shrine of the company. and after offering expensive gifts and gold lamps and ordering the construction of a grave cover made of stone and gold, he leaves for najaf ashraf. the author of the book fatuhat shahi writes about shah ismail's pilgrimage to the shrine of amir al-mu'minin ali (peace be upon him) on foot, as the sign of the dome of god is visible from afar. he threw himself down with all the commanders of mikran and from there either ali goyan left, and when they got inside, that shahriar was crying head to toe , or ali goyan stepped on that holy threshold and became a pilgrim. during
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the safavid era, the pilgrimage to atbat al-aliat has always had many ups and downs due to the constant competition and wars with the sunni turks of the ottoman religion. although the safavid kings conquered these holy lands many times the governance of iran has been connected, but the misbehavior of the rulers of the ottoman officials with the iranian visitors and receiving a lot of money for customs and passports, as a result. it has brought with it the outflow of national capitals , causing the safavid kings, including shah abbas i, to change the route of atbat pilgrimage caravans towards khorasan and the pilgrimage of imam reza (peace be upon him). among the safavid kings, most of all, shah abbas i
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paid great attention to visiting holy places, including the court of ali bin musa. reza peace be upon him. he made his most famous pilgrimage in the lunar year 1099. a journey on foot on foot from the front of qaboo royal palace in isfahan to the city of mashhad and razavi shrine, which takes 28 days. during the safavid era, anyway , the fundamental movements of shiism began with the arrival and request of elders like the father of the late sheikh bahai, the late kirki from jabalamal, lebanon, and these two dignitaries came to iran in ghazvin and then to the capital of the safavids,
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isfahan, between the beginning of the expansion of shiite culture. who is now mourning in our category. working and walking to karbala pilgrimage to karbala at that time, the figures given are 50 thousand iranian pilgrims in the year during the qajar period , this figure reaches 180 thousand iranians. the population of iran at that time was slightly more than one and a half million. you can see how many tenths of this nation would have been exactly like it is now.
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according to historians, during this period, more than ever before, the rituals of mourning and pilgrimage of the innocent imams have spread day by day. the political relationship between iran and the ottoman empire is in favorable conditions. that's why the sultan of the qur'an today. on the 20th of friday , jumadi and thani will leave tehran for baghdad with a detailed army consisting of cavalry, infantry, and heshm's servants, which is worthy of the royal show of iran in atbat. a trip that lasts 5 months and naseruddin in the travel book of his highness atbat, the shah describes the complete description of this trip and the way of his pilgrimage on foot and the presence of many pilgrims and special people in karbala. it
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was found from the gardens of karbala's palm grove. from here to the city of karbala, it is two miles away . i sat on the sands and renewed my ablution . we reached the beginning of the road and the gardens of karbala are good with palm trees . this road is more than one fursang from the white bridge to the gate of najaf. from the white bridge to the gate of najaf , there were people on both sides, men and women. we entered the city of kashan or isfahan , karbala has a fortress made of hard bricks by hossein khan sardar iranian, that is, ghazvini, the ruler of yerevan, made it . we did noon and evening prayers above hazrat's head , the ziyarat prayer was recited, then i returned to visit hazrat
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abbas, peace be upon him. i searched the late sheikh abdul hossein repaired it with our money and built it well , but the tile plinths should be made of stone. making the issue of zain famous is on the agenda. for example, in the seventh article of the second agreement of the roman empire, it is stated that the ottoman government is committed to provide the necessary facilities to iranian pilgrims
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based on previous treaties to visit holy places inside the ottoman territory, so that these pilgrims are safe and sound without any attack. or any uncomfortable encounters can jump to pilgrimage. in spite of these interactions, naseri newspaper wrote in 1312 ah that the number of pilgrims is at a level that has not been seen in the last 15 years. after the naseri period, we are back again we reach ottoman oppression and the ottomans are very strict and we have many incidents in the history of iraq where children were forced to throw stones at pilgrims and in baghdad, many
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pilgrims were harassed. as evidenced by the history of centuries after jabir bin abdullah ansari, a great companion of the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace, against the first arbaeen pilgrim. hosseini was nicknamed in the 13th lunar century by sheikh azam morteza ansari shoushtari due to his great attention to the arbaeen pilgrimage tradition on foot . zed zed, the creator of hosseini's arbaeen pilgrimage on foot , was known among the scholars. during the time of sheikh ansari , some comfort was established. a ruler came who
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removed this ruler's strictness. sheed when ansari walks and goes to karbala on foot, a group of clerics from the area also walk, the people of najaf and karbala and muqlidin all walk, every reference and every personality from the smallest space that comes into existence, fully utilizes it in the revival of the tradition. islamic and including this slogan. he was walking and chanting hosseini. in 1305 ah, nearly 3 decades have passed since the death of sheikh ansari. state during world war i, iraq was separated from the ottoman empire and administered under british control.
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it won't be long before with. when the first cars entered this area, the tradition of arbaeen walking has been forgotten and it is considered as a sign of poverty and poverty. at this time, whoever wants to travel to karbala on foot, must do so secretly. because in the eyes of the people, this movement is considered a kind of shame. it is in this situation that the wise scholar, sheikh hossein muhaddith noori steps into the field, sheikh agha bozor tehrani, his student, who closely witnessed the efforts of he has been his teacher. he writes that our teacher, when he saw wa'az as a religion, he devoted himself to the religion of god's way and became accustomed to it. he used to rent four-legged animals to carry his luggage, but he and his companions traveled on foot. as a result of this action, in
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the following years, the desire of the people and the righteous people increased and it was no longer considered as an argument, so that in some years the number of tents and tents of the marchers reached 30, and each tent belonged to 20 to 30 people. in this way, this noble tradition became a common practice of sheikh jafar kashif al-qata akhund khorasani mirza javad agha. maleki tabrizi, seyyed mahmoud hosseini shahroudi, mirzai na'ini, allameh amini and haj agha ruhollah khomeini are among the shia scholars and authorities who have gone many times on foot to visit amirul momineen (peace be upon him) and imam hussain (peace be upon him) on foot, especially during the days of arbaeen.
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it's been a long time since iran-iraq relations have turned dark over political issues, including the determination of geographical borders, and some people are expelling many iranians, including students and scholars, from iraq. during this time, mourning for imam hussain (peace be upon him) , especially the arbaeen walking tradition, is prohibited, and pilgrims on foot are captured and executed. and this religious ceremonies are closed. in general , taking a guard in front of shuaar islamia, specifically hosseini, well, the movement of processions, for example , was prohibited, walking or these arbaeen processions were not considered permissible. i can almost say that there is no family in iraq that does not have a martyr
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. saddam's era, whether sunni or shia, was not exclusively for shia. people did not leave their homes for fear of being jailed or deported or martyred. and the climax of this story is the fight against shuahar hosseini and de-iranization. it started in 1948 and its peak was in 1956, when he was 44 at that time. bloody began. 19th safar 1397 ah. four days have passed since the announcement of the official circular of the debash regime banning pilgrimage to karbala. pilgrims on foot continued on their way regardless of this announcement and threats of the army


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