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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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well, with the short introduction you mentioned, and of course you are talking about the national unity government , mr. qaim panah, i will talk more with you and allow us to say goodbye to the esteemed viewers of one sima channel, thanks to their support until this moment, and invite them to continue. follow the conversation with the executive vice president on khabar channel . mr. dr. qahempanah, you gave a brief definition of the national unity government, which we hear a lot these days in the cabinet and in the fourteenth government of the government of mr. mr. doctor. many times in debates and in
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various speeches, they emphasized that a single group cannot rule the country and the country cannot be ruled by fighting. the agreement was based on the principle that let's be compatible with each other, let's agree when there is a conflict in one place. when there is a dispute, we come to an agreement, and this agreement means that we all agree on a common principle and principles compatible with our own goals , how to run the country. insurance, the problem of energy imbalance, the problem of people's livelihood, the problem of inflation turbulent region problem. the problem of foreign enemies and
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thousands of other problems that exist in the country, 40 years and 44 years since the revolution, we believe that the position of iran should be higher and higher than where it is. our dear iran should be more than this and our people should live better than this. well, to achieve this goal, it should be centered around one axis. we have a goal to compromise, to agree with each other. what a better and higher compromise than the vision that the supreme leader drew 20 years ago. when, in our vision, iran is a developed country with the first economic position, scientific, annihilation at the regional level, with
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a revolutionary and inspiring islamic identity in the islamic world, with constructive and effective interaction in international relations, we know what value is higher than to put our country in its own place, and this is a sign that we we can work around these principles. this perspective that our country's position is not what it should be, the people of iran deserve more than this, with this wealth that we have, with this special geopolitical position, the so-called special political, social , geographical position that we have, that we can actually be a place for political, cultural exchanges and economic in the region with so, why should our people
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have some difficulties in their lives, so if we want to overcome these problems and look at the vision that the leader has and wants to make iran great , we need to build iran based on our historical and religious identity. for this we have to reach an agreement. on this basis , in order to build a free, advanced iran and a people who don't have any worries and live comfortably , our agreement on this is correct, mr. doctor, in the path you are drawing now, to reach and to take advantage of all the capacities, this is a very important part or discussion. discussion the selection and appointment of the cabinet proposed by dr. dr. mezkiyan
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was formed with the decisive and maximum vote of the members of the islamic council, and now it is the turn of the election of managers and of course governors. appointments are made. look at the time of the formation of your cabinet. you can see that there are different spectrums in our cabinet. even the dear one who did not vote for the medical doctor in the first round is in our cabinet. we chose the cabinet based on this. that of all flows. i see the ways of thinking that exist in the country, we can choose based on the existing laws and conditions of the country . this different spectrum in our cabinet was a manifestation of consensus . above that, in the parliament
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, the cabinet voted based on consensus and coordination and constructive interaction, while , fortunately, the parliament too. gave a positive answer because so much in our past courses. and maybe the tendency of the parliament was not 100 with, for example, medical doctors, but the overall outcome of the parliament was consensus-building, which means that we believe that a single group cannot run the country. therefore, on this basis, we formed the cabinet using women we used different groups, we conducted polls , we took opinions from opposing groups, even our own thinking, so a wide range
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was not only the so-called strategic council working group, which had a role in determining the cabinet, other groups, other national persons, even dr. . if they think of someone as a replacement , they can go to the cabinet and make a proposal, so the hand of brotherhood, the hand of companionship , the hand of agreement, the hand of agreement was extended to everyone and led to the formation of the cabinet. and at the level of the governors, we should also try based on the same indicators as dr. we have repeatedly said that we should determine who is capable , efficient, competent, knowledgeable, experienced , and put to work, regardless of gender, ethnicity , gender, ethnicity, age, and intellectual position. therefore
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, the nation should wait for this. medical doctor if only one faction is present, it is expected that those who want to do something for iran, for iran, within the framework of the program, within the framework of general policies, within the framework of the seventh plan, and with the view and agreement with the approach of mr. dr. mezikian will have a place in our cabinet. mr. doctor, you just mentioned the committees for selecting managers and for governors , in fact. it was related to the formation of the cabinet. in the selection of managers, the ministers themselves are definitely free. well, with coordination and my approach, i said that
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younger people should be used, women should be used. let's choose some young people , let's choose some women, so that we can have the participation of these loved ones in running the affairs of the country regardless of their gender, regardless of their thinking, regardless of their geographical location or their place of residence or their religious beliefs, therefore, we hope that the ministers will do this , dr. let everyone feel a sense of participation in the cabinet and in
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the government of two doctors. i have an example. some time ago, we had a meeting in the presidency in respect of the dear azadegans, and i mentioned a memory of the mersad operation. balochistan and khorasan and azerbaijan, yazd, hormozgan, and ahvaz all came to defend the horizontal integrity, no one selected anyone to defend the country, and on this basis , unity was formed and unity prevailed over disunity. this is a sign that we are united when we unite. let's unite, we can overcome the big challenges i mentioned, the elites of the country should
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help us, so that we can bring iran to its place of progress, we should not feel any shortage, we should not feel inferior to our neighbors , we should be in the first region. we must have a high position in science and technology our rightful place is history. we, our national identity , show that iran can be the first in the region, mr. doctor, we want to see a report together, but before that, i would like to ask you about two issues : do you believe there is a time limit for the changes and the election of managers now? they told me that the governors will be assigned to us until the end of september. this news will be shared, of course, the news was that all the governors will be changed except.
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dear brother and colleagues, and with our sufficiency, mr. dr. momeni, god willing, his deputies should be chosen with the coordination of the government board, for sure worthy governors. efficient and capable, god willing, to the government board. with patience and carefully, god willing, they will choose that we will be able to implement the plans of dr. dr. qaim pannah, let us see a report, let's go back to the studio and talk about other issues of the executive vice president. on the 11th of august, the president appointed mr. mohammad jafar ghaem panah to the position of executive vice president and head of the presidential institution. naturally, the changes
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are in the direction of improving affairs and improving efficiency, according to the decree of the president, to achieve the goals the government, within the framework of the vision document and general policies approved by the supreme leader, including the duties of our executive vice president, by looking at the vision of general policies and the program law, each institution performs its duties. the republic of executive vice president is also acting in the same direction. it is natural that we look at all people, all parts of the country. the executive vice president mentioned changing the approach of the system and getting people's satisfaction as one of his priority programs. we should force all the institutions to consider the people as their own masters, to gain the satisfaction of the people. this is a basic point in the title it is our program. in the second chapter, a communication is one of our duties, the relationship between the president and the people, so that we can
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systematically update this communication in line with the implementation of the general policies of the administrative system and with the aim of improving the human resources selection process. we respect your views, but let's agree on one thing and unite with one thing. and that unity to build iran in the first days of the beginning of the banking reform policies according to the order of the president mr. qaimpanah with the coordination of the central bank, pursues the problems. medicines were supplied, we talked with the central bank , we had a meeting, so many issues were solved, and the problem of supply of medicine, import of raw materials for pharmaceutical companies was solved, almost majorly.
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in some situations, in the position of government spokesperson . you are appointed, you do not intend to make changes in the government information council and also the issue of the speaker. i want to inform the people about the news correctly and i think that, god willing, in the first meeting of the government delegation, which is on wednesday, god willing , a capable spokesperson of the government delegation should be portrayed and introduced. i hope that you will also from now on, get to know our professional spokesperson and
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mr. dr. 90 has been selected, but it should be the government board. subordinating different political currents and the presence of different people in the cabinet in the selection of managers in different appointments, how effective do you think it will be in solving the challenges and solving the important issues of the country that will lead to the progress of iran and the islamic republic of iran reaching its real position in the region and in the international arena, the first condition of agreement is that we have a vision
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and general policies and the 7th plan in fact. let us agree to implement and definitely achieve this in the coming days for each ministry of home affairs the goals will be determined, but what i can tell you exactly, dear people of iran , is that the approach of the federal government to run the country is based on scientific principles and wisdom. and a wise man was able. whoever was wise was born from the knowledge of the heart of pier barna. a powerful government. a wise government is a government that is based on expertise. it will be powerful by preserving our own national and islamic values
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. justice means that the rights of the people of iran regardless of gender, regardless of geographical location , regardless of religion, regardless of their tendencies. politically, the rights of all the members of the nation should be properly protected , properly protected, and the rights should be enforced. no one in the country should feel that his rights have been lost, god forbid. all of us, the government, based on the words that the president's promise to the people is that we must win the people's satisfaction. mr. dr. qaim panah, in the same people's satisfaction that you mention now and emphasize that the members of the 14th government are also the head of the president
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, they emphasize the implementation of the upper documents of the 7th plan, the way to evaluate the performance of managers and leaders. the government also implements various affairs on the same basis, that is, completely first of all, let me say that because it is the week of my government, we government employees, from the minister to the last level , should meet with the people in the electricity department, in the municipality, in the social security organization, in the hospital. they say master. no one talks to his master out of pride, we have to talk to the people out of respect, we have to talk to our masters who are the people , we have to talk with respect, so this is the week of the government, i ask all the government employees to all the loved ones they have in this government. they are working
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to bring this approach to life in the society people are our masters. and in front of the people , let's honor and respect, even if they have an illegal request, tell the people that we apologize, i can't help you, and i apologize for the fact that the law does not allow me to help you. this word should be said to the people, not to the people. god forbid the effect on the latter, in facing the people, we had provincial trips in the government of shahid raisi, which were done weekly and continuously. what is the plan of the 14th government and the cabinet members regarding the provincial trips? there is a plan for the seventh plan, the so-called specific plan, what projects have been determined for the provinces
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, that is, now we have to take the government to the provinces. he controlled the distance, but surely the honorable president will talk to the people, he will visit the people, but maybe the way he did in the past. maybe we haven't reached a conclusion yet, it should be discussed in the cabinet, but maybe we will choose a new approach. after all, if the country has a plan, if everyone should try and support the program that is implemented according to the law. maybe it is less needed. we have provincial agreements. one thing that we should pay attention to is that there are thousands of unfinished projects in the country. there are limited resources . if not, and based on our resources, we should first of all
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complete the half-finished projects of these years, then go to the provinces and start the so-called new projects, so the plan of the government of mr. mezikian, one approach is to implement the half-finished approvals of previous governments. the previous one for sure. government approvals before wherever it is possible and it is justified from the point of view of economy and planning , it must be taken into account from the technical point of view, of course we are obliged to implement the government's obligations. without a doubt, this is the right of the people and the right of the people to return to the government to fulfill the obligations of the previous government. based on the resources available to us, we have to do the projects, but in order to overcome many problems, our country must become rich , wealth must be produced by the people, how long do we want the people, in
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fact, with subsidies, with the help that comes from the people's life support organization's aid committee should do politics with their own dignity according to the vision, based on the general policy and the 7th plan, the government should be this much. to have the ability to generate wealth and not need the help of the government, to live with dignity, the people of the people should not seek to get a subsidy from the government, which will definitely continue, or , god forbid, the need for so-called welfare institutions. and this is, in my opinion, the dignity of the iranian nation is higher than this, all the youth, all the women, all the men of this land should live with freedom and do not lend a hand to anyone in need, be rich, be strong, our women, our men and
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god willing and i hope that with the help of all those in power and those who have power in the country, we will be able to produce wealth for the people of iran, and already produce wealth by the people and the government. the government can achieve its three main tasks. the government's task is to create security and a sense of security in the people. the second is the education of the people, which means the right of the people to get a good education from the government. all the children of this country can have a good education. the third task of the government is the health of the people .
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you also took charge of the selection of the country in the order of mr. medeshkian, well, the broadcast of the news network also gave us more time, one way more than other talks. what are you supposed to do in the country's selection affairs department? complaints are not few in this field, mr. dr. qaimpanah, especially regarding code 5 and code 19. yes, unfortunately, well, maybe hundreds these days. i received a text message after the notification of the honorable presidency regarding the selection issue to my servant
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mohammad. hundreds of phone messages were sent to me through virtual networks that we were subject to code 19 or 5 for secretarial purposes in the notification that the honorable president sent to me. 1389 by the supreme leader in banda s this phase exists to improve the criteria and modernize the methods of selecting human resources in order to attract capable, committed and competent human resources and avoid narrow-mindedness and tasteful and unprofessional attitudes.
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this is the emphasis of the honorable presidency in the notification issued by him to me. this is the general policy of the notification, which means that we should hire people who are worthy of this country, which means that we should update our own selection . justice dictates that all those who study in our departments should be employed in our education. rejecting or not selecting people should be based on the logic of right and be fair, and on the other hand, ajuri will prevent you from choosing a taste that was
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the same before i came a few days ago. it happened . first of all , i would like to thank the honorable minister of education that after this happened, they will follow up so that god willing, this will happen. from now on , all the dear ones who eat code 19, eat code five, make sure to announce their protest, god willing, the central board of education selection. and education takes care of it, and i am asking for a little bit from my dear ones, that with the youth of this country. speak with the language of respect and the same way mullah ali in the command issued to malik ushar if a young person posts a story , gives a message, or wears clothes that may not be what you want, you can choose these dear ones
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, the dear ones who are the children of this country, the dear ones who have been paid for in this let's try to deal with the country of their upbringing with some tolerance and choose teachers who have more knowledge and have more knowledge. these dear ones should definitely have a higher academic level . increase the interview score, increase the percentage to 40% the basis should be the same and more scientific basis. now , a person may not answer well or answer poorly in the interview . the consequences will be that we will face more people's dissatisfaction. therefore, i will send a letter from all the selection centers to the new notification that we can according to our law. the selection regulations are based on
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the policies of the supreme leader. let's fix it. i am asking the dear ones to please treat the young people of the country a little more kindly . be kinder to the dear girls of this land. these dear ones belong to this land. they belong to the islamic republic . we should absorb them if there is any problem. kindly, by absorbing these in the government, we can unite all of iran. in order to solve the problems , we have to do something so that our young people don't leave the country . when we see thousands of educated people of this country going abroad because of our narrow theories , some people are heartbroken. why should the young people of this country leave their homeland? leave, go to a foreign country to serve, why should our doctor go abroad, why should our engineer go abroad, god
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