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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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let's reform the leadership, i am asking the dear ones to please treat the youth of the country a little more kindly , be kinder to the dear girls of this land, these dear ones belong to this land, they belong to the islamic republic, we should absorb them if there is any problem. kindly by absorbing these in the government, we can all of iran. to solve the problems, we have to do something so that our young people don't leave the country. when we see thousands of educated people of this country going abroad because of our narrow theories, some people are heartbroken, why should the young people of this country mom they should leave their homeland to serve in a foreign country . why should our doctor go abroad? why should our engineer go abroad because of god forbid? the kindness and
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kindness that we have, iran belongs to everyone , iran is for everyone, iran belongs to all iranians, so our selection is also with this approach. our women look attracted to young iranian loved ones. our dignity makes us proud, god forbid that a youth should leave the country because of the inappropriate behavior of a government institution and a choice of cash. we are responsible. we must be accountable both in this world and in the hereafter, why we, the ones we educated , have been spent on them, whether they are doctors, engineers or nurses, we should help them.
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become an islamic republic , the honor of iran depends on the satisfaction of the people. we hope that our government will do something so that now in the regular elections anyone can be a candidate instead of 50% of 70-80 people in the elections. our satisfaction with the islamic republic, the people's satisfaction with the islamic republic, makes iran proud , makes iran proud, and makes the leadership of the islamic republic of iran proud, mr. dr. qahem panah. let's have an overview
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of their implementation percentage. now, based on statistics and figures , let's go back to the 7th plan, mr. dr. dr. al-badziyan . they themselves played a role in the development of the 7th plan. being selected emphasizes this issue and emphasizing on its implementation in the cabinet and the members of the government delegation, do you think that with the approach that has been adopted and... the issue of national unity that is emphasized by them and the members of the government delegation and you in your talks, how much of the program is expected? seventh, let us implement it, the truth is that it will be little in general , this program for all executive bodies means that we must reach these goals within 5 years, god willing , with the system of all the elements of the islamic republic, we must
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try, the main part is related to the government, so that we can step by step the basis of the so-called indicators that will be determined and for each minister for every ministry will be determined by small numbers whether it is reaching its goal or not. the basis of our work is to reach the indicators that have been compiled for us in the 7th plan for iran's progress. this point that you are saying now is the same point that mr. dr. mezikian mentioned in the first meeting, that the plans should be determined, felt and presented in the first meeting of the government board. in general, in the notification issued by the president's office to all ministers , it is mentioned that you have an obligation to look at the general policies and the 7th program in this framework. that 's why mr. dr. mezikian used to say in his debates.
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he said, "we have a plan. i don't have a plan. our plan is the seventh plan. it is not possible for anyone to plan and not invite the owners of the process in an organization." small even in the family, if you want to implement something in a multi-person family, if the family, the spouse, the family , the children of the family do not participate in planning for a change in a family life, do you think the plan will be implemented when the honorable parliament has planned and based on the general policies of the program, that is, as those who own the process from the government's expert body, who are definitely still in the government. we will be from this expert body, this program was extracted, the approval bill was drafted and the bill went to the parliament, and the parliament has been with the government for 54 years
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, and the government is with the parliament, and dr. mezikian himself was present as a member of the islamic council. . and they are aware of the program law, we definitely won't have a new program, it may not be possible to implement parts of this program , or its resources have not been developed, well, we can interact with the parliament, change some clauses , but we will definitely do our best. it is to reach a high percentage of these goals that have been formulated and as in the past, 10%, 20%, 25% is not enough in my opinion, we hope to
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be above 80, above 90, 90. we hope to reach the indicators prepared in the 5-year plan. there is room from here again from the honorable chairman of the parliament. respected representatives and especially the respected judiciary, which i met with loved ones and declared support for the government, which in my opinion is unprecedented, the honorable head of the judiciary, with the power to declare that we support the government for the implementation of the seventh plan and the general policy plan. do and without any effort we will not compromise, this is the agreement that we all try to reach this goal. and above all this , the support of the supreme leader and the support of the people , the people should demand from us the implementation of the program, outside of the program , the honorable representatives and the people should not demand from us to agree
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on the implementation of the plan, the implementation of the plan, on the implementation of the program. he is knowledgeable about the scientific foundations of wisdom. finally , all this is for the satisfaction of the people, mr. dr. ghaem , the progress of iran, peace be upon you, you just mentioned that you asked the ministers to make the operational plans of the body appropriate to the capacity and appropriate to the approach of the ministry of home affairs. and what i now feel as priorities in line with the seventh plan and general policies, and now the plans that the vision plan , the operational plan of the ministry, and now that time period has been selected, because you mentioned the 5-year number , when will it reach you? or it will be brought up in the government board, what is characteristic, well, the cabinet has not been formed for a week, the deputies should sit in the executive branch, because mr. president said in the first meeting, the first meeting, which the honorable president emphasized
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, we do not have a pact other than this, the first meeting , even before that the cabinet means the day before the fact that we go to the parliament is the day of the introduction of the general law and the program of these laws , we need a so-called operational plan or a management term , an action plan should be prepared by each ministry based on the goals that have been set for it, and the so-called step by step
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of these plans. different experts may be involved in the execution of the process. from here, you should think how long it will take, sir , from here, all the government employees should tighten their belts. because i worked with him, he is very capable and very demanding and the ministers should buckle up, the deputies should buckle up, the general managers should be the governors, and everyone should make an effort, because medical doctors have a lot of demands, that is, he insists on his loyalty to the future and that the society should follow his word, and this is again in the shrine of hazrat when we were together, the imam emphasized that i i adhere to those promises , the promise of the medical doctor was to serve the deprived
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, it was to serve the people, so the whole government should try to fulfill these promises to the society. i think that in less than a few months, maybe less than a few weeks, the ministers should announce their operational plan. kennon and indicators announce their own evaluation. it has been discussed many times that responsiveness means responsibility.
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in the end, we have to answer what we have done, and the last thing is how much the people have satisfied the government, and this will happen in the next few months, god willing. we will measure the people about each home ministry. let's see how much we were able to satisfy the people after a few years. i hope all the ministers can provide an acceptable track record for the satisfaction of the people. 14th, how will it be with the people ? certainly, now that most of the physical letters and requests are of this form , we are planning to use a platform with a so-called system, so that we can
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use the knowledge of today's technology to handle people's requests in a way. we should receive scientific and up-to-date information and finally sum up and convey people's demands to the support of the honorable president. a powerful society can be demanding, that's where it ends. the discussion and expansion of civil institutions, trade unions, political parties, should be intermediate, to convey demands and demands. people in an organized form to the government, and this closure and expansion of civil, union and political institutions can be a step towards empowering people to request. a final minute and what was not said, of course, not much was said, but for one minute
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, what i wish as a muslim iranian is to raise the status of dear iran higher than what it is now in the past 40 years. many measures have been taken, many efforts have been made, but what we are considering is that iran's position is not our historical honors , our distant past is full of iran's great honors. i hope we can make iran proud in the future. thank you very much, mr. dr. qaim panna, executive vice president and head of the country's selection affairs, and of course, the head of the presidential institution. thank you for your presence in the studio. a special talk of good news for the members of the cabinet of the 14th government and thank you very much for your company
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, dear compatriots. as always, i am grateful for your company. good night and may god protect me . hizballah's misleading attack tonight about the operational story that the zionists claim
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that they did it before the arbaeen operation to humiliate hizbollah . i will discuss the second case tonight about the latest incident of theft of citizens' information in the united states. on the last day of sha'ban , allah has struck me, and the former is a warning, and there is a warning. the number of my martyrs and peace be upon them
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the women, men and elders are sleeping in safe houses, they are being targeted by the israeli occupation .
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madinah hamad is the best of me in the world, the whole of madinah is sweet, look at what happened in it, what happened in it , look at the pictures of haldemar and the pictures of the things that happened in it. it is god's will and the grace of this time and the comfort of those who know. al-jhud al-hallab is left for seven months . al-dammar was a safe area , and we are safe, where are you, where are
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you? our little boy. i am starting the world's first case today. we are going to have a discussion about the preemptive attack claim of the zionists on sunday, which they refer to as the intelligence failure of this regime , while the cnn tv channel reported that
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the us attacked the zionist regime. to lebanon informational support. or according to many experts. he realizes it late. hizbollah's response was done at the right time and place. firing dozens of missiles, rockets and drones from lebanon towards occupied palestine to deceive and confuse. the defense systems of the zionist regime were carried out according to the plan of hezbollah's military designers, and two military intelligence centers were targeted in the depth of this regime. the
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zionist newspaper yediod aharonot wrote: 120 hezbollah drones entered haifa by passing through israel's radar systems and reached their targets. during their flight, the sirens sounded about 400 times they sounded. the warning systems failed and these systems sounded even when the birds were flying. according to the detailed information i have, hezbollah has targeted a top-secret israeli facility in the vicinity of tel aviv. as the cnn reporter said, america played a role in this preventive operation of the zionist regime against hezbollah, which was definitely an intelligence role. but some experts question the effectiveness of this cooperation.
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the israeli intelligence and security service regarding the statements of the prime minister and the spokesperson of the israeli army regarding a pre-emptive attack with a hundred fighters against the party's divisions. allah increases. i am talking about the same issue with mr. sohail kasrenejad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, who is a guest of the jahan today program . welcome, mr. kathirenjad. it was mentioned in the report that the arbaeen operation that was carried out yesterday was under the surveillance of the american intelligence and the zionist regime for weeks. on sunday, when the operation was carried out
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, after that, we had news about the zionists announcing a preventive operation and some of the platform. they targeted the projectiles that were supposed to be launched from there , but actually more than 300 drone and rocket projectiles. it was launched and the arbaeen operation was completed in full. what is the story of this preventive operation in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful? hello, i would like to serve you and dear viewers. this is not something that is new to me, it is not related to this war, there is something with a history in israel that is an important issue and maybe. there should be a lot of study and work on this case, media management in war conditions, what happened was that from around 1:00 am, that is, from approximately 5:00 am.
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hours before the start of hezbollah operations , there were large movements throughout lebanon, most of them in southern lebanon, but a significant part in areas even in belek and northern parts of lebanon. it also happened that it was for the purpose of deception, that is , the large volume of these movements caused the enemy to not realize what was going to happen, considering that it can almost be said that during this 11- month period of war, the israelis were fully prepared, and especially in these 26 days since the assassination , this alert had reached its peak . in front of the eyes of the israelis, hizbollah forces did this and were able
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to achieve this success, this is a very important point, but to see now that this was a success, for israel, a failure requires that an intelligence failure requires that we know that an intelligence issue is usually three. it has four aspects, one is analytical and the other is derived. one side is collection, the other side is action . if you see them together , it gives us a clear picture of israel. in terms of collecting 100, it can be said that failure means that they collect information about when, where and how hezbollah wants to attack. it was very difficult for the israelis. we saw that in these 26 days, almost once every two or three days , the israelis say that now when hezb-el wants to attack, the same was the case with iran, that is, they say that iran will attack tonight, nothing will happen again five or six days later. they say that iran will attack at the time of sadegh's promise of operation.
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trying to highlight their media, one of the cases was that the locations of the resistance forces under the name of strategic storage warehouses were actually a deception plan, not that it is actually a strategic storage warehouse that we say holds a very large amount of missiles and rockets. that well, it accommodates other facilities in itself. if something like this is destroyed, the amount of damage and damage
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will be very large. this one. and two, these warehouses are described as strategic storage warehouses that hezbollah naturally keeps underground , the same pictures that were published some time ago , due to the geographical conditions of the region, especially southern lebanon, which is mountainous, destroying them is a very difficult task. look at the tunnels in gaza , when they destroy them, well, gaza can almost be said to have no surface effects, but in lebanon, if they want to destroy these tunnels, bomb them and they will be destroyed. the damages are not by their own hands, that is , multiple earthquakes and multiple landslides will occur, which may endanger even the israelis themselves and the israeli forces present in the region . the damage is not controlled, it will lead to extensive destruction of tunnels just by closing the opening of a tunnel, for example
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, so this destruction at all. strategic reserves cannot happen for this reason. one or two films released by the israelis, if you see the explosions are very limited, that is, a building in in fact, they detonate, and you can see that an explosion takes place only at the base of our building. the strategic storage warehouse of hundreds and thousands of missiles is the explosive baggage of thousands of missiles. if you assume that now each of them has at least 70, 80, 100 kilograms of warheads , see how much. it was announced that these had been evacuated a long time ago because their location was revealed and it is a natural thing that they are constantly being moved and many of these places were in places that were empty, only about five or six launch platforms.
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it was established. in which 3 people are only martyred resistance forces, if one of these 3 people is a movement at all it was an act that had nothing to do with this incident, that is , a few hours after this operation , he was martyred in another incident in khayam, and only two members of the hezbollah forces were present during this operation and during these hours, which apparently had nothing to do with this. there has been no operation directly and in progress, that is , it has not been in the course of a preemptive attack by the israelis . this means that the claim made by israel when we look at the damages it must bear is not at all these numbers. the israelis say that the party wanted at least 6,000 missiles and the maximum that i saw in their media was 8,000 missiles god bless that we destroyed them. you see, the destruction of 8,000 missiles, those are missiles that have not been fired yet and are ready to be fired. a missile that has not been fired yet has fuel in addition to the warhead. look at the volume of the explosion it has to produce , but we have not seen such a volume in the south of lebanon. so
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this shows that this claim is a false claim that the israelis are surfing. of course, in my israeli community, i have seen a lot of attention to this in the news media. certainly, in the following days , the israelis will focus more on whether we really did a pre-emptive attack or the story. it was something else. very short, if you say that in your opinion, considering the dimensions you are saying , well, if this preemptive attack was carried out and the results are not that it is actually on our field now. are they forced to confess or not? also , the official authorities will definitely not admit the continuation of this media game that you mentioned at the beginning of our discussion, but you can hear the confession in the media and from the experts. political analyst with jahan today program.


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