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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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look at the volume of the explosion it has to produce , but we did not see such a volume in the south of lebanon, so this itself shows that this claim is a false claim that the israelis are doing surfing . the israelis focus more on whether we really carried out a preemptive attack or if it was something else . it has been taken seriously and the results are not that we are actually forced to confess whether it is possible or not , the official authorities will definitely not admit the continuation of this media game that you mentioned at the beginning of our discussion. now, mr. fadi boudieh, a political analyst
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, is also on the jahan today program. mr. boudieh, welcome to the program. we talked about the defeat of the information that the zionist regime received during the arbaeen operation of hezbollah in lebanon. we know that the zionist regime has been claiming for months by assassinating the leaders of the resistance. did that ashraf has high intelligence, but we saw yesterday that he failed to neutralize hezbollah's attack , just as
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he was able to boast of the victory of the resistance and to avenge the blood of martyr fouad shukar. we observed that 340 rockets and missiles passed through the iron dome and then prepared the ground for the attack on the gulluwat base, and the radars
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it flaunts. he announced that we confronted him and 10 countries supported him, but in the end he failed, so the zionist regime is weak and against the power of the resistance, nothing can be done, mr. boudieh, you mentioned the exceptional
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nature of the roz-ain operation, i want to ask what the coordinates of the bases targeted by hezbollah in lebanon are, because mr. seyed hassan nasrallah said that we were monitoring if this base has not been hit enough , we will carry out another operation. you have more information in this field. first of all , i want to say about the gillot base that we are talking about an exceptional samosat database in talavi.
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a number of officers and dead israeli soldiers they were killed in this operation, but mr. seyed said that if the result is satisfactory, we will stop , but if there is no satisfaction, we
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are ready to carry out the operation again . what is the meaning of being satisfied with the operation and not being satisfied?
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therefore, the operation has been very successful in terms of the military technology used, in terms of the target that was attacked and the damages that we are waiting for to be published and we will know more about the larger amount of damages. thank you, mr. fadi boudieh , for being with the jahan today program from beirut . i say goodbye to you and to my colleague, mr. abdullahi. i also thank you for translating this conversation . i will go back to the conversation with mr. kesirinejad to point out that an important information base of the
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zionist regime has been damaged, although they do not allow the dimensions of the damage to be published, considering that it has been announced that iran is preparing. to carry out an operation against the zionist regime. in your opinion , how important is this failure of the information that they received in the arbaeen operation in the actions of the zionist regime to defend itself against the operation that iran says it is doing? see, the resistance forces are constantly monitoring the activities of the israelis. what is going on in the gaza front? whether in the lebanese front or in other fronts and these places. the weaknesses and loopholes that have been created will be completely used in the next operations, for example, one of these cases, i would like to name a few as examples , one of these cases that hezbollah used well in this attack was the flight path of the drones, which was mainly from the side coming to the sea means
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not coming from the land, coming from the sea and attacking the coast , considering that galileo's base is not far from the sea, this type of attack is weak in the sea, especially the iron dome, which has the shortest range. it is very easy to use this weakness or, for example, the weakness of information. the person that the israelis have in gaza is in gaza because of the coordination between israel's intelligence agency, shabak , and the rest of mossad , they do not have the right to contact human agents in this attack, if you remember, about seven or eight days ago. the fact that the israelis recovered 6 bodies of their captives from gaza was an intelligence failure, of course, the israelis are still hiding it. how did this defeat happen to the israelis almost 9 months ago in this same area
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being present before our conversation started, the images that were broadcast from hamad city, these tunnels were in the same place, the israelis were there , being there, noticing the opening of some of these tunnels , it is interesting that they did not dare to enter these tunnels , poisonous gases they were left inside these tunnels and they were killed by this poisonous gas . after 9 months of going to work, now the searches that were carried out found those tunnels and the bodies of people who were killed by their own gas 9 months ago. why did this happen because of that? lack of information means not having accurate information. definitely, this story shows itself in a wider dimension, when it is a point case, it is limited , it is very different, it is easier to get the information than if it is very broad. and it is vast both geographically and in terms of time , so it is not easy to get information. the next thing
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i would like to say about these targets that hezbollah attacked is that hezbollah planned its attacks exactly based on the stages it attacked. this again shows that the israelis could not estimate well what does hezbollah want to do? the israelis keep saying that we actually issue special instructions to the cities. whenever we feel that hezbollah is attacking, we say, for example , that people should go to shelters in certain cities, or that activities should be restricted or not. if hezbollah did not attack cities at all, but hit a military base, all these targets that were stated to be military targets did not hit a city at all, and that was the policy adopted by hezbollah due to the type of reaction . which are in the north, about 11 bases which are in the north he hit them, then
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inshmer air defense base and then galileo at a very short distance, showing that the israelis did not have good information in the field of evaluation and assessment, so they could not succeed, and the americans , as mentioned in the report, cnn's correspondent stated that it was the united states, and it is not the link between the united states and the zionist regime at all. he saw these two intelligence systems as separate from each other. how important is it that now they also admit that america supported their intelligence. you see, israel and america cannot be separated at all in the field of intelligence. he separated them because supporting israel has a key position in the foreign policy of the united states. the united states cannot ignore the fact that it must support israel . this is an important point. there are at least 3 bases in the occupied territory, which are in these 3 the american bases are permanently stationed, that is
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, they have forces in the occupied territories, it is not just a matter of giving them a series of information, they officially have forces in the base, most of them are in air force bases and some are in information bases, for example, these are one one of these is a base it is in the south of the occupied territory of the radar with a range of 5,000 kilometers, and deploying it there means a threat from the side of iran. these past few months. that the united states should calculate how i can
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support israel so that at the same time they will be hit the least , so the united states that you see is playing a more important role in this attack and of course sending weapons and aid non-cash cash, which has always been on his side, but in this attack, when he changes his style of play in this way , it is not because his heart is burning for peace in the region. the falsehood is that the party is a game god forbid, the consequences will spread to the americans . the americans, who in the 1980s still have the taste of the blows that the fledgling hezbollah, which was formed at that time, was able to inflict on them, definitely do not want hezbollah's attacks , which are now directed at israel , to be directed at the americans as well. i want to ask a question about the news that the zionist regime tried to enter into negotiations with hezbollah, but before
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that we should see a report about the failure of the terrorist attack by the zionist regime in the neighborhood of hilalieh in the city of saida in southern lebanon. the assassination of one of the officials of the hamas movement, the occupant of this car was able to get out of it a moment before the missile hit. helaliyeh neighborhood of saida city in southern lebanon was the scene of an unsuccessful terrorist air attack by the zionist regime today. the aim of this air attack was to assassinate one of the officials of the palestinian hamas movement, whose car was hit by a rocket. the passenger of this car was able to get out a moment before bushek hit the car. hilali neighborhood is one of the residential areas in the east of saida city, 45 km south of the capital of lebanon. one of the residents of this neighborhood in response to this aerial aggression of the zionist regime he said: i say to the enemy of israel: the will of our nation
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is stronger than your weapons. we will not give up resistance because we know that the weapon and the will to resist the aggression of america and israel is a deterrent. the cost of resistance is much lower than the humiliation of retreating. one of the rockets went through the roof of this building and exploded inside the house of one of the martyrs of al-aqsa storm, but fortunately none of the residents of this house were hit. the father of this martyr, who is the owner of the house, says: he was martyred in one of the border areas last month, and today a rocket hit my house. we will become stronger with these aggressions , we will not stop resisting and we will answer you on the battlefield. resistance officials emphasize that the zionist regime
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cannot defeat its defeats in the field with such terrorist actions in residential areas. to compensate the servants of the resistance. the fighting on the south lebanese front will not stop as long as the attack on gaza continues. seyyed mohammad hosseini, radio and television news agency, saida, south lebanon. you are still watching the world today. i will continue the conversation with mr. sohail kesirinejad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, in this program. our final question is that in the news. after the arbaeen operation, the zionist regime tried to enter into negotiations with hezbollah in lebanon . please tell me the details. first of all, it is not the first time in this war that it wants to negotiate with hezbollah . how many times did negotiations take place through the french , but none of them were successful? it did not reach the end. the next point is that this negotiation will definitely not
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reach a conclusion because the goal of hezbollah's operations is quite clear, that the war in gaza must end and the goal. netanyahu's operations are characterized by the fact that he can find an opportunity to revive his political image he is inside israel, so the purpose of this negotiation will definitely be to stop hezbollah from continuing these strikes, the strikes that seyyed hassan nasrallah said he wants to continue , otherwise, it definitely cannot turn into a ceasefire , their goal after bringing it up what do they want to say that we, for example, took the lead in this discussion to reduce some tension so that hezbollah does not go towards the second or third strike, but at the same time the atmosphere does not become a ceasefire so that israel can attack netanyahu whenever he wants. lebanon and do it and be able to have the internal satisfaction of the citizens for the fact that i am finally fighting on another front and i want
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to ensure peace for the israelis, for example, i am very grateful to you, mr. sohail kasirenjad, an expert on regime issues, just jump, my lungs full of air.
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madame la mayor de paris, mesdames et messieurs les parlementaires, monsieur le préfet, représentant le préfet de la région major de l'armée de terre, n'ont pas été minés par les allemands.
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let's go to the case. second, the world today is concerned about virtual access to the information of the national data of the united states, to the personal information of all citizens of this country get hold of this virtual theft happened 3 months ago
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and after failing to sell this information, the fakers are planning to offer it for free on social networks. it is said that in addition to the personal information of the american people, the information of the canadian and english people is also present in this database, and experts warned that there may be a storm of hacking and theft of people's personal information in this field. in this context, i want to talk with mr. eric wahlberg, a journalist and writer who is with us from canada. mr. walberberg, welcome to the world program today as a first question, i would like to ask what this stolen information includes and how much.
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people's properties are stolen, so this theft is very serious.
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in this library, the information of 20,000 people, that is, 20,000 pieces of information, was stolen last year. the hackers wanted money to get this information back and the library didn't have the money to give them back, so the library said it was against it and said we don't pay money and the information they stole, well, some of them were security numbers, i mean. bank numbers or card numbers the identity was stolen and in fact they
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created a very big crisis in you. as i said, this information was hundreds of thousands of information. now, what you are saying happened in the united states . the amount of that information is in the billions, and it covers a much larger scale. the incident that happened in toronto is related to a library. it was a very small scale , it was not so important at the national level, but what is happening to other people now is very dangerous
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. there is a reason that now the cases have been filed and legal proceedings have started because the government pressure him to withdraw this information. mr. walberberg, is it clear how this robbery was done? in terms of the vulnerability of the us government that could not protect this information , from which area? has information been published in this case? of course, i am not a computer expert, but i know that there are people who are experts in breaking into these computer security systems, and they actually have no limits. well, we know that there are hackers in other countries, such as russia, in other countries, in korea itself. north
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, well. being hackers who made a few billion a few years ago dollars from america managed to actually record and it is not really possible to say who did this, maybe even some high school students did this , but what is important is this, this is an important lesson that america must learn, america is always itself. he sends different spies all over the world to attack other countries . now we see that a hacker, who may have been an ordinary hacker, was able to attack america like this . journalist and writer from canada. thank you, dear viewers. you were with the world program today.
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that the worshiper is the design and plan of mahd farsheh mahd farsheh dara it gives happiness mahd farsheh mahd farsheh is like the sun, whose light is towards arsha mahd farsheh mahd farsheh in the sky of iran without shine mahd farsheh iran mahd farsheh.


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